In fairness, the Dems should be concerned...

Oh yeah...the fact that this website isn't functional is a huge embarrassment for the DEMS, and definitely fuels the argument that the government is totally incompetent.

Healthy young people do not need health insurance like home owners do not need home owner's insurance. I am very careful never to leave the stove on when I'm not in the kitchen, so my house will never burn down. I don't need home owner's insurance. Why should I waste my money on something so useless? As for a tornado hitting my home, this house has been standing here for over 30 years and it hasn't been hit yet, so why should I pay for home owner's insurance? It's just a big waste of money.

Healthy people are only healthy until they get sick.

Healthy young people are still vulnerable to disease. Or, a car accident could change their health status in a minute.

Insurance is just that... It insures that you will have the resources you need should something happen.

Insurance is just a bet you hope you lose.

btw, people either don't know or don't care that the ACA allows young people, under 30, the option of a catastrophic policy.

LOL only stupid leftard will consider an achievement narrowing of the option of catastrophic insurance which was available to EVERYBODY, not just under 30 crowd:lol:
Oh, and the leftard awe of the 'ACA allows' is astonishibg - leftards, do you need a government permission to breathe?
Healthy people are only healthy until they get sick.

Healthy young people are still vulnerable to disease. Or, a car accident could change their health status in a minute.

Insurance is just that... It insures that you will have the resources you need should something happen.

Do you have your legs insured? Your voice? You are always vulnerable to losing those things, you know.

Stupid question.
Health insurance generally covers all parts of the body.
Unless, of course, you have one of those substandard policies and in that case, your ins company might drop you if you get sick in which case, no parts if your body will be covered.

Athletes have their legs etc covered by special policies. Why don't you? You think you are immune to having your knees go bad?
Oh yeah...the fact that this website isn't functional is a huge embarrassment for the DEMS, and definitely fuels the argument that the government is totally incompetent.


The program is only as good as the people who are joining it make it. I have no doubt that it will be a success in the long run, but until the web site allows people who are trying to join it, there is a problem. I think that time and work will make the ACA successful. But right now, it is stuggling.

The MMM is supposed to be a GOP argument....If the web site is fixed by the end of the month, the Dems will be in good shape. If not...well we will see.
Healthy young people do not need health insurance like home owners do not need home owner's insurance. I am very careful never to leave the stove on when I'm not in the kitchen, so my house will never burn down. I don't need home owner's insurance. Why should I waste my money on something so useless? As for a tornado hitting my home, this house has been standing here for over 30 years and it hasn't been hit yet, so why should I pay for home owner's insurance? It's just a big waste of money.

Healthy people are only healthy until they get sick.

Healthy young people are still vulnerable to disease. Or, a car accident could change their health status in a minute.

Insurance is just that... It insures that you will have the resources you need should something happen.

Insurance is just a bet you hope you lose.

btw, people either don't know or don't care that the ACA allows young people, under 30, the option of a catastrophic policy.

I got to choose whether or not I wanted insurance when I was in my 20's. Now, they can't do that without being penalized and fined or forced to buy insurance.
If Republicans keep putting social issue nut jobs on the ticket they are in deep trouble. When you have candidates talking about "legitimate rape," or sticking a wand up a woman's vagina who wants an abortion, or outlawing oral sex between consenting've lost 95% of America.

Americans are generally fairly tolerant people. Republicans need to get out of people bedrooms and out of ladies' private parts. It's fucking stupid and offensive. There are far more important issues in America than whether or not Larry wants to give Bob a blow job. Let it go people.


On the other hand, Democrats need to stop lying about having a mandate to do all sorts of crap like O-care when they were really elected to keep Republicans out of our bedrooms and our vaginas.

But mostly yes.
If Republicans keep putting social issue nut jobs on the ticket they are in deep trouble. When you have candidates talking about "legitimate rape," or sticking a wand up a woman's vagina who wants an abortion, or outlawing oral sex between consenting've lost 95% of America.

Americans are generally fairly tolerant people. Republicans need to get out of people bedrooms and out of ladies' private parts. It's fucking stupid and offensive. There are far more important issues in America than whether or not Larry wants to give Bob a blow job. Let it go people.


On the other hand, Democrats need to stop lying about having a mandate to do all sorts of crap like O-care when they were really elected to keep Republicans out of our bedrooms and our vaginas.

But mostly yes.

I'm sorry, what? No. No, they were not 'really elected' for the bolded bit. They were 'really elected' to do the jobs, jobs, jobs thing, and stop standing by silent while the R's try to give big business everything they could ever ask for, and more.

Standing by silent doesn't make them look any better than R's. Not for those of us who are paying attention, anyway.
If Republicans keep putting social issue nut jobs on the ticket they are in deep trouble. When you have candidates talking about "legitimate rape," or sticking a wand up a woman's vagina who wants an abortion, or outlawing oral sex between consenting've lost 95% of America.

Americans are generally fairly tolerant people. Republicans need to get out of people bedrooms and out of ladies' private parts. It's fucking stupid and offensive. There are far more important issues in America than whether or not Larry wants to give Bob a blow job. Let it go people.

How is that much different from Democrats running candidates who promise something for nothing while raping the American people without even a kiss? Time for a wakeup call and if Obamacare doesn't do it, nothing will. Can liberals really be this stoopid?
If Republicans keep putting social issue nut jobs on the ticket they are in deep trouble. When you have candidates talking about "legitimate rape," or sticking a wand up a woman's vagina who wants an abortion, or outlawing oral sex between consenting've lost 95% of America.

Americans are generally fairly tolerant people. Republicans need to get out of people bedrooms and out of ladies' private parts. It's fucking stupid and offensive. There are far more important issues in America than whether or not Larry wants to give Bob a blow job. Let it go people.


On the other hand, Democrats need to stop lying about having a mandate to do all sorts of crap like O-care when they were really elected to keep Republicans out of our bedrooms and our vaginas.

But mostly yes.

I'm sorry, what? No. No, they were not 'really elected' for the bolded bit. They were 'really elected' to do the jobs, jobs, jobs thing, and stop standing by silent while the R's try to give big business everything they could ever ask for, and more.

Standing by silent doesn't make them look any better than R's. Not for those of us who are paying attention, anyway.

Who does Obamacare really benefit? You might want to rethink your indoctrination.

On the other hand, Democrats need to stop lying about having a mandate to do all sorts of crap like O-care when they were really elected to keep Republicans out of our bedrooms and our vaginas.

But mostly yes.

I'm sorry, what? No. No, they were not 'really elected' for the bolded bit. They were 'really elected' to do the jobs, jobs, jobs thing, and stop standing by silent while the R's try to give big business everything they could ever ask for, and more.

Standing by silent doesn't make them look any better than R's. Not for those of us who are paying attention, anyway.

Who does Obamacare really benefit? You might want to rethink your indoctrination.

You might want to stop making assumptions.
If Republicans keep putting social issue nut jobs on the ticket they are in deep trouble. When you have candidates talking about "legitimate rape," or sticking a wand up a woman's vagina who wants an abortion, or outlawing oral sex between consenting've lost 95% of America.

Americans are generally fairly tolerant people. Republicans need to get out of people bedrooms and out of ladies' private parts. It's fucking stupid and offensive. There are far more important issues in America than whether or not Larry wants to give Bob a blow job. Let it go people.


On the other hand, Democrats need to stop lying about having a mandate to do all sorts of crap like O-care when they were really elected to keep Republicans out of our bedrooms and our vaginas.

But mostly yes.

I'm sorry, what? No. No, they were not 'really elected' for the bolded bit. They were 'really elected' to do the jobs, jobs, jobs thing, and stop standing by silent while the R's try to give big business everything they could ever ask for, and more.

Standing by silent doesn't make them look any better than R's. Not for those of us who are paying attention, anyway.

They were elected on the vagina thing -- the "vote like your vagina depends on it" is what gives Dems the wide margin in the women's vote.

Dems successfully scare people into thinking that the "legitimate rape" people will force a return to back alley abortions.

Are that many people fooled by any claims Democrats make about not being in the pocket of big business?
While the state Dems strut their stuff and puff out their chests, they should be concerned that with all his advantages and running against a near lunatic, their boy only squeaked out a 3 point win. WHY?

Cucinellli led in the Virginia polls for the first half of the year. So the question isn't why McAulliffe won by a small number. The question is how did Cucinelli blow his lead?
If Republicans keep putting social issue nut jobs on the ticket they are in deep trouble. When you have candidates talking about "legitimate rape," or sticking a wand up a woman's vagina who wants an abortion, or outlawing oral sex between consenting've lost 95% of America.

Americans are generally fairly tolerant people. Republicans need to get out of people bedrooms and out of ladies' private parts. It's fucking stupid and offensive. There are far more important issues in America than whether or not Larry wants to give Bob a blow job. Let it go people.


On the other hand, Democrats need to stop lying about having a mandate to do all sorts of crap like O-care when they were really elected to keep Republicans out of our bedrooms and our vaginas.

But mostly yes.

I'm sorry, what? No. No, they were not 'really elected' for the bolded bit. They were 'really elected' to do the jobs, jobs, jobs thing, and stop standing by silent while the R's try to give big business everything they could ever ask for, and more.

Standing by silent doesn't make them look any better than R's. Not for those of us who are paying attention, anyway.

McAuliffe hit Cuccinelli hard during the campaign on hot-button social issues like abortion and the strategy paid off. Cuccinelli actually won among the 70% of voters who care most about the economy or health care. But among the 20% of voters who said abortion is the most important issue, McAuliffe won by 35 points (65% to 30%).

CNN exit polls: Virginia governor's race -- CNN Political Ticker

On the other hand, Democrats need to stop lying about having a mandate to do all sorts of crap like O-care when they were really elected to keep Republicans out of our bedrooms and our vaginas.

But mostly yes.

I'm sorry, what? No. No, they were not 'really elected' for the bolded bit. They were 'really elected' to do the jobs, jobs, jobs thing, and stop standing by silent while the R's try to give big business everything they could ever ask for, and more.

Standing by silent doesn't make them look any better than R's. Not for those of us who are paying attention, anyway.

They were elected on the vagina thing -- the "vote like your vagina depends on it" is what gives Dems the wide margin in the women's vote.

Dems successfully scare people into thinking that the "legitimate rape" people will force a return to back alley abortions.

Are that many people fooled by any claims Democrats make about not being in the pocket of big business?

the legitimate rape bs WILL force women back into back alley aboritions .... THAT'S THE INTENT.
I'm sorry, what? No. No, they were not 'really elected' for the bolded bit. They were 'really elected' to do the jobs, jobs, jobs thing, and stop standing by silent while the R's try to give big business everything they could ever ask for, and more.

Standing by silent doesn't make them look any better than R's. Not for those of us who are paying attention, anyway.

They were elected on the vagina thing -- the "vote like your vagina depends on it" is what gives Dems the wide margin in the women's vote.

Dems successfully scare people into thinking that the "legitimate rape" people will force a return to back alley abortions.

Are that many people fooled by any claims Democrats make about not being in the pocket of big business?

the legitimate rape bs WILL force women back into back alley aboritions .... THAT'S THE INTENT.

Abortion won't be made illegal. There are enough Democrats and moderate Republicans in the legislatures and the courts to stop that from happening. A post 12-week ban on abortions will not stand. The most which could survive is a post-20-week ban, and I don't even see that happening. The outrage over requiring an ultrasound is totally blown out of proportion -- in many clinics that's SOP to begin with -- it's good medicine to know the age of the fetus one is trying to remove from a woman's body. There are some excessive bills being proposed, and a couple have made it into law but the most excessive will be rebuffed and overturned. Back alley abortions will not become standard again. The majority of Americans want abortion to remain legal, just as the majority of Americans want to have some restrictions on it. The extremists on both ends are doing a lot of damage, creating polarization without justification and thereby opening the door for non-abortion-related government abuse.
While the state Dems strut their stuff and puff out their chests, they should be concerned that with all his advantages and running against a near lunatic, their boy only squeaked out a 3 point win. WHY?

And now it looked like the AG is going to the GOP. WHY?

I think they should be realistic about this and realize that the early failure of the ACA is hurting the brand. Either the WH gets the web site up and gets people enrolled, or 2014 may be an interesting year. One that may not see the Dem gains some have projected.

The web site failure is a huge blunder and if it is not fixed by the end of the month.....well it could be very ugly.

Just being honest...:eusa_whistle:

Except it's not a "huge" blunder.

It's a "huge" PR blunder.

No big programs roll out without hitches.

The problem is that one party is so dedicated to making sure the other party fails they will stop at nothing.

That includes hurting the country.

so republicans are to blame??
While the state Dems strut their stuff and puff out their chests, they should be concerned that with all his advantages and running against a near lunatic, their boy only squeaked out a 3 point win. WHY?

And now it looked like the AG is going to the GOP. WHY?

I think they should be realistic about this and realize that the early failure of the ACA is hurting the brand. Either the WH gets the web site up and gets people enrolled, or 2014 may be an interesting year. One that may not see the Dem gains some have projected.

The web site failure is a huge blunder and if it is not fixed by the end of the month.....well it could be very ugly.

Just being honest...:eusa_whistle:

Except it's not a "huge" blunder.

It's a "huge" PR blunder.

No big programs roll out without hitches.

The problem is that one party is so dedicated to making sure the other party fails they will stop at nothing.

That includes hurting the country.

No Sallow. This was not just a mere Public Relations Blunder. Amazon was a big program. They are extremely big and cover the entire nation. Health Insurances all over the nation roll out programs every year. Airlines have on line purchasing of tickets.

The difference is that they are not lying to the public and trying to deceive them at the same time as doing business with them.

They did not get NO bid contracts with college friends to do their websites.

They didn't get felons to do their navigation work, compromising their security.

They didn't have government workers working on programs. They got experts from the US they could depend on.
The Dems only have to be concerned about turning out their base. It's such an expansive, diversified base. You have to get many different communities out, whereas old white Republicans on Medicare and Social Security always show up to vote against themselves every single election, without fail.

But the public is angry with Republicans right now. They're only indifferent about Democrats. And if Republicans keep putting up weirdos as senate candidates, they'll continue to lose like they did in 2012.

At this point, the Senate is safely Democratic and will remain so, according to all the polls of all the races out there.

But the House is up for grabs. The Democrats need to flip 18 districts. It's doable, but challenging, because of all the gerrymandering.

On the other hand, Democrats need to stop lying about having a mandate to do all sorts of crap like O-care when they were really elected to keep Republicans out of our bedrooms and our vaginas.

But mostly yes.

I'm sorry, what? No. No, they were not 'really elected' for the bolded bit. They were 'really elected' to do the jobs, jobs, jobs thing, and stop standing by silent while the R's try to give big business everything they could ever ask for, and more.

Standing by silent doesn't make them look any better than R's. Not for those of us who are paying attention, anyway.

They were elected on the vagina thing -- the "vote like your vagina depends on it" is what gives Dems the wide margin in the women's vote.

Dems successfully scare people into thinking that the "legitimate rape" people will force a return to back alley abortions.

Are that many people fooled by any claims Democrats make about not being in the pocket of big business?

There was nothing about "scaring" or "fooling" people.

That's what Republicans were really doing.

And if that's something they wanted..that's what they voted for..
I'm sorry, what? No. No, they were not 'really elected' for the bolded bit. They were 'really elected' to do the jobs, jobs, jobs thing, and stop standing by silent while the R's try to give big business everything they could ever ask for, and more.

Standing by silent doesn't make them look any better than R's. Not for those of us who are paying attention, anyway.

They were elected on the vagina thing -- the "vote like your vagina depends on it" is what gives Dems the wide margin in the women's vote.

Dems successfully scare people into thinking that the "legitimate rape" people will force a return to back alley abortions.

Are that many people fooled by any claims Democrats make about not being in the pocket of big business?

There was nothing about "scaring" or "fooling" people.

That's what Republicans were really doing.

And if that's something they wanted..that's what they voted for..

No. That's not what Republicans were really doing. That's what some Republicans may have sounded like they were talking about, but that's not what anyone did, or what anyone would do. We have checks and balances, in the electorate and in the judiciary. Doubling down on the extremist talk won't make it more true, but it does harm the discourse which is so vital for truly good government.

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