Zone1 In 2014 a Federal task force was created to tackle gun deaths in Chicago. No really!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Wow imagine that! Eight years ago, the Federal government actually acknowledged the out of control gun violence in Chicago inner cities and set up a special task force to tackle the problem. How'd that work out? Here's an article from 2014.

The stupid bastards actually think that tougher gun control laws will fix their murder/violence problems. As if the criminals and the gangs are going to meekly follow the law. And the progressive liberal judges let the convicts out of prison early, social justice don't you know. As long as the democrats are running that city and that state, the citizens there are fucked and it's their own fault for not demanding more and better law and order.
Wow imagine that! Eight years ago, the Federal government actually acknowledged the out of control gun violence in Chicago inner cities and set up a special task force to tackle the problem. How'd that work out? Here's an article from 2014.

They decided gun deaths in Chicago were racisssss.
Who the FUCK would shoot kids playing in a park???? Or at a school????

I mean, geezus fukkin cryst!!!! Even the MAFIA doesn't kill kids!

Just more proof positive Nazicrats worship destruction and death, and get it any way they can.
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Maybe the task force determined that "the right people were getting shot" (thank you Dirty Harry) and just let it go at that.
Who the FUCK would shoot kids playing in a park???? Or at a school????

I mean, geezus fukkin cryst!!!! Even the MAFIA doesn't kill kids!

Just more proof positive Nazicrats worship destruction and death, and get it any way they can.
The Mafia was death on street crime, they knew it was bad for business. After Prohibition, Mafia crime was all out of sight of the public, nothing blatent. Prostitution, gambling, loan sharking, all high reward, low risk crimes. Up until fairly recently the Mafia even refused to have anything to do with the drug trade because it garnered too much attention for authorities.
Maybe the task force determined that "the right people were getting shot" (thank you Dirty Harry) and just let it go at that.
To be honest, most people don't care if criminals kill each other off as long as it doesn't spill over on innocent civilians. If gang killings were surgical sniper attacks, people would just shrug their shoulders and say "good riddance to bad rubbish" but gangbangers randomly shoot usually hitting more bystanders than their targets.

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