DNC fundraising numbers are "putrid". They are basically broke.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Wake up, morons. America doesn't like the fact you are trying to overturn an election on third hand hearsay and feelings.

Meanwhile, Trump and the RNC are crushing it.:5_1_12024:

DNC Drops Putrid Fundraising Numbers In Middle Of Debate

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) released its disappointing October fundraising numbers in the middle of the party’s fifth presidential primary debate.

The DNC reported less than $8.7 million cash on hand and over $7 million debt in an FEC report released Wednesday. (RELATED: Trump Campaign, RNC Raise More Than $100 Million In Second Quarter)

The DNC’s poor fundraising numbers come less than a year out from the 2020 presidential election, and at a time when the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the re-election campaign of President Donald Trump continue to blow past fundraising numbers. (RELATED: Poll: Trump Soars In Wisconsin As Support For Impeachment Declines)

The RNC raised nearly three times as much money as the DNC last month, pulling in over $25 million in October, while reporting over $60 million cash on hand. Additionally, the joint fundraising effort between the Trump campaign and the RNC has raised over $300 million in 2019 so far, and reported over $156 million cash on hand last month. (RELATED: Impeachment Proceedings Usually Move Swiftly, But Democrats Are Playing It Slow)

DNC Chairman Tom Perez has come under fire over the party’s poor fundraising numbers. Two-time South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian ridiculed Perez last month in an interview with Politico, calling Perez “as useless as tits on a boar hog.”

DNC Drops Putrid Fundraising Numbers In Middle Of Debate
People are donating directly to the candidate of their choice as opposed to the DNC. I do not blame them. The DNC has refused to learn anything.
Yes, but in a small town in Louisiana the unopposed democrat running for dog catcher won in a landslide, thereby proving they are crushing the republicans all over the country.
It couldn't happen to a nicer group of corrupt socialist clowns.

And they are too stupid to figure out why.
They know why. They're just too UNHINGED to stop themselves. They're CONSUMED with HATE and mind boggling ARROGANCE and SELF IMPORTANCE. They're on a sinking ship and know damn well they're going down with it, so they just keep doing what they're doing.
Wake up, morons. America doesn't like the fact you are trying to overturn an election on third hand hearsay and feelings.

Meanwhile, Trump and the RNC are crushing it.:5_1_12024:

DNC Drops Putrid Fundraising Numbers In Middle Of Debate

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) released its disappointing October fundraising numbers in the middle of the party’s fifth presidential primary debate.

The DNC reported less than $8.7 million cash on hand and over $7 million debt in an FEC report released Wednesday. (RELATED: Trump Campaign, RNC Raise More Than $100 Million In Second Quarter)

The DNC’s poor fundraising numbers come less than a year out from the 2020 presidential election, and at a time when the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the re-election campaign of President Donald Trump continue to blow past fundraising numbers. (RELATED: Poll: Trump Soars In Wisconsin As Support For Impeachment Declines)

The RNC raised nearly three times as much money as the DNC last month, pulling in over $25 million in October, while reporting over $60 million cash on hand. Additionally, the joint fundraising effort between the Trump campaign and the RNC has raised over $300 million in 2019 so far, and reported over $156 million cash on hand last month. (RELATED: Impeachment Proceedings Usually Move Swiftly, But Democrats Are Playing It Slow)

DNC Chairman Tom Perez has come under fire over the party’s poor fundraising numbers. Two-time South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian ridiculed Perez last month in an interview with Politico, calling Perez “as useless as tits on a boar hog.”

DNC Drops Putrid Fundraising Numbers In Middle Of Debate

Just a natural part of the death of the democratic party. Call it a death rattle.
By filling the DNC's accounts? That would cause those like myself to be less likely to vote (D).

Wow! Hundreds of millions of dollars from leftist billionaire democrats or you're vote?

Damn it! Why must you make this such a torturous choice for the DNC?
How did that work out last time?
There was no "last time". Hillary kept the DNC afloat while Bernie Sanders got screwed blue by the party that admitted they have no responsibility to run their party in a fair manner.

The media barely mentioned that bit of news, I'm sure it just slipped their minds, and then the Russians helped Trump win. Isn't that how you think things went?
How did that work out last time?
There was no "last time". Hillary kept the DNC afloat while Bernie Sanders got screwed blue by the party that admitted they have no responsibility to run their party in a fair manner.

Yes, Hillary kept them afloat and they cheated to help her. I should support that again?

The media barely mentioned that bit of news, I'm sure it just slipped their minds, and then the Russians helped Trump win. Isn't that how you think things went?

Russia had nothing to do with Trump winning but after Hillary threatened to shoot down their planes, I wouldn't have blamed them.

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