Inhofe says he won't take part in Tulsa holiday parade until Christmas put back in

Sure you could if you get someone to introduce a bill and then let the congress vote on it and barring a veto and assuming both houses pass it it will become law.

So you are implicitly saying that religious holidays are a-ok are long as you can find a majority to support them? So basically only the religion of the majority gets that privilege?
You poor, poor persecuted Majority. Maybe you can go beat a non-Christian and feel better.

She's just acting out her anger over losing christmas.

It's been spoiled for her, apparently....evil non-Christians not doing what she wants them to do.

Now that the xtians are powerless to stop our War on Christmas, the next step is to prevent them from celebrating it too

I can't wait:lol:

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Are you suggesting because Christians use that time to celebrate the birth of the world's Savior, that they should be forced to worship the gods that were outed as false when Christ came into the world? Are you suggesting that Christians that have celebrated the birth of Christ for thousands of years should be forced to stop celebrating because it offends a small group of people (if that is your logic, homosexuals need to go back in the closet because "they" offend people)?

Here's a newsflash for you, no one is "offended" by xmas. The only people taking offense this time of year is you "holier than thou" jesus freaks who get in a huff every time a department store wants to greet ALL of its customers and include ALL of the holiday celebrations going on right now in its greeting, which includes New Year's incidentally. Would you rather they just stand there and run down the list?
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Sure you could if you get someone to introduce a bill and then let the congress vote on it and barring a veto and assuming both houses pass it it will become law.

So you are implicitly saying that religious holidays are a-ok are long as you can find a majority to support them? So basically only the religion of the majority gets that privilege?

That sure sounds like that's what he's saying....perhaps, if it isn't, he can clarify.
Got my christmas tree up and all my presents bought and wrapped.
Will have a big christmas feast/party.
Stockings hung on the mantle.

I like Christmas and I am an atheist.

I told my sone he already got his present. Bought him a home a month or so ago.

but I got him something else anyway.

Some of the grandkids packages have coffee cans with marbles and stuff sealed in them :D

Why do you keep insulting atheists like that? All of the ones I know are happy, intelligent and vibrant people. In fact, I would say most of my friends are atheist... but my best friend is xtian and I don't care in the least -as long as she doesn't try to make me go to church.
Sure you could if you get someone to introduce a bill and then let the congress vote on it and barring a veto and assuming both houses pass it it will become law.

So you are implicitly saying that religious holidays are a-ok are long as you can find a majority to support them? So basically only the religion of the majority gets that privilege?

You can take it however you like. The fact is a bill was introduced in 1870 to make Christmas a holiday, both houses agreed with it and Grant signed it into law.

Why do you keep insulting atheists like that? All of the ones I know are happy, intelligent and vibrant people. In fact, I would say most of my friends are atheist... but my best friend is xtian and I don't care in the least -as long as she doesn't try to make me go to church.

That sounds good but every Christmas they come out and paint their busses and act lit bitter old dried up prunes of atheists.. :lol::lol:

WIngnut has to go back over a century. IN wingnut world, the law doesn't change :cuckoo:

But in another thread, the wingnut dismisses any evidence that's over 100 years old. :lol:
Sure you could if you get someone to introduce a bill and then let the congress vote on it and barring a veto and assuming both houses pass it it will become law.

So you are implicitly saying that religious holidays are a-ok are long as you can find a majority to support them? So basically only the religion of the majority gets that privilege?

You can take it however you like. The fact is a bill was introduced in 1870 to make Christmas a holiday, both houses agreed with it and Grant signed it into law.

Wow, with facts like these we also get slavery and 'ObamaCare'.

That's the justification? A billed was introduced and passed?

Why do you keep insulting atheists like that? All of the ones I know are happy, intelligent and vibrant people. In fact, I would say most of my friends are atheist... but my best friend is xtian and I don't care in the least -as long as she doesn't try to make me go to church.

That sounds good but every Christmas they come out and paint their busses and act lit bitter old dried up prunes of atheists.. :lol::lol:


In wingnut world, christians are moist plums

That sounds good but every Christmas they come out and paint their busses and act lit bitter old dried up prunes of atheists..

No, actually, every year you idiots drag out the "war on xmas" crap and make us listen to it and roll our eyes until we get headaches. All because the capitalist markets want to be all inclusive when herding sheeple into the stores to buy their useless crap, you guys get ALL KINDS of bent out of shape. So there's an atheist bus and a billboard... So what? There's much more xtian propaganda floating around right now. Why do you care if atheists want to celebrate the solstice? It IS also the winter solstice, you know.
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That sounds good but every Christmas they come out and paint their busses and act lit bitter old dried up prunes of atheists..

No, actually, every year you idiots drag out the "war on xmas" crap and make us listen to it and roll our eyes until we get headaches. All because the capitalist markets want to be all inclusive when herding sheeple into the stores buy their useless crap, you guys get ALL KINDS of bent out of shape. So there's an atheist bus and a billboard... So what? There's much more xtian propaganda floating around right now. Why do you care if atheists want to celebrate the solstice? It IS also the winter solstice, you know.

No actually the dried up old prunes called atheists drag out der busses and dey paints em. You suck hind tit.
Sure you could if you get someone to introduce a bill and then let the congress vote on it and barring a veto and assuming both houses pass it it will become law.

So you are implicitly saying that religious holidays are a-ok are long as you can find a majority to support them? So basically only the religion of the majority gets that privilege?

You can take it however you like. The fact is a bill was introduced in 1870 to make Christmas a holiday, both houses agreed with it and Grant signed it into law.

And? What person here is saying that Christmas SHOULDN'T be a Federal Holiday? Name names.

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