I'm Starting to Think That Maybe Trump Shouldn't Run (Although I Would Love Him to)

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I'm just worried about something a family member told me today that if Trump were to get back into the white house, that he could possibly be the next president to get assassinated since the left hates him so much (as now apparently to the left he's a rapist) and he's a major Trump supporter too. I'm really starting to worry that he might be right although I still want him to become president again, I just don't want his safety to be at risk and neither does he for the record. I'm sure he'll have his security team with him though and much more unlikely for something like that to happen these days as security is much tighter.
I'm voting for Trump no matter how many cheaters who get money from George Soros lie their asses off in court claiming misconduct on President Trump's part where there was no misconduct. The Democrat Party is currently crashing and burning with the good people who are Democrats hate the deep state conversion of this free country being turned into a communist hellhole where people have no rights except to be sycophants to the deep State-led Democrat Party.
Edit: corrected typo.
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Oh I'll vote for him too if he runs but I'm just saying that I'm worried about how the left will take it and I don't want to see him get hurt. Although I'm more worried about his safety than he apparently is.
I've actually heard him comment on it. He said if they killed him, they'd just make him a martyr. He's right. I think it might be the one action by the Left that could stir enough people up to get into the streets and really fight back.
I'm voting for Trump no matter how many cheaters who get money from George Soros lie their asses off in court claiming misconduct on President Trump's part where there was no misconduct. The Democrat Party is currently cashing and burning with the good people who are Democrats hate the deep state conversion of this free country being turned into a communist hellhole where people have no rights except to be sycophants to the deep State-led Democrat Party.
The brainwashing that succeeded there is impressive
Not sure why so many people find my OP funny. This is a serious concern when you see what people on the left from BLM and ANTIFA have done.
I've actually heard him comment on it. He said if they killed him, they'd just make him a martyr. He's right. I think it might be the one action by the Left that could stir enough people up to get into the streets and really fight back.

Btw, when did he say that? As you have me curious now.
Until the GOP puts up a better candidate, Trump is the guy.

Hutchinson, Haley, and DeSantis are Karl Rove's third term waiting to happen...
I've actually heard him comment on it. He said if they killed him, they'd just make him a martyr. He's right. I think it might be the one action by the Left that could stir enough people up to get into the streets and really fight back.
They could always dump him off an aircraft carrier like Bin Laden :laugh:
The brainwashing that succeeded there is impressive

This from someone who cannot explain how Co2 melted North America and froze Greenland at the same time, but is busy supporting bankrupting America over it...
Until the GOP puts up a better candidate, Trump is the guy.

Hutchinson, Haley, and DeSantis are Karl Rove's third term waiting to happen...

I'm not sure who Karl Rove is but I like DeSantis and Trump, I'm just worried about his safety even if he's not.
I'm not sure who Karl Rove is but I like DeSantis and Trump, I'm just worried about his safety even if he's not.

W was a face and a name. Karl Rove's presidency was 2001-2009, where every tenet of fiscal conservatism was tossed out the window, Zionist Fascism murdered 4k Americans, the Rove Administration lied about that and proceeded to start 2 wars over lies selling out our troops for the cause of Greater Israel.

Karl Rove is one of the worst traitors in US history. DeSantis is kissing his ass and taking orders from him...
I'm just worried about something a family member told me today that if Trump were to get back into the white house, that he could possibly be the next president to get assassinated since the left hates him so much (as now apparently to the left he's a rapist) and he's a major Trump supporter too. I'm really starting to worry that he might be right although I still want him to become president again, I just don't want his safety to be at risk and neither does he for the record. I'm sure he'll have his security team with him though and much more unlikely for something like that to happen these days as security is much tighter.

It's Trump all the way AFAIK right now.

It has to be.
I hope so,.. I guess he's a big man and can take care of himself. He's shown that time and time again.
God bless him for trying to do the right thing. That's all it's about. Democrats and others that want Americans to

suffer seem to hate that for whatever reason. Well, I don't like that.

Like a redbone friend told me once (and we weren't really all that close) "We're all in this thing together."

I liked him, he was a good dude, I mean, he's not on par with someone I've known since I was 11 or anything..

It was pretty funny when he got sunburned and I didn't, and he's "black" and I'm "white". :aargh:

That guy was pretty wise, though. He really was. Aw man! I'm drawing a blank on his name right now. :(

I can still see his face, but he had a name, dammit! Always called him by his last name..

Yeah, I better let that go for now.
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