in new interview, AOC lays the blame at GOP's feet for Speaker chaos: "the party of personal responsibility should pull itself by it's own bootstraps"

I'm not arguing the specific politics for each and every different election during times of conflict, that is irrelevant.

In free societies and democracies? The people get to make that choice, that is just the fact, and you don't like being proved wrong.
I would be wrong (which I am not) for the United States of America. But Ukraines constitution spells it out and we don't get to make the rules.

Funny how you're just sore that yoar beloved Kim Jong Un is ineligible to be nominated to, and elected dictator for life.

That is why your so triggered, innit?
I was a never trumper from the first day he took office. I didn't switch sides. You did and now you aren't owning up to it., But it's a good thing that you did switch but don't lie about it.
But Ukraines constitution spells it out and we don't get to make the rules.
So the constitution of Ukraine spells out that it is an authoritarian dictatorship. Glad we cleared that up genius. :113:

I was a never trumper from the first day he took office.
Of course you aren't, you are a card carrying member of the Workers' Party of North Korea. You do, say and write what ever they have you do. If they need to you to make up lies about me, well then, it's. . .

So the constitution of Ukraine spells out that it is an authoritarian dictatorship. Glad we cleared that up genius. :113:

Most countries, in the face of being wiped out to the man, woman and child, will do the same thing and suspend certain things. In case you haven't noticed, a free and fair election cannot be committed when you are running for your life.

Of course you aren't, you are a card carrying member of the Workers' Party of North Korea. You do, say and write what ever they have you do. If they need to you to make up lies about me, well then, it's. . .
Usually, when a person claims that another is something, it's they that are what they want to pin on another person. Well Comrade, thank you for letting us know.
IN the interview, she just echos the Sentiments of Pelosi and Jeffries, and doesn't have an original thought of her own, other than calling all the really conservative Republicans racists, and telling the interviewer, that the evidence in the Biden impeachment inquiry is. . . "fabricated?" 🤔

This was her take on the removal of the speaker.. . . IOW, the GOP conference only did it to themselves, and they need to learn to grow up and govern.

Why House Democrats Refused to Save McCarthy​

“. . . It is now the responsibility of the GOP members to end the House Republican Civil War,” Jeffries wrote. “Given their unwillingness to break from MAGA extremism in an authentic and comprehensive manner, House Democratic leadership will vote yes on the pending Republican Motion to Vacate the Chair.”

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was out of town and missed the vote, also laid the chaos at the feet of the GOP, and said Democrats had no reason to help McCarthy.

“The Speaker of the House is chosen by the Majority Party,” Pelosi wrote on X, the site formerly known as Twitter. “In this Congress, it is the responsibility of House Republicans to choose a nominee & elect the Speaker on the Floor. At this time there is no justification for a departure from this tradition. The House will be in order.”

She nailed it.
Is that why they ousted their democratically elected President via a coup in 2014? Because they are a “democracy”?

They did it according to the Ukrainian constitution. The vote was unanimous. We have the same thing in our Constitution called impeachment.
LOL. Yes, forcing a sitting president out of office with force is called a coup.

You can’t change the facts or the definition of the word.

Nice try, Commie.

It is called impeachment in the United States.

You are trying to change facts and definitions.

You are a miserable failure Putin COMMIE!!
So the constitution of Ukraine spells out that it is an authoritarian dictatorship. Glad we cleared that up genius. :113:

Of course you aren't, you are a card carrying member of the Workers' Party of North Korea. You do, say and write what ever they have you do. If they need to you to make up lies about me, well then, it's. . .


You aren't very bright. The Ukrainian constitution spells out how a President can legally be removed from Office. The US Constitution spells out the same thing. It is called impeachment. Apparently you were asleep during civics class.

You are a card-carrying member of every fascist, authoritarian dictator such as Putin.
And? All 208 Dems voted him out. Now they are crying they got what they voted for. 😂

They aren't crying at all. They got what they wanted and it was time for him to go. Now we get to see just how mental disturbed you MAGAts really are if you elect Jordan to that position. John Bohner once called him a political assassin and I haven't seen a damned thing to disagree with that statement.
They aren't crying at all. They got what they wanted and it was time for him to go. Now we get to see just how mental disturbed you MAGAts really are if you elect Jordan to that position. John Bohner once called him a political assassin and I haven't seen a damned thing to disagree with that statement.

Then why are they complaining about having no Speaker?

Why are you crying that Jordan may get the job?

LOL you clowns just can’t help yourself. You played right into the hands of MAGA.
Then why are they complaining about having no Speaker?

Why are you crying that Jordan may get the job?

LOL you clowns just can’t help yourself. You played right into the hands of MAGA.

What they are saying is, the GOP is a complete failure to lead. I don't know about you but me, as an old style Republican, I find this embarrassing. And then to ever suggest the worst person to lead is being considered (Jordan). They is a good chance that next year, the MAGAts won't have this worry as it will be the other party that must lead.

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