In my opinion I view raci$m as...


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
...just another tool in the arsenal of the BEHIND THE SCENES(invisible to most folks) Divide & Conquer Strategists(DCS). There are of course many other tools(political partie$, cla$$ envy, the pro/anti i$$ue$ in general, etc.) used by the DCS but raci$m seems to be the preferred tool of choice for the DCS eliti$t$. The heavily populated zones In our USA appear to be the preferred hunting zone of the DCS eliti$t$. I have noticed a MAJOR difference regarding both opininion & attitude in my fellow Americans that live in these heavily populated areas vs us folks that live out in the farming communites. Way out here in the land of endless fields of crops we literally have them all, Latinos Orientals, Whites, Native Americans, & even a few Blacks. Farmers are a pretty down to earth(not a pun!) section of society. In the morning one can find farmers in the coffee shops. It's here in the coffee shops that we find out how our fellow farmers are faring. We got one in trouble then there's @ least one one of us there that has the expertise to get a fellow farmer up & running & back in the fields again. It's not unusual to see farmers team up in the fields to get the crops harvested in time. The point here is that we could care less what color, ethnicity, political orientation or physical features a fellow farmer(or anyone else) has. We need to make a living plus we feed the country. No food & desperation sets in, in extreme cases civil upheaval & even war can erupt. We work long days, are often covered in dust & make a modest living @ best... but I would not change places with my fellow Americans trapped in the big cities for out here I @ least have peace of mind.
there is no problem of racism
..the problem is blacks breeding criminals at high rates and graduating at low rates

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