"Income Inequality": So What?

"Income Inequality" has been the most often-heard catchphrase for today's Progressives...


I'm no great fan of all things progressive, or of most Progressives, but I'll rise to their defense here. Income inequality as a term, as you spin it, looks nothing like the term used by most credible and reasonable people.

The wealth gap. The income of the highest-paid Americans has soared while the income of the rest of Americans has grown little. The widening gap is cause for concern in all economic systems, but especially the economic system of a Capitalist Democracy, because killing off the middle class will make America a banana republic.

To have a middle class, there cannot be too wide a gap between those at the top and the rest of society, for when that happens there is just the wealthy and the struggling: the haves and the have nots.

America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was not so great a place to live for most Americans and immigrants, pre-FDR. Anyone who wants to argue that is welcome to have their butts kicked and handed to them on a plate of crow.

So it's not an income gap, it's a wealth gap. And the wealth gap is caused by disparity in incomes.
Really? Seriously?
America was a great place. That's why the largest immigration in the US in history occurred between about 1870 and 1930.

Immigrants to America were poor wretched creatures who had absolutely no chances back home. Chances here were promised to be far better than the reality. Okay, I have no problem with that. Most people that immigrated left a better start for their kids -- opportunities not found back home.

But to suggest their experience was good, is to deny reality. Many suffered, many perished of disease from terrible working conditions. We had the Robber Barons raping and pillaging as they went along. We even had wealthy hiring thugs and murderers to maim and kill poor people asking to be treated better at work.

wake the fuck up. I'm no progressive or socialist, but being an honest person I admit all socialism is not evil incarnate. No, many socialist ideas have made America and the world a better place -- a better place that allows a cretin like you to spout your bullshit anger and hate for your fellow man -- your fellow man, the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free...

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
At one time there was policy called Utility of Poverty, in short it recognized that poverty for much of the population can be of benefit to some. Poverty or recessions/depressions it recognized caused money to increase in value, labor costs were lower, prices on material goods were lower and the dollars, if one has them would buy much more. The problem with depressions, however, is that the populations can get upset after a time and begin to make unpleasant noises.
Utility of poverty, and America doesn't practice it, gave reasons why people were poor and yet some rich.

Poor people were lazy, drank a lot, were slothful, and didn't eat their veggies, rich people worked hard and were endowed with special skills given to them by that great employer in the sky. Still, I often wonder if some people profit by a recession?

This is not capitalism. This is an oligarchy, a grand pyramid scheme. The scum at the top want to hold onto their wealth, which is more than they will ever need. They know they cannot sway public opinion in their favor without tricking blue collar folks into buying the bs they are giving away. Apparently it is working from the clueless bs I read here coming from the right.

I'm tired of listening to you spew your bitter, wealth envy bullshit. Why don't you give us a little historical perspective on your particular experiences. I'm betting you dropped out of high school and have worked a succession of entry level jobs thinking you were going to "make a living". I'd be interested to know the actual truth, so spill it.

There is a way to get ahead in America and it hasn't changed. You behave and keep your nose clean, you develop a real work ethic starting with a minimum wage job as a kid, you work smarter and harder and make yourself stand out to your management, you get an education in a field that is in demand and pays well. You get a job in that field and use your knowledge, experience and work ethic to move up and get ahead.

The term "working hard" is meaningless. Moving one heavy rock from one place to another is "hard work", but it won't put a roof over your head or food in your belly. There will always be grunt labor jobs that are "hard" that won't pay much money because any fool can do them.

I'm sick of reading the endless pro-wealthy and pro mega-corporate, as well as the hate filled bs of anything moderate or democratic coming from you and your lame side so I guess we're even. I highly doubt you'd view anything I state as truth, but I could be wrong. Have you ever been wrong? Hell, you refuse to recognize reality or facts/data so what would make me think you'd believe anything I'd state?

I'll make you deal you spill the beans on your life story and I'll oblige the same. All you'll get from me until is that I hold a bachelor of science degree with a minor.
This is not capitalism. This is an oligarchy, a grand pyramid scheme. The scum at the top want to hold onto their wealth, which is more than they will ever need. They know they cannot sway public opinion in their favor without tricking blue collar folks into buying the bs they are giving away. Apparently it is working from the clueless bs I read here coming from the right.

At least you let the class warfare bullshit rhetoric flow freely.

Who and what you are is clear.

Your dumb ass notions stand rejected.
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me

Notice it doesn't say that it would tax the filthy, evil, rich bastards to care for those huddled masses cradle to grave. We offer everyone the same thing, an equal opportunity to make something of themselves and for themselves........even to become filthy, evil, rich bastards.

You really do live in some fantasy land inside that noodle of yours if you think anything in this pyramid scheme is "equal opportunity," or "Fair."
This is not capitalism. This is an oligarchy, a grand pyramid scheme. The scum at the top want to hold onto their wealth, which is more than they will ever need. They know they cannot sway public opinion in their favor without tricking blue collar folks into buying the bs they are giving away. Apparently it is working from the clueless bs I read here coming from the right.

At least you let the class warfare bullshit rhetoric flow freely.

Who and what you are is clear.

Your dumb ass notions stand rejected.

Source considered thee end!
I not only do not object to income inequality, I endorse it.

I don't want to make the same amount of money as some derp who can barely fill the order at McDonalds.

I don't think a surgeon necessarily needs to make the same amount that I make or the kid in McDonalds makes.

I WANT there to be a financial INCENTIVE to wrok better, harder, faster and more productively. I WANT skill and effort and cleverness and productivity etc to be REWARDED.

The mindless rhetoric of the left about "income inequality" is absurd. It's like those mutants are marching around in a circle, carrying placards that demand an end to progress.

Such libs are derps.

You and the fucking morons who agreed with this post (gallantwarrior (Today), kwc57 (Today), The Rabbi (Today)) live in a fantasy world.

Throwing out absurdist bullshit may make you feel better, but all it does is expose your ignorance and stupidity.

No one has ever proposed a surgeon make the same as a laborer or the other way around. You just make shit up.

Your denial makes you the one who lives ina fantasy world, and you are of course the moron, you moron.

You, not I, throw out the absurdities, you derp.

I didn't make the claim that all folks who babble about "income inequality" DID say that a surgeon should make the same as a laborer. But the meaning of "income equality" does suggest that such a fucking absurd utopian state of affairs is what the many of the complete shitheads who chant that imbecility seek.

Instead of being the endlessly pontificating gasbag jerk-off you always are, Dainty, why not stretch yourself -- a lot -- and say something useful for once, you flaming derp?

You are busy telling the world what income inequality (allegedly) does NOT mean.

Fine. Now define what it DOES mean. Cite it. Link it. And whatever you claim, don't pretend that the assholes who plopped their ignorant asses down in the Occupy Wallstreet protests had your definition in mind. It is quite clear that the meaning I ascribed to it more closely resembled THEIR idiot ignorant thinking.
This is not capitalism. This is an oligarchy, a grand pyramid scheme. The scum at the top want to hold onto their wealth, which is more than they will ever need. They know they cannot sway public opinion in their favor without tricking blue collar folks into buying the bs they are giving away. Apparently it is working from the clueless bs I read here coming from the right.

At least you let the class warfare bullshit rhetoric flow freely.

Who and what you are is clear.

Your dumb ass notions stand rejected.

Source considered thee end!

What you lack in clarity you make up for with an overabundance of vapidity, you derp.
You're right. I dont expect gov't to do anything for me. I don't want gov't to do anything for me. Every time they try to do something for people at the bottom, they screw it up worse and people are worse off.
You are always looking for someone to do somethign for you, though.

This is not our govt, so until the majority of People take it back from the minority running it nothing will change for the better for those who do not have $ which = speech.

Really? Whose government is it? Did you not vote in the last election? Was Obama not chosen by the EC, chosen in turn by voters? Was Congress not voted on member by member in each state?

Can you not read? Ever heard/read of the electoral college, or popular vote?

What is your view on the Citizen's United ruling? Do you understand what it is?
It's a non issue. Totally. Completely. The gov't might as well try to make everyone equally good at playing the piano. Inequality comes about because some people are smarter and work harder than other people. Period.
This is unlike some countries where inequality stems from crony capitalism and family ties.
North Korea probably has the most income equality out there--everyone is miserable and dirt poor.

To say that income inequality is purely the result of varying degrees of intelligence and work ethic is one of the most shallow, naive things I have ever come across on the USMB.

Sure, people who are extraordinary, smart, talented will rise to the top and succeed, but we need to examine some other angles too.

Do you realize that once you have $5 million dollars - for example - it is a hell of a lot easier to make your next million than starting from scratch? Any dimwit that inherited $5 million from his daddy can make a cool $250,000/year by practically doing nothing (and hiring someone to make some safe investments with your money). The effect is that money will begin to snowball. Once you have $20 million, it's not that difficult to make $5 million+ year; then once you have $50 million, it's not that difficult to make $10 million+ year... and so on and so on.

Wealth pools.

Let me say it this way, I think folks have to be very talented/bright to go from $0 to $5 million, but not nearly as talented or bright to go from $50 million to $70 million (despite the latter being a much larger jump in change).

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Source considered thee end!

What you lack in clarity you make up for with an overabundance of vapidity, you derp.

You do good as a mouthpiece. Anything else worthy of note?

Since you offer nothing worthy of note, it appears that you lack the capacity to make use of anything else that is worthy of note.

But hurry up and offer us some more of your trite stale mindless lib drone rhetoric. We haven't heard such brilliant socio-economic-political rhetoric since the last lib derp who pontificated as mindlessly as you. That would be sometime earlier today.
It's a non issue. Totally. Completely. The gov't might as well try to make everyone equally good at playing the piano. Inequality comes about because some people are smarter and work harder than other people. Period.
This is unlike some countries where inequality stems from crony capitalism and family ties.
North Korea probably has the most income equality out there--everyone is miserable and dirt poor.

To say that income inequality is purely the result of varying degrees of intelligence and work ethic is one of the most shallow, naive things I have ever come across on the USMB.

Sure, people who are extraordinary, smart, talented will rise to the top and succeed, but we need to examine some other angles too.

Do you realize that once you have $5 million dollars - for example - it is a hell of a lot easier to make your next million than starting from scratch? Any dimwit that inherited $5 million from his daddy can make a cool $250,000/year by practically doing nothing (and hiring someone to make some safe investments with your money). The effect is that money will begin to snowball. Once you have $20 million, it's not that difficult to make $5 million+ year; then once you have $50 million, it's not that difficult to make $10 million+ year... and so on and so on.

Wealth pools.

Let me say it this way, I think folks have to be very talented/bright to go from $0 to $5 million, but not nearly as talented or bright to go from $50 million to $70 million (despite the latter being a much larger jump in change).


Holy shit. Once you have acquired some wealth, if you properly invest it (allowing other capitalists to have use of it as a resource in the process), then your wealth can begin the process of snowballing.

That's cool.

It's like savings is a virtue and acquired wealth (capital) can do amazing things with the 'magic of compound interest' or something.

Thanks for the reiteration of that often overlooked point.

I not only do not object to income inequality, I endorse it.

I don't want to make the same amount of money as some derp who can barely fill the order at McDonalds.

I don't think a surgeon necessarily needs to make the same amount that I make or the kid in McDonalds makes.

I WANT there to be a financial INCENTIVE to wrok better, harder, faster and more productively. I WANT skill and effort and cleverness and productivity etc to be REWARDED.

The mindless rhetoric of the left about "income inequality" is absurd. It's like those mutants are marching around in a circle, carrying placards that demand an end to progress.

Such libs are derps.

You and the fucking morons who agreed with this post (gallantwarrior (Today), kwc57 (Today), The Rabbi (Today)) live in a fantasy world.

Throwing out absurdist bullshit may make you feel better, but all it does is expose your ignorance and stupidity.

No one has ever proposed a surgeon make the same as a laborer or the other way around. You just make shit up.

And yet, you seem to think that the surgeon should surrender some portion of his earnings so that the laborer can be provided the same standard of living as the surgeon by a benevolent and wonderful government run by wealthy people who wouldn't give a thought to pulling a buck out of their own pocket to help that same laborer.

That's a nice theory.

When the free market fails to provide a solution to income equality, the government solution, other than protecting the rights of employees, is pretty damn simple. Tax the filthy rich more and the middle class less. The power to tax income is found in the 16th amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

There is no "solution" to income equality required. Certainly not by gov't action. That is like providing a solution to inequality in piano performance by cutting off fingers from more talented practitioners.
There is no problem here that anyone can identify.

Wow, you've really bought into the meritocracy argument haven't you. Have you actually known any of the people you seem to revere as gods? They say you should never meet your heroes. You might be in for a big disappointment.
I not only do not object to income inequality, I endorse it.

I don't want to make the same amount of money as some derp who can barely fill the order at McDonalds.

I don't think a surgeon necessarily needs to make the same amount that I make or the kid in McDonalds makes.

I WANT there to be a financial INCENTIVE to wrok better, harder, faster and more productively. I WANT skill and effort and cleverness and productivity etc to be REWARDED.

The mindless rhetoric of the left about "income inequality" is absurd. It's like those mutants are marching around in a circle, carrying placards that demand an end to progress.

Such libs are derps.

You and the fucking morons who agreed with this post (gallantwarrior (Today), kwc57 (Today), The Rabbi (Today)) live in a fantasy world.

Throwing out absurdist bullshit may make you feel better, but all it does is expose your ignorance and stupidity.

No one has ever proposed a surgeon make the same as a laborer or the other way around. You just make shit up.

And yet, you seem to think that the surgeon should surrender some portion of his earnings so that the laborer can be provided the same standard of living as the surgeon by a benevolent and wonderful government run by wealthy people who wouldn't give a thought to pulling a buck out of their own pocket to help that same laborer.

Who stated anything about wanting and "provided the same standard of living?" It appears to me that many of you who rattle on with endless hate of those less fortunate have no clue how bad it is out there looking for work and most importantly a "LIVABLE WAGE." I'm writing about fairness and equality in taxation, and no not a flat tax which will in fact take even more that they don't have from the poor and needy.
I not only do not object to income inequality, I endorse it.

I don't want to make the same amount of money as some derp who can barely fill the order at McDonalds.

I don't think a surgeon necessarily needs to make the same amount that I make or the kid in McDonalds makes.

I WANT there to be a financial INCENTIVE to wrok better, harder, faster and more productively. I WANT skill and effort and cleverness and productivity etc to be REWARDED.

The mindless rhetoric of the left about "income inequality" is absurd. It's like those mutants are marching around in a circle, carrying placards that demand an end to progress.

Such libs are derps.

You and the fucking morons who agreed with this post (gallantwarrior (Today), kwc57 (Today), The Rabbi (Today)) live in a fantasy world.

Throwing out absurdist bullshit may make you feel better, but all it does is expose your ignorance and stupidity.

No one has ever proposed a surgeon make the same as a laborer or the other way around. You just make shit up.

I didn't make the claim that all folks who babble about "income inequality" DID say that a surgeon should make the same as a laborer. But the meaning of "income equality" does suggest that such a...absurd utopian state of affairs is what the many...seek.

You are busy telling the world what income inequality (allegedly) does NOT mean.

Fine. Now define what it DOES mean. Cite it. Link it...It is quite clear that the meaning I ascribed to it more closely resembled THEIR idiot ignorant thinking.

Madman, arguing with you is like arguing with a chair leg. Now you claim imaginary suggestions validate tour fantasy world?

you want a cite/link war? I suggest you start citing and linking...
You and the fucking morons who agreed with this post (gallantwarrior (Today), kwc57 (Today), The Rabbi (Today)) live in a fantasy world.

Throwing out absurdist bullshit may make you feel better, but all it does is expose your ignorance and stupidity.

No one has ever proposed a surgeon make the same as a laborer or the other way around. You just make shit up.

And yet, you seem to think that the surgeon should surrender some portion of his earnings so that the laborer can be provided the same standard of living as the surgeon by a benevolent and wonderful government run by wealthy people who wouldn't give a thought to pulling a buck out of their own pocket to help that same laborer.

Who stated anything about wanting and "provided the same standard of living?" It appears to me that many of you who rattle on with endless hate of those less fortunate have no clue how bad it is out there looking for work and most importantly a "LIVABLE WAGE." I'm writing about fairness and equality in taxation, and no not a flat tax which will in fact take even more that they don't have from the poor and needy.

Hey ya gasbag derp.

Stop whining, you pathetic pussy. You have the right to define the term. So do so. Dainty aint up to the task. Maybe you can do it.

When you and your fellow lib derps use the term "income inequality," what precisely does it mean? Cite it. Link it.
You and the fucking morons who agreed with this post (gallantwarrior (Today), kwc57 (Today), The Rabbi (Today)) live in a fantasy world.

Throwing out absurdist bullshit may make you feel better, but all it does is expose your ignorance and stupidity.

No one has ever proposed a surgeon make the same as a laborer or the other way around. You just make shit up.

I didn't make the claim that all folks who babble about "income inequality" DID say that a surgeon should make the same as a laborer. But the meaning of "income equality" does suggest that such a...absurd utopian state of affairs is what the many...seek.

You are busy telling the world what income inequality (allegedly) does NOT mean.

Fine. Now define what it DOES mean. Cite it. Link it...It is quite clear that the meaning I ascribed to it more closely resembled THEIR idiot ignorant thinking.

Madman, arguing with you is like arguing with a chair leg. Now you claim imaginary suggestions validate tour fantasy world?

you want a cite/link war? I suggest you start citing and linking...

Dainty, you pussy. Your refusal to man up is -- standard.

And, it's noted again.

It's casual. I offered the challenge precisely because I doubt you have any reliable definition for that absurd term you and your fellow drones use and overuse so often, you evasive putz.
I not only do not object to income inequality, I endorse it.

I don't want to make the same amount of money as some derp who can barely fill the order at McDonalds.

I don't think a surgeon necessarily needs to make the same amount that I make or the kid in McDonalds makes.

I WANT there to be a financial INCENTIVE to wrok better, harder, faster and more productively. I WANT skill and effort and cleverness and productivity etc to be REWARDED.

The mindless rhetoric of the left about "income inequality" is absurd. It's like those mutants are marching around in a circle, carrying placards that demand an end to progress.

Such libs are derps.

You and the fucking morons who agreed with this post (gallantwarrior (Today), kwc57 (Today), The Rabbi (Today)) live in a fantasy world.

Throwing out absurdist bullshit may make you feel better, but all it does is expose your ignorance and stupidity.

No one has ever proposed a surgeon make the same as a laborer or the other way around. You just make shit up.

And yet, you seem to think that the surgeon should surrender some portion of his earnings so that the laborer can be provided the same standard of living as the surgeon...

nope, and it is evident that reading and comprehension are not your strong suit.

I will patronize your ignorance: Taxes levied for the purposes of social welfare programs are mostly aimed at helping the poor who live below the standard of the laborer.

The income inequality gap argument is about the laborer's salary/income and standard of living falling backward, being stagnant, or growing so slowly as to have the effect of going backwards...all while the most wealthy see their standard of living grow wildly.

Notice I did NOT mention salary/income when mentioning the most wealthy. Wealth is NOT really earned income.

Adam Smith said it best: But what improves the circumstances of the greater part can never be regarded as an inconvenience to the whole. No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.

Adam Smith said it best: Where wages are high, accordingly, we shall always find the workmen more active, diligent, and expeditious than where they are low.

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