Imagine living under communist rule, left wing paradise. John Lennon reference,.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Yeah, that song was about turning communist. Just for those who don't know.

Now let's imagine living under conditions where the free market no longer exists.

That would of course mean food along with EVERYTHING would need to be rationed out. Including toothpaste. Forget about quality since that motivation will no longer exist in any way to produce quality. Why? ZERO competition. The left HATE competition of really any kind. They believe profits are evil. Yes they do.

So just think about the average family getting one roll of toilet paper to last a month, along with one tube of bad toothpaste, a loaf of dry bread, a bag of turnips, and a salami 3 times a year.

That is for the people that survived the culling. Many will be eliminated just like every socialist commie revolution.

That is the communist paradise that these pathetic elitist mother fuckers are fighting for people.

Remember, two classes. The rich and the fucked and that is it. Should sound familiar, since that was what the old FEUDAL SYSTEM was.

Nothing new under the sun people. Except of course for the terminology.
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Yeah, that song was about turning communist. Just for those who don't know.

Now let's imagine living under conditions where the free market no longer exists.

That would of course mean food along with EVERYTHING would need to be rationed out. Including toothpaste. Forget about quality since that motivation will no longer exist in any way to produce quality. Why? ZERO competition. The left HATE competition of really any kind. They believe profits are evil. Yes they do.

So just think about the average family getting one roll of toilet paper to last a month, along with one tube of bad toothpaste, a loaf of dry bread, a bag turnips, and a salami 3 times a year.

That is the communist paradise that these pathetic elitist mother fuckers are fighting for people.

Remember, two classes. The rich and the fucked and that is it. Should sound familiar, since that was what the old FEUDAL SYSTEM was.

Nothing new under the sun people. Except of course for the terminology.

you're the ones who love Vladimir and the Russians.

what are you whining about?
Yeah, that song was about turning communist. Just for those who don't know.

Now let's imagine living under conditions where the free market no longer exists.

That would of course mean food along with EVERYTHING would need to be rationed out. Including toothpaste. Forget about quality since that motivation will no longer exist in any way to produce quality. Why? ZERO competition. The left HATE competition of really any kind. They believe profits are evil. Yes they do.

So just think about the average family getting one roll of toilet paper to last a month, along with one tube of bad toothpaste, a loaf of dry bread, a bag of turnips, and a salami 3 times a year.

That is for the people that survived the culling. Many will be eliminated just like every socialist commie revolution.

That is the communist paradise that these pathetic elitist mother fuckers are fighting for people.

Remember, two classes. The rich and the fucked and that is it. Should sound familiar, since that was what the old FEUDAL SYSTEM was.

Nothing new under the sun people. Except of course for the terminology.

Sounds like a paradise for those free sh*t lovers.
As a hard-core Rolling Stones fan, I've always found the Beatles to be the most overrated band in history. Sure, some of John Lennon's poetry was surreal, psychadelic and interesting, but I found their vocals annoying and their instrumental music very pedestrian and dull. The Beatles never achieved that high-energy-dance, old-fashioned, bar-flavored kinetic blues jams that the Stones did.
'Imagine' is a great song with an idealized vision of the world as one big Commune. No country, no religion, no possessions. Uhhhh yeah ok John. I really like the song so I try not to pay attention to the words.
Yeah, that song was about turning communist. Just for those who don't know.

Now let's imagine living under conditions where the free market no longer exists.

That would of course mean food along with EVERYTHING would need to be rationed out. Including toothpaste. Forget about quality since that motivation will no longer exist in any way to produce quality. Why? ZERO competition. The left HATE competition of really any kind. They believe profits are evil. Yes they do.

So just think about the average family getting one roll of toilet paper to last a month, along with one tube of bad toothpaste, a loaf of dry bread, a bag of turnips, and a salami 3 times a year.

That is for the people that survived the culling. Many will be eliminated just like every socialist commie revolution.

That is the communist paradise that these pathetic elitist mother fuckers are fighting for people.

Remember, two classes. The rich and the fucked and that is it. Should sound familiar, since that was what the old FEUDAL SYSTEM was.

Nothing new under the sun people. Except of course for the terminology.

Sounds like a paradise for those free sh*t lovers.
Remember the dumbest people on earth are American socialists/marxists. By far the dumbest, most useless people on earth except for those elite power hungry politicians.

Another thing about communism. The government has ALL of the power and the people have NONE.

Huh, I wonder why the politicians would sell communism as a fairy tale called robin hood to the poor?

Of course whenever someone like me points out commie countries build walls TO KEEP PEOPLE IN, they stare at you with that stupid dumb blank drugged out look.

Either that or they giggle like the pathetic demented morons they are.
Yeah, that song was about turning communist. Just for those who don't know.

Now let's imagine living under conditions where the free market no longer exists.

That would of course mean food along with EVERYTHING would need to be rationed out. Including toothpaste. Forget about quality since that motivation will no longer exist in any way to produce quality. Why? ZERO competition. The left HATE competition of really any kind. They believe profits are evil. Yes they do.

So just think about the average family getting one roll of toilet paper to last a month, along with one tube of bad toothpaste, a loaf of dry bread, a bag of turnips, and a salami 3 times a year.

That is for the people that survived the culling. Many will be eliminated just like every socialist commie revolution.

That is the communist paradise that these pathetic elitist mother fuckers are fighting for people.

Remember, two classes. The rich and the fucked and that is it. Should sound familiar, since that was what the old FEUDAL SYSTEM was.

Nothing new under the sun people. Except of course for the terminology.

Sounds like a paradise for those free sh*t lovers.
Remember the dumbest people on earth are American socialists/marxists. By far the dumbest, most useless people on earth except for those elite power hungry politicians.

Another thing about communism. The government has ALL of the power and the people have NONE.

Huh, I wonder why the politicians would sell communism as a fairy tale called robin hood to the poor?

Of course whenever someone like me points out commie countries build walls TO KEEP PEOPLE IN, they stare at you with that stupid dumb blank drugged out look.

Either that or they giggle like the pathetic demented morons they are.

It's just a political technology. I lived in USSR, I know who had the control of the money.

As a hard-core Rolling Stones fan, I've always found the Beatles to be the most overrated band in history. Sure, some of John Lennon's poetry was surreal, psychadelic and interesting, but I found their vocals annoying and their instrumental music very pedestrian and dull. The Beatles never achieved that high-energy-dance, old-fashioned, bar-flavored kinetic blues jams that the Stones did.
Yoko.....ruined him. Many moronic men are led around by their dicks by evil leftist women.

John Lennon is a perfect example.

Colin Kaepernick is a modern day example of being led around by a militant deranged blm marxist C word.
Don't get me wrong; some Beatles songs are pleasant enough to listen to, but they don't have any dance energy that forced me to get up and "dance a hole in the floor" the way the Stones have.
As a hard-core Rolling Stones fan, I've always found the Beatles to be the most overrated band in history. Sure, some of John Lennon's poetry was surreal, psychadelic and interesting, but I found their vocals annoying and their instrumental music very pedestrian and dull. The Beatles never achieved that high-energy-dance, old-fashioned, bar-flavored kinetic blues jams that the Stones did.
Yoko.....ruined him. Many moronic men are led around by their dicks by evil leftist women.

John Lennon is a perfect example.

Colin Kaepernick is a modern day example of being led around by a militant deranged blm marxist C word.

That's for sure! The late, famously eccentric guitarist Jerry Garcia died of a heart attack after one year of being married to a greedy, cold-blooded nasty gold-digger Deborah C*nts or Koons (however it's spelled). I've certainly seen gullible men get utterly fooled and misled by cruel-hearted, anti-social women.
Finding that absolute truth is getting harder and harder to find, with the frantic rewriting of history going on.

By the way, I find your signature offensive. Know you could care less. Just had to voice it.
We don't have to imagine it, we can google how it really was in Russia, China, Cuba, NK and elsewhere.
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Finding that absolute truth is getting harder and harder to find, with the frantic rewriting of history going on.

By the way, I find your signature offensive. Know you could care less. Just had to voice it.
We don't have to imagine it, we can google how it really was in Russia, China, Cuba, NK and elsewhere.
There has been so much rewriting of history. We have all been utterly brainwashed. Almost all of it is propaganda and there are always agendas.

There are those that truly understand history, but you need to dig. You almost need to be a history buff and not lazy to get the truth. I am lazy, so much for that.

All sorts of examples of how history is taught to the masses in order to seduce the masses. Example...

BLACK HISTORY MONTH. No, it is blacks have always been victim of whitey month and they are virtually useless without help FROM WHITEY.

Watch EVERY SPECIAL either on ESPN or History Channel, you will see the stories of how they were abused. On and on and on and on.

Of course when was the last time you heard anything about William Ellison? Oh, never? Look him up. Not that it will make any difference.

We have an entire group of so called educated people who truly believe Europeans showed up to Africa one day with nets and kidnapped blacks. That is how they believe they were brought here. Never mind that slavery was a giant well established business by the time the trans Atlantic trade started. The Trans Sahara slave trade had been going on for centuries and did not really involve whites at all. At least not Europeans. When is the last time that was taught during black PATRONIZING month.

As a result of that we have a bunch of angry black men with giant chips on their shoulders. Even the real successful ones. Obama?
Finding that absolute truth is getting harder and harder to find, with the frantic rewriting of history going on.

By the way, I find your signature offensive. Know you could care less. Just had to voice it.
We don't have to imagine it, we can google how it really was in Russia, China, Cuba, NK and elsewhere.

It's meant to be offensive. I'm not politically correct.

Those are things that liberals should really be offended at too. Not confederate statues. I like to remind them what a real racist is since they accuse us of racism 24/7 365 days a year for the past decade.

Once the liberals calm down with their race baiting I'll cease with truly racist posts and sigs.

If they're gonna call me a racist, I'm going to be one. Their worst nightmare LOL
Finding that absolute truth is getting harder and harder to find, with the frantic rewriting of history going on.

By the way, I find your signature offensive. Know you could care less. Just had to voice it.
We don't have to imagine it, we can google how it really was in Russia, China, Cuba, NK and elsewhere.

It's meant to be offensive. I'm not politically correct.

Those are things that liberals should really be offended at too. Not confederate statues. I like to remind them what a real racist is since they accuse us of racism 24/7 365 days a year for the past decade.

Once the liberals calm down with their race baiting I'll cease with truly racist posts and sigs.

If they're gonna call me a racist, I'm going to be one. Their worst nightmare LOL
The liberals 99% of them and all of the ones that post here are nothing more than water carriers for their socialist masters who are all too interested in taking the power from WE THE PEOPLE and getting as many groups of people dependant on the government as they can.

Blacks.....for example. What a disaster the democrats have been to them. What an unreal epic disaster.
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