In the interest of racial justice and/or gender equity.

That's why so many people are disgusted with those woke hypocrites who love to go around labeling others as "racists" even though they themselves probably live in majority Caucasian neighborhoods or apartment buildings, prefer Caucasian investment brokers and Caucasian (or maybe Asian) doctors.

(I knew someone who was a teacher in a majority African American high school. His students would joke something like: "I'm not going to any of these local doctors! I'm going to Beverly Hills!!!)
Most of this stuff is a reaction to the Left pushing PC & Identity Politics for so long.

It's a spectacularly hypersensitive and counterproductive over-reaction, of course, but that's how America rolls.

Meanwhile, both ends of the race issue continue to feed into the motivations of the other.
It is not hypersensitivity.
You had it right in your first sentence.
I myself am vehemently against the transfad/sexual confusion because it is creating large-scale real world problems. 1 in 5 high schoolers identify as non-binary. I don't have to tell you the problem with that.
It is not hypersensitivity.
You had it right in your first sentence.
I myself am vehemently against the transfad/sexual confusion because it is creating large-scale real world problems. 1 in 5 high schoolers identify as non-binary. I don't have to tell you the problem with that.
Children playing dangerous games and having tantrums when stopped
Children playing dangerous games and having tantrums when stopped
Indeed, but much worse than that.
The world needs masculinity. And the left has been out to demasculinize young boys for 20 years and it has worked. Young effeminate males is as common as the sunrise in the morning now. This will have long term effects for the generation that follows.
Indeed, but much worse than that.
The world needs masculinity. And the left has been out to demasculinize young boys for 20 years and it has worked. Young effeminate males is as common as the sunrise in the morning now. This will have long term effects for the generation that follows.
Delusional libs really feel that if Everything is perfectly homogenized then all will be perfect
They have entitlement to equal opportunity but much other equality has been negated by how Mother Nature delivered them into this world.
You demand equality in physical and other pursuits that are not achievable. It has been that way on this planet for eons. You all just feel that you “know” better and want to impose that on wveryone
We won’t accept that.

You did not answer the question.

If males and females are not equal, which one in your opinion is the superior sex?
You did not answer the question.

If males and females are not equal, which one in your opinion is the superior sex?
Your question is rhetorical .
No one is discussing your nebulously crafted concept of “superior sex”
You throw out that commentary disguised as a question.
What I have said is that gender equality is impossible because gender has never been designed that way. We are not made equally. Superior has nothing to do with it. That’s your falsely interjected supposition
And of course you Will parrot back that I did not answer your “question”(the way you wanted which is Not incumbent upon the responder)
Your question is rhetorical .
No one is discussing your nebulously crafted concept of “superior sex”

If they are not equal, as you seem to be claiming, then one is superior to the other. That is what not being equal means
You did not answer the question.

If males and females are not equal, which one in your opinion is the superior sex?
Which one is superior? What the fuck is wrong with you? Why the hell do you feel it's necessary to label one as the superior sex?
How many of you have changed doctors/dentists? Or changed accountants? Some may even have changed investment advisors? Perhaps lawyers?

Why don't YOU start by learning what equity and racial justice actually mean.

My divorce lawyer was a black woman, but I didn't change lawyers. When I needed a lawyer, I called her first. My current lawyer is a WASP, that I've known since he was in university. I dated his best friend. His law firm specializes in "looking after little old ladies and their money".

My current doctor is from India. I didn't pick him. He was the only doctor in town taking patients when I moved here. My best friend is also a patient. We both think he's the best doctor we've ever had. He fixed a foot problem that my Toronto doctor told me I'd just have to live with.

My doctor in Toronto was Jewish. His office was right across the street from where I worked and there was no waiting. He was not the greatest doctor ever, but he had admitting privileges at Toronto General (#4 in the world), and he gave GREAT referrals. The no waiting part was fantastic too.

I used a Muslim cab company in Toronto. The owners are from the Middle East. I still look for their cars when I go back to Toronto. The big Bay Street firm where I worked was a client.

My dentist is from Russia, and she's Jewish. We picked her because she was in our neighbourhood.

Notice how I picked people based on skills, availablility, or location? The colour of their skin is irrelevant.

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