Inflation drives voters to the polls in November

Your buddies vote buying scheme won't pay off.. The voter's who get paid will
take that money and run (just like the government does, where as they'll divert the money in order to get a new material want), and if give it to them in vouchers then that'll really piss them off. lol.....When they enter the voting booths they'll vote for their best interest going forward (an educated fool wouldn't vote for the Democrat's at this point with no amount of trickery involved). If you think that the American people as a whole has a memory that is that short or can be bought off that cheap, then you are one poor chess player on the chess board of life.

Since the GOP isn't offering anything to them but forced pregnancies, I am guessing that that the American people don't need to be bought off. They just need to not have the extra MAGA chromosome republicans are born with.
Oh, big big man….so you personally nursed your kids?

And the U.S. does NOT have the illegals incarcerated. They are free to invade whatever part of the country they want, and if in a liberal area, even be rewarded with in-state tuition, free health care, and the chance to serve on the local city council.
It's amazing, because for the poor American senior's it is that everything is claimed to be broken, broke, no perks, no new benefit's, barely any help, just hurry up and die already, but because of dirty politics, these dirty politician's suffer the elderly who they no longer respect whilst they play their evil get rich themselves scheme's on the America people... Problem developing is that it takes away the early on work incentives of the young looking to someday get old also, and yet not be treated in the same disrespectful ways as they are seeing their peers being treated.
No you try harder, because if you think people are stupid enough to buy into your bull crap, then you are the stupid one.

LOL. Still no real world answer response to how "printing too much money" caused gas prices to go through the roof.
Since the GOP isn't offering anything to them but forced pregnancies, I am guessing that that the American people don't need to be bought off. They just need to not have the extra MAGA chromosome republicans are born with.
No one is forcing anyone to lay down like a whore with no protection to get pregnant, and if a woman is that stupid to not have any respect for herself, then the government shouldn't be involved in helping to provide her with a butcher that will rip that unborn baby from her body, otherwise because she might break a nail on the day of delivery or some stupid reasoning she might have. Sick people. No one is forcing anything, otherwise they just have to go elsewhere to find a butcher in which in modern transportational time's is no problem these days.

Men or young men laying with a women without consideration that she could get pregnant is also a huge problem in American culture today. No sense in men acting like dogs in heat.

It still doesn't mean that she couldn't take the pill that doesn't allow a pregnancy to develope (the morning after pill). How damned hard is it to get people to be CIVILIZED again ??

Won't happen if a return to Christian values and tenants aren't reinstated in a big way back into SOCIETY again. Not that such tenant's would oppress or be followed to the letter, but it sure would help if they were equally in play with the rest of the bull crap that's been going on. We wouldn't be having this conversation in 2022 if a great falling away wouldn't have occurred, but then again it's where we are now on the schedule of event's, so the only thing people can do is try to do the right thing as best they can, and the Lord will sort it all out in the end.
Because we all know that it was more likely due to January 6th and
The Insurrection.Comparable to Pearl Harbor.Or even 911.
Or maybe as bad as the Civil War.
But then Obama assured us that his Affordable Care Act
Was affordable.And you will be able to keep your doctor and
previous plan.While using guys like Dr.Ezekiel Emanuel to point out
that our Elderly will need to go thru health panels to determine
if they can have needed expensive surgery.No matter how wealthy
that elderly person.
Ezekiel,the older brother of Obama's Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emanuel.
Known as the God Father of Death Panels,this Ezekiel was also
the Director of Dr.Fauci's Bioethics or ethical oversight board at
Kinda nice ta knowed ... eh.
Putting all the pieces of this convoluted New World Order
Takeover puzzle together.
I kept my doctor and my healthcare is still free from the VA and there is no panel stopping me from getting the last three major surgeries in the last decade.
Yes that will be a factor but an even bigger factor will be the women of America now organizing to vote out the Republicans who made them second-class citizens in 14 or so states.
What about the working class that was just made to subsidize the financial commitments of upper-middle class families?
I kept my doctor and my healthcare is still free from the VA and there is no panel stopping me from getting the last three major surgeries in the last decade.
So it’s all about YOU, is it?

Millions of people lost their doctors and their plans when Obama forced Obamacare down our throats and were left with inferior, more expensive plans that many doctors wouldn’t even accept.

In fact, Obamacare was so horrible for the middle class (lower class got everything paid for) thst in many instances you SAVED money by pretending to be uninsured and paying cash.
So you can't answer the simple question. Gotcha.
At this point of his demonic selfish Presidency, Biden would
easily have flunked 6th grade civics,7th grade mathematics and
8th grade animal husbandry due to no livestock or farm animals
would get near enough the guy.For good reason.Judging by the
looks on said animals faces ... Lebenslauf ?
Last edited:
So it’s all about YOU, is it?

Millions of people lost their doctors and their plans when Obama forced Obamacare down our throats and were left with inferior, more expensive plans that many doctors wouldn’t even accept.

In fact, Obamacare was so horrible for the middle class (lower class got everything paid for) thst in many instances you SAVED money by pretending to be uninsured and paying cash.
It will go down as another great hoodwinking.All most any state had to do
was go to those needy for healthcare and explain how to file for
Medicaid.But Blacks reguire being treated like kids in kindergarten.
Inner city Blacks if given a choice would chose to NOT get a schooling.
My Proof ... - The Bell Curve - and also the fact that inner city blacks
think it corny to carry around books.Even Drivers Licenses.
Except when going to collect Welfare at the Big inner city
Government bldgs.Where Proof is reguired to enter.
No you try harder, because if you think people are stupid enough to buy into your bull crap, then you are the stupid one.
Dint I see a segment on how during as drought use of Ethanol
gasoline was beneficial to outside plants.How much I'm not sure.
But a little helps outdoor plants survive a drought where plain
water falls short.

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