The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Impeachment backlash fuels record GOP fundraising, massive $61M in bank

Fundraising has exploded for the GOP, with the Republican National Committee reporting it hauled in $25.3 million during October and had $61.4 million in the hopper at month's end.

In contrast, the Democrat party machine brought in a mere $9 million. At the end of last month, the Democratic National Committee was $7 million in debt and had only $8.7 million in the kitty.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has been setting fundraising records month after month, and when the Trump 2020 campaign effort is included, the GOP team has raised nearly $400 million. In September, it raised over $27 million, another record.

Rounded for DemNazi Dummies

The Trump Campaign by last count before this has about $250 Million. The total Haul for THE RNC stands at $400 Million

Meanwhile in Libphuckistan The Democrat Party is $7 Million in Debt and only has $8.7 Million on hand. I bet they regret paying Putin $13 Million for The Dirty Dossier.:abgg2q.jpg:

No wonder they begged Bloomberg to finance a propaganda campaign against The President.
No Wonder they have been trying to frame The President with Hoax 1.0 and Hoax 2.0. Pretty sure Hoax 3.0 is already being planned and is in action as we speak.

That will fail too. The American People vote with their Dollars, and I believe that they look at The Democrat Party like a Dirty Ole Beggar Running a Begging Scam and just walk away. Heck, some of their own members are walking away.


Thanks Obama
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A fifty to one funding gap and quite probably deep state special counsels coming to a D near you, that does sound like very bad news for Pelosi et al
Impeachment backlash fuels record GOP fundraising, massive $61M in bank

Fundraising has exploded for the GOP, with the Republican National Committee reporting it hauled in $25.3 million during October and had $61.4 million in the hopper at month's end.

In contrast, the Democrat party machine brought in a mere $9 million. At the end of last month, the Democratic National Committee was $7 million in debt and had only $8.7 million in the kitty.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has been setting fundraising records month after month, and when the Trump 2020 campaign effort is included, the GOP team has raised nearly $400 million. In September, it raised over $27 million, another record.

Rounded for DemNazi Dummies

The Trump Campaign by last count before this has about $250 Million. The total Haul for THE RNC stands at $400 Million

Meanwhile in Libphuckistan The Democrat Party is $7 Million in Debt and only has $8.7 Million on hand. I bet they regret paying Putin $13 Million for The Dirty Dossier.:abgg2q.jpg:

No wonder they begged Bloomberg to finance a propaganda campaign against The President.
No Wonder they have been trying to frame The President with Hoax 1.0 and Hoax 2.0. Pretty sure Hoax 3.0 is already being planned and is in action as we speak.

That will fail too. The American People vote with their Dollars, and I believe that they look at The Democrat Party like a Dirty Ole Beggar Running a Begging Scam and just walk away. Heck, some of their own members are walking away.


Thanks Obama
Successful russian money laundering, comrade?
Good for them! They are going to need it to defend Trump and convince the country why " He is not a liar, a thief and didn't commit any crimes. " Fund raise all you want. If the Senate won't convict him why does Trump need all those millions to defend himself? Oh It must be the GOP revving up their campaign of doubt and smearing the Bidens. They are good at cheating in previous elections. History doesn't lie - people do!
Impeachment backlash fuels record GOP fundraising, massive $61M in bank

Fundraising has exploded for the GOP, with the Republican National Committee reporting it hauled in $25.3 million during October and had $61.4 million in the hopper at month's end.

In contrast, the Democrat party machine brought in a mere $9 million. At the end of last month, the Democratic National Committee was $7 million in debt and had only $8.7 million in the kitty.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has been setting fundraising records month after month, and when the Trump 2020 campaign effort is included, the GOP team has raised nearly $400 million. In September, it raised over $27 million, another record.

Rounded for DemNazi Dummies

The Trump Campaign by last count before this has about $250 Million. The total Haul for THE RNC stands at $400 Million

Meanwhile in Libphuckistan The Democrat Party is $7 Million in Debt and only has $8.7 Million on hand. I bet they regret paying Putin $13 Million for The Dirty Dossier.:abgg2q.jpg:

No wonder they begged Bloomberg to finance a propaganda campaign against The President.
No Wonder they have been trying to frame The President with Hoax 1.0 and Hoax 2.0. Pretty sure Hoax 3.0 is already being planned and is in action as we speak.

That will fail too. The American People vote with their Dollars, and I believe that they look at The Democrat Party like a Dirty Ole Beggar Running a Begging Scam and just walk away. Heck, some of their own members are walking away.


Thanks Obama
Successful russian money laundering, comrade?
No, just real Americans showing the democrats . They don't care for their anti American stance.
Good for them! They are going to need it to defend Trump and convince the country why " He is not a liar, a thief and didn't commit any crimes. " Fund raise all you want. If the Senate won't convict him why does Trump need all those millions to defend himself? Oh It must be the GOP revving up their campaign of doubt and smearing the Bidens. They are good at cheating in previous elections. History doesn't lie - people do!

It’s not a lie...if you believe it

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