In The Weeks To Come. Are Democrats Really Gonna Blame Trump For All Corona Cases&Deaths. So It's Trumps Fault That Thousands Chose Not To Cover Faces


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
First of all, you would have to have an IQ between 1.3 and 42 to actually believe that Trump created the corolla virus in a lab, then sent a few thousand people on planes to spread it to all 57 states. And is it really Trumps fault that thousands decided to party it up, go to social gathering in June/July {like most of us do in the summer} and take their chances of going to their friends/relatives home, with many others there, and not wear a mask. Yah, and because thousands decided to take their chances, many more thousands contracted corolla {I know its Corona, just having fun},,,,and now, Trump has blood on his hands? Oh, but Governor Cuomo and Bill Whilhem had nothing to do with the 247 Million deaths in New York.
You all get what I'm contemplating here?
Trump has had to walk back nearly everything he has ever said about the virus and still refuses to morn the dead. He has mismanaged the thing from day one simply because he does not care. He has illogically taken this whole thing as a personal attack and a deliberate hoax. All that and more is valid criticism of the president that has blown it for all of us. Look at you. Pretending to feel sad about dead people in New York when there are people dying everywhere right now and just like your president YOU DO NOT CARE.
this would be like any of us going to Taco Bell, having a field day, over eating everything,,,then 6 hours later having episodes of violent diahreah,,,and blaming it on Trump
First of all, you would have to have an IQ between 1.3 and 42 to actually believe that Trump created the corolla virus in a lab, then sent a few thousand people on planes to spread it to all 57 states. And is it really Trumps fault that thousands decided to party it up, go to social gathering in June/July {like most of us do in the summer} and take their chances of going to their friends/relatives home, with many others there, and not wear a mask. Yah, and because thousands decided to take their chances, many more thousands contracted corolla {I know its Corona, just having fun},,,,and now, Trump has blood on his hands? Oh, but Governor Cuomo and Bill Whilhem had nothing to do with the 247 Million deaths in New York.
You all get what I'm contemplating here?

When the Trump supporters were pitching a tantrum about being told to wear a mask, Trump was tweeting about liberating the states that had mandatory mask requirements. He still says it will just magically go away. The rest of the world has reduced their cases drastically, but we haven't because that idiot president is too much of a child to listen to the experts and advocate the things that will help us get past this.
First of all, you would have to have an IQ between 1.3 and 42 to actually believe that Trump created the corolla virus in a lab, then sent a few thousand people on planes to spread it to all 57 states. And is it really Trumps fault that thousands decided to party it up, go to social gathering in June/July {like most of us do in the summer} and take their chances of going to their friends/relatives home, with many others there, and not wear a mask. Yah, and because thousands decided to take their chances, many more thousands contracted corolla {I know its Corona, just having fun},,,,and now, Trump has blood on his hands? Oh, but Governor Cuomo and Bill Whilhem had nothing to do with the 247 Million deaths in New York.
You all get what I'm contemplating here?
They already are blaming trump. democrat lemming stupidity has no boundary.
Trump does not bear the entire responsibility for such deaths...

However, by...

1. not taking the virus seriously enough, quickly enough, he cost us precious weeks which could have been spent better preparing

2. passively (by example, and comment) discouraging his cult-followers from wearing masks, he has contributed significantly, if not quantifiably, to the death toll

Your Orange Baboon-God has been an Empty Suit throughout most of the pandemic to date, and a World Class $hitty Example of failed leadership, so-called.

Not to mention having the empathy of a brick... the Lack-of-Comfort -er -in-Chief...

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The dipshits already blamed Trump for COVID. The dipshits also blamed Trump for cancer, aids and teenage acne. The dipshits have lost all credibility.
First of all, you would have to have an IQ between 1.3 and 42 to actually believe that Trump created the corolla virus in a lab, then sent a few thousand people on planes to spread it to all 57 states. And is it really Trumps fault that thousands decided to party it up, go to social gathering in June/July {like most of us do in the summer} and take their chances of going to their friends/relatives home, with many others there, and not wear a mask. Yah, and because thousands decided to take their chances, many more thousands contracted corolla {I know its Corona, just having fun},,,,and now, Trump has blood on his hands? Oh, but Governor Cuomo and Bill Whilhem had nothing to do with the 247 Million deaths in New York.
You all get what I'm contemplating here?

I doubt the Dems will do that.

Coronavirus happened on his watch
And he's on record stating that he didn't know people died from the flu (another virus).
That he and other leaders completely botched the response is not in dispute.
Without reading the posts, my guess is that the liberals/socialists on this board are blaming Trump.
When does a person take personal responsibility for their own actions?
Again, the liberals/socialists/communists are playing politics while the world laughs at us for doing so.
Trump is guilty of inaction and misinformation.

Let's be clear, if Trump handled this like any of the half a dozen of the Presidents before him he would have approval rates in the 60s right now. The US cries out for leadership during a crisis and Trump took no responsibility. Trump is guilty of a failure of leadership.

How many lives this cost can be debated but this is example.
Canada has 237 deaths per million
US has 490 deaths per million

If US had Canada's death rate 83,247 more people would be alive.

But the big problem is Canada testing positivity rate is 1% while US is 7.9%
First of all, you would have to have an IQ between 1.3 and 42 to actually believe that Trump created the corolla virus in a lab, then sent a few thousand people on planes to spread it to all 57 states. And is it really Trumps fault that thousands decided to party it up, go to social gathering in June/July {like most of us do in the summer} and take their chances of going to their friends/relatives home, with many others there, and not wear a mask. Yah, and because thousands decided to take their chances, many more thousands contracted corolla {I know its Corona, just having fun},,,,and now, Trump has blood on his hands? Oh, but Governor Cuomo and Bill Whilhem had nothing to do with the 247 Million deaths in New York.
You all get what I'm contemplating here?
They already are blaming trump. democrat lemming stupidity has no boundary.
i am still waiting for Queen Pelosi to blame Trump for the Japanese flu of 2017/2018 and the George Bush Rat Plague of the 1200's
First of all, you would have to have an IQ between 1.3 and 42 to actually believe that Trump created the corolla virus in a lab, then sent a few thousand people on planes to spread it to all 57 states. And is it really Trumps fault that thousands decided to party it up, go to social gathering in June/July {like most of us do in the summer} and take their chances of going to their friends/relatives home, with many others there, and not wear a mask. Yah, and because thousands decided to take their chances, many more thousands contracted corolla {I know its Corona, just having fun},,,,and now, Trump has blood on his hands? Oh, but Governor Cuomo and Bill Whilhem had nothing to do with the 247 Million deaths in New York.
You all get what I'm contemplating here?
They already are blaming trump. democrat lemming stupidity has no boundary.
i am still waiting for Queen Pelosi to blame Trump for the Japanese flu of 2017/2018 and the George Bush Rat Plague of the 1200's

Well that tells us more about you than anything about Democrats...

It seems pretty obvious that you have taken too much of the right wing jungle juice....

Trump has clearly shown himself to pretty incompetent at preparing for and handling a pandemic. Countries like Germany have made him look idiotic. Now we get that you don't give a fuck about US citizens but a lot of actual voters do...

US is the by word on how not how to handle a pandemic... Not so long a go other countries used to look on US as a leader to follow and get guidance. Now the US is just pitied...

The ironic thing is that Biden will be tasked with Making America Great Again...
The dipshits already blamed Trump for COVID. The dipshits also blamed Trump for cancer, aids and teenage acne. The dipshits have lost all credibility.

Gee I must have missed the part about Trump being blamed for anything other than the massive failure of his corona virus pandemic plan to keep the country and its citizens safe and healthy, the collapse of the economy, the failure of the federal government to deal with the explosion of violent policing episodes, which have resulting in American police killing over 1000 American residents in each of the past 5 years.

While you may not blame Trumpy Bear for 165,000 dead Americans, the families of the dead are not so generous. Many begged their parents not to return to work with no protections, but their parents trusted that the President wouldn't tell people to go back to work if it wasn't safe. Many have delivered scathing eulogies at their loved ones funerals making it clear that while the cult doesn't blame Trump for the death and destruction, American families are not so generous.

When your lies and incompetence kills people, they don't care what your excuses are or how successful you claim to have been, everyone sees through the lies.

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