Inciting riots 101

Is it your opinion that "alleged" incitement is just fine or is it your opinion that it should be taken seriously? You don't get to have both. If you think that anyone on the left has committed any specific crime you should be able to name names and point to instances where any major politician or media outlet spoke before a crowd that almost immediately became violent.

what are you calling a "major politician". I can think of dozens of violent murders and highly destructive
rampages that were INCITED by recognized LEADERS" who would ID themselves as "LEFTISTS" or
"PROGRESSIVES" I cannot think of a single instance of some "major politicians" (in the USA) that incited
a mob to deadly violence "almost immediately"
The people at the 1/6 Trump rally in Washington were told to go to the capital and immediately went down the road and stormed the capital. That's way more clear cut than anything you can point to.
Yes, trespassing by unarmed women is justification to murder them.
As long as their white.
Is it your opinion that "alleged" incitement is just fine or is it your opinion that it should be taken seriously? You don't get to have both. If you think that anyone on the left has committed any specific crime you should be able to name names and point to instances where any major politician or media outlet spoke before a crowd that almost immediately became violent.

what are you calling a "major politician". I can think of dozens of violent murders and highly destructive
rampages that were INCITED by recognized LEADERS" who would ID themselves as "LEFTISTS" or
"PROGRESSIVES" I cannot think of a single instance of some "major politicians" (in the USA) that incited
a mob to deadly violence "almost immediately"
The people at the 1/6 Trump rally in Washington were told to go to the capital and immediately went down the road and stormed the capital. That's way more clear cut than anything you can point to.

The people at the 4/11-12-13 Terrorist Insurrection in Brooklyn Center is a lot worse. The terrorists have been looting as well. This is bad news. Where is Kyle Rittenhouse at when you need him? Rittenhouse's attack on the Paedophilic Mob in Kenosha is what ended the terroristic insurrection there.
You people are delusional. Seriously, tragically delusional. Why are you trying to tell lies like that in the face of hundreds of hours of video and hundreds of arrests? Save the fairy tales for each other, I know better.

lies like what?
Well, when democrats and the media does it, its OK. for the last ten months. But when Trump is alleged to have done it and it lasted three hours...its inexcusable. Um. why is the former excusable and the later inexcusable?

Ummm...maybe you ought to stop with the foolish attacks on Democrats and the MSM, and take a look at the dirty laundry of the Republican Party and Faux News. If you have any sensible, substantive or thought provoking to opinions you might have a serious thread, and not a series of scurrilous bullshit.
What an amusing reply. I am an expatriate liberal Democrat. Racism is less an issue than it was 5 years ago, or 10 years ago or even 50 years ago. People like YOU and the media is pretending it is, YOU are making it so. Prove it IS. Prove racism is worse NOW.

That is easy to prove. Take a look at Trumps past rhetoric at his rallies, the Republican Parties effort to suppress the vote of blacks, the reaction to BLM, Trump's hateful words. telling minority women in Congress to go back to where they came from, and three of them were native born Americans, and let's not forget the hate and racism which is spewed by members of this MB.
efforts to suppress black votes???? negative remarks directed at some bitch who evinced HATRED for the USA?
Is it your opinion that "alleged" incitement is just fine or is it your opinion that it should be taken seriously? You don't get to have both. If you think that anyone on the left has committed any specific crime you should be able to name names and point to instances where any major politician or media outlet spoke before a crowd that almost immediately became violent.

what are you calling a "major politician". I can think of dozens of violent murders and highly destructive
rampages that were INCITED by recognized LEADERS" who would ID themselves as "LEFTISTS" or
"PROGRESSIVES" I cannot think of a single instance of some "major politicians" (in the USA) that incited
a mob to deadly violence "almost immediately"
The people at the 1/6 Trump rally in Washington were told to go to the capital and immediately went down the road and stormed the capital. That's way more clear cut than anything you can point to.

The people at the 4/11-12-13 Terrorist Insurrection in Brooklyn Center is a lot worse. The terrorists have been looting as well. This is bad news. Where is Kyle Rittenhouse at when you need him? Rittenhouse's attack on the Paedophilic Mob in Kenosha is what ended the terroristic insurrection there.
What a load of crap. What is going on is the same civil unrest that is becoming commonplace in the wake of unjustified police shootings. Decent people react with anger when the police fuck up and have every right to protest it. It's bad that some people use the opportunity to break things but that has been a problem with mass protests everywhere forever and no amount of police or vigilante brutality can make it stop.
efforts to suppress black votes???? negative remarks directed at some bitch who evinced HATRED for the USA?

Maybe if you could write a real sentence I might be able to respond. Try real hard to interpret what you tried to convey.
Is it your opinion that "alleged" incitement is just fine or is it your opinion that it should be taken seriously? You don't get to have both. If you think that anyone on the left has committed any specific crime you should be able to name names and point to instances where any major politician or media outlet spoke before a crowd that almost immediately became violent.

what are you calling a "major politician". I can think of dozens of violent murders and highly destructive
rampages that were INCITED by recognized LEADERS" who would ID themselves as "LEFTISTS" or
"PROGRESSIVES" I cannot think of a single instance of some "major politicians" (in the USA) that incited
a mob to deadly violence "almost immediately"
The people at the 1/6 Trump rally in Washington were told to go to the capital and immediately went down the road and stormed the capital. That's way more clear cut than anything you can point to.

The people at the 4/11-12-13 Terrorist Insurrection in Brooklyn Center is a lot worse. The terrorists have been looting as well. This is bad news. Where is Kyle Rittenhouse at when you need him? Rittenhouse's attack on the Paedophilic Mob in Kenosha is what ended the terroristic insurrection there.
What a load of crap. What is going on is the same civil unrest that is becoming commonplace in the wake of unjustified police shootings. Decent people react with anger when the police fuck up and have every right to protest it. It's bad that some people use the opportunity to break things but that has been a problem with mass protests everywhere forever and no amount of police or vigilante brutality can make it stop.

everyone who engages in protest ALSO engages in
vandalism and assault. I have attended lots of protests that did not include vandalism and assaults.
"Police or vigilante brutality" ? like arresting people who throw bombs around and break into buildings for the purpose of vandalism and theft?
Well, when democrats and the media does it, its OK. For the last ten months. But when Trump is alleged to have done it and it lasted three hours...its inexcusable. Um. Why is the former excusable and the later inexcusable?

"Alleged," Mary? Why when things got a little dicey in Washington DC last year and mobs started threatening some of the federal buildings and Trump brought just a HANDFUL of agents in to protect things didn't go too far wrong, the media HAD A FUCKING COW. They were painting swastikas on Trump.

Yes, the very same people who claimed a conniption last winter when a throng of people mobbed the Capitol and they demanded them skinned alive.

Yes, well, back to the topic, the answer is simple:
  • When a DEMOCRAT riots, they excuse it all not of intolerance but of NECESSITY, to right an unholy injustice! They must FIGHT BACK to stop evil. Horrors abound.
  • But when a REPUBLICAN riots, they are Hitler's span out to enslave all of humanity into some neocon vision for the new Forth Reich!
I saw a guy on TV yesterday say to a reporter lady that when things are even covered in the news at all, that right there only makes people even more motivated to get out there and stir up even more trouble and I agree with him, but with people being able to film anything and get it out there online, even if every news crew were to disappear, things would still have the ability to make their way out there all over the world. Thanks to things being able to go viral, who really needs things like a newspaper anymore?

God bless you and that man always!!!

Well, when democrats and the media does it, its OK. For the last ten months. But when Trump is alleged to have done it and it lasted three hours...its inexcusable. Um. Why is the former excusable and the later inexcusable?
You may find it odd that we hold Presidents to a higher standard than democrats and the media, but it's true.

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