Infowars Mob Terrorizes Mothers And Small Children Arriving At A Catholic Charities Facility


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
On Wednesday, Jones and his InfoWars sociopaths decided to try and one-up the Republican Party’s anti-immigrant publicity stunts by staging one of their own. According to the Daily Dot both Jones and Drew Hernandez—a self-described investigative reporter who believes Black Lives Matter is a “Marxist terrorist organization”—released video of themselves stopping child trafficking! Whoa, that’s big news! Except it’s the opposite of that. What the two men and their film crews did was in essence terrorize three mothers and their children, along with a man driving them from the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in the city of McAllen, Texas, to the Human Respite Center, also in McAllen.

Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande, released a statement to reporters saying the video misrepresented what was happening. These children were not being “smuggled” anywhere; they were being driven from one place to another to receive some help from an organization that works to ameliorate poverty conditions for families. Pimentel did, however, say that the children should have been wearing seatbelts, but “unfortunately, this was not the case.”

Jones has long wrestled with clear personal issues. He is a bad person who has frequently preyed upon families in order to make his money.

Why wasn't he and his mob of terrorists arrested? This criminal needs to be removed from the streets, as obviously he is a clear and present danger to children.
...the criminals are the illegals and governments that give them sanctuary....they need to be eliminated you WANT open borders/ ''come on in''?????!!!!!!!!!!!????????
On Wednesday, Jones and his InfoWars sociopaths decided to try and one-up the Republican Party’s anti-immigrant publicity stunts by staging one of their own. According to the Daily Dot both Jones and Drew Hernandez—a self-described investigative reporter who believes Black Lives Matter is a “Marxist terrorist organization”—released video of themselves stopping child trafficking! Whoa, that’s big news! Except it’s the opposite of that. What the two men and their film crews did was in essence terrorize three mothers and their children, along with a man driving them from the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in the city of McAllen, Texas, to the Human Respite Center, also in McAllen.

Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande, released a statement to reporters saying the video misrepresented what was happening. These children were not being “smuggled” anywhere; they were being driven from one place to another to receive some help from an organization that works to ameliorate poverty conditions for families. Pimentel did, however, say that the children should have been wearing seatbelts, but “unfortunately, this was not the case.”

Jones has long wrestled with clear personal issues. He is a bad person who has frequently preyed upon families in order to make his money.

Why wasn't he and his mob of terrorists arrested? This criminal needs to be removed from the streets, as obviously he is a clear and present danger to children.

These aren't "immigrants", they are Illegal Aliens. An immigrant would wait in their own country and get in line, not crash the party by coming uninvited.

As far as Alex Jones, he's a JOURNALIST, covering a story that the Lame Stream Media refuses to touch.
" Handouts Violating Us First Amendment Establishment Clause "

* Charities Propped Up To Be Criminal Organizations *

Hes a piece of shit isnt he. I do hope that the courts will destroy him this year.
Catholic charities and their communist beliefs are feigning compassion by encouraging lawlessness .

If the catholic church is all worried about the disenfranchised of latin america , it needs to get whatever PRIVATE wealth it has remaining after being sued for its perverts and move it to missions where the illegal migrants are originating and provide support there rather than facilitating their criminal activities .

You see, our government doles out billions of dollars to organizations and charities that settle refugees and aid illegal immigrants. If our illegal immigration problem suddenly went away, then there would be no reason to fund groups such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, BCFS Health and Human Services (a Baptist group), Catholic Charities, or Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Service.

In 2018 alone, over $1.2 billion has been awarded by our federal government to organizations and religious charities for refugee resettlement, unaccompanied alien children, refugee and entrant assistance, etc. Here is the link to the data.
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On Wednesday, Jones and his InfoWars sociopaths decided to try and one-up the Republican Party’s anti-immigrant publicity stunts by staging one of their own. According to the Daily Dot both Jones and Drew Hernandez—a self-described investigative reporter who believes Black Lives Matter is a “Marxist terrorist organization”—released video of themselves stopping child trafficking! Whoa, that’s big news! Except it’s the opposite of that. What the two men and their film crews did was in essence terrorize three mothers and their children, along with a man driving them from the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in the city of McAllen, Texas, to the Human Respite Center, also in McAllen.

Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande, released a statement to reporters saying the video misrepresented what was happening. These children were not being “smuggled” anywhere; they were being driven from one place to another to receive some help from an organization that works to ameliorate poverty conditions for families. Pimentel did, however, say that the children should have been wearing seatbelts, but “unfortunately, this was not the case.”

Jones has long wrestled with clear personal issues. He is a bad person who has frequently preyed upon families in order to make his money.

Why wasn't he and his mob of terrorists arrested? This criminal needs to be removed from the streets, as obviously he is a clear and present danger to children.

All we have to do is change the label placed on this disaster and others that Democrats are causing:

  • Kids in cages = Migrant facilities
  • Smuggling = Being driven
  • Open border policies = The border is closed and you're a racist for asking about it
  • Humanitarian crisis = Humane treatment
  • Underage sex-trafficking = Reversing Trump policies
  • Working with drug cartels = Helping new Americans/Democrats (illegals) find a better life
  • Xenophobic walls = Remember Jan 6th and STFU about my walls
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" Sucker Berg Platform Is Full Of Them They Are Easy To Locate "

* How To Identify Them *

WTF is a "trained marxist"?
Start with a gullible fool who lacks sufficient intelligence to think for themselves , a fool who is too incompetent to exercise free enterprise , has a mind of a thief and aspires for authoritarian bureaucracy of government as a vehicle to their success .
" Sucker Berg Platform Is Full Of Them They Are Easy To Locate "

* How To Identify Them *

WTF is a "trained marxist"?
Start with a gullible fool who lacks sufficient intelligence to think for themselves , a fool who is too incompetent to exercise free enterprise , has a mind of a thief and aspires for authoritarian bureaucracy of government as a vehicle to their success .
So, tRumplings then.

Thanks for.the clarification.
Why don't you put the video up in the O.P???
The kids are crammed into a car with no seat belts, and some standing in the boot.
The cops arrived and sided with Jones.
" Democrat Mantra Of How To Get Elected And Become A Dictator "

* Bid In Is A Career Politician And An Idiot *

So, tRumplings then.
Thanks for.the clarification.
Are followers of trump incapable of exercising free enterprise and view the authoritarian bureaucracy of government as their vehicle to success ?
Do you remember the photo op of the Pope at our border telling us to let in every one that wants in to our country?
The false prophet is spreading illegals all over our country. It needs to stop...
The Catholic church has become a Satanic Cult.
Always has been.


WTF is a "trained marxist"?
A useful idiot
Got it, thanks. The other guy already informed me it was tRumplings, but it is nice to hear you think the same.
On Wednesday, Jones and his InfoWars sociopaths decided to try and one-up the Republican Party’s anti-immigrant publicity stunts by staging one of their own. According to the Daily Dot both Jones and Drew Hernandez—a self-described investigative reporter who believes Black Lives Matter is a “Marxist terrorist organization”—released video of themselves stopping child trafficking! Whoa, that’s big news! Except it’s the opposite of that. What the two men and their film crews did was in essence terrorize three mothers and their children, along with a man driving them from the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in the city of McAllen, Texas, to the Human Respite Center, also in McAllen.

Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande, released a statement to reporters saying the video misrepresented what was happening. These children were not being “smuggled” anywhere; they were being driven from one place to another to receive some help from an organization that works to ameliorate poverty conditions for families. Pimentel did, however, say that the children should have been wearing seatbelts, but “unfortunately, this was not the case.”

Jones has long wrestled with clear personal issues. He is a bad person who has frequently preyed upon families in order to make his money.

Why wasn't he and his mob of terrorists arrested? This criminal needs to be removed from the streets, as obviously he is a clear and present danger to children.

Got a mainstream media link. Kos has an extreme liberal bias and is not accurate.

I won’t even click on the hate site. Surprised anyone would but you seem to have a very low standards.

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