In fairness, the Dems should be concerned...

Yes they in ALL FAIRNESS should be concerned. Unfortunately the kool aid drinkers here aren't mature enough to acknowledge that.
While the state Dems strut their stuff and puff out their chests, they should be concerned that with all his advantages and running against a near lunatic, their boy only squeaked out a 3 point win. WHY?

And now it looked like the AG is going to the GOP. WHY?

I think they should be realistic about this and realize that the early failure of the ACA is hurting the brand. Either the WH gets the web site up and gets people enrolled, or 2014 may be an interesting year. One that may not see the Dem gains some have projected.

The web site failure is a huge blunder and if it is not fixed by the end of the month.....well it could be very ugly.

Just being honest...:eusa_whistle:

Except it's not a "huge" blunder.

It's a "huge" PR blunder.

No big programs roll out without hitches.

The problem is that one party is so dedicated to making sure the other party fails they will stop at nothing.

That includes hurting the country.

Opposing this massive pig of a beast was a pretty easy call for the GOP to make, and now they can just point at it as it unfolds and say "hey, look at THAT!" -- but they would have done themselves a huge favor by creating a realistic alternative and hold it up in every freaking teevee interview. Unfortunately, they've been too busy attacking each other to get that organized.

The Republicans' biggest advantage right now is the fact that liberals simplistically and automatically look to create nasty, massive, sloppy new federal bureaucracies at every opportunity, and that may be the only thing that saves the GOP's ass.

Personally, I don't see the GOP getting its shit together in time to take full advantage of the huge mistake that is Obamacare, but that's just me.

I just wish our "leaders" would causing more harm than good.

The best advise for Obama that I have seen...

Chris Christie Gives Unsolicited Advice on Obamacare: ?Don?t Lawyer it? | Mediaite

“Don’t be so cute,” Christie said. “And when you make a mistake, admit it. Listen, if he was mistaken in 2009, 2010 on his understanding of how the law would operate, then just admit it to people. Say, ‘You know what? I said it, I was wrong. I’m sorry and we’re going to try to fix this and make it better.’ I think people would give any leader in that circumstance a lot of credit for just, you know, owning up to it.”

Christie is a straight shooter. The more I hear from him, the more I like him. If the TP loons keep himoff the ticket in 2016, they will doom their party to at least four more years locked out of the WH.

Christie is not perfect, but he is the best the GOP has.

Opposing this massive pig of a beast was a pretty easy call for the GOP to make, and now they can just point at it as it unfolds and say "hey, look at THAT!" -- but they would have done themselves a huge favor by creating a realistic alternative and hold it up in every freaking teevee interview. Unfortunately, they've been too busy attacking each other to get that organized.

The Republicans' biggest advantage right now is the fact that liberals simplistically and automatically look to create nasty, massive, sloppy new federal bureaucracies at every opportunity, and that may be the only thing that saves the GOP's ass.

Personally, I don't see the GOP getting its shit together in time to take full advantage of the huge mistake that is Obamacare, but that's just me.

I just wish our "leaders" would causing more harm than good.


On one hand the GOP says....KEEP GOVERNMENT OUT OF MY LIFE....and on the other hand they say in Virginia.....YOU NEED A VAGINAL PROBE BEFORE AN ABORTION.

They need to decide whether they want to keep losing nation elections with stupid decisions. If they continue to allow the TP to drag them further to the right, they will continue to lose. It is not my is a fact.
The Virginia election was relatively unique because the national government being shutdown probably affect Virginia more per capita then any other state. One in 3 families have someone who gets income from the national (not state) government. So when the public largely blamed the GOP for the shutdown, Cuccinelli found himself in the crossfire in something he had nothing to do with.

In other words, the Virginia race was probably it's own unique environment for it's place and time. Place being Virginia's huge dependence on national government spending, and time being so close to the shutdown.

In truth I found both candidates incredibly weak, if anything the biggest benefit will be having a democratic governor in an important swing state for 2016...

That's all not to say that the Tea Party is all fine and dandy. Dean Young losing in super-mega conservative Alabama to Byrne is an accompanying tale to the Virginia race.

Virginia's Attorney General hasn't gone to the GOP's up for a recount, we probably won't know till Nov 25th. Al Frankin didn't get his senate seat for almost six months due to a recount in Minnesota, when the recount started the GOP candidate had a small lead.

Yes around 600 votes is all. That Red state was a big win for Democrats even if the state houses are not ideal. The message was clear and Cuccinelli's continued allegiance to the Teaparty right through his concession speech says that message was not heard by Republicans.
Many people are seeing higher premiums and deductibles not to mention finding out they can't keep the plans they were told they could keep fixing a website won't fix this.

I think that the Obama administration has destroyed enough jobs and let enough illegals into the country so that we are to the point that they outnumber those with jobs and those who liked the policies that got nixed.

No worries. The democrats know what they are doing. Just so long as those getting stepped on are in the minority, all is well.

From my vantage point, progressives have every right in the world to continue to be self confident and arrogant.

Enjoy America!!
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The Virginia election was relatively unique because the national government being shutdown probably affect Virginia more per capita then any other state. One in 3 families have someone who gets income from the national (not state) government. So when the public largely blamed the GOP for the shutdown, Cuccinelli found himself in the crossfire in something he had nothing to do with.

In other words, the Virginia race was probably it's own unique environment for it's place and time. Place being Virginia's huge dependence on national government spending, and time being so close to the shutdown.

In truth I found both candidates incredibly weak, if anything the biggest benefit will be having a democratic governor in an important swing state for 2016...

That's all not to say that the Tea Party is all fine and dandy. Dean Young losing in super-mega conservative Alabama to Byrne is an accompanying tale to the Virginia race.

Virginia's Attorney General hasn't gone to the GOP's up for a recount, we probably won't know till Nov 25th. Al Frankin didn't get his senate seat for almost six months due to a recount in Minnesota, when the recount started the GOP candidate had a small lead.

Yes around 600 votes is all. That Red state was a big win for Democrats even if the state houses are not ideal. The message was clear and Cuccinelli's continued allegiance to the Teaparty right through his concession speech says that message was not heard by Republicans.

From what I hear, the demographics in Virginia have changed. There are more illegals there and more poor folk who just blindly vote "D" for their knew Obamaphones and free health care.
You can fix this website a million times. It won't give 4.2 million people their insurance back.

Right, instead they will get insurance that meets the standards set by the ACA.

A substandard policy won't do a person much good if they ever get sick.
The ACA is a massive undertaking. There are going to be setbacks and glitches. Obama should not allow his insistence not to negotiate with someone "pointing a gun at his head", to cloud his better judgement to do the right thing.

If it looks like a pig and smells like a pig, it might very well be a pig. Take the time to get it right and fix it before levying penalties on people. This can be a great program that will help millions of people. But the cluster f_____ beginning has shaken a lot of people's confidence in the system.

Geico can put up a website that does pretty much what Obamacare does and gets it right the first time. So do a bunch of other companies. Obamacare ahs taken 3 years and millions of dollars, spent it on crony capitalism, and come up with a clusterfuck.
Once the website is fixed, they will have to face the fact that the basic premise--healthy young people signing up to pay for something they dont need and cant afford--is flawed and the system will rapidly be overburdened. Then what?
But Obamacare is the law of the land. Democrats need to live with it.

Healthy young people do not need health insurance like home owners do not need home owner's insurance. I am very careful never to leave the stove on when I'm not in the kitchen, so my house will never burn down. I don't need home owner's insurance. Why should I waste my money on something so useless? As for a tornado hitting my home, this house has been standing here for over 30 years and it hasn't been hit yet, so why should I pay for home owner's insurance? It's just a big waste of money.

Healthy people are only healthy until they get sick.

Healthy young people are still vulnerable to disease. Or, a car accident could change their health status in a minute.

Insurance is just that... It insures that you will have the resources you need should something happen.
While the state Dems strut their stuff and puff out their chests, they should be concerned that with all his advantages and running against a near lunatic, their boy only squeaked out a 3 point win. WHY?

And now it looked like the AG is going to the GOP. WHY?

I think they should be realistic about this and realize that the early failure of the ACA is hurting the brand. Either the WH gets the web site up and gets people enrolled, or 2014 may be an interesting year. One that may not see the Dem gains some have projected.

The web site failure is a huge blunder and if it is not fixed by the end of the month.....well it could be very ugly.

Just being honest...:eusa_whistle:

Nobody likes Terry McAuliffe, except maybe his family. His popularity numbers were shit long before the ACA website business even began.

You're falling for the media narrative. The media, left right and center, has decided that gloom and dooming the ACA pulls in audience.
While the state Dems strut their stuff and puff out their chests, they should be concerned that with all his advantages and running against a near lunatic, their boy only squeaked out a 3 point win. WHY?

And now it looked like the AG is going to the GOP. WHY?

I think they should be realistic about this and realize that the early failure of the ACA is hurting the brand. Either the WH gets the web site up and gets people enrolled, or 2014 may be an interesting year. One that may not see the Dem gains some have projected.

The web site failure is a huge blunder and if it is not fixed by the end of the month.....well it could be very ugly.

Just being honest...:eusa_whistle:

Nobody likes Terry McAuliffe, except maybe his family. His popularity numbers were shit long before the ACA website business even began.

You're falling for the media narrative. The media, left right and center, has decided that gloom and dooming the ACA pulls in audience.

May he turn the entire state into Detroit.
The Virginia election was relatively unique because the national government being shutdown probably affect Virginia more per capita then any other state. One in 3 families have someone who gets income from the national (not state) government. So when the public largely blamed the GOP for the shutdown, Cuccinelli found himself in the crossfire in something he had nothing to do with.

In other words, the Virginia race was probably it's own unique environment for it's place and time. Place being Virginia's huge dependence on national government spending, and time being so close to the shutdown.

In truth I found both candidates incredibly weak, if anything the biggest benefit will be having a democratic governor in an important swing state for 2016...

That's all not to say that the Tea Party is all fine and dandy. Dean Young losing in super-mega conservative Alabama to Byrne is an accompanying tale to the Virginia race.

Virginia's Attorney General hasn't gone to the GOP's up for a recount, we probably won't know till Nov 25th. Al Frankin didn't get his senate seat for almost six months due to a recount in Minnesota, when the recount started the GOP candidate had a small lead.

Do you think there are enough prison inmates in VA that voted to defeat the GOP candidate as there were in MN?
The ACA is a massive undertaking. There are going to be setbacks and glitches. Obama should not allow his insistence not to negotiate with someone "pointing a gun at his head", to cloud his better judgement to do the right thing.

If it looks like a pig and smells like a pig, it might very well be a pig. Take the time to get it right and fix it before levying penalties on people. This can be a great program that will help millions of people. But the cluster f_____ beginning has shaken a lot of people's confidence in the system.

Geico can put up a website that does pretty much what Obamacare does and gets it right the first time. So do a bunch of other companies. Obamacare ahs taken 3 years and millions of dollars, spent it on crony capitalism, and come up with a clusterfuck.
Once the website is fixed, they will have to face the fact that the basic premise--healthy young people signing up to pay for something they dont need and cant afford--is flawed and the system will rapidly be overburdened. Then what?
But Obamacare is the law of the land. Democrats need to live with it.

Healthy young people do not need health insurance like home owners do not need home owner's insurance. I am very careful never to leave the stove on when I'm not in the kitchen, so my house will never burn down. I don't need home owner's insurance. Why should I waste my money on something so useless? As for a tornado hitting my home, this house has been standing here for over 30 years and it hasn't been hit yet, so why should I pay for home owner's insurance? It's just a big waste of money.

You need new talking points. Those are worn out already.
Does your homeowner's insurance cost $540/mo?
Once this all plays out, the website fixed, etc. I think the single biggest issue won't be the people who lost their plan, I think it will be how many people see skyrocketing rates due to the death of the low-quality insurance plans.
This I predict will be the thing that will stick in peoples minds.
Geico can put up a website that does pretty much what Obamacare does and gets it right the first time. So do a bunch of other companies. Obamacare ahs taken 3 years and millions of dollars, spent it on crony capitalism, and come up with a clusterfuck.
Once the website is fixed, they will have to face the fact that the basic premise--healthy young people signing up to pay for something they dont need and cant afford--is flawed and the system will rapidly be overburdened. Then what?
But Obamacare is the law of the land. Democrats need to live with it.

Healthy young people do not need health insurance like home owners do not need home owner's insurance. I am very careful never to leave the stove on when I'm not in the kitchen, so my house will never burn down. I don't need home owner's insurance. Why should I waste my money on something so useless? As for a tornado hitting my home, this house has been standing here for over 30 years and it hasn't been hit yet, so why should I pay for home owner's insurance? It's just a big waste of money.

Healthy people are only healthy until they get sick.

Healthy young people are still vulnerable to disease. Or, a car accident could change their health status in a minute.

Insurance is just that... It insures that you will have the resources you need should something happen.

Do you have your legs insured? Your voice? You are always vulnerable to losing those things, you know.
Geico can put up a website that does pretty much what Obamacare does and gets it right the first time. So do a bunch of other companies. Obamacare ahs taken 3 years and millions of dollars, spent it on crony capitalism, and come up with a clusterfuck.
Once the website is fixed, they will have to face the fact that the basic premise--healthy young people signing up to pay for something they dont need and cant afford--is flawed and the system will rapidly be overburdened. Then what?
But Obamacare is the law of the land. Democrats need to live with it.

Healthy young people do not need health insurance like home owners do not need home owner's insurance. I am very careful never to leave the stove on when I'm not in the kitchen, so my house will never burn down. I don't need home owner's insurance. Why should I waste my money on something so useless? As for a tornado hitting my home, this house has been standing here for over 30 years and it hasn't been hit yet, so why should I pay for home owner's insurance? It's just a big waste of money.

Healthy people are only healthy until they get sick.

Healthy young people are still vulnerable to disease. Or, a car accident could change their health status in a minute.

Insurance is just that... It insures that you will have the resources you need should something happen.

Insurance is just a bet you hope you lose.

btw, people either don't know or don't care that the ACA allows young people, under 30, the option of a catastrophic policy.
Healthy young people do not need health insurance like home owners do not need home owner's insurance. I am very careful never to leave the stove on when I'm not in the kitchen, so my house will never burn down. I don't need home owner's insurance. Why should I waste my money on something so useless? As for a tornado hitting my home, this house has been standing here for over 30 years and it hasn't been hit yet, so why should I pay for home owner's insurance? It's just a big waste of money.

Healthy people are only healthy until they get sick.

Healthy young people are still vulnerable to disease. Or, a car accident could change their health status in a minute.

Insurance is just that... It insures that you will have the resources you need should something happen.

Do you have your legs insured? Your voice? You are always vulnerable to losing those things, you know.

Stupid question.
Health insurance generally covers all parts of the body.
Unless, of course, you have one of those substandard policies and in that case, your ins company might drop you if you get sick in which case, no parts if your body will be covered.
The Virginia election was relatively unique because the national government being shutdown probably affect Virginia more per capita then any other state. One in 3 families have someone who gets income from the national (not state) government. So when the public largely blamed the GOP for the shutdown, Cuccinelli found himself in the crossfire in something he had nothing to do with.

In other words, the Virginia race was probably it's own unique environment for it's place and time. Place being Virginia's huge dependence on national government spending, and time being so close to the shutdown.

In truth I found both candidates incredibly weak, if anything the biggest benefit will be having a democratic governor in an important swing state for 2016...

That's all not to say that the Tea Party is all fine and dandy. Dean Young losing in super-mega conservative Alabama to Byrne is an accompanying tale to the Virginia race.

Virginia's Attorney General hasn't gone to the GOP's up for a recount, we probably won't know till Nov 25th. Al Frankin didn't get his senate seat for almost six months due to a recount in Minnesota, when the recount started the GOP candidate had a small lead.

Yes around 600 votes is all. That Red state was a big win for Democrats even if the state houses are not ideal. The message was clear and Cuccinelli's continued allegiance to the Teaparty right through his concession speech says that message was not heard by Republicans.

From what I hear, the demographics in Virginia have changed. There are more illegals there and more poor folk who just blindly vote "D" for their knew Obamaphones and free health care.

You are hearing wrong. The power in Virginia has shifted to the Northern part of the state. Southwest VA no longer can call the shots. The government shutdown doomed the Coooch. Northern Virginia is an affluent portion of the state that carries the Dems. The "poor" are mostly in Southwest Virginia and they vote R in mass. Get your facts straight before making assumptions.

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