In light of Spicer resigning, a couple of Melissa McCarthy jokes, since she went after a good man


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Because she went after a good man. Feel free to add as you please, I made these up fairly quickly could add more if I was more interested:

I imagine being on the podium and having to answer questions about the SNL skits...

"Did any of you guys see McCarthy in Ghostbusters? (pause) Yeah, me either"

"I thought McCarthy played the role of a man very well. a seemless transition..."

God Bless America! Get er done Trump!
Because she went after a good man. Feel free to add as you please, I made these up fairly quickly could add more if I was more interested:

I imagine being on the podium and having to answer questions about the SNL skits...

"Did any of you guys see McCarthy in Ghostbusters? (pause) Yeah, me either"

"I thought McCarthy played the role of a man very well. a seemless transition..."

God Bless America! Get er done Trump!

The reason this doesn't work is McCarthy can take it.

Spicer and Trump are thin skinned Snowflakes

Spicers performance as press secretary deserved to be mocked. Mockery is one of the strongest tools of Democracy
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Spicey's only career options now are writing a tell-all book about the failing Trump Presidency, or accepting a sympathy job from some ultra-conservative organization.
Because she went after a good man. Feel free to add as you please, I made these up fairly quickly could add more if I was more interested:

I imagine being on the podium and having to answer questions about the SNL skits...

"Did any of you guys see McCarthy in Ghostbusters? (pause) Yeah, me either"

"I thought McCarthy played the role of a man very well. a seemless transition..."

God Bless America! Get er done Trump!

Get a life.. Everybody looks foolish trying to defend Trump.
Spicer was on Hannity last night whining about how SNL went over the line with his lampooning. What a crybaby.
Trump destroys Spicey's career... and you go after McCarthy? LOL!
Everybody is hating on these teenagers that sat by filming a guy drowning and called them heartless and cold...and they are. But we as a society have got to comes to terms with the mental compass we're using to guide us through this life. I see those teens as unreachable, as I do Trump supporters....nothing can penetrate the soul of a human being void of emotions, void of reality and in the fuck is it McCarthy's fault, that a orangy white mf used abused and discarded???
Spicer was on Hannity last night whining about how SNL went over the line with his lampooning. What a crybaby.

Spicer was funny

There is something intrinsically funny about straight faced lying and hypocrisy. I'm surprised Spicer was able to sell his soul for six months......I couldn't have
Lampooning our so called political betters and leaders is a time honored American tradition. If you can't take being the butt of a joke than perhaps a highly visible career in public service isn't for you.
Spicer was too nice to hit back very hard. That's a credit to his character and manners. I understand that attitude as I follow it under 99% of circumstances, but, I've learned something over time, bullies only understand one language. It's why Trump hits back often, he's been in the trenches of NY real estate.

Regardless. If she ruined Spicers career as was suggested above, is that supposed to be a good thing? An honourable pursuit? Especially considering how out of favour she is in the movie industry herself. Makes you wonder how she even continues to have an acting career.

The audience who clap and cheer at the SNL skits are the same crowd who clapped and cheered when Colbert made the announcement, and had to correct the lemmings that it isn't something to cheer about. Makes one wonder just how these Groupthink followers would have acted in the Second World War when the Gestapo reached out for their services...

God Bless America. Get 'er done Trump!
Spicer was too nice to hit back very hard. That's a credit to his character and manners. I understand that attitude as I follow it under 99% of circumstances, but, I've learned something over time, bullies only understand one language. It's why Trump hits back often, he's been in the trenches of NY real estate.

Regardless. If she ruined Spicers career as was suggested above, is that supposed to be a good thing? An honourable pursuit? Especially considering how out of favour she is in the movie industry herself. Makes you wonder how she even continues to have an acting career.

The audience who clap and cheer at the SNL skits are the same crowd who clapped and cheered when Colbert made the announcement, and had to correct the lemmings that it isn't something to cheer about.

Makes one wonder just how these Groupthink followers would have acted in the Second World War when the Gestapo reached out for their services...

God Bless America. Get 'er done Trump!
Spicer was hired to take public attacks for his boss.

His very first act as press secretary was to declare Trump to have the largest inauguration crowd in history

His credibility as a source of information was gone after that
His career will be fine. It's funny how you people think partisan hate rules the world.
He will have plenty of opportunities as a snake oil salesman, telemarketer or Fox News Contributor

As long as he doesn't open up an International Foundation, take hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign donations, run for president and delete thousands of emails when investigated. That would be illegal.
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Spicer was too nice to hit back very hard. That's a credit to his character and manners. I understand that attitude as I follow it under 99% of circumstances, but, I've learned something over time, bullies only understand one language. It's why Trump hits back often, he's been in the trenches of NY real estate.

Regardless. If she ruined Spicers career as was suggested above, is that supposed to be a good thing? An honourable pursuit? Especially considering how out of favour she is in the movie industry herself. Makes you wonder how she even continues to have an acting career.

The audience who clap and cheer at the SNL skits are the same crowd who clapped and cheered when Colbert made the announcement, and had to correct the lemmings that it isn't something to cheer about. Makes one wonder just how these Groupthink followers would have acted in the Second World War when the Gestapo reached out for their services...

God Bless America. Get 'er done Trump!

Spicer killed Spicer's career. His first day, when he made clear that he would be filling the Baghdad Bob position in Trump's cabinet, the trajectory of his career was set.
I have remembered very few Presidential Press Secretaries

They tend to be very benign and boring. Spicer and probably whoever follows him will be remembered

Having to spin Trumps daily tweets and outright lies while keeping a straight face is quite an accomplishment.

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