IMPEACHMENT: What would Trump supporters do?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
Bookmark this thread. IMPEACHMENT will NEVER happen!!

Trump won't be impeached because he did NOT do anything & you KNOW it! Even Obama Homeland Security chief Jen Johnson said not a SINGLE vote changed due to any Russian interference!!

Manafort already said last year after Trump won that neither Trump nor the campaign engaged in any election interference with the Russians! Wikileaks has been around since 2006, leans right, & would've hacked the DNC's computers even if Trump NEVER ran!!

Wikileaks has been around since 2006 LONG before Trump was a politician! And you KNOW Wikileaks & other foreign entities would have tried to interfere in our election REGARDLESS of who the candidates are just like we interfere in other nations' elections so there goes your collusion DELUSION!!
They would do nothing. Maybe a few outbursts here and there, but then they'd have President Pence. It's not like Hillary could gallop in on her white horse to steal the white house away from them.
Not happening so not entertaining it. Let say Democrats won in 2018 and took the House and Senate they would lack the votes in the Senate for removal, so it matters not...
Bookmark this thread. IMPEACHMENT will NEVER happen!!

Trump won't be impeached because he did NOT do anything & you KNOW it! Even Obama Homeland Security chief Jen Johnson said not a SINGLE vote changed due to any Russian interference!!

Manafort already said last year after Trump won that neither Trump nor the campaign engaged in any election interference with the Russians! Wikileaks has been around since 2006, leans right, & would've hacked the DNC's computers even if Trump NEVER ran!!

Wikileaks has been around since 2006 LONG before Trump was a politician! And you KNOW Wikileaks & other foreign entities would have tried to interfere in our election REGARDLESS of who the candidates are just like we interfere in other nations' elections so there goes your collusion DELUSION!!

Trump won't be impeached because he did NOT do anything & you KNOW it!

No, actually I DON"T know it, and neither do you. So, let's let the investigations conclude then see what is found. I must admit however....your choice of the beach hottie / flag bikini avatar shows good taste!
He is going to walk away in shame and broke. His attorneys won't be able to save him now.
:crybaby: I want Trump impeached :crybaby:

Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:

Once again how would Trump be removed from office?

If you got this fantasy idea that the Republicans would do it and show weakness to the Democrats ..I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
/----/ Ah geeeze another trip through LiberalPropagandaville.
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
/----/ What will Libs do when Trump is completely cleared? How will the react to the Dem leadership who lead them down this rabbit hole?
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:
I think Trump would resign before he would ever be impeached. I couldn't really blame him. Most of Washington is against him, I've never seen as much obstruction and hate directed toward a president for trying to place Americans first. So what would I do? Ammo, food, water. Make more friends.
Just looking for opinions here, but what would supporters of Donald Trump do if President Trump were impeached, removed from office, and sent to prison? I know the idea seems far fetched, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the Trump campaign held at least 2 high level meetings with the Russians, one with Donald Jr. Manafort, Kirshner, and several high ranking Russians to discuss the campaign, and one in the oval office where after removing all American's Trump stated confidently to the Russians that his firing of Director Comey "took pressure off the Russia investigation" leading a number of legal experts to conclude that Mueller's case for obstruction of justice is stronger than many believe, add on financial crime investigations, and it looks like there much more to come! In addition, Trump has lashed out and made enemies out of a number of high ranking Republicans, causing some GOP members to openly speculate his base of support with Congressional Republicans is less than rock solid (NOT helpful in an impeachment proceeding!)

So, what would Trump supporters do if he were removed? Would they riot? Seek legal action in the courts? Take the law into their own hands? Just wondering.....:bye1:

Once again how would Trump be removed from office?

If you got this fantasy idea that the Republicans would do it and show weakness to the Democrats ..I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

/----/ Libs bought that Brooklyn bridge in 2016 when Hildabeast announced her candidacy. Maybe you could offer them the Verizzano Bridge instead. It already has toll booths.
Imprachment for WHAT?

It has been exposed there never was a hack of tje DNC e-mails, that it was an inside job, which means no collusion but the Democrats have been running this seditious non-violent coup this whole time.

As this has now een exposed Mueller should be fired and the witch hunt ended.

Now that this has been exposed, any attempt to Impeach Trump now should spark a 'civil war'.
Imprachment for WHAT?

It has been exposed there never was a hack of tje DNC e-mails, that it was an inside job, which means no collusion but the Democrats have been running this seditious non-violent coup this whole time.

As this has now een exposed Mueller should be fired and the witch hunt ended.

Now that this has been exposed, any attempt to Impeach Trump now should spark a 'civil war'.

What? Where are you getting this story from? Alex Jones?
Imprachment for WHAT?

It has been exposed there never was a hack of tje DNC e-mails, that it was an inside job, which means no collusion but the Democrats have been running this seditious non-violent coup this whole time.

As this has now een exposed Mueller should be fired and the witch hunt ended.

Now that this has been exposed, any attempt to Impeach Trump now should spark a 'civil war'.

What? Where are you getting this story from? Alex Jones?
Negative, snowflake - multiple sources... PROVEN!

Download of data was LOCAL, was altered, changed to Russian format, to throw off invetigators...

It's ALL been fake. The Democrats knew it from the start....

It's OVER...

...and it's time to go after the real proven criminals:
Imprachment for WHAT?

It has been exposed there never was a hack of tje DNC e-mails, that it was an inside job, which means no collusion but the Democrats have been running this seditious non-violent coup this whole time.

As this has now een exposed Mueller should be fired and the witch hunt ended.

Now that this has been exposed, any attempt to Impeach Trump now should spark a 'civil war'.

What? Where are you getting this story from? Alex Jones?
Negative, snowflake - multiple sources... PROVEN!

Download of data was LOCAL, was altered, changed to Russian format, to throw off invetigators...

It's ALL been fake. The Democrats knew it from the start....

It's OVER...

...and it's time to go after the real proven criminals:

Post a credible source and maybe I'll believe you.

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