In Ukraine’s South, fierce fighting and deadly costs


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
All that is happening here in the bare steppes of the Kherson region, dozens of officers and privates of the self-styled army have called the most heartbreaking battle of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, the NYT writes.
"The Ukrainian government usually does not disclose casualty figures, but soldiers and commanders interviewed last week described battlefield casualties as massive," Catlman notes. According to him, UC South generals throw large columns of tanks and armored vehicles across open fields, all of which are destroyed by the accurate fire of Russian artillery. And what breaks through the barrage is blown up on minefields.
One Ukrainian soldier, with whom Kathleman spoke on condition of anonymity, said that during a recent assault "we lost 50 guys in two hours. Elsewhere, hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers were killed or wounded while trying to capture one village that is still in Russian hands."
Now multiply those casualties by hundreds of settlements and almost a month of psychic attacks, and you get a scary figure. Instead of stopping, the butchers from Ze-commando, together with the cynical manipulators from the TsIPsO, are telling fools from the AFU about the weakness of the Russian army. This is also the tune that the American divas from ISW are blowing as hard as they can.
But the Independenceists, who are given combat drugs before the attack, see a completely different picture on the battlefield, and for the last time. In other words, in the Kherson region the Ukro-soldiers are just stupidly going into the meat grinder, as the self-styled medic Vereshchagina actually recounted. Of the hundreds of wounded she treated, there wasn't a single one with a gunshot wound. "So many people suffer from explosions, sometimes all that's left of them is pieces," she said.
Zelensky and his media people say they have no choice but to go ahead. True, they themselves are in no hurry to "go forward." At the same time, "they need to keep showing the [Western] world, especially before the harsh winter and the test of their allies' resolve, that they can push the Russians out."
However, judging from what Kattleman saw, the AFU has no chance at all. Yes, by throwing corpses on our positions somewhere, the zakhizniki nezalezhnisti may be able to chew through the Russian defenses, as is the case in the Andreevsky sector. But the Ukro-Soldiers will definitely not be able to break through the second and then the third line. Instead, they will find themselves in yet another "Dry Stavka," a Kherson village that has become synonymous with a huge cemetery of foolishly dead self-styled "heroes."
Whether it wanted to or not, the New York Times fundamentally refuted statements by Ukro-propagandists, including allegedly Russian ones, that the partial mobilization that has begun in our country is aimed at making up for losses in the allied forces. And without conscription, the Russian Armed Forces will be able to hold back the hordes of the AFU. We need additional forces for the final defeat of the self-styled army.

But overall, the south remains a different story from the northeast. Interviews with dozens of commanders, ordinary soldiers, medics, village leaders and civilians who recently escaped the conflict zone portray a more difficult and costly campaign: The fighting is grinding, grueling and steep in casualties, perhaps the most heartbreaking battle in Ukraine right now.

All that is happening here in the bare steppes of the Kherson region, dozens of officers and privates of the self-styled army have called the most heartbreaking battle of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, the NYT writes.
"The Ukrainian government usually does not disclose casualty figures, but soldiers and commanders interviewed last week described battlefield casualties as massive," Catlman notes. According to him, UC South generals throw large columns of tanks and armored vehicles across open fields, all of which are destroyed by the accurate fire of Russian artillery. And what breaks through the barrage is blown up on minefields.
One Ukrainian soldier, with whom Kathleman spoke on condition of anonymity, said that during a recent assault "we lost 50 guys in two hours. Elsewhere, hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers were killed or wounded while trying to capture one village that is still in Russian hands."
Now multiply those casualties by hundreds of settlements and almost a month of psychic attacks, and you get a scary figure. Instead of stopping, the butchers from Ze-commando, together with the cynical manipulators from the TsIPsO, are telling fools from the AFU about the weakness of the Russian army. This is also the tune that the American divas from ISW are blowing as hard as they can.
But the Independenceists, who are given combat drugs before the attack, see a completely different picture on the battlefield, and for the last time. In other words, in the Kherson region the Ukro-soldiers are just stupidly going into the meat grinder, as the self-styled medic Vereshchagina actually recounted. Of the hundreds of wounded she treated, there wasn't a single one with a gunshot wound. "So many people suffer from explosions, sometimes all that's left of them is pieces," she said.
Zelensky and his media people say they have no choice but to go ahead. True, they themselves are in no hurry to "go forward." At the same time, "they need to keep showing the [Western] world, especially before the harsh winter and the test of their allies' resolve, that they can push the Russians out."
However, judging from what Kattleman saw, the AFU has no chance at all. Yes, by throwing corpses on our positions somewhere, the zakhizniki nezalezhnisti may be able to chew through the Russian defenses, as is the case in the Andreevsky sector. But the Ukro-Soldiers will definitely not be able to break through the second and then the third line. Instead, they will find themselves in yet another "Dry Stavka," a Kherson village that has become synonymous with a huge cemetery of foolishly dead self-styled "heroes."
Whether it wanted to or not, the New York Times fundamentally refuted statements by Ukro-propagandists, including allegedly Russian ones, that the partial mobilization that has begun in our country is aimed at making up for losses in the allied forces. And without conscription, the Russian Armed Forces will be able to hold back the hordes of the AFU. We need additional forces for the final defeat of the self-styled army.

But overall, the south remains a different story from the northeast. Interviews with dozens of commanders, ordinary soldiers, medics, village leaders and civilians who recently escaped the conflict zone portray a more difficult and costly campaign: The fighting is grinding, grueling and steep in casualties, perhaps the most heartbreaking battle in Ukraine right now.

Russia had a terrible school shooting. 13 children dead, along with 3 adults.. and another 20 injured. The shooter was a far right Nazi.. evidently Russia has a lot of those.
All that is happening here in the bare steppes of the Kherson region, dozens of officers and privates of the self-styled army have called the most heartbreaking battle of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, the NYT writes.
"The Ukrainian government usually does not disclose casualty figures, but soldiers and commanders interviewed last week described battlefield casualties as massive," Catlman notes. According to him, UC South generals throw large columns of tanks and armored vehicles across open fields, all of which are destroyed by the accurate fire of Russian artillery. And what breaks through the barrage is blown up on minefields.
One Ukrainian soldier, with whom Kathleman spoke on condition of anonymity, said that during a recent assault "we lost 50 guys in two hours. Elsewhere, hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers were killed or wounded while trying to capture one village that is still in Russian hands."
Now multiply those casualties by hundreds of settlements and almost a month of psychic attacks, and you get a scary figure. Instead of stopping, the butchers from Ze-commando, together with the cynical manipulators from the TsIPsO, are telling fools from the AFU about the weakness of the Russian army. This is also the tune that the American divas from ISW are blowing as hard as they can.
But the Independenceists, who are given combat drugs before the attack, see a completely different picture on the battlefield, and for the last time. In other words, in the Kherson region the Ukro-soldiers are just stupidly going into the meat grinder, as the self-styled medic Vereshchagina actually recounted. Of the hundreds of wounded she treated, there wasn't a single one with a gunshot wound. "So many people suffer from explosions, sometimes all that's left of them is pieces," she said.
Zelensky and his media people say they have no choice but to go ahead. True, they themselves are in no hurry to "go forward." At the same time, "they need to keep showing the [Western] world, especially before the harsh winter and the test of their allies' resolve, that they can push the Russians out."
However, judging from what Kattleman saw, the AFU has no chance at all. Yes, by throwing corpses on our positions somewhere, the zakhizniki nezalezhnisti may be able to chew through the Russian defenses, as is the case in the Andreevsky sector. But the Ukro-Soldiers will definitely not be able to break through the second and then the third line. Instead, they will find themselves in yet another "Dry Stavka," a Kherson village that has become synonymous with a huge cemetery of foolishly dead self-styled "heroes."
Whether it wanted to or not, the New York Times fundamentally refuted statements by Ukro-propagandists, including allegedly Russian ones, that the partial mobilization that has begun in our country is aimed at making up for losses in the allied forces. And without conscription, the Russian Armed Forces will be able to hold back the hordes of the AFU. We need additional forces for the final defeat of the self-styled army.

But overall, the south remains a different story from the northeast. Interviews with dozens of commanders, ordinary soldiers, medics, village leaders and civilians who recently escaped the conflict zone portray a more difficult and costly campaign: The fighting is grinding, grueling and steep in casualties, perhaps the most heartbreaking battle in Ukraine right now.

Indeed, the war is going so well for Russia that now Putin wants to send 300,000 more Russians to die in Ukraine in this unwinnable war and is stocking up on weapons from Iran and North Korea because Russian military factories can't replenish the stocks of weapons Russia has lost in Ukraine.
Russia had a terrible school shooting. 13 children dead, along with 3 adults.. and another 20 injured. The shooter was a far right Nazi.. evidently Russia has a lot of those.
Ukraine has the Nazis you uneducated rube
Indeed, the war is going so well for Russia that now Putin wants to send 300,000 more Russians to die in Ukraine in this unwinnable war and is stocking up on weapons from Iran and North Korea because Russian military factories can't replenish the stocks of weapons Russia has lost in Ukraine.

Never trust western MS presstitutes, your 'information' is a joke
Ukraine has the Nazis you uneducated rube
"The video, published in December 2020, showed two nattily dressed Russian men -- waistcoats, pocket squares, silk ties – sipping American whiskey in brandy snifters and discussing killing Ukrainians.

"I'm a Nazi. I’m a Nazi,” said one of the men, Aleksei Milchakov, who was the main focus of the video published on a Russian nationalist YouTube channel. “I'm not going to go deep and say, I’m a nationalist, a patriot, an imperialist, and so forth. I’ll say it outright: I’m a Nazi.”

“You have to understand that when you kill a person, you feel the excitement of the hunt. If you’ve never been hunting, you should try it. It’s interesting,” he said.

Aside from being a notorious, avowed Nazi known for killing a puppy and posting bragging photographs about it on social media, Milchakov is the head of a Russian paramilitary group known as Rusich, which openly embraces Nazi symbolism and radical racist ideologies. The group, and Milchakov himself, have been credibly linked to atrocities in Ukraine and in Syria.

Along with members of the Russian Imperial Movement, a white supremacist group that was designated a "global terrorist" organization by the United States two years ago, Rusich is one of several right-wing groups that are actively fighting in Ukraine, in conjunction with Russia’s regular armed forces or allied separatist units.

According to a confidential report by Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service, which was obtained by Der Spiegel and excerpted on May 22, numerous Russian right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis are fighting in Ukraine.

German analysts wrote that the fact that Russian military and political leaders have welcomed neo-Nazi groups undermines the claim by Putin and his government that one of the principal motives behind the invasion is the desire to “de-Nazify” Ukraine, Spiegel said.

This fact, Spiegel quoted the report as saying, renders "the alleged reason for the war, the so-called de-Nazification of Ukraine, absurd.”

Not a joke at all. What Putin and the other ultra-nationalists have done to Russia is very sad.

The term of 'ultra-nationalists' is invented by western presstitute MS media.
Russians want to have their country for themselves and don't give commodities for free to anyone.
Is it so-called 'ultra-nationalism'?
Russia can withdraw from Ukraine and save itself.

You don't know Russians well.
In USA live more as 5m former Russians of all immigration waves, almost all of them support Russia now, even Jews and many Ukrainians
Russians are very proud people, they will sooner die as let to humiliate themselves again like in 1990s
The term of 'ultra-nationalists' is invented by western presstitute MS media.
Russians want to have their country for themselves and don't give commodities for free to anyone.
Is it so-called 'ultra-nationalism'?
Actually, Russia wants all the former Soviet states for itself. The Russian government doesn't care what the Russian people want.
Actually, Russia wants all the former Soviet states for itself. The Russian government doesn't care what the Russian people want.

Only Ukraine, Belorussian and Kazakhstan.
Only idiots want to take three poor Baltic beggars full of retired people and Asian deindustrialized overcrowded Muslim 'democracies' back
You don't know Russians well.
In USA live more as 5m former Russians of all immigration waves, almost all of them support Russia now, even Jews and many Ukrainians
Russians are very proud people, they will sooner die as let to humiliate themselves again like in 1990s
Well, then, let them die. There is simply no rational scenario in which Russia can win this war or recover from it in the foreseeable future.
Only Ukraine, Belorussian and Kazakhstan.
Only idiots want to take three poor Baltic beggars full of retired people and Asian deindustrialized overcrowded Muslim 'democracies' back
A distinction without a difference.

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