I'm Still Waiting For Those Job Mr President. Where Are They??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama said in July he was going to make job creation his #1 priority.

I'm sure glad I didn't hold my breath waiting.

What has he done since then?

Here's the list:

Go out and campaign against the rich
Produce another Stimulus bill
Go around Congress and change regulations on student loans
Go around Congress and change perscription medicine coverage
Throw in with the Flea Party turning Wall Street into a camp site for the homeless

When is he gonna get back to work?

We need jobs now, not when he gets good and ready to deal with it.
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Barry was probably just joking again. Like all those shovel ready jobs just waiting for the stimulus money. My side still hurts from laughing along when I watched him on TV about them. God, Barry's a funny fella.
You have a point. It seems the campaign season starts earlier and earlier each election. They are all guilty of it. I don't understand how they can perform their job duties while campaigning for their next job.
How about when the republicans ran on jobs in the midterm?

Does Boehner get a pass from you?
Why are you signaling out the President? Congressional GOPers have promised the same thing, but I don't see your complaints being leveled against them. The whole bunch of them needs to pull their heads out of each other's asses.
You have a point. It seems the campaign season starts earlier and earlier each election. They are all guilty of it. I don't understand how they can perform their job duties while campaigning for their next job.

Maybe resigning so he can campaign full-time.

Well, that won't happen.

He's already doing that and making us pay for his campaign. :eusa_whistle:
How about when the republicans ran on jobs in the midterm?

Does Boehner get a pass from you?

Being you're so concerned about Conservatives in Congress, I'm certain you've written every liberal since Bush's midterm election when LIBERALS took both houses and controlled the Congress, complaining about loss of employment?! Your democratic congress weasels held all three branches when your hero, Al Baraqi was elected and DID NOTHING.. not even pass a fucking budget and you have the gall to come in here whining about republicans?! You're a hack, plain and simple.. that's ok.. You and all of your liberal cohorts are about to have your asses handed to you next November..
he ran on jobs.

All the Rs who won did.

What have they done to create jobs?
How about when the republicans ran on jobs in the midterm?

Does Boehner get a pass from you?

Being you're so concerned about Conservatives in Congress, I'm certain you've written every liberal since Bush's midterm election when LIBERALS took both houses and controlled the Congress, complaining about loss of employment?! Your democratic congress weasels held all three branches when your hero, Al Baraqi was elected and DID NOTHING.. not even pass a fucking budget and you have the gall to come in here whining about republicans?! You're a hack, plain and simple.. that's ok.. You and all of your liberal cohorts are about to have your asses handed to you next November..


the stimulus worked and the CBO scored it that way.

you just keep lying and say it didnt
Boehner asked Obama if there were any funds to help small business in the original stimulus bill,,,Obama said NO! just funds for union related jobs,,,,in other words,,,,F. U. WHITE BUSINESS OWNERS,,,,YOUR ON YOUR OWN in 2009.
the Rs have done nothing to create jobs like they ran on.

They instead immediately said their main work would be to damage Obama and make him a one termer
How about when the republicans ran on jobs in the midterm?

Does Boehner get a pass from you?

Being you're so concerned about Conservatives in Congress, I'm certain you've written every liberal since Bush's midterm election when LIBERALS took both houses and controlled the Congress, complaining about loss of employment?! Your democratic congress weasels held all three branches when your hero, Al Baraqi was elected and DID NOTHING.. not even pass a fucking budget and you have the gall to come in here whining about republicans?! You're a hack, plain and simple.. that's ok.. You and all of your liberal cohorts are about to have your asses handed to you next November..


the stimulus worked and the CBO scored it that way.

you just keep lying and say it didnt

The stimulus worked?????????? ROFLMAO!! What in the stimulus worked?? Links plz, thanks! I'm waiting to see the link where the unemployment numbers went down, after all Bammy PROMISED they would once the stimulus was passed. Show us please.. I'll wait.
Yoiu are lying when you say the stim didnt work.

Lying for poolitcal purposes to confuse the American voter.

Its why you party is in the shitter
Boehner doesn't have the power.

Really? So you mean it's the President who is supposed to legislate? That's news to me.

He's done his job.

Really? Where?

Now he has to wait on Harry Reid and Barrack Obama to do their's as per the US Consitution.

In other words, you think that the Senate and President have an obligation to simply go along with whatever the House sends through, regardless of quality, just like that? And then take the blame for whatever ill comes from passing or not passing? You're pathetic. You can't even be honest in discussion. The fault lies on both sides of the isle, both Democrat and GOP, for being so damned polarized and stubborn and unwilling to compromise to get something done. Instead of working out legislation our government does nothing anymore than propose ideology and stomp its feet until the ruling power gets what it wants. And it's idiots like you, who are so damn partisan and polarized with blind ideology, who are the root cause of the problem. Because you elect them and demand they behave that way. Here's your fucked up government, America. Sleep in your bed.
I'm Still Waiting For Those Jobs Mr President. Where Are They??
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I hate to be the one to break this, to you, Skippy, but....Lil' Dumbya is....


June 26, 2011

"The GOP insists that those wealthy people use their money to create jobs, and that taxing them more heavily would ultimately hurt the economy. But, if that's so, why was the rate of job creation in the decade after the Bush tax cuts the poorest in any decade since before World War II?"


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