Image of Ahmadinejad consoling Chavez’s mother angers Iranian clerics


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Image of Ahmadinejad consoling Chavez’s mother angers Iranian clerics


Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is under fire from the country's clerics over a photo of him consoling the mother of Hugo Chavez at the late Venezuelan leader's funeral—physical contact that's considered a sin under Iran's strict Islamic codes.

The photo, released by Venezuela's Miraflores Press Office, shows Elena Frías' right hand clutching Ahmadinejad's left, her head against his, as they stand near the flag-draped coffin of her son at a military academy in Caracas, Venezuela, on Friday.

The image drew the immediate fury of Tehran's religious conservatives. “No unrelated women can be touched unless she is drowning at sea or needs medical treatment," Hojat al-Islam Hossein Ibrahimi, a cleric at the Society of Militant Clergy, said, according to Iran's Al-Monitor.

Image of Ahmadinejad consoling Chavez?s mother angers Iranian clerics | The Lookout - Yahoo! News
Are the Ayatollahs really this uptight? he was comforting a grieving mother, not slapping some fat ass at a strip club in Caracas.
Are the Ayatollahs really this uptight? he was comforting a grieving mother, not slapping some fat ass at a strip club in Caracas.

Yes they are.
They have zero tolerance for treating women like human beings.
In much the same way they don't hesitate to train their children to commit suicide by killing people who don't obey their rules.
Even Uncle Ferd says it was rude for him to reach around an' squeeze her butt...
Ahmadinejad under fire for hugging Chavez's mother
Mar 12,`13 -- Senior Iranian clerics have scolded President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for consoling Hugo Chavez's mother with a hug - a physical contact considered a sin under Iran's strict Islamic codes.
The rebuke follows a widely published photo showing Ahmadinejad embracing Chavez's mother at the funeral of the late Venezuelan president in what is seen as taboo-breaking behavior in Iran. Iranian papers on Tuesday cited clerics from the religious center of Qom who described the hug as "forbidden," inappropriate behavior and "clowning around." Iran's strict Islamic codes prohibit physical contact between unrelated members of the opposite sex.

The clerics did not spare Ahmadinejad. "Touching a non-mahram (a woman who is not a close relative) is forbidden under any circumstances, whether shaking hands or touching by the cheek," said one of the clerics, Mohammad Taqi Rahbar, adding that such a contact, even with "an older woman is not allowed ... and contrary to the dignity of the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran." Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi, Iran's former judiciary chief and a religious leader in Qom, said Ahmadinejad was "clowning around" and his hug shows he failed to "protect the dignity of his nation and his position."

The clerics were also outraged by Ahmadinejad's letter of condolence to Venezuelans and their interim leader Nicolas Maduro because the Iranian president had described Chavez as a "martyr" who will be resurrected and who will return to Earth along with Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi, a 9th century saint revered by Shiite Muslims. "Your knowledge of religious issues is limited and no intervention could be made in this matter," said Yazdi, addressing Ahmadinejad directly. Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Mirtajeddini, a cleric who accompanied Ahmadinejad to Venezuela and stood by as the Iranian president hugged Chavez's mother at the funeral last week in Caracas had initially tried to deny the story, saying the photo was a fake.

Yazdi also scolded Mirtajeddini: "You are a cleric and you wear the clerical robe ... you should not deny what happened." Later Tuesday, the semi-official Mehr news agency reported that 18 lawmakers issued a statement urging Ahmadinejad to observe national and international norms in his foreign meetings. The uproar surrounding the hug has given Ahmadinejad's conservative opponents fodder to criticize him, three months ahead of the June presidential elections. Ahmadinejad can't run in the elections due to term limits under Iran's constitution but is seeking to get a protege into the race.

For their part, Iranian reformists ridiculed Ahmadinejad for weeping at Chavez's funeral. "I burst into laughter when I saw Ahmadinejad weeping on the arm of Chavez mother, said Abbas Abdi, activist and columnist with the independent website "If he needed to cry, he should have done so for his countrymen who died" in clashes with security forces during the mass protests that followed Ahmadinejad's disputed 2009 re-election, said Abdi.

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Are the Ayatollahs really this uptight? he was comforting a grieving mother, not slapping some fat ass at a strip club in Caracas.

No worse than the tea party losing its mind because a republican was nice to Obama when they were in the same room.
some cultures see women as dirty and some cultures see blacks as dirty.

I think both of those cultures are insane idiots
Are the Ayatollahs really this uptight? he was comforting a grieving mother, not slapping some fat ass at a strip club in Caracas.

That is life in a conservative ran country. In Ohio you can go to jail for touching a woman in a bar.

Stop making up lies to try and cover for Iran.

A federal appeals court has upheld the state’s no-touch law for strippers and restricted hours for adult bookstores.

In a ruling released yesterday, a three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the 2007 law does not violate the First Amendment rights of strip clubs and sexually oriented businesses.

Strip-club no-touch law upheld in court | The Columbus Dispatch

And the politicians get to decide what a sexually oriented business(text of the law) is or is not....
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That is life in a conservative ran country. In Ohio you can go to jail for touching a woman in a bar.

Stop making up lies to try and cover for Iran.

A federal appeals court has upheld the state’s no-touch law for strippers and restricted hours for adult bookstores.

In a ruling released yesterday, a three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the 2007 law does not violate the First Amendment rights of strip clubs and sexually oriented businesses.

Strip-club no-touch law upheld in court | The Columbus Dispatch

And the politicians get to decide what a sexually oriented busines(text of the law)s is or is not....

Touching a stripper is against the law in most places now, but thats hardly the same as being thrown in jail for "touching a woman in a bar" like you said, most strip clubs will just throw you out anyways. But trying to compare this to the rules in Iran is just desperate. If you want to try and defend Iran, try harder.
Are the Ayatollahs really this uptight? he was comforting a grieving mother, not slapping some fat ass at a strip club in Caracas.

No worse than the tea party losing its mind because a republican was nice to Obama when they were in the same room.

There are about ten people on this board who have serious psychological issues and should seek help.... You're one of those ten:cuckoo:
Stop making up lies to try and cover for Iran.

A federal appeals court has upheld the state’s no-touch law for strippers and restricted hours for adult bookstores.

In a ruling released yesterday, a three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the 2007 law does not violate the First Amendment rights of strip clubs and sexually oriented businesses.

Strip-club no-touch law upheld in court | The Columbus Dispatch

And the politicians get to decide what a sexually oriented busines(text of the law)s is or is not....

Touching a stripper is against the law in most places now, but thats hardly the same as being thrown in jail for "touching a woman in a bar" like you said, most strip clubs will just throw you out anyways. But trying to compare this to the rules in Iran is just desperate. If you want to try and defend Iran, try harder.

Strippers are women, and Ohio law goes way beyond touching a dancer on stage or even in a strip club. And to say most states is wrong. Some states will not let you touch a dancer while on stage.
And the politicians get to decide what a sexually oriented busines(text of the law)s is or is not....

Touching a stripper is against the law in most places now, but thats hardly the same as being thrown in jail for "touching a woman in a bar" like you said, most strip clubs will just throw you out anyways. But trying to compare this to the rules in Iran is just desperate. If you want to try and defend Iran, try harder.

Strippers are women, and Ohio law goes way beyond touching a dancer on stage or even in a strip club. And to say most states is wrong. Some states will not let you touch a dancer while on stage.

So you are comparing rules about touching strippers in the US with Irans draconian laws concerning women? are you high?:cuckoo:
That is life in a conservative ran country. In Ohio you can go to jail for touching a woman in a bar.

Stop making up lies to try and cover for Iran.

A federal appeals court has upheld the state’s no-touch law for strippers and restricted hours for adult bookstores.

In a ruling released yesterday, a three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the 2007 law does not violate the First Amendment rights of strip clubs and sexually oriented businesses.

Strip-club no-touch law upheld in court | The Columbus Dispatch

And the politicians get to decide what a sexually oriented business(text of the law) is or is not....

You equate this law for touching in a bar? Are you playing stupid or are you really this stupid?

BTW, Liberal Oregon has a similar law as do other states.
Are the Ayatollahs really this uptight? he was comforting a grieving mother, not slapping some fat ass at a strip club in Caracas.

No worse than the tea party losing its mind because a republican was nice to Obama when they were in the same room.

There are about ten people on this board who have serious psychological issues and should seek help.... You're one of those ten:cuckoo:


hugging Obama has brought the wrath down on more than one R

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