Impeachment Is About Getting Nancy Pelosi In The White House


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
So the Democrats made up a imaginary crime to impeach Trump with a fake whistleblower and got it done.
Now Adam Schiff says he has evidence that will allow him to impeach Mike Pence.

I think this is all about Nancy Pelosi and her dream of being president.

Why else would Democrats cut Joe Biden off at the knees while taking down the president. First somebody releases a video of Biden bragging about bribing Ukrainian government officials.....and then up pops this whistleblower who claims Trump did something in a phone call he never heard himself. The whole thing was a setup. Does anyone actually believe that Hillary is going to be able to win in an election now? Who thinks that Biden can possibly win the nomination, much less the White House talking about cockroaches and leg-hair.

Biden floated the idea that he would nominate Obama as a Supreme Court Justice if elected in an attempt to salvage what is left of his support and keep the plotters trying to overthrow the government from getting rid of him along with Trump and Pence.

Pelosi is hanging onto the impeachment articles for one stall. Democrats figure they can bribe a few Republican Senators into convicting Trump and get rid of his VP at the same time, placing Nancy Pelosi in the White House and keeping Hillary out. That is the plan right now.
So the Democrats made up a imaginary crime to impeach Trump with a fake whistleblower and got it done.
Now Adam Schiff says he has evidence that will allow him to impeach Mike Pence.

I think this is all about Nancy Pelosi and her dream of being president.

Why else would Democrats cut Joe Biden off at the knees while taking down the president. First somebody releases a video of Biden bragging about bribing Ukrainian government officials.....and then up pops this whistleblower who claims Trump did something in a phone call he never heard himself. The whole thing was a setup. Does anyone actually believe that Hillary is going to be able to win in an election now? Who thinks that Biden can possibly win the nomination, much less the White House talking about cockroaches and leg-hair.

Biden floated the idea that he would nominate Obama as a Supreme Court Justice if elected in an attempt to salvage what is left of his support and keep the plotters trying to overthrow the government from getting rid of him along with Trump and Pence.

Pelosi is hanging onto the impeachment articles for one stall. Democrats figure they can bribe a few Republican Senators into convicting Trump and get rid of his VP at the same time, placing Nancy Pelosi in the White House and keeping Hillary out. That is the plan right now.

The top Democrats in charge of the Impeachment seem to come from the bigger states--Pelosi and Schiff are from the Great State of California, and Nadler is from the great State of New York. It's more convenient for them to let their own off the hook for criminality, as in Joe Biden's extortion in the Ukraine demanding that they come up with a job for his kid and a couple of million for him to do with as he pleased in exchange for granting them a billion dollars in foreign aid.

That's against the law. And it's against the employment rules that government employees may not accept lavish gifts from foreign countries. Some government officials will not even take a "free" pencil from a foreign country to remember their foreign experience by. They have to pay for souvenirs if they work for the government. Biden's going down for extortion. And he's hidden behind a candidacy for high public office for all his life. If he were on the par with the common man, he'd be in jail already.

We should not let this kind of corruption exist in any level of government. This is America, not a third world wannabe country.

Extortion is just another way to steal, and we need to stop allowing anything even remotely like this to ever happen again. Biden gave them 6 hours to decide whether to pay him a personal fee or get nothing from the government using his office as Vice-President. What a Lulu.

Mr. Mudwhistle, I think Speaker Pelosi has lost her ability to effectively communicate, and is showing signs of mental deterioration. She needs to step down pretty soon. The Democrat Party has outdone itself with hatred, and she's at the center of it all.
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Nancy Pelosi would make a fine Potus, but we will settle with Pence until the election. But then Pence was in on it with Tramp, so we may impeach him as well.
Nancy Pelosi would make a fine Potus, but we will settle with Pence until the election. But then Pence was in on it with Tramp, so we may impeach him as well.
Pelosi is showing signs of Dementia, dear, and she needs to retire pretty soon. Her children need to take care of her brain issue problems, not the nation.

This is just one impediment of speech-laden problems Speaker Pelosi is experimenting. It's not going to get better, sorry.
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People devoid of ideas or common sense will always belittle their competition. It's the only way they can compete. You see it all the time on campuses, in the MSM and within the Democrat party. Liberals are unfit to rule.
Nancy Pelosi would make a fine Potus, but we will settle with Pence until the election. But then Pence was in on it with Tramp, so we may impeach him as well.

“We”? You’re not American and if you were you still don’t get to vote for impeachment.
Nancy Pelosi would make a fine Potus, but we will settle with Pence until the election. But then Pence was in on it with Tramp, so we may impeach him as well.
Pelosi is showing signs of Dementia, dear, and she needs to retire pretty soon. Her children need to take care of her brain issue problems, not the nation.

This is just one impediment of speech-laden problems Speaker Pelosi is experimenting. It's not going to get better, sorry.

Pelosi goes behind Trump every time he goes overseas and makes deals with foreign leaders, a clear abuse of power. She should be removed from her speakership and Impeached while being brought up on charges for espionage and violation of the Logan Act.
Nancy Pelosi would make a fine Potus, but we will settle with Pence until the election. But then Pence was in on it with Tramp, so we may impeach him as well.

“We”? You’re not American and if you were you still don’t get to vote for impeachment.

Yes I know, tramp is impeached and the crooked Senate won't remove him from office, but I ask you,

since B. Clinton was not removed from office did he still have the affair??
Nancy Pelosi would make a fine Potus, but we will settle with Pence until the election. But then Pence was in on it with Tramp, so we may impeach him as well.

“We”? You’re not American and if you were you still don’t get to vote for impeachment.

Yes I know, tramp is impeached and the crooked Senate won't remove him from office, but I ask you,

since B. Clinton was not removed from office did he still have the affair??
I was 18 when Clinton was impeached and really didn’t care back then. Reading about it now, he was impeached for asking witnesses to lie not because of the affair. You cannot call the senate crooked because the Impeachment was 100% partisan and a political move. The Senate will be partisan too. Now that I am older and wiser, I believe the people should decide. There has been a lot of News out there,
Public hearings and the transcript is out. So the people can vote in 2020 and decide who the next POTUS should be.

Plus 75% of Congress is full of idiots. You have that in common with them.
Congress and the Public
Infowars said it too .... " THIS IS ALL TO GET PELOSI" into the Presidency, in turn, she can put Clinton in as VP.. THEY GOT WHAT THEY WANTED IF THEY WIN THIS GAME.. they won't though pos losers are caught in all they do .
Nancy Pelosi would make a fine Potus, but we will settle with Pence until the election. But then Pence was in on it with Tramp, so we may impeach him as well.

“We”? You’re not American and if you were you still don’t get to vote for impeachment.

Yes I know, tramp is impeached and the crooked Senate won't remove him from office, but I ask you,

since B. Clinton was not removed from office did he still have the affair??
I was 18 when Clinton was impeached and really didn’t care back then. Reading about it now, he was impeached for asking witnesses to lie not because of the affair. You cannot call the senate crooked because the Impeachment was 100% partisan and a political move. The Senate will be partisan too. Now that I am older and wiser, I believe the people should decide. There has been a lot of News out there,
Public hearings and the transcript is out. So the people can vote in 2020 and decide who the next POTUS should be.

Plus 75% of Congress is full of idiots. You have that in common with them.
Congress and the Public
Clinton was Impeached for lying to a Grand Jury, Obstruction, and witness tampering...he committed several felonies.

Trump was Impeached for telling Congress to go pound sand.
Nancy Pelosi would make a fine Potus, but we will settle with Pence until the election. But then Pence was in on it with Tramp, so we may impeach him as well.
Doesn't matter if you try to or not, because the first thing he would do upon taking the oath of office is appoint his own VP, and given what he's seen while in Washington, he/she would probably be the greatest job security you've ever seen. A fire-breathing, hard-core conservative would be my guess, someone that would make the crazies on the left run to their safe places and start eating crayons.

A president has multiple reasons for picking the VP he does, one of them being job security. We all remember Obama picking Crazy Uncle Joe to make sure that no one would dare risk removing Obama and having Biden take the oath of office. That's nightmare territory.
So the Democrats made up a imaginary crime to impeach Trump with a fake whistleblower and got it done.
Now Adam Schiff says he has evidence that will allow him to impeach Mike Pence.

I think this is all about Nancy Pelosi and her dream of being president.

Why else would Democrats cut Joe Biden off at the knees while taking down the president. First somebody releases a video of Biden bragging about bribing Ukrainian government officials.....and then up pops this whistleblower who claims Trump did something in a phone call he never heard himself. The whole thing was a setup. Does anyone actually believe that Hillary is going to be able to win in an election now? Who thinks that Biden can possibly win the nomination, much less the White House talking about cockroaches and leg-hair.

Biden floated the idea that he would nominate Obama as a Supreme Court Justice if elected in an attempt to salvage what is left of his support and keep the plotters trying to overthrow the government from getting rid of him along with Trump and Pence.

Pelosi is hanging onto the impeachment articles for one stall. Democrats figure they can bribe a few Republican Senators into convicting Trump and get rid of his VP at the same time, placing Nancy Pelosi in the White House and keeping Hillary out. That is the plan right now.
Buy stock in companies that make nooses and scaffolding
Nancy Pelosi would make a fine Potus, but we will settle with Pence until the election. But then Pence was in on it with Tramp, so we may impeach him as well.
Doesn't matter if you try to or not, because the first thing he would do upon taking the oath of office is appoint his own VP, and given what he's seen while in Washington, he/she would probably be the greatest job security you've ever seen. A fire-breathing, hard-core conservative would be my guess, someone that would make the crazies on the left run to their safe places and start eating crayons.

A president has multiple reasons for picking the VP he does, one of them being job security. We all remember Obama picking Crazy Uncle Joe to make sure that no one would dare risk removing Obama and having Biden take the oath of office. That's nightmare territory.
Pelosi will hang onto the impeachment articles until they can impeach Pence over nothing. Then she'll submit them at the same time....right after the 2020 election.
Nancy Pelosi would make a fine Potus, but we will settle with Pence until the election. But then Pence was in on it with Tramp, so we may impeach him as well.
Doesn't matter if you try to or not, because the first thing he would do upon taking the oath of office is appoint his own VP, and given what he's seen while in Washington, he/she would probably be the greatest job security you've ever seen. A fire-breathing, hard-core conservative would be my guess, someone that would make the crazies on the left run to their safe places and start eating crayons.

A president has multiple reasons for picking the VP he does, one of them being job security. We all remember Obama picking Crazy Uncle Joe to make sure that no one would dare risk removing Obama and having Biden take the oath of office. That's nightmare territory.
Pelosi will hang onto the impeachment articles until they can impeach Pence over nothing. Then she'll submit them at the same time....right after the 2020 election.
Unless she's hanging for sedition and treason

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