So Some Liberal Leaders Are/May Blame Trump For Those Who Have Died That Were Already In Dire/Subpar Heath Status?,Like 350 Pound People?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Earlier today I saw Crying Chuck blame The Donald for the thousands who have died from Corona. Really? so it's Trumps fault that severely obese people that eat all of the wrong foods have died from Corona? It's all Trumps fault that the elderly, lets say between 85 and 100 years old all died because of Trump.
Now, can you imagine how many people in the United States would have died if every adult took great care of their health/well being and every American was in the 25 to 60 year old range? {minus the babies under 25}.
Anyone get my point,,it seems that people who eat the worst foods, quite often, then get really fat, then later die of corona,,,yah,,,thats all Trumps fault !!!
Trump is cratering extra-hard with senior citizens. Posts like yours are why.

Thanks for sending so many votes to the Democrats. Who'd have though that supporting eugenics is not a vote-winning position?
Trump is cratering extra-hard with senior citizens. Posts like yours are why.

Thanks for sending so many votes to the Democrats. Who'd have though that supporting eugenics is not a vote-winning position?

A weak immune system makes it easier to succumb to a virus. What you put in your mouth on a daily basis and the amount of exercise, fresh air and other factors effect your immune system and often the strentgh of your respiratory/ cardiovascular system.

Its true that many of the people who succumbed were already in poor health
350 lb people?

Let’s not bring Trump into this
What about all those kids who are now catching it, then when their immune system is weakened, end up with Kawasaki syndrome and dying from it? Are they also in poor health?

What about the teenagers who have died who were in good shape?

No, sorry, but it's not just the old and sick that can catch this and die.
Trump is cratering extra-hard with senior citizens. Posts like yours are why.

Thanks for sending so many votes to the Democrats. Who'd have though that supporting eugenics is not a vote-winning position?

Eventually your dream will collapse.
What about all those kids who are now catching it, then when their immune system is weakened, end up with Kawasaki syndrome and dying from it? Are they also in poor health?

Why is that only in NYC?

It's not only in NYC.

What about all those kids who are now catching it, then when their immune system is weakened, end up with Kawasaki syndrome and dying from it? Are they also in poor health?

What about the teenagers who have died who were in good shape?

No, sorry, but it's not just the old and sick that can catch this and die.
No one said it was. But the old, infirm and those with compromised immune systems are by far more fatally effected. Most those who died were in their death beds literally or figuratively.
Trump is cratering extra-hard with senior citizens. Posts like yours are why.

Thanks for sending so many votes to the Democrats. Who'd have though that supporting eugenics is not a vote-winning position?
Us aging people will be killed by Prog agendas. They will either limit medical care to age, to reduced medical care, to medical spending limits for each individual and use shaming as one of their planks on them. The Obama pain pill awaits. Revenue for other agendas are needed. If you are a child or an older person, Progs are in hunting season.
What about all those kids who are now catching it, then when their immune system is weakened, end up with Kawasaki syndrome and dying from it? Are they also in poor health?

Why is that only in NYC?

It's not only in NYC.

1) "A full investigation is underway to determine the cause of death."

2) "The autopsy is complete, and more tests are under way to determine the cause of death."

3) "At the current time, we have not issued a final cause of death."
What about all those kids who are now catching it, then when their immune system is weakened, end up with Kawasaki syndrome and dying from it? Are they also in poor health?

What about the teenagers who have died who were in good shape?

No, sorry, but it's not just the old and sick that can catch this and die.
Those children have been in lockdown. They don't have Kawasaki syndrome but a mystery ailment like Kawasaki syndrome. They have not been outside. They have not seen sunshine and breathed only recycled air. They have had no exercise. It's a wonder they aren't dead. They don't have the Chinese virus but may have something related if the can figure it out.

The actual death count from this virus has been so polluted by calling all deaths virus deaths that there is no way to know what those teenagers died of.
What about all those kids who are now catching it, then when their immune system is weakened, end up with Kawasaki syndrome and dying from it? Are they also in poor health?

Why is that only in NYC?

It's not only in NYC.

1) "A full investigation is underway to determine the cause of death."

2) "The autopsy is complete, and more tests are under way to determine the cause of death."

3) "At the current time, we have not issued a final cause of death."
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

As one doctor said "where are the heart attacks? Where are the strokes? There's only ONE cause of death.
what about those in lockdown who got the virus, yet never or barely left their homes? especially in NY? I guess rats and mouses have the corona virus too
s aging people will be killed by Prog agendas. They will either limit medical care to age, to reduced medical care, to medical spending limits for each individual and use shaming as one of their planks on them.

Every insurance company already does that far more than any government could even dream of doing.

And you're fine with that. Truly bizarre. But then, you're also fine with the current Republican "THOSE OLD PEOPLE JUST NEED TO DIE FOR OUR PROFITS" policy.

I get that you're willing to kill yourself for the glory of your cult. I'm just asking you to not take any non-cultists out along with you.
Earlier today I saw Crying Chuck blame The Donald for the thousands who have died from Corona. Really? so it's Trumps fault that severely obese people that eat all of the wrong foods have died from Corona? It's all Trumps fault that the elderly, lets say between 85 and 100 years old all died because of Trump.
Now, can you imagine how many people in the United States would have died if every adult took great care of their health/well being and every American was in the 25 to 60 year old range? {minus the babies under 25}.
Anyone get my point,,it seems that people who eat the worst foods, quite often, then get really fat, then later die of corona,,,yah,,,thats all Trumps fault !!!
Totally True!
Look at this Mobidity table...

NO pre-existing conditions less than 1% of deaths!
But who is most likely to have the above conditions? People over age 50 and this is proven by the number of deaths by age.
So the point is people who are probably NOT actively employed are over 50 years.
So why did we penalize ALL Americans by closing businesses?
Well one thought it is a good way to politically blame Trump... close businesses 30% unemployment TRUMP's fault when in reality!
All you needed to do is make sure businesses stay open... but restrict OLDER people's attendance to businesses... which is what Walmart etc. did in one way by saying Senior hours 7-8 o'clock.
What should have been done is keep all businesses open but restrict older people to specific hours.
That way 30 million people wouldn't be out of work!

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