Impeachment, slippery slopes, and Harry Reid


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Does anyone think Harry Reid regrets running with the Nuclear Option? I sure do.

Democrats, do you think we'll see far more impeachments and calls for impeachment of Democratic Presidents in the future now?

Republicans, do you think a Democratic President will blatantly use the power of his office to protect himself and his actions in the future?

Slippery slopes. Lowered standards. Be careful what you ask for. Thinking short term can bite you square in the ass.

Do you even care?
I think that if Trump wins the next election, holds the senate and flips the house, then the parties will have learned the lesson (for awhile) not to bring impeachment without actual crimes.
Having almost complete control of the media tends to create that sort of situation.

CNN is already in "post impeachment mode". With sayings like:

National nightmare
"Trump skips free despite strong evidence"
Democrats to focus on abuses of power to frame November election
Republicans, do you think a Democratic President will blatantly use the power of his office to protect himself and his actions in the future?
Funny you direct this at the Republicans,.........Your skirt is showing again........

Tell me about Fast and Furious and Eric Holder..............and how a Court didn't recognize the Executive Powers on Gun Running to Cartels in Mexico.........Congress later held Eric .....who resigned in Contempt of Congress ............whoopty fing do...........same as the current Impeachment,,,,,,,,,,

Of course we could get into a lot of dirty dealing under the Obama Administration and ABUSE OF POWER.....IRS.......and plenty more.

Funny you direct this at the Republicans,.........Your skirt is showing again........
Absolutely fascinating. All you saw was the question I asked Republicans. The question I asked Democrats didn't even make it into your conscious mind.

This is the power of ideology, gang. This is how it can distort perceptions and thought processes.

Amazing. But disturbing. A cautionary tale.
Funny you direct this at the Republicans,.........Your skirt is showing again........
Absolutely fascinating. All you saw was the question I asked Republicans. The question I asked Democrats didn't even make it into your conscious mind.

This is the power of ideology, gang. This is how it can distort perceptions and thought processes.

Amazing. But disturbing. A cautionary tale.

Your words would have infinitely more weight, if you did not support the Lie of Charlottesville.
It was never to appoint a Supreme court justice, the Republicans are responsible for that and also not having a confirmation hearing for Merrick Garland.

Paybacks will be a bitch.
It was never to appoint a Supreme court justice, the Republicans are responsible for that and also not having a confirmation hearing for Merrick Garland.

Paybacks will be a bitch.

You goons have been coming at us, fore bore forever. And you have the nerve to whine that we sometimes fight back?

Dude. It has not even really begun.
Does anyone think Harry Reid regrets running with the Nuclear Option? I sure do.

Democrats, do you think we'll see far more impeachments and calls for impeachment of Democratic Presidents in the future now?

Republicans, do you think a Democratic President will blatantly use the power of his office to protect himself and his actions in the future?

Slippery slopes. Lowered standards. Be careful what you ask for. Thinking short term can bite you square in the ass.

Do you even care?

Haven't we already had democrat presidents who shield themselves from any consequences? I find the argument of balance of power between branches interesting. I thought the democrat argument was embarrassing this time, saying Trump was not allowed to appeal to the court. Personally, I do not think a president is being a tyrant or king for exercising foreign policy. That is his job.
Does anyone think Harry Reid regrets running with the Nuclear Option? I sure do.

Democrats, do you think we'll see far more impeachments and calls for impeachment of Democratic Presidents in the future now?

Republicans, do you think a Democratic President will blatantly use the power of his office to protect himself and his actions in the future?

Slippery slopes. Lowered standards. Be careful what you ask for. Thinking short term can bite you square in the ass.

Do you even care?

Haven't we already had democrat presidents who shield themselves from any consequences? I find the argument of balance of power between branches interesting. I thought the democrat argument was embarrassing this time, saying Trump was not allowed to appeal to the court. Personally, I do not think a president is being a tyrant or king for exercising foreign policy. That is his job.
Great. Let's remember you said that when Democratic President is in office.
Does anyone think Harry Reid regrets running with the Nuclear Option? I sure do.

Democrats, do you think we'll see far more impeachments and calls for impeachment of Democratic Presidents in the future now?

Republicans, do you think a Democratic President will blatantly use the power of his office to protect himself and his actions in the future?

Slippery slopes. Lowered standards. Be careful what you ask for. Thinking short term can bite you square in the ass.

Do you even care?

Haven't we already had democrat presidents who shield themselves from any consequences? I find the argument of balance of power between branches interesting. I thought the democrat argument was embarrassing this time, saying Trump was not allowed to appeal to the court. Personally, I do not think a president is being a tyrant or king for exercising foreign policy. That is his job.

the purse belongs to the congress.
Does anyone think Harry Reid regrets running with the Nuclear Option? I sure do.

Democrats, do you think we'll see far more impeachments and calls for impeachment of Democratic Presidents in the future now?

Republicans, do you think a Democratic President will blatantly use the power of his office to protect himself and his actions in the future?

Slippery slopes. Lowered standards. Be careful what you ask for. Thinking short term can bite you square in the ass.

Do you even care?

Haven't we already had democrat presidents who shield themselves from any consequences? I find the argument of balance of power between branches interesting. I thought the democrat argument was embarrassing this time, saying Trump was not allowed to appeal to the court. Personally, I do not think a president is being a tyrant or king for exercising foreign policy. That is his job.
Great. Let's remember you said that when Democratic President is in office.

As I said, this has already happened under a democrat president. If a president can't shield themselves from partisan attacks, we don't even have a president.
I understand that presidents have overreached with executive orders, and I find this worrisome. At the same time, if we strip the executive branch of any real power, then we are left at the mercy of the bought and paid for corrupt congress. Special interests would have total victory. I think we need to use caution, because a president is one of the few recourses citizens have left to have a vote matter in any real way.
Having almost complete control of the media tends to create that sort of situation.

CNN is already in "post impeachment mode". With sayings like:

National nightmare
"Trump skips free despite strong evidence"
Democrats to focus on abuses of power to frame November election
They’ve been stating that since he got elected.
Republicans, do you think a Democratic President will blatantly use the power of his office to protect himself and his actions in the future?
Funny you direct this at the Republicans,.........Your skirt is showing again........

Tell me about Fast and Furious and Eric Holder..............and how a Court didn't recognize the Executive Powers on Gun Running to Cartels in Mexico.........Congress later held Eric .....who resigned in Contempt of Congress ............whoopty fing do...........same as the current Impeachment,,,,,,,,,,

Of course we could get into a lot of dirty dealing under the Obama Administration and ABUSE OF POWER.....IRS.......and plenty more.

Apparently Donnie is worse then W and O, yet those two were disgusting war criminals of the highest order. They weren’t impeached. Amazingly.

It could be if the potus isn’t of, by, and for the ruling class, he gets impeached.
What SHOULD be the lesson learned, is politics has no business in the courtroom.
Your head has to be buried DEEEEEEEEP in partisan blindness to have agreed with this impeachment, and not seen from day one this was a politically motivated coup attempt.

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