In honor of the brilliant guy who gave Stormy Daniels the nickname "Horseface"....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
3,635 are more than 200 other nicknames that President Trump has bestowed upon others. Everyone loves a fighter who actually has a sense of humor and isn't afraid to say what he thinks.

"Former U.S. President Donald Trump became widely known during the 2016 United States presidential election and his subsequent presidency for using nicknames to criticize, insult, or otherwise express commentary about media figures, politicians, and foreign leaders.[1][2][3][4][5]

The list excludes commonly-used hypocorisms such as "Mike" for "Michael" or "Steve" for "Steven", unless they are original to Trump. Nicknames that Trump did not originate are annotated with footnotes.

The list also includes nicknames used by figures associated with Trump, and nicknames he has promoted via retweeting."

List of nicknames used by Donald Trump - Wikipedia
In MAGA world, calling someone "horse face" is funny and effective.

A middle school-level mentality has permeated the party. It's still difficult to fathom.
Hillary....We call them Deplorables. Joe...they are Dregs. Progs are always tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of times worse. That is why we will or a percentage of people be learning mandarin Chinese soon enough. Trusting Progs is death. Rather trust Xi then you. are more than 200 other nicknames that President Trump has bestowed upon others. Everyone loves a fighter who actually has a sense of humor and isn't afraid to say what he thinks.

"Former U.S. President Donald Trump became widely known during the 2016 United States presidential election and his subsequent presidency for using nicknames to criticize, insult, or otherwise express commentary about media figures, politicians, and foreign leaders.[1][2][3][4][5]

The list excludes commonly-used hypocorisms such as "Mike" for "Michael" or "Steve" for "Steven", unless they are original to Trump. Nicknames that Trump did not originate are annotated with footnotes.

The list also includes nicknames used by figures associated with Trump, and nicknames he has promoted via retweeting."

List of nicknames used by Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Thanks to DJT we will always know these famous names:
  • Sleepy Joe Biden
  • Crooked Hillary
  • James "Mad Dog" Mattus
  • Little Marco Rubio
  • Pencil Neck Adam Schiff
  • Pocahontas Liz Warren
  • Rocket Man Kim Jung-Un
  • Fredo Chris Cuomo
  • Fake Jake Tapper
  • The Squad
  • Fake News CNN
  • Low energy Jeb Bush
Thanks to DJT we will always know these famous names:
  • Sleepy Joe Biden
  • Crooked Hillary
  • James "Mad Dog" Mattus
  • Little Marco Rubio
  • Pencil Neck Adam Schiff
  • Pocahontas Liz Warren
  • Rocket Man Kim Jung-Un
  • Fredo Chris Cuomo
  • Fake Jake Tapper
  • The Squad
  • Fake News CNN
  • Low energy Jeb Bush

There's a shitload of truth in every one of those.
In MAGA world, calling someone "horse face" is funny and effective.

A middle school-level mentality has permeated the party. It's still difficult to fathom.

The left are bullies who have had decades of practice doing the same thing. But like most bullies, they're weak pussies who can't take what they give. Trump fully understands that and is just using their own Marxist tactics against them...

5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

8 "Keep the pressure on."

11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative."

13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. "

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia
In MAGA world, calling someone "horse face" is funny and effective.

A middle school-level mentality has permeated the party. It's still difficult to fathom.

Says someone who is a member of the cult whose other members on this board have a tendency to call their political enemies "retard" with tremendous regularity.

Thanks to DJT we will always know these famous names:
  • Sleepy Joe Biden
  • Crooked Hillary
  • James "Mad Dog" Mattus
  • Little Marco Rubio
  • Pencil Neck Adam Schiff
  • Pocahontas Liz Warren
  • Rocket Man Kim Jung-Un
  • Fredo Chris Cuomo
  • Fake Jake Tapper
  • The Squad
  • Fake News CNN
  • Low energy Jeb Bush

You left out Lying Ted Cruz,

Trump didn't name Mattus "Mad Dog". That wasn't Trump. Mad Dog was his nickname from the service.

Nor did he name the Squad. The women named themselves.
The left are bullies who have had decades of practice doing the same thing. But like most bullies, they're weak pussies who can't take what they give. Trump fully understands that and is just using their own Marxist tactics against them...

5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

8 "Keep the pressure on."

11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative."

13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. "

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia

Thanks for once again proving there is no difference at all between the two sides.

Says someone who is a member of the cult whose other members on this board have a tendency to call their political enemies "retard" with tremendous regularity.


Nobody calls you "retards". We call you "gullible idiots". Calling people "retards" is your trick. "Retard" isn't part of the politically correct vocabulary. Only MagaCult idiots use the word.
Thanks for once again proving there is no difference at all between the two sides.

Your guy might not use the same tactics if he had to go up against a Democrat or a Republican in a presidential election.

But as we all know, your guy is a pathetically-weak simp who would never ever win a presidential election anyway.

Last edited: are more than 200 other nicknames that President Trump has bestowed upon others. Everyone loves a fighter who actually has a sense of humor and isn't afraid to say what he thinks.
This may get ratings on a reality TV show, but "funny" doesn't run the government.

Trump is like a roman emperor. Keep them entertained,

How did Roman emperors try to entertain their people in order to take their minds off their poverty?

Let the Games Begin

The Romans continued the practice, holding games roughly 10 to 12 times in an average year. Paid for by the emperor, the games were used to keep the poor and unemployed entertained and occupied. The emperor hoped to distract the poor from their poverty in the hopes that they would not revolt.
Your guy would use the same tactics if he had to go up against a Democrat or a Republican in a presidential election.

But as we all know, your guy will never ever win a presidential election. :laughing0301:

As I said, thanks for once again proving there is no difference between the two sides. are more than 200 other nicknames that President Trump has bestowed upon others. Everyone loves a fighter who actually has a sense of humor and isn't afraid to say what he thinks.

"Former U.S. President Donald Trump became widely known during the 2016 United States presidential election and his subsequent presidency for using nicknames to criticize, insult, or otherwise express commentary about media figures, politicians, and foreign leaders.[1][2][3][4][5]

The list excludes commonly-used hypocorisms such as "Mike" for "Michael" or "Steve" for "Steven", unless they are original to Trump. Nicknames that Trump did not originate are annotated with footnotes.

The list also includes nicknames used by figures associated with Trump, and nicknames he has promoted via retweeting."

List of nicknames used by Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Didnt Trump sleep with her? So he's saying he slept with "horseface"? solid.
Thanks to DJT we will always know these famous names:
  • Sleepy Joe Biden
  • Crooked Hillary
  • James "Mad Dog" Mattus
  • Little Marco Rubio
  • Pencil Neck Adam Schiff
  • Pocahontas Liz Warren
  • Rocket Man Kim Jung-Un
  • Fredo Chris Cuomo
  • Fake Jake Tapper
  • The Squad
  • Fake News CNN
  • Low energy Jeb Bush

Mattis came to the admin with that nickname.
It was a positive name at the time.
Nobody calls you "retards". We call you "gullible idiots". Calling people "retards" is your trick. "Retard" isn't part of the politically correct vocabulary. Only MagaCult idiots use the word.
What word do you use when referring to people that used to be called retarded?
This may get ratings on a reality TV show, but "funny" doesn't run the government.

Trump is like a roman emperor. Keep them entertained,

How did Roman emperors try to entertain their people in order to take their minds off their poverty?

Let the Games Begin

The Romans continued the practice, holding games roughly 10 to 12 times in an average year. Paid for by the emperor, the games were used to keep the poor and unemployed entertained and occupied. The emperor hoped to distract the poor from their poverty in the hopes that they would not revolt.

And yet, The nation ran better under our beloved President Trump than at any time in history.

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