I'm Starting to Think That Maybe Trump Shouldn't Run (Although I Would Love Him to)

If they were going to assassinate Trump, they would have done it while he was in the White House the first time.
Or since.

They CANNOT assassinate him. THEY would be the ones ALL FINGERS WOULD POINT TO. There would be SOOOOO MANY investigations into all the DNC members, esepcially the ones in Congress.

If that happened, all their LIES and SCAMS would definitely be made public.

Trump being assassinated would be the BEST thing to happen, besided Trump being put back in the White House.
The DNC would finally be exposed........lock, stock, and barrel!!!!!
Well, I didn't mean BEST for Trump or us. I mean for exposing the entire DNC and all their lies, corruption, and evil.

But they won't do it. Not now anyway. Doing that now would just incriminate them all.

Putting it that way, in order to expose them for who they actually are I think that Trump would be more than willing to sacrifice himself like that. I would hate for it to have to come to that, but he would most definitely do it I can pretty much guarantee it.
I'm just worried about something a family member told me today that if Trump were to get back into the white house, that he could possibly be the next president to get assassinated since the left hates him so much (as now apparently to the left he's a rapist) and he's a major Trump supporter too. I'm really starting to worry that he might be right although I still want him to become president again, I just don't want his safety to be at risk and neither does he for the record. I'm sure he'll have his security team with him though and much more unlikely for something like that to happen these days as security is much tighter.
They hated him almost as much in 2016. But, this is why we need a good vice president. In fact, I think we should make it law that the vice president is much more like a co-president with set responsibilities instead of being nothing but a figure head.
I'm just worried about something a family member told me today that if Trump were to get back into the white house, that he could possibly be the next president to get assassinated since the left hates him so much (as now apparently to the left he's a rapist) and he's a major Trump supporter too. I'm really starting to worry that he might be right although I still want him to become president again, I just don't want his safety to be at risk and neither does he for the record. I'm sure he'll have his security team with him though and much more unlikely for something like that to happen these days as security is much tighter.
The lone assassin scenario has been used so often that it would automatically raise suspicion and a demand that ALL documents about the JFK assassination be released and released NOW.

Half the nation would believe the Deep State had Trump whacked. Another Oswald would not be that convincing especially if someone shot him dead like Jack Ruby did.

Still it does seem the Swamp hates Trump so much that it might try to find a good sniper to do the job. Then there would be a big push to disarm all civilians and that would help the Deep State gain total power. The Swamp and the alphabet agencies would rule this nation with an iron fist. The long gone USSR would look like a paradise in comparison.

I have been worried about a Trump assassination for the last couple of years. I only can hope and pray it never happens.

Oh I'll vote for him too if he runs but I'm just saying that I'm worried about how the left will take it and I don't want to see him get hurt. Although I'm more worried about his safety than he apparently is.
Trump may have small hands but he has big balls. He keeps fighting.

I would have gave up after I lost the election and spent the rest of my life enjoying cheating at golf.

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