In Case With Global Implications, Finland Puts Christians On Trial For Their Faith


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
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Finnish Authorities: The Bible Is Hate Speech​

Rasanen and Pohjola are being charged with “hate speech” for respectively writing and publishing a 24-page 2004 booklet that explains basic Christian theology about sex and marriage, which reserves sex exclusively for within marriage, which can only consist of one man and one woman, for life. The Finnish prosecutor claims centuries-old Christian teachings about sex “incite hatred” and violate legal preferences for government-privileged identity groups.

Writer Rod Dreher pointed out the witch hunt nature of this prosecution: “Räsänen wrote that pamphlet seven years before LGBT was added to the national hate-speech law as a protected class. She was investigated once before for the pamphlet, and cleared — but now she’s going to undergo another interrogation.”

Rasanen and Pohjola both have adamantly affirmed “the divinely given dignity, value, and human rights of all, including all who identify with the LGBTQ community.” Christian theology teaches that all human beings are precious, as all are made in God’s image and offered eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

It begins war on christians. Just a taste of what's to come, y'all.

christians are in trouble...cause the god haters can't touch God. LOLOL

Romans 8:7 ESV​

For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot.
Last edited: war on christians. Just a taste of what's to come, y'all.

christians are in trouble...cause the god haters can't touch God. LOLOL

Romans 8:7 ESV​

For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot.
Well we all read the fate of those who refuse the Mark in Revelation.

It just goes to prove that the Bible is 100% correct and on track.

Finnish Authorities: The Bible Is Hate Speech​

Rasanen and Pohjola are being charged with “hate speech” for respectively writing and publishing a 24-page 2004 booklet that explains basic Christian theology about sex and marriage, which reserves sex exclusively for within marriage, which can only consist of one man and one woman, for life. The Finnish prosecutor claims centuries-old Christian teachings about sex “incite hatred” and violate legal preferences for government-privileged identity groups.

Writer Rod Dreher pointed out the witch hunt nature of this prosecution: “Räsänen wrote that pamphlet seven years before LGBT was added to the national hate-speech law as a protected class. She was investigated once before for the pamphlet, and cleared — but now she’s going to undergo another interrogation.”

Rasanen and Pohjola both have adamantly affirmed “the divinely given dignity, value, and human rights of all, including all who identify with the LGBTQ community.” Christian theology teaches that all human beings are precious, as all are made in God’s image and offered eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

It begins
The title and premise of your OP is missleading, as they are not putting the Bible on trial, but the way it's being used by specific possibly intollerant people. The same way the Koran is hijacked & wrongfully used by radical terrorist as hate speech.
The title and premise of your OP is missleading, as they are not putting the Bible on trial, but the way it's being used by specific possibly intollerant people. The same way the Koran is hijacked & wrongfully used by radical terrorist as hate speech.

Nope, it's not misleading at all. Your lack of knowledge about Christianity is duly noted, well that and you didn't read the article.
The title and premise of your OP is missleading, as they are not putting the Bible on trial, but the way it's being used by specific possibly intollerant people. The same way the Koran is hijacked & wrongfully used by radical terrorist as hate speech.
Good on you! A moderate approach is probably best now because the lies of Christianity are soon going to be pushed back into the confines of the churches in many countries.

The problem is, the way intolerant people are using their bibles, is consistent with the teaching of their bibles.

In a modern world we'll all have to basically ignore much of the bible's teaching and so the best way for christians to deal with that is to isolate their beliefs from mainstream society in general.

Don't speak it outside of the church or the church's community, then hear no rejection or ridicule of it.

The churches will have to learn to survive and prosper under that new set of rules.
God's people aren't to tolerate those that hate God's laws do not associate with do not go along with it. NOWHERE in the bible does God say kill those that disagree with us. INDEED we are supposed to pray for them and do good.
That the Left is on the verge of taking away completely.

It's all about "democracy", right? So to hell with our rights.

Democrats, even once moderate types, are all in for restricted speech when it comes to restricting speech they do not want to hear. My in-laws, for example, despised Trump so completely during his four years as POTUS they were constantly calling on cable news and social media outlets to silence him. What's so ironic about that? They both came up during the 60's, educated in ultra-liberal universities which were supposedly all about free speech. I guess the times they have a changed in liberal la-la land.
The title and premise of your OP is missleading, as they are not putting the Bible on trial, but the way it's being used by specific possibly intollerant people. The same way the Koran is hijacked & wrongfully used by radical terrorist as hate speech.

Who are you or who is anyone else to say how the Bible is or is not to be used? Free discourse on and interpretation of texts is a foundation of civilization's construction. We personally might despise a given scholar's take on whatever text. No argument there. Yet we must still accept all interpretations as free to be given even if not agreed upon or in poor taste.

Finnish Authorities: The Bible Is Hate Speech​

Rasanen and Pohjola are being charged with “hate speech” for respectively writing and publishing a 24-page 2004 booklet that explains basic Christian theology about sex and marriage, which reserves sex exclusively for within marriage, which can only consist of one man and one woman, for life. The Finnish prosecutor claims centuries-old Christian teachings about sex “incite hatred” and violate legal preferences for government-privileged identity groups.

Writer Rod Dreher pointed out the witch hunt nature of this prosecution: “Räsänen wrote that pamphlet seven years before LGBT was added to the national hate-speech law as a protected class. She was investigated once before for the pamphlet, and cleared — but now she’s going to undergo another interrogation.”

Rasanen and Pohjola both have adamantly affirmed “the divinely given dignity, value, and human rights of all, including all who identify with the LGBTQ community.” Christian theology teaches that all human beings are precious, as all are made in God’s image and offered eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

It begins

We all knew, from earliest days in Bible School, this day would come again. Did we know it'd come during our lifetimes? Seemed like it, in hindsight.
Who are you or who is anyone else to say how the Bible is or is not to be used? Free discourse on and interpretation of texts is a foundation of civilization's construction. We personally might despise a given scholar's take on whatever text. No argument there. Yet we must still accept all interpretations as free to be given even if not agreed upon or in poor taste.
Dan 10:21
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