I'm starting to sour on Trump

I think Trump is a troubled candidate. He doesn't have any kind of vision. It's all just empty passionate intensity not rooted in anything practical that he could do to help make the country work better.

It's all nice and good to say Hillary Clinton would suck, but what the hell is he actually going to do and how is he going to pay for it? Nobody knows.

And I think you're a troubled radical centrist. Trump has written two books now, outlining his specific plans in detail. I'm quite sure they are both available on Amazon if you wish to order them. If you're just going to turn on the evening news and expect the talking head to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're going to be disappointed. Likewise, if you're going to turn on the Sunday talk shows and expect them to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're not going to hear much.
Plans? Take a look at his official website. He doesn't have a written position on the most important issues, just comments in interviews and rallies. There is nothing about budget, deficits, or foreign policy, except trade with China, nothing about terrorism. His position on deporting illegal immigrants is the same as it is now except for building a wall, not a word about his all must go claim. He has no position on refugees, no position on same sex marriage, no position on Medicare, Social Security, education, or the environment. Basically, Trump creates issues and takes a position on them ignoring the real issues.

I'm sure glad he ran as a republican. When he crashes and burns it will not be pretty for anyone onbard.
Obviously Trump suffers megalomania and Hillary does too and both should be locked up in an asylum for the criminally insane. Asylum for extremely nervous people with apology to Mel Brooks.
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There is zero chance of a mass deportation of 11,000,000 people (or even a quarter of that) since congress has to approve the expenditure that would facilitate that. There is no chance of a wall being built; much less at Mexico's expense. Muslims will not be barred from the nation as a group.

Well it might be fun to elect Trump just to watch him make a fool out of you. Because, IF he gets elected, the deportations are going to happen, the wall is going to be built, Mexico is going to pay for said wall and he can ban any goddamn body he pleases at a time of war as Commander in Chief and he doesn't need congress to do so.... just his pen. You remember the president's pen, it's right beside his telephone?
I think Trump is a troubled candidate. He doesn't have any kind of vision. It's all just empty passionate intensity not rooted in anything practical that he could do to help make the country work better.

It's all nice and good to say Hillary Clinton would suck, but what the hell is he actually going to do and how is he going to pay for it? Nobody knows.

And I think you're a troubled radical centrist. Trump has written two books now, outlining his specific plans in detail. I'm quite sure they are both available on Amazon if you wish to order them. If you're just going to turn on the evening news and expect the talking head to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're going to be disappointed. Likewise, if you're going to turn on the Sunday talk shows and expect them to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're not going to hear much.
Plans? Take a look at his official website. He doesn't have a written position on the most important issues, just comments in interviews and rallies. There is nothing about budget, deficits, or foreign policy, except trade with China, nothing about terrorism. His position on deporting illegal immigrants is the same as it is now except for building a wall, not a word about his all must go claim. He has no position on refugees, no position on same sex marriage, no position on Medicare, Social Security, education, or the environment. Basically, Trump creates issues and takes a position on them ignoring the real issues.

I'm sure glad he ran as a republican. When he crashes and burns it will not be pretty for anyone onbard.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
He's not only going to get the majority of Republican votes he's also going to get the majority of Democrat votes.
All through this campaign I've enjoyed the Trumpster keeping the Establishment goobs on their heels, putting forward the issues the American people want addressed and making fools of those who attempt to smear and jeer him. I've admired the way he has taken the typical personal attacks and turned them into political points. The way he has turned political correctness on it's ear is something to behold. I've gone on record to say that he's not my first choice but if he wins the nomination I will support him. However, I am now couching that statement with the fact that I will be most definitely holding my nose if I have to vote for Trump in the general election.

In recent weeks he has changed me from being a tacit supporter to someone who certainly doesn't want him to win the nomination or be the next president. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals or establishment GOP has hurled at him. it's all based upon his own words and actions. I can accept his rhetoric, even when it has been extreme and over the top. Mostly because I realize he is saying things that are resonating as a populist and when it comes down to brass tacks, he will have to work with Congress who isn't going to support extremist rhetoric. So it's not the "far-out" shit that he says sometimes, I can accept all of that.

It started when he began the liberal left tactic of attacking Ted Cruz on his citizenship. He made other comments regarding Cruz and I sort of shrugged those off as typical campaigning. I can overlook a few personal digs here and there but to instigate this sleazy left-wing tactic of criticizing his "natural born" status is too much. Add to that, his most recent call for massive taxation on Wall Street, and I have to pull the plug. That is simply buying into the Marxist rhetoric of the left and not a Conservative principle. I can dig that we need to reform some laws and make it more difficult for hedge fund managers to exploit tax loopholes but to introduce a plan to massively increase taxes across the board is not something I can support.

While I can appreciate that he doesn't employ speech writers or use a teleprompter, he repeatedly ends up contradicting things he said previously. For instance, one week he is supporting Obama's bringing Syrian refugees here... "We've gotta do it!" The very next week he calls for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He is constantly putting his supporters in the embarrassing position of having to defend his contradictions... not to mention his brash statements.

His latest "tax Wall Street" nonsense sounds more like Bernie Sanders than anything else. This guy is NOT a Conservative and he is proving it for everyone to see. If it all comes down to Trump vs. whatever liberal idiot the Democrats nominate, I'll probably still vote for him with reservations. I don't believe he would nominate radical left wing activists to the court, but maybe I'm wrong about that too? Who knows with this guy? He could very well be working with the Clintons and simply be 'punking' the GOP.

Ok no. That last comment, not a chance. There is only one thing bigger than Trumps larger than life character.... and that's his ego.

There is no way a guy with an ego that big is working for anyone else other than himself.

I do not support many of Trumps positions. I have no problem allowing Christian Syrians into the US. But how we would enforce that is beyond me.

As for Islamic Syrians and the threat of IS operatives coming in with refugees... I still don't know. I go back and forth in my mind. Hard question. Very hard.

Nevertheless, any debate on Trump... for me, it will end if Hillary gets the nomination from the DNC. Hillary is pure evil. Literally, she is an evil woman. Not "bad", she's EVIL. Trump might have an ego, and I might disagree with him largely.... but he's not Evil. I'd rather vote for the Smurfs, than have that scum sucking dog as president. I'll take a dozen trumps over Hellary.
why is she evil Andy?
what makes her evil over any other politician or even Trump?

What do you think she would do to our country that is evil if she were president?

Was Bill Clinton evil to you as well, and what did he do to our nation that was evil?

please be factual
What Bill did to many women was PURE EVIL!!!!!!!
The FACT that Hillary attempted to bully and intimidate Bill's victims was PURE EVIL.
The FACT that they were deeply involved with cocaine smuggling in AK was PURE EVIL!!!!!
The FACT their (cough) 'Foundation' is nothing more than a front for shaking down foreign Governments and businesses is PURE EVIL!!!
You need to get your head out of the Clinton's assholes pal.

Cocaine in Alaska?
I'm only a few miles from you pal! Sorry. Never tried cocaine. It's for fucking losers. Right pal?
I think Trump is a troubled candidate. He doesn't have any kind of vision. It's all just empty passionate intensity not rooted in anything practical that he could do to help make the country work better.

It's all nice and good to say Hillary Clinton would suck, but what the hell is he actually going to do and how is he going to pay for it? Nobody knows.

And I think you're a troubled radical centrist. Trump has written two books now, outlining his specific plans in detail. I'm quite sure they are both available on Amazon if you wish to order them. If you're just going to turn on the evening news and expect the talking head to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're going to be disappointed. Likewise, if you're going to turn on the Sunday talk shows and expect them to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're not going to hear much.
Plans? Take a look at his official website. He doesn't have a written position on the most important issues, just comments in interviews and rallies. There is nothing about budget, deficits, or foreign policy, except trade with China, nothing about terrorism. His position on deporting illegal immigrants is the same as it is now except for building a wall, not a word about his all must go claim. He has no position on refugees, no position on same sex marriage, no position on Medicare, Social Security, education, or the environment. Basically, Trump creates issues and takes a position on them ignoring the real issues.

I'm sure glad he ran as a republican. When he crashes and burns it will not be pretty for anyone onbard.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
He's not only going to get the majority of Republican votes he's also going to get the majority of Democrat votes.
All this "He won't work with Congress" is hilarious. Congress will be majority GOP dominated as will the Senate. I don't think the two house will have a problem passing laws intended to make America great again.
In realclearpolitics.com yesterday Trump is 10 behind Clinton and 15 behind Sanders in the general election.
I think Trump is a troubled candidate. He doesn't have any kind of vision. It's all just empty passionate intensity not rooted in anything practical that he could do to help make the country work better.

It's all nice and good to say Hillary Clinton would suck, but what the hell is he actually going to do and how is he going to pay for it? Nobody knows.

And I think you're a troubled radical centrist. Trump has written two books now, outlining his specific plans in detail. I'm quite sure they are both available on Amazon if you wish to order them. If you're just going to turn on the evening news and expect the talking head to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're going to be disappointed. Likewise, if you're going to turn on the Sunday talk shows and expect them to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're not going to hear much.
Plans? Take a look at his official website. He doesn't have a written position on the most important issues, just comments in interviews and rallies. There is nothing about budget, deficits, or foreign policy, except trade with China, nothing about terrorism. His position on deporting illegal immigrants is the same as it is now except for building a wall, not a word about his all must go claim. He has no position on refugees, no position on same sex marriage, no position on Medicare, Social Security, education, or the environment. Basically, Trump creates issues and takes a position on them ignoring the real issues.

What are Hillary's plans for terrorism? Let some more ambassadors be executed and drug through the streets? How can this bitch even have the nerve to run for president?
I suspect she's going to treat terrorism as a crime. I doubt that she is going advocate policies that would punish the many for the crimes of the few. I'm pretty sure she's not going to declare war on 1.6 billion Muslims, make religion a criteria for entering the United States, and spend 400 to 600 billion dollars deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants. Nor is she going create a new healthcare plan such as Trump has promised which "will take care of everybody". Clinton's position on the issues are clearly stated on her official web site.
I think Trump is a troubled candidate. He doesn't have any kind of vision. It's all just empty passionate intensity not rooted in anything practical that he could do to help make the country work better.

It's all nice and good to say Hillary Clinton would suck, but what the hell is he actually going to do and how is he going to pay for it? Nobody knows.

And I think you're a troubled radical centrist. Trump has written two books now, outlining his specific plans in detail. I'm quite sure they are both available on Amazon if you wish to order them. If you're just going to turn on the evening news and expect the talking head to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're going to be disappointed. Likewise, if you're going to turn on the Sunday talk shows and expect them to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're not going to hear much.
Plans? Take a look at his official website. He doesn't have a written position on the most important issues, just comments in interviews and rallies. There is nothing about budget, deficits, or foreign policy, except trade with China, nothing about terrorism. His position on deporting illegal immigrants is the same as it is now except for building a wall, not a word about his all must go claim. He has no position on refugees, no position on same sex marriage, no position on Medicare, Social Security, education, or the environment. Basically, Trump creates issues and takes a position on them ignoring the real issues.

I'm sure glad he ran as a republican. When he crashes and burns it will not be pretty for anyone onbard.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
He's not only going to get the majority of Republican votes he's also going to get the majority of Democrat votes.
All this "He won't work with Congress" is hilarious. Congress will be majority GOP dominated as will the Senate. I don't think the two house will have a problem passing laws intended to make America great again.
For Trump, having a Republican congress is not going to be of much help, particularly when they draft a bill of impeachment. Most Republican congressman are trying to distance themselves from Trump hoping Trumpism doesn't rub off on them.
Wow, Flapper... you're going to have a sucky time if Trump wins... we may have to put you on suicide watch.
more and more people will be jumping ship like OP.

Everyone knows the donors AKA- "job creators" (in conserva-speak) don't want him
Wow, Flapper... you're going to have a sucky time if Trump wins... we may have to put you on suicide watch.
Actually, I'll have a lot of fun on this board if Trump wins. A proponent of racial and religious bigotry in the white house, a president who defends his positions only with personal insults, I couldn't ask for better material.
Yeah, many GOP candidates are doing their best to avoid Trump.

However, if Trump is elected, I am going to laugh at the far right when they realize that he will not and cannot do what he promises.

The Congress will frustrate him even more than the one who made life miserable for Carter.
And I think you're a troubled radical centrist. Trump has written two books now, outlining his specific plans in detail. I'm quite sure they are both available on Amazon if you wish to order them. If you're just going to turn on the evening news and expect the talking head to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're going to be disappointed. Likewise, if you're going to turn on the Sunday talk shows and expect them to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're not going to hear much.
Plans? Take a look at his official website. He doesn't have a written position on the most important issues, just comments in interviews and rallies. There is nothing about budget, deficits, or foreign policy, except trade with China, nothing about terrorism. His position on deporting illegal immigrants is the same as it is now except for building a wall, not a word about his all must go claim. He has no position on refugees, no position on same sex marriage, no position on Medicare, Social Security, education, or the environment. Basically, Trump creates issues and takes a position on them ignoring the real issues.

I'm sure glad he ran as a republican. When he crashes and burns it will not be pretty for anyone onbard.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
He's not only going to get the majority of Republican votes he's also going to get the majority of Democrat votes.
All this "He won't work with Congress" is hilarious. Congress will be majority GOP dominated as will the Senate. I don't think the two house will have a problem passing laws intended to make America great again.
For Trump, having a Republican congress is not going to be of much help, particularly when they draft a bill of impeachment. Most Republican congressman are trying to distance themselves from Trump hoping Trumpism doesn't rub off on them.
Wait until Trump is the nominee. We'll see then how many REP congressmen/women will suddenly discover which side of their bread is buttered.
I am becoming more convinced Hillary will drop out. If this happens the DEM party loses in a historic landslide.
Too many LIB voters have deep regrets for having voted for a Socialist. Look what the devastating results were. Geopolitical embarrassments, a flaccid economy, race relations set back decades, trade 'giveaways', Chamberlain's approach to our enemies, 'Red Lines' never enforced, the childish farce Climate Change Summit which accomplished fuck all, Iran winning the Nuclear Bomb Making lottery thanks to Obama and his lap poodle traitor Kerry. Theses voters aren't going to then vote for a 100 year old radical Marxist determined to turn America into the King Kong version of Greece.
Never going to happen.
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Wow, Flapper... you're going to have a sucky time if Trump wins... we may have to put you on suicide watch.
Actually, I'll have a lot of fun on this board if Trump wins. A proponent of racial and religious bigotry in the white house, a president who defends his positions only with personal insults, I couldn't ask for better material.
Hell! He might even create a real job for you too!
Plans? Take a look at his official website. He doesn't have a written position on the most important issues, just comments in interviews and rallies. There is nothing about budget, deficits, or foreign policy, except trade with China, nothing about terrorism. His position on deporting illegal immigrants is the same as it is now except for building a wall, not a word about his all must go claim. He has no position on refugees, no position on same sex marriage, no position on Medicare, Social Security, education, or the environment. Basically, Trump creates issues and takes a position on them ignoring the real issues.

I'm sure glad he ran as a republican. When he crashes and burns it will not be pretty for anyone onbard.
Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump
He's not only going to get the majority of Republican votes he's also going to get the majority of Democrat votes.
All this "He won't work with Congress" is hilarious. Congress will be majority GOP dominated as will the Senate. I don't think the two house will have a problem passing laws intended to make America great again.
For Trump, having a Republican congress is not going to be of much help, particularly when they draft a bill of impeachment. Most Republican congressman are trying to distance themselves from Trump hoping Trumpism doesn't rub off on them.
Wait until Trump is the nominee. We'll see then how many REP congressmen/women will suddenly discover which side of their bread is buttered.
I am becoming more convinced Hillary will drop out. If this happens the DEM party loses in a historic landslide.
Too many LIB voters have deep regrets for having voted for a Socialist. Look what the devastating results were. Geopolitical embarrassments, a flaccid economy, race relations set back decades, trade 'giveaways', Chamberlain's approach to our enemies, 'Red Lines' never enforced, the childish farce Climate Change Summit which accomplished fuck all, Iran winning the Nuclear Bomb Making lottery thanks to Obama and his lap poodle traitor Kerry. Theses voters aren't going to then vote for a 100 year old radical Marxist determined to turn America into the King Kong version of Greece.
Never going to happen.
Why should Hillary drop out? She's leading Sanders nationally by 25 points and beats Trump nationally by 10 points. Hillary has been in the lead from the beginning and there's no reason to think that lead won't increase when her opponent is known. It's not that the public is so enamored with her, it's their fear of her opponents. Sanders is further to Left and Trump?? He's just plain nuts.
Repubs in the congress will have to choose between trump and the israeli lobby if trump is the nominee. Delicious :eusa_drool:
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Sums it up for me...until he proves he doesn't!
You would be interested in another guy's balls.......
I think Trump is a troubled candidate. He doesn't have any kind of vision. It's all just empty passionate intensity not rooted in anything practical that he could do to help make the country work better.

It's all nice and good to say Hillary Clinton would suck, but what the hell is he actually going to do and how is he going to pay for it? Nobody knows.

And I think you're a troubled radical centrist. Trump has written two books now, outlining his specific plans in detail. I'm quite sure they are both available on Amazon if you wish to order them. If you're just going to turn on the evening news and expect the talking head to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're going to be disappointed. Likewise, if you're going to turn on the Sunday talk shows and expect them to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're not going to hear much.
Plans? Take a look at his official website. He doesn't have a written position on the most important issues, just comments in interviews and rallies. There is nothing about budget, deficits, or foreign policy, except trade with China, nothing about terrorism. His position on deporting illegal immigrants is the same as it is now except for building a wall, not a word about his all must go claim. He has no position on refugees, no position on same sex marriage, no position on Medicare, Social Security, education, or the environment. Basically, Trump creates issues and takes a position on them ignoring the real issues.

What are Hillary's plans for terrorism? Let some more ambassadors be executed and drug through the streets? How can this bitch even have the nerve to run for president?
I suspect she's going to treat terrorism as a crime. I doubt that she is going advocate policies that would punish the many for the crimes of the few. I'm pretty sure she's not going to declare war on 1.6 billion Muslims, make religion a criteria for entering the United States, and spend 400 to 600 billion dollars deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants. Nor is she going create a new healthcare plan such as Trump has promised which "will take care of everybody". Clinton's position on the issues are clearly stated on her official web site.

Clinton is the by far worst possible choice! The way she laughed at what the C.I.A mercenaries/terrorist did to the Libyan leader should give the people some insight into her true pathology.

No doubt about it, voting for the big liar Hillary is voting for the enormous carnage that comes with a World War. No doubt about it in her vast inexperience nuclear weapons will be used and a World War will start.

Hillary is mad. You can even see it in her eyes sometimes. Add a little international pressure and Hillary will bring an end to this entire country by her enormous mistakes.

Madness and power is called doom.

What on earth makes her think she can be president of the United States anyway????

Just because her husband was president?

Now it's my turn now? Is this her arrogant thinking?

She is far from being even remotely qualified!

She would be a puppet that the whole world would despise, except for Israel.

Are you not even tried of hearing the sound of her voice yet?
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I think Trump is a troubled candidate. He doesn't have any kind of vision. It's all just empty passionate intensity not rooted in anything practical that he could do to help make the country work better.

It's all nice and good to say Hillary Clinton would suck, but what the hell is he actually going to do and how is he going to pay for it? Nobody knows.

And I think you're a troubled radical centrist. Trump has written two books now, outlining his specific plans in detail. I'm quite sure they are both available on Amazon if you wish to order them. If you're just going to turn on the evening news and expect the talking head to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're going to be disappointed. Likewise, if you're going to turn on the Sunday talk shows and expect them to tell you what Trump's specific plans are, you're not going to hear much.
Plans? Take a look at his official website. He doesn't have a written position on the most important issues, just comments in interviews and rallies. There is nothing about budget, deficits, or foreign policy, except trade with China, nothing about terrorism. His position on deporting illegal immigrants is the same as it is now except for building a wall, not a word about his all must go claim. He has no position on refugees, no position on same sex marriage, no position on Medicare, Social Security, education, or the environment. Basically, Trump creates issues and takes a position on them ignoring the real issues.

What are Hillary's plans for terrorism? Let some more ambassadors be executed and drug through the streets? How can this bitch even have the nerve to run for president?
I suspect she's going to treat terrorism as a crime. I doubt that she is going advocate policies that would punish the many for the crimes of the few. I'm pretty sure she's not going to declare war on 1.6 billion Muslims, make religion a criteria for entering the United States, and spend 400 to 600 billion dollars deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants. Nor is she going create a new healthcare plan such as Trump has promised which "will take care of everybody". Clinton's position on the issues are clearly stated on her official web site.

Clinton is the by far worst possible choice! The way she laughed at what the C.I.A mercenaries/terrorist did to the Libyan leader should give the people some insight into her true pathology.

No doubt about it, voting for the big liar Hillary is voting for the enormous carnage that comes with a World War. No doubt about it in her vast inexperience nuclear weapons will be used and a World War will start.

Hillary is mad. You can even see it in her eyes sometimes. Add a little international pressure and Hillary will bring an end to this entire country by her enormous mistakes.

Madness and power is called doom.

What on earth makes her think she can be president of the United States anyway????

Just because her husband was president?

Now it's my turn now? Is this her arrogant thinking?

She is far from being even remotely qualified!

She would be a puppet that the whole world would despise, except for Israel.

Are you not even tried of hearing the sound of her voice yet?
In your opinion.
IMHO, she has more experience and knowledge of government, congress, law, foreign policy, and politics than Sanders and certainly more than both Trump and Cruz combined. I'll go with experience and knowledge over political propaganda, suspicion and innuendo.

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