Insane rioters and crazy libs threatening torture, death to people in red states


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
In less than a week, these rioters have assaulted people, shot people and are responsible for millions in property damage across the country. Now we know many are being paid quite well by Soros to travel around and wreak havoc on communities. Their message is that they don't like legal elections and they are throwing a fit. Soros planned this because he has managed to overturn fair elections in other countries by creating so much civil unrest that people bent over to stop the madness. He is doing the same here and we are still waiting for Obama and Hillary to outright condemn this filthy behavior. No more appeasing these idiots. Most don't care about the country or politics. They are paid thugs who would do anything for that $1,500 a week plus lodging, food and free travel. They can go on as long as the money keeps coming in.

Now, one guy is threatening death and destruction on red states. This is on top of other psychopaths calling for the rape of Melania Trump and the assassination of Donald Trump. This is serious shit. If any of these threats were leveled at Obama or Hillary, these people would have been visited by authorities before they logged off their computers after making the threats. This is the kind of trash behind all the violence and the left is willing to dismiss all of them as protesters upset over an election. No, it's domestic terrorists trying to overturn a fair, legal election.

Now, it's become the new norm so the media and leaders basically ignore it. Soros seems to want a civil war and is willing to pay a bunch of thugs with no conscience to make it happen.

"In past week since Donald Trump won the election, Liberals have been throwing a massive tantrum that their candidate didn’t win. From riots, to shootings, to looting, to attacking Trump voters, it’s all getting quite out of hand. The mainstream media is only now acknowledging the ridiculousness of these actions, and it’s a sad day in America when we see Americans engaging in such filth.

What may be a bit more concerning are those who are hiding behind their computers and threatening atrocities via social media. The assassination of Trump and his supporters is disturbingly trending on social media, and there seems to be no end in sight.

However, one internet threat caught many’s eye and started a man-hunt of sorts. Charles Walz from New York posted this disgusting status on Nov 9, but when he was confronted by the masses of angry citizens, seems to have fallen off the face of the planet."


HELP EXPOSE HIM: Psycho Hillary Supporter Calls For The Rape And Murder Of Republican Children


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It seems Trump is loading up with warmongers. He "loves war" and wonders why we can't use nuclear weapons.

Remember who you voted for when the body bags start piling up. The old helpless feeling I had when W attacked the wrong country is coming back.

You and I both know that impetuous Trump will use nuclear weapons. But you smile and say "We gave him a chance." as we watch the mushroom clown.

Inciting Violence.
Calling for Trump's assassination.
Calling for racist murders...

Thanks to Barry there is a lot of room for such people down in ... GITMO
Soros wealth should be taken as a fine and he locked up. Instead I see he was meeting with DEM leaders today? or was it conference call? What is wrong with this legal system? Kick his ass! Send message to all. We have endured enough BO riots!
It seems Trump is loading up with warmongers. He "loves war" and wonders why we can't use nuclear weapons.

Remember who you voted for when the body bags start piling up. The old helpless feeling I had when W attacked the wrong country is coming back.

You and I both know that impetuous Trump will use nuclear weapons. But you smile and say "We gave him a chance." as we watch the mushroom clown.


Yet another thing the left is wrong about. And changing the subject to the lib narrative has nothing to do with violence by these liberal groups. You accuse Trump, yet are apparently cool with the violent attacks and sick threats made daily by the left.

And not one fucking lib is condemning the violence from the left.
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Soros wealth should be taken as a fine and he locked up. Instead I see he was meeting with DEM leaders today? or was it conference call? What is wrong with this legal system? Kick his ass! Send message to all. We have endured enough BO riots!

Yes, a meeting with Pelosi and other top Dims to discuss how they can preserve their agenda. I knew Soros wouldn't let go so easily after dumping millions into Hillary's campaign. He and hostile leaders from other countries want to get what they paid for - the destruction of America. They have plenty of support from corrupt Dems and their blind followers.

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