In Dark Times...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

Former 2016 presidential candidate Hitlary KKKlinton on Saturday, cited “dark times” in an Independence Day message, and urged Americans to march and register to vote. “In dark times, it's important to remember that America can be what we make of it,” the sociopath hag said on Twitter. “We have more power than we can imagine when we wield it together.“

Well Hitlary... These "dark times" have been created exclusively by your own sycophants and marxist zealots. America will be a third world shithole if we allow your political agenda to make it one, just like it has to every other country that established a regressive leftwing government.

It's YOUR VOTERS that are destroying cities, it's YOUR VOTERS that tear down statutes, it's YOUR APPARATCHIKS in the DNC media hyping up a bad cold and lying about the data. It's YOUR PARTY that keeps people divided along "racial" lines, promotes sexual deviancy and condemns those disgusted by it. It's YOUR POLICY that put a disproportional number of blacks in prison for drug crimes, it's YOUR PARTY that runs the failing schools, maintains the cycle of poverty and government dependency. It's YOUR PARTY that attacks religion and patriotism, it's YOUR PARTY that promotes a collectivist global government. It's YOUR PARTY that wants to steal our guns, our property, and regulate the fuck out of us.

On one note you're right, we can come together in November and crush your treasonous political crime syndicate and hand the DNC a defeat worse than 2010. We can convince the elitist pig billionaires that own you sociopaths and the Hollyweird dipshits that give the DNC all it's money to stop wasting their money and give it to the Green Party or the CPUSA. We can crush them so decisively that the DOJ finally gets off it's ass and starts doing honest investigations into the corruption in DC and specifically the democrook party.

"Ms" Clinton? LOL

By the way "dark times" is racist! Darkies wanting to kill Whitey has been happening since Darkies slaughtered men, women and children on various islands that Christopher Columbus discovered.
Good on Ms. Clinton.
Do you actually believe that Hillary believes what she says? She is an opportunist that hit pay dirt. No normal job would have kept her for her failures in it. She has accomplished nothing from her start in the early 1970's. That is an incredible record. You have destroyed Holidays. Absolutely destroyed them.
Good on Ms. Clinton.
Do you actually believe that Hillary believes what she says? She is an opportunist that hit pay dirt. No normal job would have kept her for her failures in it. She has accomplished nothing from her start in the early 1970's. That is an incredible record. You have destroyed Holidays. Absolutely destroyed them.

Well, feel free not to take any more I guess. Somehow, I don't think your actions will match your rhetoric.

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