Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Core and standard PCE came in at the target rate of only 0.2% !
Bye Bye Inflation!
Income increased by 0.3% !! Higher than inflation again

Its obvious that Inflation was due to the post covid supply chain issues and the war in Ukraine (Germany still at 6% inflation because they are greatly impacted by Ukraine war inflation still).

Inflation has plummeted, wages are still rising, and GDP is looking great.
Biden has America on the brink of another Bill Clinton Golden Age and the GOP Deep State is in a panic mode, calling a secret deep state meeting to figure out how they can sabotage Biden's booming economy.

thats great banker some people got a 14 dollar a month does that help me and others at the grocery store and with the prices of everything going up?...
thats great banker some people got a 14 dollar a month does that help me and others at the grocery store and with the prices of everything going up?...
The guy is a completely retarded shill who thinks that just because he cites some government numbers that they must be true. I do my own research locally....mostly at the grocery stores where I talk to people about their weekly food stress, the size of their electric bills, their worry over housing costs. I trust my research much more than I trust anything printed officially by the government or mouthed by government puppets like this robot "the Banker"....

I don't think this guy is anymore than mid-20 years old.... Certainly acts like a child.
He's what I call a Nyah-Nyah poster. Obnoxious, misinformed and a total politico....

You wonder why it's difficult to get by these days on the average income? Here's the real story.

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Thanks, from the article,

Despite debt climbing to new records, households on average are effectively managing their obligations: The share of current debt becoming delinquent increased across most debt types; however, for the most part, they remain below pre-pandemic levels, according to the New York Fed report. Delinquency rates fell sharply at the outset of the pandemic.

So, even though debt is increasing households are "effectively managing their obligations". And delinquencies are below pre-pandemic levels, which means there are less delinquencies now than during Trump's "amazing" pre-pandemic economy.

I got to give it to you. It is hard, and thankless work, being a Trumptard. Always negative, constantly complaining, and living in constant fear of the boogieman underneath your bed.
Core and standard PCE came in at the target rate of only 0.2% !
Bye Bye Inflation!
Income increased by 0.3% !! Higher than inflation again

Its obvious that Inflation was due to the post covid supply chain issues and the war in Ukraine (Germany still at 6% inflation because they are greatly impacted by Ukraine war inflation still).

Inflation has plummeted, wages are still rising, and GDP is looking great.
Biden has America on the brink of another Bill Clinton Golden Age and the GOP Deep State is in a panic mode, calling a secret deep state meeting to figure out how they can sabotage Biden's booming economy.

You dumb piece of confused Moon Bat shit.

The Feds are raising interest rates once again because of Potatohead's massive inflation because it is not going away.

That is a big no confidence vote in the economy not to mention how it will further increase interest rates, which is a;ready at a 30 year high.

You ain't exactly very bright, are you?
Core and standard PCE came in at the target rate of only 0.2% !
Bye Bye Inflation!
Income increased by 0.3% !! Higher than inflation again

Its obvious that Inflation was due to the post covid supply chain issues and the war in Ukraine (Germany still at 6% inflation because they are greatly impacted by Ukraine war inflation still).

Inflation has plummeted, wages are still rising, and GDP is looking great.
Biden has America on the brink of another Bill Clinton Golden Age and the GOP Deep State is in a panic mode, calling a secret deep state meeting to figure out how they can sabotage Biden's booming economy.

It's happening man. I can feel it!
Thanks, from the article,

Despite debt climbing to new records, households on average are effectively managing their obligations: The share of current debt becoming delinquent increased across most debt types; however, for the most part, they remain below pre-pandemic levels, according to the New York Fed report. Delinquency rates fell sharply at the outset of the pandemic.

So, even though debt is increasing households are "effectively managing their obligations". And delinquencies are below pre-pandemic levels, which means there are less delinquencies now than during Trump's "amazing" pre-pandemic economy.

I got to give it to you. It is hard, and thankless work, being a Trumptard. Always negative, constantly complaining, and living in constant fear of the boogieman underneath your bed.
The fact that you need to refer to the pandemic as a stability point tells me everything I need to know about your knowledge of statistics and the economy.
The debt curve is tilted up dude... Pandemic anomaly is effectively canceled out. Household debt is increasing That is a bad thing. The idea that households and managing them successfully ignores the fact that most people need two paychecks plus to manage those things. The man hour load which is the only true measure of the economy has reached its limit. This is not an improvement.... This is only a fancy word Play designed to hide the real problem. I do my own research press into person and never trust anything I see printed by the government regardless of who who is in office.
The fact that you need to refer to the pandemic as a stability point tells me everything I need to know about your knowledge of statistics and the economy.
The debt curve is tilted up dude... Pandemic anomaly is effectively canceled out. Household debt is increasing That is a bad thing. The idea that households and managing them successfully ignores the fact that most people need two paychecks plus to manage those things. The man hour load which is the only true measure of the economy has reached its limit. This is not an improvement.... This is only a fancy word Play designed to hide the real problem. I do my own research press into person and never trust anything I see printed by the government regardless of who who is in office.

Your link does not talk about per Capita debt, but it does show debt is up.
Well it stands to reason that per capita makes up the total. The real analysis is in the man hour contribution. There are more men I was dedicated to simply existing now than ever have been. That is an alarming trend since it depends on the one thing that we know is finite which is the human life.
Total bullshit...
Household debt is higher per Capita than ever. THE OFFICIAL INFLATION NUMBERS are meaningless at the grocery store cash register. The combination of high energy prices, soaring housing costs, increased taxation and dollar devaluation have all combined to create the daily reality that American citizens are living with quite apart from the official numbers. In short no one's listening to you because everybody knows better.

You going to believe The Wanker or your own lying eyes, ears, and wallet?
Well it stands to reason that per capita makes up the total. The real analysis is in the man hour contribution. There are more men I was dedicated to simply existing now than ever have been. That is an alarming trend since it depends on the one thing that we know is finite which is the human life.
The tax burden is also a very significant aspect to this.
Well it stands to reason that per capita makes up the total. The real analysis is in the man hour contribution. There are more men I was dedicated to simply existing now than ever have been. That is an alarming trend since it depends on the one thing that we know is finite which is the human life.

Yes, per capita makes up the total...and having more people lowers the per capita amount
The guy is a completely retarded shill who thinks that just because he cites some government numbers that they must be true. I do my own research locally....mostly at the grocery stores where I talk to people about their weekly food stress, the size of their electric bills, their worry over housing costs. I trust my research much more than I trust anything printed officially by the government or mouthed by government puppets like this robot "the Banker"....

I don't think this guy is anymore than mid-20 years old.... Certainly acts like a child.
He's what I call a Nyah-Nyah poster. Obnoxious, misinformed and a total politico....

You are full of shit. Do you think we really believe you stroll around the grocery store talking to people about their finances? As if they would open up to a total stranger.

I have a pretty good data set, six grown kids. To the person, they are all doing better than ever. Both the professionals and the blue collar workers are experiencing income levels that they could not have imagined during the Trump administration.

I have hundreds of clients, have millions of dollars under management, and not one single client has expressed to me that they are under financial duress. The most common question, what is the gift tax exclusion.

The Fed has reined in inflation, I hope they realize that and stop the rate hikes. Corporations have been feasting on inflation, using it to inflate their profits which can easily be seen in the continued record profits posted by those corporations. Many economists attribute half of the rate inflation to corporate price gouging. I tend to agree.

Biden has done a helluva job, especially with a dysfunctional Republican lower house and a bought and bossed SCOTUS. If the Fed don't screw the pooch, I see a booming 2024 coming just in time for the elections.

But riddle me this. What have Republican's done to address the problem of inflation? They are too busy looking at pictures of Hunter Biden's pecker. I mean come on, at the very least they should be reinstating the additional child tax credit. That lifted 18 million children out of poverty and is supported by the American public two to one.
Clarence Thomas and the Deep State influencer that bribed him, Hannity, Koch guy, Ken Griffin, McCarthy, Trump, and a bunch of Billionaires are all in a secret emergency meeting to figure out how they can sabotage this booming economy that is about to really soar.
How many times are you going to post this?
You can post it 1,000 times - doesn't make it any less deranged.
The fact that you need to refer to the pandemic as a stability point tells me everything I need to know about your knowledge of statistics and the economy.
The debt curve is tilted up dude... Pandemic anomaly is effectively canceled out. Household debt is increasing That is a bad thing. The idea that households and managing them successfully ignores the fact that most people need two paychecks plus to manage those things. The man hour load which is the only true measure of the economy has reached its limit. This is not an improvement.... This is only a fancy word Play designed to hide the real problem. I do my own research press into person and never trust anything I see printed by the government regardless of who who is in office.
I am not referring to the pandemic as a stability point. Delinquencies are lower now than before Covid. That is the high-water mark of the Trump administration. The whole Covid thing was a damn joke when it comes to the economy. Trump all but dropped cash from helicopters attempting to prop up the economy. When unemployment was at a record level incomes INCREASED due to government payments. That was some sick ass shit and our debt took a huge hit.

And I am not buying the whole two income household bullshit. One job, one family, period. My daughter-in-law is quitting her job to be a full-time mom. She has a masters degree in nursing. But my son is now making more than both of them made under the Trump administration.

I believe most of what we are seeing here is the transition of the economy, from Boomers being the majority to Millennials being the majority. Boomers are damn clueless when it comes to money, coddled their entire lives, first by their parents and then by the government, they have no clue. I mean can you say "doughnut hole"? What happened to it?

Millennials, on the other hand, they don't miss a trick. They purchase everything with a credit card, amass the reward points, and pay them off every month. That is a big part of the increase in consumer debt. I do the same. My debit card never leaves the wallet, and my checking account grows throughout the month until I pay off all those credit cards. Then the cycle starts all over again, except the reward balances continue to grow.

Here is the reality. Consumers have more available income than at any point during the Trump administration. Rather it is the changes in Medicare prescription drug coverage, or increased earnings, they have more disposable income than at any point in history. I go to the grocery store too, the difference is, I was raised in the business. I know the ins and outs intimately. What I see are smart ass shoppers, bagging the specials for the basics and splurging when it comes to special events. Prime tenderloin at fifty bucks a pound, they don't even bat an eyelash. Bone-in chicken breast at ninety-nine cents a pound, they load up. Egg prices are down, butter is cheap, and ground beef is going for half what it was during the pandemic.

Here is the thing. If the Republican party had any sense they would kick Trump to the curb and move on. But Trump is the consummate con man and that is precisely what the Republican party needs, a con man. I mean maybe Trump can run the government from his jail cell at Butner, I am sure they have FOX news on the television there. And he could probably order McDonald's through door-dash. Not that much different than the White House.

Two hundred years from now, when we are all long dead and gone, this period in American History is going to be a turning point not seen since the Civil War. We are on the cusp of greatness, but it doesn't lie in the MAGA movement. We are at a crossroads. Either we move forward, leverage our gains, and continue to dominate the world, or we regress, into our selves, and quickly become a third world country. At the moment, it is a toss-up. I hope that changes come next November.
Millennials .......purchase everything with a credit card, amass the reward points, and pay them off every month. That is a big part of the increase in consumer debt.
No genius, it isn't. Balances paid off every month do not accrue interest and are not counted as "consumer debt".
But thanks for the rest of your "analysis" :auiqs.jpg:
Inflationary wages are just now catching up to Potatohead's disastrous inflation prices and these stupid inbred Moon Bats are bragging about it? LOL!

How about the tens of millions people in the country that mostly live on fixed income? Potatohead's inflation has really screwed them.
Core and standard PCE came in at the target rate of only 0.2% !
Bye Bye Inflation!
Income increased by 0.3% !! Higher than inflation again

Its obvious that Inflation was due to the post covid supply chain issues and the war in Ukraine (Germany still at 6% inflation because they are greatly impacted by Ukraine war inflation still).

Inflation has plummeted, wages are still rising, and GDP is looking great.
Biden has America on the brink of another Bill Clinton Golden Age and the GOP Deep State is in a panic mode, calling a secret deep state meeting to figure out how they can sabotage Biden's booming economy.

Not what it says here Clanker.

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