Important speech of the Belarusian President


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there
Speech by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the memorial complex "Brest Fortres" on the 80th anniversary of the German attack on the USSR.

June 22, 1941 is a day of remembrance and sorrow for all belarusians, a date that divided the life of the people into before and after. That summer sunday morning became a terrible boundary between peace and war, between light and darkness, life and death. An armed, ruthless armada moved to our land, which brought death and slavery. The fascists did not spare either the elderly or infants. Later, after May 9, 1945, the Germans will call that june day fatal for their nation. But 80 years ago, the Hitler's murderers intended to march through Belarus in a victorious march. They wanted to pass through our land as easily and quickly as through the Czech Republic, as they walked through Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, France, Greece, Poland - throughout the current European Union, they marched in a solemn march.

By the beginning of July, friends and foes of the USSR were wondering how much longer the country would last - two weeks, three, maybe a month? And the Berlin strategists have already planned a fascist parade on Red Square in Moscow. But here, at the walls of the Belarusian Brest citadel, literally in the first hours of the war, the Nazi blitzkrieg broke down. Just remember this word "blitzkrieg" just in case. He broke down when, in the last minutes of his short life, a warrior scribbled on the wall: "I'm dying, but I'm not giving up! Goodbye, Motherland."

Unfortunately, we don't know who he is. We do not know the names of many defenders of the Brest fortress, we do not know how they died and where they are buried. Remember this, this is a signal for you.

Just a few weeks ago, the last witness of those events, Pyotr Kotelnikov, left us. But his name will always live in the memory of the people, as well as the names of his comrades-in-arms, Lieutenant Kizhevatov, Captain Zubachev, Major Gavrilov and thousands, thousands of other Soviet heroes. It was they who did not allow the fascists to take the stronghold over the Bug in eight hours. Three weeks later, the fighting began already on the distant approaches to Smolensk, and the Brest fortress continued to fight.

Dear friends, those were terrible times. We buried a huge number, and even more were missing. So let's honor the memory of the heroes who sacrificed themselves and saved peace, freedom and independence with a minute of silence.

The invaders (and almost the whole of Europe was fighting against the Soviet Union) did not understand then why even in the most desperate situations the Soviet soldier did not give up, how in general he was able to stand up and eventually win. We are also not understood today by the descendants of those who in the 40s marched on the Belarusian land to Moscow, burned houses and destroyed people. They are wondering why we still exist on this earth as a state. Apparently, they are not given to understand this.
Huge financial resources were thrown at the implementation of today's "color blitzkrieg". Over the past year, we have experienced the effects of the most modern hybrid warfare technologies. Belarusians are increasingly asking: so, are we going to fight? Come on, belarusians. We have been at war for a long time. It's just that the war has taken on other forms. There will be no more wars like WWII, at these gates (the Brest fortress. - Ed. BELTA) they will not trample thousands of soldiers. The war will begin and always begins in modern conditions from within the state.

Take any, as we call it, "color revolution" that has been committed in recent decades: everything has been done to blow up society from the inside. And they (the West. - Ed. BelTA) then will come to "save" us. The scripts are written, the roles are distributed. We just turned out to be stronger and wiser. I would venture to say that it is even stronger than in the 1941 our predecessors were, because we determine our fate ourselves. We decide here whether to provoke them or not, to wait for them to break through here and tear us up, or not. We are a sovereign, independent state, and it will continue to be so.

At the same time, these crazy people are there, nearby, waiting for help from us! They demand to stop illegal migration: thousands of people from those destroyed countries (that they tried to bring to their knees, and when they did, they began to destroy them), rushed through Central Asia, Russia, over there - to the tolerant West. They invited them, and today they howled: "Oh, the belarusians do not protect us!" Thousands and thousands of illegal migrants rushed to Lithuania, Latvia and Poland.

They demand that we protect them from smuggling, from drugs. A signal is already being heard from across the Atlantic: "Help, as you did before, detain nuclear materials, so that they do not get to Europe". I just want to ask: are you completely crazy? You unleashed a hybrid war against us and demand that we protect you as before? You are stifling us with disinformation, methodically and collectively, destroying us, trying to kill our economy and expecting us to spend hundreds of millions of dollars, as before, to protect your geopolitical interests?! Only madmen can think this way and count on our support.

We are fighting against this evil as best we can. If you want us to fight as before, take steps in this direction, and do not try to strangle us. This is hopeless. You're too late, gentlemen.

But who was not expected to participate in this collective conspiracy, was Germany... From those whose ancestors destroyed not only every third Belarusian in the Great Patriotic War, but also millions of unborn children.

80 years ago, it seems to me, it was like this: warm, bright, a good sunday. People were resting, people wanted to live. Someone was going to celebrate a wedding, someone was giving birth, someone was preparing to give birth to children. And suddenly, in a barbaric, surreptitious way, at four in the morning, thousands of tons of metal were brought down on the heads of Brest residents and the whole of Belarus. What is it called?

It's been 80 years since then, so what we have now? A new hot war. And what about that,a symbolism? -Yesterday, economic sanctions were imposed against our people and enterprises. June 22, at night... Indeed, history has not taught them anything.

But for all the 80 years after the 1945, the germans staggered around the world, across Europe, the former Soviet Union and repented. They repented, wept, knelt down, asked to open monuments, to bury the still unburied germans - fascists who came to our land. And we were kind and tolerant. Okay, we are. Those who won this war. Those who suffered, were tormented, opened their hearts and souls and treated them humanly. And what?

Yesterday's quote: "Sanctions should be extended to entire sectors of the Belarusian economy." Read it as: "Let them die there". That is, us. I would like to ask the author of these lines, a certain Maas, the German Foreign Minister: Mr. Maas, who are you? Yesterday's repentant german or the heir of the nazis? Who are you, answer publicly. At least in front of your own people.

Therefore, it is not necessary to repent in public for the sins of their predecessors. These repentances, which we recently heard from the presidents of Austria and Germany in Trostenets, are worthless. No words will hide the real intentions.

You should not just repent. You should kneel before the belarusian people for another 100 years and pray that you could be born after that war. You must do everything to heal the wounds of this war in our hearts and souls. You don't have right us. You should carry us on your hands - all of you, the Germans, the Poles, the so-called European Union. Because we saved you from the brown plague. And you would have gone along with us, the entire Soviet people, as slaves, if they had taken over.

And do not lull us to sleep with stories about defensive exercises and NATO's peacefulness. We have had enough of this since the 1941, when we believed you, and did not learn lessons from history, we gave you Eastern Europe (the so-called Warsaw Pact countries) in exchange for your promises that you will never take a step in our direction and will not, as it is fashionable to say now, expand NATO to the East. You are at least liars, at most - scoundrels. You have been lying all the time, you have deceived us, and today - it will not work no more.

We will do everything to protect our land. And these are our sons, who are standing here under the flags of the winners, remember that, they will do everything to ensure that you live a quiet life on your land. You are Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians, Poles, Jews, Tatars. Everyone who lives here on this earth. This is your land. You are not wanted anywhere, and do not believe these promises, that you will be accepted there, for example, with a Pole's card, with open arms. Some who were accepted, barely managed to get home. This is your land, take care of it, belarusians, appreciate it. Because it doesn't belong only to us. It belongs to our children and grandchildren. They should have this piece of land on which they will live and raise their children.

And we can clearly see that the collective West continues to dream of a new "Drang nach Osten", world domination and the seizure of rich resources east of Belarus. Then, after the war, there was few to restore the destroyed economy. Even today, we have not recovered from this demographic catastrophe.

Information harassment did not bring the expected results. Now we are holding an economic blow. I would like to know what's next? Intervention? Forget it, calm down. It will cost you dearly. Well-groomed people from high stands on the other side of the border shamelessly lie with the help of fugitives, that the Belarusian people are begging for sanctions against themselves. That belarusians are ready to suffer for the sake of some ephemeral "bright future", that these kind uncles will bring them on the tips of their bayonets. Wake up, you, who are mad and lost!

After all, there have been many such cases in our history when we were promised a lot: freedom, independence, and the state promised to create for Belarusians on the tips of bayonets. And as a result, what? And as a result, every third person was buried in the last war. How many were maimed? Not only were people physically crippled, but how many destinies and hearts were crippled?

Sanctions, provocations… I just want to ask: are you doing this on purpose? Do you want to test the borders for strength, and the new generation of Belarusians for patriotism? Let's try it!

Listen, has history really taught you nothing? Look: Just like 80 years ago, the region is on the verge of a global conflict. I am addressing first of all and once again to the peoples of our neighboring countries - Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Ukrainians. Wake up before it's too late. You will deal with these politicians who are distraught and have lost reality. Look at what a beautiful world, and in this world we have always lived normally, as neighbors, shared a piece of bread, went to each other. Let's stop at this last line: tomorrow will be too late.

Are there really those among Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Poles, to whom Belarusians have always been friendly, who are ready to sacrifice this peaceful life for the sake of the madness and ambitions of individual leaders of these states, politicians who really do not care about our Belarusian people, their peoples, their destinies and statehood, our Belarusian statehood?

Once again, I will tell those who still do not understand. Understand once and for all: we will not give up our native land, independence and sovereignty to anyone. We will stand up in any case! I just would like to be human, as always, as Slavic man.

The world today is not confined only to the European Union. There are enough responsible countries and entire regions on the planet with which we will continue to work closely. The truth is behind us, and we are the heirs of a great generation that gave us life, freedom and independence. Remember, Belarusians, not only what we say, but even what we think, they see there, from heaven, and hear. Remember this. I am telling you this today, realizing that they can hear us. They must understand, that they did not die in vain.

This holy army still helps us to protect our native Belarus today. It helps first of all by an example of indomitable fortitude, courage and selflessness shown during the Great Patriotic War.

Today we glorify the feat of our people, honor veterans and mourn the dead, bow our heads to the heroes and innocent victims of the war. Remember: this memory is sacred and unshakable, and as long as we have it, we will live, we will always live with dignity, not on our knees. So it is, so it should be and so it will always be!
Lukashenko has turned his regime into the theatre of absurd. Who cares what this pathetic dictator says?
All of this talk of magnanimous heroism from the guy who had a fighter jet ground another country's passenger plane so he could disappear the dissenting journalist on board. Real spirit of cooperation and brotherhood, that.
All of this talk of magnanimous heroism from the guy who had a fighter jet ground another country's passenger plane so he could disappear the dissenting journalist on board. Real spirit of cooperation and brotherhood, that.
And that's all you can say? Isn't there a rule in the United States after 9/11, according to which, if a civilian plane is hijacked by terrorists, it may well be shot down, along with all the passengers? Don't you find this much more cruelб than the actions of Lukashenka? And the so-called journalist feels fine, has testified and lives in conditions of relative freedom of movement. That is why we no longer hear the voices of the "progressive public" from every electrical appliance about him.
Speech by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the memorial complex "Brest Fortres" on the 80th anniversary of the German attack on the USSR.

June 22, 1941 is a day of remembrance and sorrow for all belarusians, a date that divided the life of the people into before and after. That summer sunday morning became a terrible boundary between peace and war, between light and darkness, life and death. An armed, ruthless armada moved to our land, which brought death and slavery. The fascists did not spare either the elderly or infants. Later, after May 9, 1945, the Germans will call that june day fatal for their nation. But 80 years ago, the Hitler's murderers intended to march through Belarus in a victorious march. They wanted to pass through our land as easily and quickly as through the Czech Republic, as they walked through Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, France, Greece, Poland - throughout the current European Union, they marched in a solemn march.

By the beginning of July, friends and foes of the USSR were wondering how much longer the country would last - two weeks, three, maybe a month? And the Berlin strategists have already planned a fascist parade on Red Square in Moscow. But here, at the walls of the Belarusian Brest citadel, literally in the first hours of the war, the Nazi blitzkrieg broke down. Just remember this word "blitzkrieg" just in case. He broke down when, in the last minutes of his short life, a warrior scribbled on the wall: "I'm dying, but I'm not giving up! Goodbye, Motherland."

Unfortunately, we don't know who he is. We do not know the names of many defenders of the Brest fortress, we do not know how they died and where they are buried. Remember this, this is a signal for you.

Just a few weeks ago, the last witness of those events, Pyotr Kotelnikov, left us. But his name will always live in the memory of the people, as well as the names of his comrades-in-arms, Lieutenant Kizhevatov, Captain Zubachev, Major Gavrilov and thousands, thousands of other Soviet heroes. It was they who did not allow the fascists to take the stronghold over the Bug in eight hours. Three weeks later, the fighting began already on the distant approaches to Smolensk, and the Brest fortress continued to fight.

Dear friends, those were terrible times. We buried a huge number, and even more were missing. So let's honor the memory of the heroes who sacrificed themselves and saved peace, freedom and independence with a minute of silence.

The invaders (and almost the whole of Europe was fighting against the Soviet Union) did not understand then why even in the most desperate situations the Soviet soldier did not give up, how in general he was able to stand up and eventually win. We are also not understood today by the descendants of those who in the 40s marched on the Belarusian land to Moscow, burned houses and destroyed people. They are wondering why we still exist on this earth as a state. Apparently, they are not given to understand this.
Huge financial resources were thrown at the implementation of today's "color blitzkrieg". Over the past year, we have experienced the effects of the most modern hybrid warfare technologies. Belarusians are increasingly asking: so, are we going to fight? Come on, belarusians. We have been at war for a long time. It's just that the war has taken on other forms. There will be no more wars like WWII, at these gates (the Brest fortress. - Ed. BELTA) they will not trample thousands of soldiers. The war will begin and always begins in modern conditions from within the state.

Take any, as we call it, "color revolution" that has been committed in recent decades: everything has been done to blow up society from the inside. And they (the West. - Ed. BelTA) then will come to "save" us. The scripts are written, the roles are distributed. We just turned out to be stronger and wiser. I would venture to say that it is even stronger than in the 1941 our predecessors were, because we determine our fate ourselves. We decide here whether to provoke them or not, to wait for them to break through here and tear us up, or not. We are a sovereign, independent state, and it will continue to be so.

At the same time, these crazy people are there, nearby, waiting for help from us! They demand to stop illegal migration: thousands of people from those destroyed countries (that they tried to bring to their knees, and when they did, they began to destroy them), rushed through Central Asia, Russia, over there - to the tolerant West. They invited them, and today they howled: "Oh, the belarusians do not protect us!" Thousands and thousands of illegal migrants rushed to Lithuania, Latvia and Poland.

They demand that we protect them from smuggling, from drugs. A signal is already being heard from across the Atlantic: "Help, as you did before, detain nuclear materials, so that they do not get to Europe". I just want to ask: are you completely crazy? You unleashed a hybrid war against us and demand that we protect you as before? You are stifling us with disinformation, methodically and collectively, destroying us, trying to kill our economy and expecting us to spend hundreds of millions of dollars, as before, to protect your geopolitical interests?! Only madmen can think this way and count on our support.

We are fighting against this evil as best we can. If you want us to fight as before, take steps in this direction, and do not try to strangle us. This is hopeless. You're too late, gentlemen.

But who was not expected to participate in this collective conspiracy, was Germany... From those whose ancestors destroyed not only every third Belarusian in the Great Patriotic War, but also millions of unborn children.

80 years ago, it seems to me, it was like this: warm, bright, a good sunday. People were resting, people wanted to live. Someone was going to celebrate a wedding, someone was giving birth, someone was preparing to give birth to children. And suddenly, in a barbaric, surreptitious way, at four in the morning, thousands of tons of metal were brought down on the heads of Brest residents and the whole of Belarus. What is it called?

It's been 80 years since then, so what we have now? A new hot war. And what about that,a symbolism? -Yesterday, economic sanctions were imposed against our people and enterprises. June 22, at night... Indeed, history has not taught them anything.

But for all the 80 years after the 1945, the germans staggered around the world, across Europe, the former Soviet Union and repented. They repented, wept, knelt down, asked to open monuments, to bury the still unburied germans - fascists who came to our land. And we were kind and tolerant. Okay, we are. Those who won this war. Those who suffered, were tormented, opened their hearts and souls and treated them humanly. And what?

Yesterday's quote: "Sanctions should be extended to entire sectors of the Belarusian economy." Read it as: "Let them die there". That is, us. I would like to ask the author of these lines, a certain Maas, the German Foreign Minister: Mr. Maas, who are you? Yesterday's repentant german or the heir of the nazis? Who are you, answer publicly. At least in front of your own people.

Therefore, it is not necessary to repent in public for the sins of their predecessors. These repentances, which we recently heard from the presidents of Austria and Germany in Trostenets, are worthless. No words will hide the real intentions.

You should not just repent. You should kneel before the belarusian people for another 100 years and pray that you could be born after that war. You must do everything to heal the wounds of this war in our hearts and souls. You don't have right us. You should carry us on your hands - all of you, the Germans, the Poles, the so-called European Union. Because we saved you from the brown plague. And you would have gone along with us, the entire Soviet people, as slaves, if they had taken over.

And do not lull us to sleep with stories about defensive exercises and NATO's peacefulness. We have had enough of this since the 1941, when we believed you, and did not learn lessons from history, we gave you Eastern Europe (the so-called Warsaw Pact countries) in exchange for your promises that you will never take a step in our direction and will not, as it is fashionable to say now, expand NATO to the East. You are at least liars, at most - scoundrels. You have been lying all the time, you have deceived us, and today - it will not work no more.

We will do everything to protect our land. And these are our sons, who are standing here under the flags of the winners, remember that, they will do everything to ensure that you live a quiet life on your land. You are Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians, Poles, Jews, Tatars. Everyone who lives here on this earth. This is your land. You are not wanted anywhere, and do not believe these promises, that you will be accepted there, for example, with a Pole's card, with open arms. Some who were accepted, barely managed to get home. This is your land, take care of it, belarusians, appreciate it. Because it doesn't belong only to us. It belongs to our children and grandchildren. They should have this piece of land on which they will live and raise their children.

And we can clearly see that the collective West continues to dream of a new "Drang nach Osten", world domination and the seizure of rich resources east of Belarus. Then, after the war, there was few to restore the destroyed economy. Even today, we have not recovered from this demographic catastrophe.

Information harassment did not bring the expected results. Now we are holding an economic blow. I would like to know what's next? Intervention? Forget it, calm down. It will cost you dearly. Well-groomed people from high stands on the other side of the border shamelessly lie with the help of fugitives, that the Belarusian people are begging for sanctions against themselves. That belarusians are ready to suffer for the sake of some ephemeral "bright future", that these kind uncles will bring them on the tips of their bayonets. Wake up, you, who are mad and lost!

After all, there have been many such cases in our history when we were promised a lot: freedom, independence, and the state promised to create for Belarusians on the tips of bayonets. And as a result, what? And as a result, every third person was buried in the last war. How many were maimed? Not only were people physically crippled, but how many destinies and hearts were crippled?

Sanctions, provocations… I just want to ask: are you doing this on purpose? Do you want to test the borders for strength, and the new generation of Belarusians for patriotism? Let's try it!

Listen, has history really taught you nothing? Look: Just like 80 years ago, the region is on the verge of a global conflict. I am addressing first of all and once again to the peoples of our neighboring countries - Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Ukrainians. Wake up before it's too late. You will deal with these politicians who are distraught and have lost reality. Look at what a beautiful world, and in this world we have always lived normally, as neighbors, shared a piece of bread, went to each other. Let's stop at this last line: tomorrow will be too late.

Are there really those among Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Poles, to whom Belarusians have always been friendly, who are ready to sacrifice this peaceful life for the sake of the madness and ambitions of individual leaders of these states, politicians who really do not care about our Belarusian people, their peoples, their destinies and statehood, our Belarusian statehood?

Once again, I will tell those who still do not understand. Understand once and for all: we will not give up our native land, independence and sovereignty to anyone. We will stand up in any case! I just would like to be human, as always, as Slavic man.

The world today is not confined only to the European Union. There are enough responsible countries and entire regions on the planet with which we will continue to work closely. The truth is behind us, and we are the heirs of a great generation that gave us life, freedom and independence. Remember, Belarusians, not only what we say, but even what we think, they see there, from heaven, and hear. Remember this. I am telling you this today, realizing that they can hear us. They must understand, that they did not die in vain.

This holy army still helps us to protect our native Belarus today. It helps first of all by an example of indomitable fortitude, courage and selflessness shown during the Great Patriotic War.

Today we glorify the feat of our people, honor veterans and mourn the dead, bow our heads to the heroes and innocent victims of the war. Remember: this memory is sacred and unshakable, and as long as we have it, we will live, we will always live with dignity, not on our knees. So it is, so it should be and so it will always be!

Most of western citizens below fifties never heard about Russian participation on the war.
Brainwashed morons believe Hitler punished Jews only and USA liberated the world.
Lukashenko has turned his regime into the theatre of absurd. Who cares what this pathetic dictator says?

Merkel and her criminal gang have transformed Germany to a communist prison where anything is prohibited.
On this Sunday 'cops' brutally beat and even allegedly murdered protesters of a prohibited rally against her tyranny

Even Africa didn't ever see a such brutality.
Belarus and Russia are paradises of freedom in comparison with Merkel's DDR 2.0

UN intervenes in Berlin: Police abuses in focus of world community
UN Representative on Torture Investigates August 1 Police Violence in Berlin

Speech by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko ...
So it is, so it should be and so it will always be!

Speaks the criminal dictator-cat with horns to the human mice in his crawls while he is hopefully in the hair cross pointer of a German Arschflugkörper?

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Merkel and her criminal gang have transformed Germany to a communist prison where anything is prohibited.
On this Sunday 'cops' brutally beat and even allegedly murdered protesters of a prohibited rally against her tyranny

Even Africa didn't ever see a such brutality.
Belarus and Russia are paradises of freedom in comparison with Merkel's DDR 2.0

UN intervenes in Berlin: Police abuses in focus of world community
UN Representative on Torture Investigates August 1 Police Violence in Berlin

:lol: Good grief. Could be really interesting to know from which zoo you never tried to escape, Russian. How much money do you get from which Russian or Belarussian secret service to be a high traitor of your own people?
And that's all you can say? Isn't there a rule in the United States after 9/11, according to which, if a civilian plane is hijacked by terrorists, it may well be shot down, along with all the passengers? Don't you find this much more cruelб than the actions of Lukashenka? And the so-called journalist feels fine, has testified and lives in conditions of relative freedom of movement. That is why we no longer hear the voices of the "progressive public" from every electrical appliance about him.

Oh by the way: After Lukashenko had hijacked this European aeroplane he forgot to give us back two of our passengers. Kidnapping is a very heavy crime. And that's not the only crime Lukashenko did do. The Belarussian jails are ful of people who were kidnapped from their own state. The only solution I see is to arrest Lukashenko and the members of his criminal gang and to bring them to a jugde. Seems to be impossible - so this is an interesting challenge. ... on the other side ... why not just simple to eliminate him? ... That's cheaper and perhaps also very effective. ... And why should Lukashenko not have to live in fear while everyone else in his country has to live in fear of Lukashenko?

By the way. Nothing what Lukashenko politically is doing has any internationals recognition. He is not legitimated to be president of Belarus.
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"us", "our" ..... who you are talking about?

Europeans. And I'm convinced if we could construct a machine where's written on "Don't press this button because this kills the tyrant Lukashenko" then very most people in Belarus would meanwhile press this button.
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Americans and Europeans should shut up forever with the attacks on Lukashenka, when the whole world is watching how brave pale-faced people are driving refugees away from the Kabul airport occupied by them with automatic bursts and tear gas... But they won't.
Speaks the criminal dictator-cat with horns to the human mice in his crawls while he is hopefully in the hair cross pointer of a German Arschflugkörper?

I smell a fart from the country of idiots.
Who cares about opinion of morons run by communist imbeciles?
Lukashenko alone is more brainy as all your cretins from the united jerks of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts
Americans and Europeans should shut up forever with the attacks on Lukashenka, when the whole world is watching how brave pale-faced people are driving refugees away from the Kabul airport occupied by them with automatic bursts and tear gas... But they won't.

Europe is done, the continent can't survive longer as two years because most of jabbed imbeciles will die.
Just search for the Degel Prognoses in Duckduckgo

Europeans. And I'm convinced if we could construct a machine where's written on "Don't press this button because this kills the tyrant Lukashenko" then very most people in Belarus would meanwhile press this button.

Europeans especially Germans can construct nothing now, your imbecile 'politicians' outsourced all industry to China.
Oh by the way: After Lukashenko had hijacked this European aeroplane he forgot to give us back two of our passengers. Kidnapping is a very heavy crime. And that's not the only crime Lukashenko did do. The Belarussian jails are ful of people who were kidnapped from their own state. The only solution I see is to arrest Lukashenko and the members of his criminal gang and to bring them to a jugde. Seems to be impossible - so this is an interesting challenge. ... on the other side ... why not just simple to eliminate him? ... That's cheaper and perhaps also very effective. ... And why should Lukashenko not have to live in fear while everyone else in his country has to live in fear of Lukashenko?

By the way. Nothing what Lukashenko politically is doing has any internationals recognition. He is not legitimated to be president of Belarus.

Don't spread lies, the opinion of DDR 2.0 morons isn't interesting for anyone
Baron Ringo

Exists anything what anyone could say to you what could lead you out of the hell which you create with your own thoughts for you?

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