Here let me give you something of substance. That link that I gave you? That was a group from a church that protested the law. They did so because they came to the conclusion that while they may have beliefs they cannot push them to the extent that they destroy the economy. They cancelled their 2017 gathering.
Destroy the economy? That is an interesting take. I more or less agree, it seems conservative leaders folded to corporate blackmail and economic terrorism. I am not surprised, the political process in the US has been more or less hijacked by these multinational corporations. This recent episode in Indiana is just a more overt example of it. What I am more interested here is in the average so called liberal's support of this subversion of democracy by companies like Apple and Salesforce, who threatened to pull jobs out of the state because of a law passed by the people's elected representatives.

As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association. There is no good reason for a conservative to support the Republican Party, especially after an episode like this, and they will pay for it at the voting booth, like that have in the last two presidential elections.

Indiana seems to be hell bound on destroying the economy for Indiana. Lunch Pail Republican David Fagan resigned as a Port Commisioner because the Republicans want to repeal the Common Construction Wage. The Indiana Republicans have already admitted that the R2W law had nothing to do with inviting businesses to the state. So, it's looking like your economic terrorists are the Republicans. Don't look to the Democrats to the save the day.

Your religious freedom does not elevate businesses to the status of individuals or churches. These are about private lawsuits. These folks cater to the extremists.

Hellbound? Catering to extremists? You are living in a fantasy world of your own delusions. You even can't stay on topic. The Republican Governor caved in a day when major corporations threatened to pull jobs and investment due to this law. Your world view is so childish and shallow(hur dur, vote Democrat, Say no to H8!) you can't understand the political and ethical ramifications of these major multinationals undermining the people's elected representatives and undermining the rights of Christians by blackballing this spineless governor into rescinding the bill.

Your examples prove my point, the Republicans are decadent corporate whores that don't defend conservatism in the slightest. They are happy to fight to deny a working man a decent wage, but they will fold in a day to the blackmail of megacorporations who fund their campaigns and disallow the right of free religion and free association in the name of faggotry. They protect their donors and monied interests, not the interests of the people who vote for them as this episode in Indiana shows. They only care about conserving profits, not protecting the rights of Christians and other people of faith.

I must have missed the clause in the First Amendment you are talking about. "No law shall be made impeding the free exercise of religion(*except in a person's place of business)".

This is an issue at the core of a free society. Society at it's foundation is made up of relations and associations between individuals. Without these interwoven connections between us, there is no society, just atomized individuals. So at a foundational level, if a the State disallows this right of free and voluntary association(and by extension the ability to not associate with individuals), the society is fundamentally not free.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Again. This did not have anything to do with the government. It's pretty simple. The sick reality is that they catered to a small group of extremists that are too ignorant to realize they were already protected. Now either you were unaware or you bought that hook, line and sinker. I'm thinking a little from column A and a little from column B.

Oh, you can still throw out people left and right but you can't do it on religious grounds.

I understand perfectly what the ramifications are. The ramifications are that nobody wants their business associated with a bunch of people who feel free to discriminate and definitely while they are trying to make a comeback and in an area that doesn't really offer people a whole lot. . Nobody wants to hold conventions in an area that discriminates. It effects their brand.

I sure can stay on topic. It's a series of moves that Indiana has taken.
Yes, it has to do with the government. That is the whole point, the Left think it should be illegal(meaning prohibited by the State) for a business owner to refuse to provide service to a homosexual wedding. People across the country have been charged by the State and fined out of business for not serving homosexuals for their weddings. They claim that homosexuals "civil rights" are being violated. So in their mind, and in yours, gay "civil rights" trump the First Amendment and rights of Christians and other religious people who feel homosexuality goes against their faith and chose not to participate or associate with it. The First Amendment is clear, Congress shall make no law prohibiting free exercise of religion, which includes an individual business owner's right to not serve a gay wedding.

The extremists here are these rogue and unethical corporations like Apple, who on one hand treat their workers in third world countries so poorly that they require suicide nets(like at their factories in China), and have the gall to lecture people of faith for not wanting to serve homosexual couples for their weddings. They are immoral and corrupt hypocrites. Free exercise of religion and protection of the Constitution and by extension Natural Law, is not the extreme position. Anti-Christian totalitarianism that is on display here is extreme, and un-American.

I thought "liberals" opposed money and corporate influence in politics. But it is ok in your mind for multinationals to blackmail the governor into undermining the democratic will of the people of Indiana and the rights of Christians and the religious? Or are you a hypocrite as well?

Corporate decisions in this case, just like every other case, are based on how it will effect their income. It would cost them money to not take the actions they took. Corporations can not make moral choices because they are not people, no matter what the SC might say.
Destroy the economy? That is an interesting take. I more or less agree, it seems conservative leaders folded to corporate blackmail and economic terrorism. I am not surprised, the political process in the US has been more or less hijacked by these multinational corporations. This recent episode in Indiana is just a more overt example of it. What I am more interested here is in the average so called liberal's support of this subversion of democracy by companies like Apple and Salesforce, who threatened to pull jobs out of the state because of a law passed by the people's elected representatives.

As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association. There is no good reason for a conservative to support the Republican Party, especially after an episode like this, and they will pay for it at the voting booth, like that have in the last two presidential elections.

Indiana seems to be hell bound on destroying the economy for Indiana. Lunch Pail Republican David Fagan resigned as a Port Commisioner because the Republicans want to repeal the Common Construction Wage. The Indiana Republicans have already admitted that the R2W law had nothing to do with inviting businesses to the state. So, it's looking like your economic terrorists are the Republicans. Don't look to the Democrats to the save the day.

Your religious freedom does not elevate businesses to the status of individuals or churches. These are about private lawsuits. These folks cater to the extremists.

Hellbound? Catering to extremists? You are living in a fantasy world of your own delusions. You even can't stay on topic. The Republican Governor caved in a day when major corporations threatened to pull jobs and investment due to this law. Your world view is so childish and shallow(hur dur, vote Democrat, Say no to H8!) you can't understand the political and ethical ramifications of these major multinationals undermining the people's elected representatives and undermining the rights of Christians by blackballing this spineless governor into rescinding the bill.

Your examples prove my point, the Republicans are decadent corporate whores that don't defend conservatism in the slightest. They are happy to fight to deny a working man a decent wage, but they will fold in a day to the blackmail of megacorporations who fund their campaigns and disallow the right of free religion and free association in the name of faggotry. They protect their donors and monied interests, not the interests of the people who vote for them as this episode in Indiana shows. They only care about conserving profits, not protecting the rights of Christians and other people of faith.

I must have missed the clause in the First Amendment you are talking about. "No law shall be made impeding the free exercise of religion(*except in a person's place of business)".

This is an issue at the core of a free society. Society at it's foundation is made up of relations and associations between individuals. Without these interwoven connections between us, there is no society, just atomized individuals. So at a foundational level, if a the State disallows this right of free and voluntary association(and by extension the ability to not associate with individuals), the society is fundamentally not free.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Again. This did not have anything to do with the government. It's pretty simple. The sick reality is that they catered to a small group of extremists that are too ignorant to realize they were already protected. Now either you were unaware or you bought that hook, line and sinker. I'm thinking a little from column A and a little from column B.

Oh, you can still throw out people left and right but you can't do it on religious grounds.

I understand perfectly what the ramifications are. The ramifications are that nobody wants their business associated with a bunch of people who feel free to discriminate and definitely while they are trying to make a comeback and in an area that doesn't really offer people a whole lot. . Nobody wants to hold conventions in an area that discriminates. It effects their brand.

I sure can stay on topic. It's a series of moves that Indiana has taken.
Yes, it has to do with the government. That is the whole point, the Left think it should be illegal(meaning prohibited by the State) for a business owner to refuse to provide service to a homosexual wedding. People across the country have been charged by the State and fined out of business for not serving homosexuals for their weddings. They claim that homosexuals "civil rights" are being violated. So in their mind, and in yours, gay "civil rights" trump the First Amendment and rights of Christians and other religious people who feel homosexuality goes against their faith and chose not to participate or associate with it. The First Amendment is clear, Congress shall make no law prohibiting free exercise of religion, which includes an individual business owner's right to not serve a gay wedding.

The extremists here are these rogue and unethical corporations like Apple, who on one hand treat their workers in third world countries so poorly that they require suicide nets(like at their factories in China), and have the gall to lecture people of faith for not wanting to serve homosexual couples for their weddings. They are immoral and corrupt hypocrites. Free exercise of religion and protection of the Constitution and by extension Natural Law, is not the extreme position. Anti-Christian totalitarianism that is on display here is extreme, and un-American.

I thought "liberals" opposed money and corporate influence in politics. But it is ok in your mind for multinationals to blackmail the governor into undermining the democratic will of the people of Indiana and the rights of Christians and the religious? Or are you a hypocrite as well?

Corporate decisions in this case, just like every other case, are based on how it will effect their income. It would cost them money to not take the actions they took. Corporations can not make moral choices because they are not people, no matter what the SC might say.

Doesn't matter what you think asshole. The SCOTUS says they are. Don't like it, have it changed or tough shit. What you think doesn't matter.
What I find amazing is there are so many fags out there. Wow!

And consequently, many parents who have cried at night and wonder how they failed their children so miserably

If my son or daughter was gay, it would not change my feelings about them a single fraction of a percent.

Parents who do are bad parents, as well as bad people.

What about parents (and/or their children) who threaten, harrass and obstruct legitimate business owners over a difference of opinion?
I dont care for threats of violence. I said it like eleven times already.

If you support what those who object to the pizza place believe and that objection involves threats, you can't separate the two. I bet you're one of those that believe giving someone a choice to have an abortion doesn't mean you support abortion. When you support and enable the cause, it enable the cause to continue using the methods they use. Unlike you, there may be things I support but if the methods used to get them done go against my principles, I can't support the cause no matter how much I agree with the purpose or it means I enable the methods I disagree with.
Indiana seems to be hell bound on destroying the economy for Indiana. Lunch Pail Republican David Fagan resigned as a Port Commisioner because the Republicans want to repeal the Common Construction Wage. The Indiana Republicans have already admitted that the R2W law had nothing to do with inviting businesses to the state. So, it's looking like your economic terrorists are the Republicans. Don't look to the Democrats to the save the day.

Your religious freedom does not elevate businesses to the status of individuals or churches. These are about private lawsuits. These folks cater to the extremists.

Hellbound? Catering to extremists? You are living in a fantasy world of your own delusions. You even can't stay on topic. The Republican Governor caved in a day when major corporations threatened to pull jobs and investment due to this law. Your world view is so childish and shallow(hur dur, vote Democrat, Say no to H8!) you can't understand the political and ethical ramifications of these major multinationals undermining the people's elected representatives and undermining the rights of Christians by blackballing this spineless governor into rescinding the bill.

Your examples prove my point, the Republicans are decadent corporate whores that don't defend conservatism in the slightest. They are happy to fight to deny a working man a decent wage, but they will fold in a day to the blackmail of megacorporations who fund their campaigns and disallow the right of free religion and free association in the name of faggotry. They protect their donors and monied interests, not the interests of the people who vote for them as this episode in Indiana shows. They only care about conserving profits, not protecting the rights of Christians and other people of faith.

I must have missed the clause in the First Amendment you are talking about. "No law shall be made impeding the free exercise of religion(*except in a person's place of business)".

This is an issue at the core of a free society. Society at it's foundation is made up of relations and associations between individuals. Without these interwoven connections between us, there is no society, just atomized individuals. So at a foundational level, if a the State disallows this right of free and voluntary association(and by extension the ability to not associate with individuals), the society is fundamentally not free.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Again. This did not have anything to do with the government. It's pretty simple. The sick reality is that they catered to a small group of extremists that are too ignorant to realize they were already protected. Now either you were unaware or you bought that hook, line and sinker. I'm thinking a little from column A and a little from column B.

Oh, you can still throw out people left and right but you can't do it on religious grounds.

I understand perfectly what the ramifications are. The ramifications are that nobody wants their business associated with a bunch of people who feel free to discriminate and definitely while they are trying to make a comeback and in an area that doesn't really offer people a whole lot. . Nobody wants to hold conventions in an area that discriminates. It effects their brand.

I sure can stay on topic. It's a series of moves that Indiana has taken.
Yes, it has to do with the government. That is the whole point, the Left think it should be illegal(meaning prohibited by the State) for a business owner to refuse to provide service to a homosexual wedding. People across the country have been charged by the State and fined out of business for not serving homosexuals for their weddings. They claim that homosexuals "civil rights" are being violated. So in their mind, and in yours, gay "civil rights" trump the First Amendment and rights of Christians and other religious people who feel homosexuality goes against their faith and chose not to participate or associate with it. The First Amendment is clear, Congress shall make no law prohibiting free exercise of religion, which includes an individual business owner's right to not serve a gay wedding.

The extremists here are these rogue and unethical corporations like Apple, who on one hand treat their workers in third world countries so poorly that they require suicide nets(like at their factories in China), and have the gall to lecture people of faith for not wanting to serve homosexual couples for their weddings. They are immoral and corrupt hypocrites. Free exercise of religion and protection of the Constitution and by extension Natural Law, is not the extreme position. Anti-Christian totalitarianism that is on display here is extreme, and un-American.

I thought "liberals" opposed money and corporate influence in politics. But it is ok in your mind for multinationals to blackmail the governor into undermining the democratic will of the people of Indiana and the rights of Christians and the religious? Or are you a hypocrite as well?

Corporate decisions in this case, just like every other case, are based on how it will effect their income. It would cost them money to not take the actions they took. Corporations can not make moral choices because they are not people, no matter what the SC might say.

Doesn't matter what you think asshole. The SCOTUS says they are. Don't like it, have it changed or tough shit. What you think doesn't matter.

With your whining about corporate influence, why exactly do you think they did what they did? Do you think they are anti-religion?
Hellbound? Catering to extremists? You are living in a fantasy world of your own delusions. You even can't stay on topic. The Republican Governor caved in a day when major corporations threatened to pull jobs and investment due to this law. Your world view is so childish and shallow(hur dur, vote Democrat, Say no to H8!) you can't understand the political and ethical ramifications of these major multinationals undermining the people's elected representatives and undermining the rights of Christians by blackballing this spineless governor into rescinding the bill.

Your examples prove my point, the Republicans are decadent corporate whores that don't defend conservatism in the slightest. They are happy to fight to deny a working man a decent wage, but they will fold in a day to the blackmail of megacorporations who fund their campaigns and disallow the right of free religion and free association in the name of faggotry. They protect their donors and monied interests, not the interests of the people who vote for them as this episode in Indiana shows. They only care about conserving profits, not protecting the rights of Christians and other people of faith.

I must have missed the clause in the First Amendment you are talking about. "No law shall be made impeding the free exercise of religion(*except in a person's place of business)".

This is an issue at the core of a free society. Society at it's foundation is made up of relations and associations between individuals. Without these interwoven connections between us, there is no society, just atomized individuals. So at a foundational level, if a the State disallows this right of free and voluntary association(and by extension the ability to not associate with individuals), the society is fundamentally not free.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Again. This did not have anything to do with the government. It's pretty simple. The sick reality is that they catered to a small group of extremists that are too ignorant to realize they were already protected. Now either you were unaware or you bought that hook, line and sinker. I'm thinking a little from column A and a little from column B.

Oh, you can still throw out people left and right but you can't do it on religious grounds.

I understand perfectly what the ramifications are. The ramifications are that nobody wants their business associated with a bunch of people who feel free to discriminate and definitely while they are trying to make a comeback and in an area that doesn't really offer people a whole lot. . Nobody wants to hold conventions in an area that discriminates. It effects their brand.

I sure can stay on topic. It's a series of moves that Indiana has taken.
Yes, it has to do with the government. That is the whole point, the Left think it should be illegal(meaning prohibited by the State) for a business owner to refuse to provide service to a homosexual wedding. People across the country have been charged by the State and fined out of business for not serving homosexuals for their weddings. They claim that homosexuals "civil rights" are being violated. So in their mind, and in yours, gay "civil rights" trump the First Amendment and rights of Christians and other religious people who feel homosexuality goes against their faith and chose not to participate or associate with it. The First Amendment is clear, Congress shall make no law prohibiting free exercise of religion, which includes an individual business owner's right to not serve a gay wedding.

The extremists here are these rogue and unethical corporations like Apple, who on one hand treat their workers in third world countries so poorly that they require suicide nets(like at their factories in China), and have the gall to lecture people of faith for not wanting to serve homosexual couples for their weddings. They are immoral and corrupt hypocrites. Free exercise of religion and protection of the Constitution and by extension Natural Law, is not the extreme position. Anti-Christian totalitarianism that is on display here is extreme, and un-American.

I thought "liberals" opposed money and corporate influence in politics. But it is ok in your mind for multinationals to blackmail the governor into undermining the democratic will of the people of Indiana and the rights of Christians and the religious? Or are you a hypocrite as well?

Corporate decisions in this case, just like every other case, are based on how it will effect their income. It would cost them money to not take the actions they took. Corporations can not make moral choices because they are not people, no matter what the SC might say.

Doesn't matter what you think asshole. The SCOTUS says they are. Don't like it, have it changed or tough shit. What you think doesn't matter.

With your whining about corporate influence, why exactly do you think they did what they did? Do you think they are anti-religion?

The only one whining is you bitch. You're the one that says what the Justices said doesn't matter. However, when it comes to other issues I'm sure you support, their decision is perfect. That's how assholes like you function.
What I find amazing is there are so many fags out there. Wow!

And consequently, many parents who have cried at night and wonder how they failed their children so miserably

If my son or daughter was gay, it would not change my feelings about them a single fraction of a percent.

Parents who do are bad parents, as well as bad people.

What about parents (and/or their children) who threaten, harrass and obstruct legitimate business owners over a difference of opinion?
I dont care for threats of violence. I said it like eleven times already.

If you support what those who object to the pizza place believe and that objection involves threats, you can't separate the two. I bet you're one of those that believe giving someone a choice to have an abortion doesn't mean you support abortion. When you support and enable the cause, it enable the cause to continue using the methods they use. Unlike you, there may be things I support but if the methods used to get them done go against my principles, I can't support the cause no matter how much I agree with the purpose or it means I enable the methods I disagree with.
I guess if your brain is ---> . Big you cant seperate protest from violent protest

But fortunately for humanity, not everyone is an old ugly as fuck virgin like you. Stay salty, glad i make you sweat.
Destroy the economy? That is an interesting take. I more or less agree, it seems conservative leaders folded to corporate blackmail and economic terrorism. I am not surprised, the political process in the US has been more or less hijacked by these multinational corporations. This recent episode in Indiana is just a more overt example of it. What I am more interested here is in the average so called liberal's support of this subversion of democracy by companies like Apple and Salesforce, who threatened to pull jobs out of the state because of a law passed by the people's elected representatives.

As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association. There is no good reason for a conservative to support the Republican Party, especially after an episode like this, and they will pay for it at the voting booth, like that have in the last two presidential elections.

Indiana seems to be hell bound on destroying the economy for Indiana. Lunch Pail Republican David Fagan resigned as a Port Commisioner because the Republicans want to repeal the Common Construction Wage. The Indiana Republicans have already admitted that the R2W law had nothing to do with inviting businesses to the state. So, it's looking like your economic terrorists are the Republicans. Don't look to the Democrats to the save the day.

Your religious freedom does not elevate businesses to the status of individuals or churches. These are about private lawsuits. These folks cater to the extremists.

Hellbound? Catering to extremists? You are living in a fantasy world of your own delusions. You even can't stay on topic. The Republican Governor caved in a day when major corporations threatened to pull jobs and investment due to this law. Your world view is so childish and shallow(hur dur, vote Democrat, Say no to H8!) you can't understand the political and ethical ramifications of these major multinationals undermining the people's elected representatives and undermining the rights of Christians by blackballing this spineless governor into rescinding the bill.

Your examples prove my point, the Republicans are decadent corporate whores that don't defend conservatism in the slightest. They are happy to fight to deny a working man a decent wage, but they will fold in a day to the blackmail of megacorporations who fund their campaigns and disallow the right of free religion and free association in the name of faggotry. They protect their donors and monied interests, not the interests of the people who vote for them as this episode in Indiana shows. They only care about conserving profits, not protecting the rights of Christians and other people of faith.

I must have missed the clause in the First Amendment you are talking about. "No law shall be made impeding the free exercise of religion(*except in a person's place of business)".

This is an issue at the core of a free society. Society at it's foundation is made up of relations and associations between individuals. Without these interwoven connections between us, there is no society, just atomized individuals. So at a foundational level, if a the State disallows this right of free and voluntary association(and by extension the ability to not associate with individuals), the society is fundamentally not free.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Again. This did not have anything to do with the government. It's pretty simple. The sick reality is that they catered to a small group of extremists that are too ignorant to realize they were already protected. Now either you were unaware or you bought that hook, line and sinker. I'm thinking a little from column A and a little from column B.

Oh, you can still throw out people left and right but you can't do it on religious grounds.

I understand perfectly what the ramifications are. The ramifications are that nobody wants their business associated with a bunch of people who feel free to discriminate and definitely while they are trying to make a comeback and in an area that doesn't really offer people a whole lot. . Nobody wants to hold conventions in an area that discriminates. It effects their brand.

I sure can stay on topic. It's a series of moves that Indiana has taken.
Yes, it has to do with the government. That is the whole point, the Left think it should be illegal(meaning prohibited by the State) for a business owner to refuse to provide service to a homosexual wedding. People across the country have been charged by the State and fined out of business for not serving homosexuals for their weddings. They claim that homosexuals "civil rights" are being violated. So in their mind, and in yours, gay "civil rights" trump the First Amendment and rights of Christians and other religious people who feel homosexuality goes against their faith and chose not to participate or associate with it. The First Amendment is clear, Congress shall make no law prohibiting free exercise of religion, which includes an individual business owner's right to not serve a gay wedding.

The extremists here are these rogue and unethical corporations like Apple, who on one hand treat their workers in third world countries so poorly that they require suicide nets(like at their factories in China), and have the gall to lecture people of faith for not wanting to serve homosexual couples for their weddings. They are immoral and corrupt hypocrites. Free exercise of religion and protection of the Constitution and by extension Natural Law, is not the extreme position. Anti-Christian totalitarianism that is on display here is extreme, and un-American.

I thought "liberals" opposed money and corporate influence in politics. But it is ok in your mind for multinationals to blackmail the governor into undermining the democratic will of the people of Indiana and the rights of Christians and the religious? Or are you a hypocrite as well?

Corporate decisions in this case, just like every other case, are based on how it will effect their income. It would cost them money to not take the actions they took. Corporations can not make moral choices because they are not people, no matter what the SC might say.
Corporations can make ethical choices(Henry Ford for example made sure every employee could afford the car he built, for example) and subverting the legislative process and undermining the first amendment to maximize their profits by riding on this "gay rights" train is unethical. Threatening to pull jobs and investment and put workers lives at risk to maximize profit by banking off a current social trend is unethical.

As I said earlier, in a system that wasn't totally corrupt like this one, they would face punishment like trust busting for this overt influence over the political process.

Not that Apple shouldn't have been busted on several other things including worker abuse and copyright infringement among other things.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Again. This did not have anything to do with the government. It's pretty simple. The sick reality is that they catered to a small group of extremists that are too ignorant to realize they were already protected. Now either you were unaware or you bought that hook, line and sinker. I'm thinking a little from column A and a little from column B.

Oh, you can still throw out people left and right but you can't do it on religious grounds.

I understand perfectly what the ramifications are. The ramifications are that nobody wants their business associated with a bunch of people who feel free to discriminate and definitely while they are trying to make a comeback and in an area that doesn't really offer people a whole lot. . Nobody wants to hold conventions in an area that discriminates. It effects their brand.

I sure can stay on topic. It's a series of moves that Indiana has taken.
Yes, it has to do with the government. That is the whole point, the Left think it should be illegal(meaning prohibited by the State) for a business owner to refuse to provide service to a homosexual wedding. People across the country have been charged by the State and fined out of business for not serving homosexuals for their weddings. They claim that homosexuals "civil rights" are being violated. So in their mind, and in yours, gay "civil rights" trump the First Amendment and rights of Christians and other religious people who feel homosexuality goes against their faith and chose not to participate or associate with it. The First Amendment is clear, Congress shall make no law prohibiting free exercise of religion, which includes an individual business owner's right to not serve a gay wedding.

The extremists here are these rogue and unethical corporations like Apple, who on one hand treat their workers in third world countries so poorly that they require suicide nets(like at their factories in China), and have the gall to lecture people of faith for not wanting to serve homosexual couples for their weddings. They are immoral and corrupt hypocrites. Free exercise of religion and protection of the Constitution and by extension Natural Law, is not the extreme position. Anti-Christian totalitarianism that is on display here is extreme, and un-American.

I thought "liberals" opposed money and corporate influence in politics. But it is ok in your mind for multinationals to blackmail the governor into undermining the democratic will of the people of Indiana and the rights of Christians and the religious? Or are you a hypocrite as well?

Corporate decisions in this case, just like every other case, are based on how it will effect their income. It would cost them money to not take the actions they took. Corporations can not make moral choices because they are not people, no matter what the SC might say.

Doesn't matter what you think asshole. The SCOTUS says they are. Don't like it, have it changed or tough shit. What you think doesn't matter.

With your whining about corporate influence, why exactly do you think they did what they did? Do you think they are anti-religion?

The only one whining is you bitch. You're the one that says what the Justices said doesn't matter. However, when it comes to other issues I'm sure you support, their decision is perfect. That's how assholes like you function.

Still didn't say why you thought the corporations did what they did. That seamed like some sort of point you were trying to make. It was the subject of your last paragraph in your post I was responding to.
What I find amazing is there are so many fags out there. Wow!

And consequently, many parents who have cried at night and wonder how they failed their children so miserably

If my son or daughter was gay, it would not change my feelings about them a single fraction of a percent.

Parents who do are bad parents, as well as bad people.

What about parents (and/or their children) who threaten, harrass and obstruct legitimate business owners over a difference of opinion?
I dont care for threats of violence. I said it like eleven times already.

If you support what those who object to the pizza place believe and that objection involves threats, you can't separate the two. I bet you're one of those that believe giving someone a choice to have an abortion doesn't mean you support abortion. When you support and enable the cause, it enable the cause to continue using the methods they use. Unlike you, there may be things I support but if the methods used to get them done go against my principles, I can't support the cause no matter how much I agree with the purpose or it means I enable the methods I disagree with.
I guess if your brain is ---> . Big you cant seperate protest from violent protest

But fortunately for humanity, not everyone is an old ugly as fuck virgin like you. Stay salty, glad i make you sweat.

If you support the cause for the protest and the protest advocates violence, trying to separate yourself from it is foolish.

Unfortunately for humanity, whatever that is in your avatar can reproduce and continue the genes of an idiot like you. So sad it's the by product of you and whatever dog you fucked at the time. Sweat on that.
Yes, it has to do with the government. That is the whole point, the Left think it should be illegal(meaning prohibited by the State) for a business owner to refuse to provide service to a homosexual wedding. People across the country have been charged by the State and fined out of business for not serving homosexuals for their weddings. They claim that homosexuals "civil rights" are being violated. So in their mind, and in yours, gay "civil rights" trump the First Amendment and rights of Christians and other religious people who feel homosexuality goes against their faith and chose not to participate or associate with it. The First Amendment is clear, Congress shall make no law prohibiting free exercise of religion, which includes an individual business owner's right to not serve a gay wedding.

The extremists here are these rogue and unethical corporations like Apple, who on one hand treat their workers in third world countries so poorly that they require suicide nets(like at their factories in China), and have the gall to lecture people of faith for not wanting to serve homosexual couples for their weddings. They are immoral and corrupt hypocrites. Free exercise of religion and protection of the Constitution and by extension Natural Law, is not the extreme position. Anti-Christian totalitarianism that is on display here is extreme, and un-American.

I thought "liberals" opposed money and corporate influence in politics. But it is ok in your mind for multinationals to blackmail the governor into undermining the democratic will of the people of Indiana and the rights of Christians and the religious? Or are you a hypocrite as well?

Corporate decisions in this case, just like every other case, are based on how it will effect their income. It would cost them money to not take the actions they took. Corporations can not make moral choices because they are not people, no matter what the SC might say.

Doesn't matter what you think asshole. The SCOTUS says they are. Don't like it, have it changed or tough shit. What you think doesn't matter.

With your whining about corporate influence, why exactly do you think they did what they did? Do you think they are anti-religion?

The only one whining is you bitch. You're the one that says what the Justices said doesn't matter. However, when it comes to other issues I'm sure you support, their decision is perfect. That's how assholes like you function.

Still didn't say why you thought the corporations did what they did. That seamed like some sort of point you were trying to make. It was the subject of your last paragraph in your post I was responding to.

My response to your statement above had nothing to do with why corporations did anything. I was addressing your foolish statement about it not mattering what the Court had to say. It most certainly does matter whether you agree or not.
If my son or daughter was gay, it would not change my feelings about them a single fraction of a percent.

Parents who do are bad parents, as well as bad people.

What about parents (and/or their children) who threaten, harrass and obstruct legitimate business owners over a difference of opinion?
I dont care for threats of violence. I said it like eleven times already.

If you support what those who object to the pizza place believe and that objection involves threats, you can't separate the two. I bet you're one of those that believe giving someone a choice to have an abortion doesn't mean you support abortion. When you support and enable the cause, it enable the cause to continue using the methods they use. Unlike you, there may be things I support but if the methods used to get them done go against my principles, I can't support the cause no matter how much I agree with the purpose or it means I enable the methods I disagree with.
I guess if your brain is ---> . Big you cant seperate protest from violent protest

But fortunately for humanity, not everyone is an old ugly as fuck virgin like you. Stay salty, glad i make you sweat.

If you support the cause for the protest and the protest advocates violence, trying to separate yourself from it is foolish.

Unfortunately for humanity, whatever that is in your avatar can reproduce and continue the genes of an idiot like you. So sad it's the by product of you and whatever dog you fucked at the time. Sweat on that.
:lol: temper temper curmudgeon.

I wont report this or anything, lol but if a mod sees it? See ya soon! Poor baby
What about parents (and/or their children) who threaten, harrass and obstruct legitimate business owners over a difference of opinion?
I dont care for threats of violence. I said it like eleven times already.

If you support what those who object to the pizza place believe and that objection involves threats, you can't separate the two. I bet you're one of those that believe giving someone a choice to have an abortion doesn't mean you support abortion. When you support and enable the cause, it enable the cause to continue using the methods they use. Unlike you, there may be things I support but if the methods used to get them done go against my principles, I can't support the cause no matter how much I agree with the purpose or it means I enable the methods I disagree with.
I guess if your brain is ---> . Big you cant seperate protest from violent protest

But fortunately for humanity, not everyone is an old ugly as fuck virgin like you. Stay salty, glad i make you sweat.

If you support the cause for the protest and the protest advocates violence, trying to separate yourself from it is foolish.

Unfortunately for humanity, whatever that is in your avatar can reproduce and continue the genes of an idiot like you. So sad it's the by product of you and whatever dog you fucked at the time. Sweat on that.
:lol: temper temper curmudgeon.

I wont report this or anything, lol but if a mod sees it? See ya soon! Poor baby

The mods are very inconsistent in their ways. More than once, one of your kind indicated he'd slap my white wife on the ass, she'd laugh, and there was nothing I could do about it. Funny how nothing happened.

Do you think I care? If you do, you're a dumber piece of shit than I thought.
Indiana seems to be hell bound on destroying the economy for Indiana. Lunch Pail Republican David Fagan resigned as a Port Commisioner because the Republicans want to repeal the Common Construction Wage. The Indiana Republicans have already admitted that the R2W law had nothing to do with inviting businesses to the state. So, it's looking like your economic terrorists are the Republicans. Don't look to the Democrats to the save the day.

Your religious freedom does not elevate businesses to the status of individuals or churches. These are about private lawsuits. These folks cater to the extremists.

Hellbound? Catering to extremists? You are living in a fantasy world of your own delusions. You even can't stay on topic. The Republican Governor caved in a day when major corporations threatened to pull jobs and investment due to this law. Your world view is so childish and shallow(hur dur, vote Democrat, Say no to H8!) you can't understand the political and ethical ramifications of these major multinationals undermining the people's elected representatives and undermining the rights of Christians by blackballing this spineless governor into rescinding the bill.

Your examples prove my point, the Republicans are decadent corporate whores that don't defend conservatism in the slightest. They are happy to fight to deny a working man a decent wage, but they will fold in a day to the blackmail of megacorporations who fund their campaigns and disallow the right of free religion and free association in the name of faggotry. They protect their donors and monied interests, not the interests of the people who vote for them as this episode in Indiana shows. They only care about conserving profits, not protecting the rights of Christians and other people of faith.

I must have missed the clause in the First Amendment you are talking about. "No law shall be made impeding the free exercise of religion(*except in a person's place of business)".

This is an issue at the core of a free society. Society at it's foundation is made up of relations and associations between individuals. Without these interwoven connections between us, there is no society, just atomized individuals. So at a foundational level, if a the State disallows this right of free and voluntary association(and by extension the ability to not associate with individuals), the society is fundamentally not free.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Again. This did not have anything to do with the government. It's pretty simple. The sick reality is that they catered to a small group of extremists that are too ignorant to realize they were already protected. Now either you were unaware or you bought that hook, line and sinker. I'm thinking a little from column A and a little from column B.

Oh, you can still throw out people left and right but you can't do it on religious grounds.

I understand perfectly what the ramifications are. The ramifications are that nobody wants their business associated with a bunch of people who feel free to discriminate and definitely while they are trying to make a comeback and in an area that doesn't really offer people a whole lot. . Nobody wants to hold conventions in an area that discriminates. It effects their brand.

I sure can stay on topic. It's a series of moves that Indiana has taken.
Yes, it has to do with the government. That is the whole point, the Left think it should be illegal(meaning prohibited by the State) for a business owner to refuse to provide service to a homosexual wedding. People across the country have been charged by the State and fined out of business for not serving homosexuals for their weddings. They claim that homosexuals "civil rights" are being violated. So in their mind, and in yours, gay "civil rights" trump the First Amendment and rights of Christians and other religious people who feel homosexuality goes against their faith and chose not to participate or associate with it. The First Amendment is clear, Congress shall make no law prohibiting free exercise of religion, which includes an individual business owner's right to not serve a gay wedding.

The extremists here are these rogue and unethical corporations like Apple, who on one hand treat their workers in third world countries so poorly that they require suicide nets(like at their factories in China), and have the gall to lecture people of faith for not wanting to serve homosexual couples for their weddings. They are immoral and corrupt hypocrites. Free exercise of religion and protection of the Constitution and by extension Natural Law, is not the extreme position. Anti-Christian totalitarianism that is on display here is extreme, and un-American.

I thought "liberals" opposed money and corporate influence in politics. But it is ok in your mind for multinationals to blackmail the governor into undermining the democratic will of the people of Indiana and the rights of Christians and the religious? Or are you a hypocrite as well?

Corporate decisions in this case, just like every other case, are based on how it will effect their income. It would cost them money to not take the actions they took. Corporations can not make moral choices because they are not people, no matter what the SC might say.
Corporations can make ethical choices(Henry Ford for example made sure every employee could afford the car he built, for example) and subverting the legislative process and undermining the first amendment to maximize their profits by riding on this "gay rights" train is unethical. Threatening to pull jobs and investment and put workers lives at risk to maximize profit by banking off a current social trend is unethical.

As I said earlier, in a system that wasn't totally corrupt like this one, they would face punishment like trust busting for this overt influence over the political process.

Not that Apple shouldn't have been busted on several other things including worker abuse and copyright infringement among other things.

I never said they couldn't make ethical choices. I said they couldn't make moral choices. Ford's marketing scheme is often credited as one of the best ever developed. He paid his workers enough to afford the products they made which guaranteed much higher sales. He knew he would get the payroll money back when his workers bought a car. Purely financial decision.
I dont care for threats of violence. I said it like eleven times already.

If you support what those who object to the pizza place believe and that objection involves threats, you can't separate the two. I bet you're one of those that believe giving someone a choice to have an abortion doesn't mean you support abortion. When you support and enable the cause, it enable the cause to continue using the methods they use. Unlike you, there may be things I support but if the methods used to get them done go against my principles, I can't support the cause no matter how much I agree with the purpose or it means I enable the methods I disagree with.
I guess if your brain is ---> . Big you cant seperate protest from violent protest

But fortunately for humanity, not everyone is an old ugly as fuck virgin like you. Stay salty, glad i make you sweat.

If you support the cause for the protest and the protest advocates violence, trying to separate yourself from it is foolish.

Unfortunately for humanity, whatever that is in your avatar can reproduce and continue the genes of an idiot like you. So sad it's the by product of you and whatever dog you fucked at the time. Sweat on that.
:lol: temper temper curmudgeon.

I wont report this or anything, lol but if a mod sees it? See ya soon! Poor baby

The mods are very inconsistent in their ways. More than once, one of your kind indicated he'd slap my white wife on the ass, she'd laugh, and there was nothing I could do about it. Funny how nothing happened.

Do you think I care? If you do, you're a dumber piece of shit than I thought.
Lolol, i think your rage should be kept around. You add vile troll character to the site, which is better than no character eh?

If you support what those who object to the pizza place believe and that objection involves threats, you can't separate the two. I bet you're one of those that believe giving someone a choice to have an abortion doesn't mean you support abortion. When you support and enable the cause, it enable the cause to continue using the methods they use. Unlike you, there may be things I support but if the methods used to get them done go against my principles, I can't support the cause no matter how much I agree with the purpose or it means I enable the methods I disagree with.
I guess if your brain is ---> . Big you cant seperate protest from violent protest

But fortunately for humanity, not everyone is an old ugly as fuck virgin like you. Stay salty, glad i make you sweat.

If you support the cause for the protest and the protest advocates violence, trying to separate yourself from it is foolish.

Unfortunately for humanity, whatever that is in your avatar can reproduce and continue the genes of an idiot like you. So sad it's the by product of you and whatever dog you fucked at the time. Sweat on that.
:lol: temper temper curmudgeon.

I wont report this or anything, lol but if a mod sees it? See ya soon! Poor baby

The mods are very inconsistent in their ways. More than once, one of your kind indicated he'd slap my white wife on the ass, she'd laugh, and there was nothing I could do about it. Funny how nothing happened.

Do you think I care? If you do, you're a dumber piece of shit than I thought.
Lolol, i think your rage should be kept around. You add vile troll character to the site, which is better than no character eh?


Funny how anyone who disagree with your low-class kind is a troll. You would do yourself well to have my level of character. At least people that matter would actually respect you then.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
Let us know the next small business you are going to threaten and harass, I will happily donate. Not only because I support helping decent normal people against these out of control power hungry faggots, but because I love seeing your stupid shitlib boycotts blow up in your face.
Wouldn't it be great if there was a fund started for any business facing a gaycott? They could list themselves and then there could be a button to click to donate a dollar or $5 to help support them as they are threatened and harassed by the LGBT cult to try to force them financially to abdicate their faith.

Well? Website builders? I can donate some time on designing pages if anyone wants to take this on?? Paypal. Forums? I can see it now..
That's such a wonderful should set it up.
Hellbound? Catering to extremists? You are living in a fantasy world of your own delusions. You even can't stay on topic. The Republican Governor caved in a day when major corporations threatened to pull jobs and investment due to this law. Your world view is so childish and shallow(hur dur, vote Democrat, Say no to H8!) you can't understand the political and ethical ramifications of these major multinationals undermining the people's elected representatives and undermining the rights of Christians by blackballing this spineless governor into rescinding the bill.

Your examples prove my point, the Republicans are decadent corporate whores that don't defend conservatism in the slightest. They are happy to fight to deny a working man a decent wage, but they will fold in a day to the blackmail of megacorporations who fund their campaigns and disallow the right of free religion and free association in the name of faggotry. They protect their donors and monied interests, not the interests of the people who vote for them as this episode in Indiana shows. They only care about conserving profits, not protecting the rights of Christians and other people of faith.

I must have missed the clause in the First Amendment you are talking about. "No law shall be made impeding the free exercise of religion(*except in a person's place of business)".

This is an issue at the core of a free society. Society at it's foundation is made up of relations and associations between individuals. Without these interwoven connections between us, there is no society, just atomized individuals. So at a foundational level, if a the State disallows this right of free and voluntary association(and by extension the ability to not associate with individuals), the society is fundamentally not free.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Again. This did not have anything to do with the government. It's pretty simple. The sick reality is that they catered to a small group of extremists that are too ignorant to realize they were already protected. Now either you were unaware or you bought that hook, line and sinker. I'm thinking a little from column A and a little from column B.

Oh, you can still throw out people left and right but you can't do it on religious grounds.

I understand perfectly what the ramifications are. The ramifications are that nobody wants their business associated with a bunch of people who feel free to discriminate and definitely while they are trying to make a comeback and in an area that doesn't really offer people a whole lot. . Nobody wants to hold conventions in an area that discriminates. It effects their brand.

I sure can stay on topic. It's a series of moves that Indiana has taken.
Yes, it has to do with the government. That is the whole point, the Left think it should be illegal(meaning prohibited by the State) for a business owner to refuse to provide service to a homosexual wedding. People across the country have been charged by the State and fined out of business for not serving homosexuals for their weddings. They claim that homosexuals "civil rights" are being violated. So in their mind, and in yours, gay "civil rights" trump the First Amendment and rights of Christians and other religious people who feel homosexuality goes against their faith and chose not to participate or associate with it. The First Amendment is clear, Congress shall make no law prohibiting free exercise of religion, which includes an individual business owner's right to not serve a gay wedding.

The extremists here are these rogue and unethical corporations like Apple, who on one hand treat their workers in third world countries so poorly that they require suicide nets(like at their factories in China), and have the gall to lecture people of faith for not wanting to serve homosexual couples for their weddings. They are immoral and corrupt hypocrites. Free exercise of religion and protection of the Constitution and by extension Natural Law, is not the extreme position. Anti-Christian totalitarianism that is on display here is extreme, and un-American.

I thought "liberals" opposed money and corporate influence in politics. But it is ok in your mind for multinationals to blackmail the governor into undermining the democratic will of the people of Indiana and the rights of Christians and the religious? Or are you a hypocrite as well?

Corporate decisions in this case, just like every other case, are based on how it will effect their income. It would cost them money to not take the actions they took. Corporations can not make moral choices because they are not people, no matter what the SC might say.
Corporations can make ethical choices(Henry Ford for example made sure every employee could afford the car he built, for example) and subverting the legislative process and undermining the first amendment to maximize their profits by riding on this "gay rights" train is unethical. Threatening to pull jobs and investment and put workers lives at risk to maximize profit by banking off a current social trend is unethical.

As I said earlier, in a system that wasn't totally corrupt like this one, they would face punishment like trust busting for this overt influence over the political process.

Not that Apple shouldn't have been busted on several other things including worker abuse and copyright infringement among other things.

I never said they couldn't make ethical choices. I said they couldn't make moral choices. Ford's marketing scheme is often credited as one of the best ever developed. He paid his workers enough to afford the products they made which guaranteed much higher sales. He knew he would get the payroll money back when his workers bought a car. Purely financial decision.
That is such an arbitrary difference it is ridiculous, you are just avoiding the fact that this course of action by Apple is immoral, and you are just playing word games. Corporations are made up of individuals. Corporations can collectively act ethically and the individuals who comprise them can act morally in setting policy on an individual level. Honestly, your arguments are becoming pathetic because you are reduced to trying to defend the actions of a company made up of immoral individuals that collectively act unethically and are willing to subvert the political process to maximize their bottom line by appealing to faggotry.
I guess if your brain is ---> . Big you cant seperate protest from violent protest

But fortunately for humanity, not everyone is an old ugly as fuck virgin like you. Stay salty, glad i make you sweat.

If you support the cause for the protest and the protest advocates violence, trying to separate yourself from it is foolish.

Unfortunately for humanity, whatever that is in your avatar can reproduce and continue the genes of an idiot like you. So sad it's the by product of you and whatever dog you fucked at the time. Sweat on that.
:lol: temper temper curmudgeon.

I wont report this or anything, lol but if a mod sees it? See ya soon! Poor baby

The mods are very inconsistent in their ways. More than once, one of your kind indicated he'd slap my white wife on the ass, she'd laugh, and there was nothing I could do about it. Funny how nothing happened.

Do you think I care? If you do, you're a dumber piece of shit than I thought.
Lolol, i think your rage should be kept around. You add vile troll character to the site, which is better than no character eh?


Funny how anyone who disagree with your low-class kind is a troll. You would do yourself well to have my level of character. At least people that matter would actually respect you then.

Do you talk to imaginary friends and Wilson soccer balls, too?
If you support the cause for the protest and the protest advocates violence, trying to separate yourself from it is foolish.

Unfortunately for humanity, whatever that is in your avatar can reproduce and continue the genes of an idiot like you. So sad it's the by product of you and whatever dog you fucked at the time. Sweat on that.
:lol: temper temper curmudgeon.

I wont report this or anything, lol but if a mod sees it? See ya soon! Poor baby

The mods are very inconsistent in their ways. More than once, one of your kind indicated he'd slap my white wife on the ass, she'd laugh, and there was nothing I could do about it. Funny how nothing happened.

Do you think I care? If you do, you're a dumber piece of shit than I thought.
Lolol, i think your rage should be kept around. You add vile troll character to the site, which is better than no character eh?


Funny how anyone who disagree with your low-class kind is a troll. You would do yourself well to have my level of character. At least people that matter would actually respect you then.

Do you talk to imaginary friends and Wilson soccer balls, too?

The people I talk to have the same high level of character I have. People like you I talk down to as inferior have the mentality of a soccer ball.
:lol: temper temper curmudgeon.

I wont report this or anything, lol but if a mod sees it? See ya soon! Poor baby

The mods are very inconsistent in their ways. More than once, one of your kind indicated he'd slap my white wife on the ass, she'd laugh, and there was nothing I could do about it. Funny how nothing happened.

Do you think I care? If you do, you're a dumber piece of shit than I thought.
Lolol, i think your rage should be kept around. You add vile troll character to the site, which is better than no character eh?


Funny how anyone who disagree with your low-class kind is a troll. You would do yourself well to have my level of character. At least people that matter would actually respect you then.

Do you talk to imaginary friends and Wilson soccer balls, too?

The people I talk to have the same high level of character I have. People like you I talk down to as inferior have the mentality of a soccer ball.
High level like....

High on meth?

Or is it like a high from aerosal cans?

Buddy, you have less class than a slore out back of a 7/11. You talk exactly like a lowly educated street thug from Philly with your faggot this and n**ger that.

Get fucking real. The women ive fucked wouldnt even allow you to step within 100yards of their driveways.

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