In a few minutes, Netanyahu to give a statement regarding the approaching days

PS Mashan is Palestinian last name and Hatnovich isa last name (Russian?) I never heard of in Israel.. Google this strange name only brought up the letter so its assume its also fake.
LOL Mashan os a place in China, it isn't a Palestinian name. Hatnovich is a Russian/Slavic name and certainly many Russians immigrated to Israel after the fall of the Soviet Union.
.Criticism on this speech by Israeli journalists. Calling him "detached" from the will of the people.

The will of the israeli people
The question “Why do you continue to kill people?” was asked by an exasperated and quietly angry Ban Ki-moon, the secretary-general of the UN, during his diplomatic effort in the Middle East. Because Israel is doing virtually all of the killing, I think it is more than reasonable to assume that his rhetorical question was addressed primarily to Israel’s leaders. The answer to it can be very simply stated.
“Killing Palestinians comes as naturally to Zionism as pissing when the bladder is full”

Because it is committed to retaining the maximum amount of Palestinian land with the minimum number of Palestinians on it and therefore has no interest in peace on terms the Palestinians could accept, Zionism knows no other way of behaving. Killing Palestinians comes as naturally to it as pissing when the bladder is full.

Another part of the whole terrible truth as noted by Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy is that most of the brainwashed Jewish public in Israel is not remotely concerned by the death and destruction its war machine is inflicting on the Palestinian inhabitants of the Gaza Strip prison camp. One of Gideon’s most recent articles for Haaretz included the following revealing and chilling paragraph.

The website Walla! published talkback comments on an article about the four children killed on the Gaza beach.

Shani Moyal: “I couldn’t care less that Arab children were killed, too bad it wasn’t more. Well done to the IDF.”

Stav Sabah: “Really, these are great pictures. They make me so happy, I want to look at them again and again.”

Sharon Avishi: “Only four? Too bad. We hoped for more.”

Daniela Turgeman: “Great. We need to kill all the children.”

Chaya Hatnovich: “There isn’t a more beautiful picture than those of dead Arab children.”

Orna Peretz: “Why only four?”

Rachel Cohen: “I’m not for children dying in Gaza. I’m for everyone burning.”

Tami Mashan: “As many children as possible should die.”

If that’s not proof of how much many Israeli Jews have been dehumanized by occupation and the propaganda of their leaders I don’t know what is.

Why do Israelis continue to kill Palestinians? | Redress Information & Analysis

The funny part is that instead of locating the talkbacks yourself, you take everything you want as true.
By the way why all the talkback names are females? Hah.

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The website Walla! published talkback comments on an article about the four children killed on the Gaza beach.

Shani Moyal: “I couldn’t care less that Arab children were killed, too bad it wasn’t more. Well done to the IDF.”

Stav Sabah: “Really, these are great pictures. They make me so happy, I want to look at them again and again.”

Sharon Avishi: “Only four? Too bad. We hoped for more.”

Daniela Turgeman: “Great. We need to kill all the children.”

Chaya Hatnovich: “There isn’t a more beautiful picture than those of dead Arab children.”

Orna Peretz: “Why only four?”

Rachel Cohen: “I’m not for children dying in Gaza. I’m for everyone burning.”

Tami Mashan: “As many children as possible should die.”
The Israelis call for more blood of children

So either you bring your sources from pathetic hates sites, or you bring no sources at all.

You can go and sit on a cactus, too.
LOL Mashan os a place in China, it isn't a Palestinian name. Hatnovich is a Russian/Slavic name and certainly many Russians immigrated to Israel after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Hatnovich is a very rare name since I never seen anything even close to it in Israel, but, meh whatever.
And Mashan/el-Mashan is a very common Palestinians/Egyptian name, since in English you cannot pronounce throat words like "Kha" there's also "A'a" for example, Khaled Masha'al, notice how Israelis/Arabs say Hamas and how Americans/Europeans pronounce Hamas.

Anyway, why are they all females again?:lol:
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So either you bring your sources from pathetic hates sites, or you bring no sources at all.

You can go and sit on a cactus, too.

From their names and accompanying pictures, all the commenters are women. They shop in the stores near your homes, they go to the same movies and vacation spots as you. They’re Israeli. No one would think of firing them from their jobs, like they are doing now to Arabs and left-wingers. No one will condemn them, no one will attack or threaten them. They’re normal, according to the Israeli norms at least, where compassion for the other side is considered treason, and beastly criticism is considered patriotism.
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Haaretz is a "pathetic hates site"?
So either you bring your sources from pathetic hates sites, or you bring no sources at all.

You can go and sit on a cactus, too.

From their names and accompanying pictures, all the commenters are women. They shop in the stores near your homes, they go to the same movies and vacation spots as you. They’re Israeli. No one would think of firing them from their jobs, like they are doing now to Arabs and left-wingers. No one will condemn them, no one will attack or threaten them. They’re normal, according to the Israeli norms at least, where compassion for the other side is considered treason, and beastly criticism is considered patriotism.
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Haaretz is a "pathetic hates site"?

First of all yes, Haaretz is a pathetic left wing site.
Now lets move on, all the FAKE comments belong ONLY to women, Isn't that extreme unlikely in Israel people can't express their opinion including men? most of the combat soldiers are men, do you know that little fact?
However, I want a link for the Walla website, not some loony talkbacks, since you said Walla published those, where are they?
Don't bother searching, the damage is done already, and the same way people can submit a letter to Lancet, even easier is to browse to Walla, and post one under any name you like, its like I'll browse to el-Jazeera and post trash and sign the name Mohammad Fanger, VERY RELIABLE.
LOL Mashan os a place in China, it isn't a Palestinian name. Hatnovich is a Russian/Slavic name and certainly many Russians immigrated to Israel after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Hatnovich is a very rare name since I never seen anything even close to it in Israel, but, meh whatever.
And Mashan/el-Mashan is a very common Palestinians/Egyptian name, since in English you cannot pronounce throat words like "Kha" there's also "A'a" for example, Khaled Masha'al, notice how Israelis/Arabs say Hamas and how Americans/Europeans pronounce Hamas.

Anyway, why are they all females again?:lol:

Jewish girls go through stages, being told they are a princess, thinking they are a princess, to wondering why nobody treats them like a princess
LOL Mashan os a place in China, it isn't a Palestinian name. Hatnovich is a Russian/Slavic name and certainly many Russians immigrated to Israel after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Hatnovich is a very rare name since I never seen anything even close to it in Israel, but, meh whatever.
And Mashan/el-Mashan is a very common Palestinians/Egyptian name, since in English you cannot pronounce throat words like "Kha" there's also "A'a" for example, Khaled Masha'al, notice how Israelis/Arabs say Hamas and how Americans/Europeans pronounce Hamas.

Anyway, why are they all females again?:lol:

Jewish girls go through stages, being told they are a princess, thinking they are a princess, to wondering why nobody treats them like a princess
Assuming its true, why all the talkbacks are female again? :lol:
Oh come on Fanger, I thought you made a progress but now you just turn out to be real dummy.
This is websearch just like Yahoo Search, Google Search, MSN Search, and any other search.
You can also see the results are not leading to ANY of Walla news reports.. single digit again :lol:
the "?q=" stand up for Query, do the math.
Oh and by the way you can see below the search bar that its powered by Google.
And because I'm really wiling to prove how stupid this is, try find an Israeli that write talkbacks in English instead of Hebrew in a Hebrew site :rofl:
Anything useful to say?
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Since you all didn't bother to answer, I assume you searching for the original post, good luck.
Meanwhile, lets enjoy with some fascinating and peaceful female opinions of Palestinian women, but of course this time real.

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So either you bring your sources from pathetic hates sites, or you bring no sources at all.

You can go and sit on a cactus, too.

From their names and accompanying pictures, all the commenters are women. They shop in the stores near your homes, they go to the same movies and vacation spots as you. They’re Israeli. No one would think of firing them from their jobs, like they are doing now to Arabs and left-wingers. No one will condemn them, no one will attack or threaten them. They’re normal, according to the Israeli norms at least, where compassion for the other side is considered treason, and beastly criticism is considered patriotism.
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Haaretz is a "pathetic hates site"?

You want to talk more about hate?

How bout this?!

We have Arab workers in my hometown. We give them work, we help them, we treat them equaly.

How convinient is that, that they start by not showing up for work, AFTER we already payed them last week. How about when my father wakes up in the morning today, he finds the tires of his car punctures, our car sprayed and engraved with swastikas, and when leaving the town he can very well hear their shotting across town.

Speak about HATE. hate that is not "cool" enough to tell about.

So yeah, why don't you try to impress me, again!
So either you bring your sources from pathetic hates sites, or you bring no sources at all.

You can go and sit on a cactus, too.

From their names and accompanying pictures, all the commenters are women. They shop in the stores near your homes, they go to the same movies and vacation spots as you. They’re Israeli. No one would think of firing them from their jobs, like they are doing now to Arabs and left-wingers. No one will condemn them, no one will attack or threaten them. They’re normal, according to the Israeli norms at least, where compassion for the other side is considered treason, and beastly criticism is considered patriotism.
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Haaretz is a "pathetic hates site"?


And its own readers noticed it too.

As long as they let pathetic people like Amira Hass and Gideon Levi keep writing there, they'll keep losing readers.

Not only that, they lost many as soon as they did it "pay-per-view".

Who will pay in Israel to read a leftist newspaper?

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