In Phoenix, a 29-year-old woman named Lauren Heike was stabbed to death because the bleeding heart liberals gave probation to a violent...

Drop Dead Fred

Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2020
Take a look at the list of all the brutally violent crimes that this guy had committed very, very recently.

And then think about how the bleeding heart liberals decided that it was a good idea to release this violent, serial criminal on probation.

It was obvious that he would kill someone if they let him out. But they let him out anyway.

This is proof that bleeding heart liberals are in favor of violence against women.

Weight this one incident against the overloaded prisons, the wrongfully convicted, the racism, the excessive amount of murders on America's streets, etc., against adopting a socially responsible remedy that is proven to be effective in the world's countries that are leaders on dealing with crime.

America can have success too if angry and racist Americans choose it too.
Weight this one incident against the overloaded prisons, the wrongfully convicted, the racism, the excessive amount of murders on America's streets, etc., against adopting a socially responsible remedy that is proven to be effective in the world's countries that are leaders on dealing with crime.

America can have success too if angry and racist Americans choose it too.
he was where he belonged, and they let him out of his cage.
Jefferson's words are as valid today as they were when he wrote them:

"But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."
Jefferson's words are as valid today as they were when he wrote them:

"But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."
Exactly why good, patriotic True Blue Americans will never vote for Trump.
Take a look at the list of all the brutally violent crimes that this guy had committed very, very recently.

And then think about how the bleeding heart liberals decided that it was a good idea to release this violent, serial criminal on probation.

It was obvious that he would kill someone if they let him out. But they let him out anyway.

This is proof that bleeding heart liberals are in favor of violence against women.

Two words for you in a red state....sentencing...guidelines.
Weight this one incident against the overloaded prisons, the wrongfully convicted, the racism, the excessive amount of murders on America's streets, etc., against adopting a socially responsible remedy that is proven to be effective in the world's countries that are leaders on dealing with crime.

America can have success too if angry and racist Americans choose it too.
Crime is dropping along with inflation.

Conservatives are VERY angry about this.

Go figure...
Weight this one incident against the overloaded prisons, the wrongfully convicted, the racism, the excessive amount of murders on America's streets, etc., against adopting a socially responsible remedy that is proven to be effective in the world's countries that are leaders on dealing with crime.

America can have success too if angry and racist Americans choose it too.
How many Americans will be murdered and raped as the Dem sacrifice?
Take a look at the list of all the brutally violent crimes that this guy had committed very, very recently.

And then think about how the bleeding heart liberals decided that it was a good idea to release this violent, serial criminal on probation.

It was obvious that he would kill someone if they let him out. But they let him out anyway.

This is proof that bleeding heart liberals are in favor of violence against women.

How many Israeli's were slaughtered by HAMAS because Netanyahu released savage terrorists in prisoner swaps earlier?
The leftist only care about optics and manufactured truths, and too bad Democrats allow them to do this because they love to virtue signal over the madness.
Crime is spiking all over the country. But liberals who control those cities want that to change, but do not support law enforcement. So they "fixed it" - by simply not prosecuting crime. POOF crime "drops" and we see Democrats right on this forum "bragging" about lowering crime rates.

And that is the same reason they are willing to vote for an elderly man deep in senility to be a President.
They don't care. They just want to feel superior.
No repercussions to the filthy anarchist they let sit on the bench. they sleep well in a gated mansion. No one comes after them for constant screwups.

Look at the Election Fraud baboons that presided over. signature check “was performed in some fashion”? Huh? They got video the approver clicking GOOD as fast as they would load over 4-8 hour shift!
Take a look at the list of all the brutally violent crimes that this guy had committed very, very recently.

And then think about how the bleeding heart liberals decided that it was a good idea to release this violent, serial criminal on probation.

It was obvious that he would kill someone if they let him out. But they let him out anyway.

This is proof that bleeding heart liberals are in favor of violence against women.

It continues..."the War on Women" is by the Democrats, not the Republicans.
Flood America with turd world Criminals & Military Age Single Males , it will be fun they said ...

An illegal alien from Mexico has been charged with raping an unconscious 15-year-old girl in Hamilton County, Tennessee.​

Erik Santillan, 21, has been arrested and charged with aggravated rape.

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