'Immigration crisis': DHS officials warn of border 'invasion' if Biden wins


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
Immigration authorities released more than 400,000 illegal migrants into the U.S. under catch-and-release border policies in 2019. This year, that has been cut to fewer than 15,000 — and most of those were humanitarian cases, such as those involving a need for urgent medical care.
It all could come roaring back next year, though, the Department of Homeland Security said this week, warning of a looming “invasion” of illegal immigrants should the next administration roll back President Trump’s accomplishments.

While other departments are defending Mr. Trump, Homeland Security leaders are going further. They are arguing aggressively that the kinds of policies laid out by Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden would unleash a wave of illegal immigration unlike anything seen before.

In 2015 Germany had an "immigration crisis" - if we are able to say so at all - because we had so many refugees and/or migrants - about one million from outside of Europe and one million from inside of Europe - that our national organisations got some problems. But this time is over - nearly no one speaks any longer about the solved problems from the year 2015 and Germany is still alive, what makes only angry extremist idiots like Donald Trump.

So what is your real problem if much less than 2*4=8 million refugees (400,000 are 5%) come to the USA within one year? What is a good number of migrants for the USA?
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In 2015 Germany had an "immigration crisis" - if we are able to say so at all - because we had so many refugees and/or migrants - about one million from outside of Europe and one million from inside of Europe - that our national organisations got some problems. But this time is over - nearly no one speaks any longer about the solved problems from the year 2015 and Germany is still alive, what makes only angry extremist idiots like Donald Trump.

So what is your real problem if much less than 2*4=8 million refugees (400,000 are 5%) come to the USA within one year? What is a good number of migrants for the USA?

Did you miss the word “illegal” on purpose?

The real problem is people shouldn’t be coming to the US ILLEGALLY.
The caravan Fox was following should be at the border around 2025. You have another election before you need to worry.
In 2015 Germany had an "immigration crisis" - if we are able to say so at all - because we had so many refugees and/or migrants - about one million from outside of Europe and one million from inside of Europe - that our national organisations got some problems. But this time is over - nearly no one speaks any longer about the solved problems from the year 2015 and Germany is still alive, what makes only angry extremist idiots like Donald Trump.

So what is your real problem if much less than 2*4=8 million refugees (400,000 are 5%) come to the USA within one year? What is a good number of migrants for the USA?
None at this point--we are full up and need to get rid many of the ones that we have now. Only those that benefit the US should be allowed in-------Times are changing---we will need fewer and fewer workers so in essence the immigrants now only serve to collect welfare for generations making Bezos richer.

If we cut the number of immigrants, americans would be paid more and likely would take up having more kids themselves with less crowding.
In 2015 Germany had an "immigration crisis" - if we are able to say so at all - because we had so many refugees and/or migrants - about one million from outside of Europe and one million from inside of Europe - that our national organisations got some problems. But this time is over - nearly no one speaks any longer about the solved problems from the year 2015 and Germany is still alive, what makes only angry extremist idiots like Donald Trump.

So what is your real problem if much less than 2*4=8 million refugees (400,000 are 5%) come to the USA within one year? What is a good number of migrants for the USA?

Did you miss the word “illegal” on purpose?

The real problem is people shouldn’t be coming to the US ILLEGALLY.

Legal, illegal, who cares about such unimportant details. Again my question: What is a good number of migrants for the USA?
In 2015 Germany had an "immigration crisis" - if we are able to say so at all - because we had so many refugees and/or migrants - about one million from outside of Europe and one million from inside of Europe - that our national organisations got some problems. But this time is over - nearly no one speaks any longer about the solved problems from the year 2015 and Germany is still alive, what makes only angry extremist idiots like Donald Trump.

So what is your real problem if much less than 2*4=8 million refugees (400,000 are 5%) come to the USA within one year? What is a good number of migrants for the USA?
None at this point--we are full up and need to get rid many of the ones that we have now.


Only those that benefit the US should be allowed in-------


So only rich people have the right to live in the USA and poor people have to leave the USA?

Times are changing---

Not in all things.

we will need fewer and fewer workers

You don't need workers? Whomelse do you need?

so in essence the immigrants now only serve to collect welfare for generations making Bezos richer.


If we cut the number of immigrants, americans would be paid more and likely would take up having more kids themselves with less crowding.

If you (and all others) are paid more, then everything will become more expensive, specially if you reduce also imports to the USA with tarrifs, as Donald Trump is doing. But it will be inevitable in this case that you will have to pay much more money for everything what you need - so you will have to reduce your needs with this kind of politics. Except perhaps you like to continue to make more money with this method: then you will also have to so throw out of the USA all people who have since 1,2,3,4, ... generations a migrant in their family.

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The objective of some is clearly to allow your nation to be invaded by illegal immigrants simply for votes and low wages. The demands on the system strain it, while the most vulnerable will not have resources when the need them.

To be honest, once I learned of how bad you all have it, I'm surprised America is still in such a strong position. I'd assumed you'd be insolvent with so many millions illegally in your country. No other nation could sustain this. You will eventually crash if it restarts.
Immigration authorities released more than 400,000 illegal migrants into the U.S. under catch-and-release border policies in 2019. This year, that has been cut to fewer than 15,000 — and most of those were humanitarian cases, such as those involving a need for urgent medical care.
It all could come roaring back next year, though, the Department of Homeland Security said this week, warning of a looming “invasion” of illegal immigrants should the next administration roll back President Trump’s accomplishments.

While other departments are defending Mr. Trump, Homeland Security leaders are going further. They are arguing aggressively that the kinds of policies laid out by Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden would unleash a wave of illegal immigration unlike anything seen before.


Trump's Department of Homeland Security did NOT reduce illegal migrants in 2020. Migrants feared massive Covid-19 infection rate & death sweeping the USA!
In 2015 Germany had an "immigration crisis" - if we are able to say so at all - because we had so many refugees and/or migrants - about one million from outside of Europe and one million from inside of Europe - that our national organisations got some problems. But this time is over - nearly no one speaks any longer about the solved problems from the year 2015 and Germany is still alive, what makes only angry extremist idiots like Donald Trump.

So what is your real problem if much less than 2*4=8 million refugees (400,000 are 5%) come to the USA within one year? What is a good number of migrants for the USA?

Did you miss the word “illegal” on purpose?

The real problem is people shouldn’t be coming to the US ILLEGALLY.

Legal, illegal, who cares about such unimportant details. Again my question: What is a good number of migrants for the USA?
I cant answer your question about how many, because I believe there are so many factors to consider.
Of those factors, emotions, feelings, etc...need not apply in our decision making to a large extent.
I know that I agree with Trump, when he says that we should only allow people in based on merit.
We MUST STOP Biden from the presidency by keeping President Trump in the white house!!
Biden wants to give FREE healthcare to ILLEGAL aliens! That's on VIDEO from the crazy Democratic debates!

Biden also said NO deportations for 100 days!! Then he'll hardly deport ANYONE unless you're a KILLER so that's de facto OPEN borders!!

Biden also what's to make 12 to 20 MILLION ILLEGAL aliens American citizens PLUS increase refugees by 700%!!

A Biden presidency would be the END of America as we know it & the END of the GOP as a national political party!!
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In 2015 Germany had an "immigration crisis" - if we are able to say so at all - because we had so many refugees and/or migrants - about one million from outside of Europe and one million from inside of Europe - that our national organisations got some problems. But this time is over - nearly no one speaks any longer about the solved problems from the year 2015 and Germany is still alive, what makes only angry extremist idiots like Donald Trump.

So what is your real problem if much less than 2*4=8 million refugees (400,000 are 5%) come to the USA within one year? What is a good number of migrants for the USA?

Did you miss the word “illegal” on purpose?

The real problem is people shouldn’t be coming to the US ILLEGALLY.

True and Biden telling one and all he wants to grant citizenship to the 22 million who are here you can bet your ass thousands more will flood in.

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