I'm reconsidering my position on abortion


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Let's abort more. Fewer people means more resources for everyone else, more food, more parks and undeveloped areas since more people requires you develop natural areas into livable areas.

Less People:

- more food
- more water
- more energy
- more natural undeveloped areas
- fewer wars

More People:

- less food
- less water
- less energy
- more devlopment of natural wilderness
- more wars

If you think abortion should be made illegal so as to spare innocent babies, what's your position on US military interventions and wars? Against those too? Do you NOT support our troops then? If not, STFU.
Let's abort more. Fewer people means more resources for everyone else, more food, more parks and undeveloped areas since more people requires you develop natural areas into livable areas.

Less People:

- more food
- more water
- more energy
- more natural undeveloped areas
- fewer wars

More People:

- less food
- less water
- less energy
- more devlopment of natural wilderness
- more wars

If you think abortion should be made illegal so as to spare innocent babies, what's your position on US military interventions and wars? Against those too? Do you NOT support our troops then? If not, STFU.
Your an adult right? adults use more energy food, space, resources than babies,you should do the right thing today!!
Abortion and the military have zipp zero to do with each other try again!!
I support the militaries' defense of this country.

I don't support abortion. It's cruel to the baby and the mother. It's a trick. Make women think it's their right and then poof no more handicapped no more poor no more non perfect human beings.

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