Impeachment Over A Phone Call,Ha?,Oh, So President Obama Never Made A Phone Call?

Republicans really need to bring this up as they argue over this laughable impeachment debacle.
OK, so the Dem's wanna impeach over a phone call.
So,, How many phone calls did Obama make during his 8 years in office?


In which case, you, Nat, and every other lefty in this thread better not ever post again. You've done nothing but look like the fools you are for 3+ years.
Are there other Republicans who don’t understand that people who follow a felon are the fools?
Is there anyone here who doesn’t believe that Trump works for Vladimir Putin?
And don’t tell me that Trump doesn’t have unprotected sex with porn stars. We know about the payments.
and soon you'll wake up next to your cellmate
Imagine impeaching the president over a blowjob. And no one even saw the blow job. There was no firsthand knowledge of the blowjob.
Clinton deflowered an intern. A young woman. A gender of a protected group. A secular woman from a protected group. And left evidence without the deep state looking for and finding things for swamp people. When pushed about it with all of the evidence around him....he gave the exact Prog answer...A sidestep answer...."define sex". Then the Progs went into destroy mode. It was Monica who did it. Bill ran on his reputation being part of the make up. He spoke about it in the same way he spouted..."define sex". What people thought they got was an agreement. No mas! And of course that is not what happened.....No Mas...No Mas....No Mas....
In which case, you, Nat, and every other lefty in this thread better not ever post again. You've done nothing but look like the fools you are for 3+ years.

Really now, so me saying from day one of the Mueller debacle that I did not think that Trump had done anything illegal makes me look like a fool...I guess you thought Trump was guilty.

And me being against impeachment for this or any other stated reason so far makes me look like a fool...I guess you think that Trump should be impeached then.
Republicans really need to bring this up as they argue over this laughable impeachment debacle.
OK, so the Dem's wanna impeach over a phone call.
So,, How many phone calls did Obama make during his 8 years in office?

The above MORON "forgets" the CONTENT of that fucking phone call..........LOL

Do these Trumpists ever finish middle school?

Content is irrelevant. It has already been shown nine times come sunday that no one in Obama's Whitehouse would have ever leaked on him no matter what was said because they were all in with his agenda, and had anyone else tried, they would have simply been labeled a racist and attacked.

Obama leaked the results of an IRS investigation before it was even over nor anyone could have known the outcome and STILL, no one blinked.
DON'T you think it's time to get just as dirty as democrats are? Maybe a few clinton best friend acts?

I think as long as the Right collectively keeps doing what they've been doing (nothing), the Left is going to keep doing what they've been doing.....trouncing us.
You can't even convince RightWingers to get the fuck off Facebook !
The Left offers a poison tit and the Right is more than happy to suck on it.

The Left has us hooked and we seem totally helpless or unwilling to help ourselves.. No wonder they're laughing.
DON'T you think it's time to get just as dirty as democrats are? Maybe a few clinton best friend acts?

I think as long as the Right collectively keeps doing what they've been doing (nothing), the Left is going to keep doing what they've been doing.....trouncing us.
You can't even convince RightWingers to get the fuck off Facebook !
The Left offers a poison tit and the Right is more than happy to suck on it.

The Left has us hooked and we seem totally helpless or unwilling to help ourselves.. No wonder they're laughing.
I hardly ever go on facebook got suspended by Twitter
Republicans really need to bring this up as they argue over this laughable impeachment debacle.
OK, so the Dem's wanna impeach over a phone call.
So,, How many phone calls did Obama make during his 8 years in office?

The above MORON "forgets" the CONTENT of that fucking phone call..........LOL

Do these Trumpists ever finish middle school?

i wonder how many private calls Clinton made in his 8 years,,well until later on in 1997

Love to get the calls between him and his bff Epstein - who made multiple visits to the WH
If Joe and Son did the Crime in Ukraine,

What crime was either one ever investigated for.
Yer right! Biden had the investigator fired. Saw him say that on the Tee Vee.

Biden's son didn't work for the company during the time period it was being investigated for. Joe Biden was never under investigation in Ukraine. The Ukraine was not where the Server farms were located that housed the DNC servers. And Clinton's private email server? In the Ukraine? What kind of moroonie would believe that shit?
I don't know any of that shit since I wasn't there like you were. The only thing I know is I hope every one of those sumbitches get run over by a garbage truck and drug for 20 miles and left for road kill.

"I dont really know any of the facts of what actually happened. Nor do I care. I just hope people I was told to hate get violently killed." - Trump's Base.
No sweat off my tits.
In which case, you, Nat, and every other lefty in this thread better not ever post again. You've done nothing but look like the fools you are for 3+ years.

Really now, so me saying from day one of the Mueller debacle that I did not think that Trump had done anything illegal makes me look like a fool...I guess you thought Trump was guilty.

And me being against impeachment for this or any other stated reason so far makes me look like a fool...I guess you think that Trump should be impeached then.

Sure. Sure. Keep telling yourself that. Nobody else believes that crap you're spewing.
Republicans really need to bring this up as they argue over this laughable impeachment debacle.
OK, so the Dem's wanna impeach over a phone call.
So,, How many phone calls did Obama make during his 8 years in office?

The above MORON "forgets" the CONTENT of that fucking phone call..........LOL

Do these Trumpists ever finish middle school?

The above trolling moron is just that...... 2016....a group that might not have finished middle school......


You lost.

Suck on it.
In which case, you, Nat, and every other lefty in this thread better not ever post again. You've done nothing but look like the fools you are for 3+ years.

Really now, so me saying from day one of the Mueller debacle that I did not think that Trump had done anything illegal makes me look like a fool...I guess you thought Trump was guilty.

And me being against impeachment for this or any other stated reason so far makes me look like a fool...I guess you think that Trump should be impeached then.

Sure. Sure. Keep telling yourself that. Nobody else believes that crap you're spewing.

I cannot be held responsible for your ignorance. My post are there for all the forum to see. My stance on both Mueller and impeachment has not wavered.
The cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief made plenty of calls.... from the CLOSET....

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