I'm Not Sure This Emperor's Got Clothes

Here's a concise history of "blackface", the degrading legacy it entails, and how it became part of American culture: Why Won’t Blackface Go Away? It’s Part of America’s Troubled Cultural Legacy

Without that background, yes, the current reaction to Northam would be incomprehensible. Including it, and 150 years of denigration and humiliation, into your deliberations should help explain why blacks are wary of whites dressing up as black. That's the most salient part.

There are at least two additional aspects worth consideration: First, there's the the Culture of Outrage, playing out mostly on so-called "social media", with folks jumping at whatever click bait dangled before their noses.

Second, and maybe more importantly, there's the ratfucking by the right, trying to make up for their losses in Virginia, and desperate to distract from their having the most overtly racist goon in many decades elected to the most powerful office of the land. And that's why they need to amplify the aforementioned "social media" hyperventilation to the max.
There's a paywall on your article, but I've read others that cover the same history. I think your comment "blacks are wary of whites dressing up as black" because of the 150 years of denigration and humiliation behind it is probably the crux of it, and I had thought of that but shouldn't everyone try to curb oversensitivity when it is not called for?

What you guys call oversensitivity is always in reference to complaints about obvious white racism.. Because we have argued here where whites get pissy about us not saying "not all whites" before we talk about white racism and we don't read any comments about oversensitivity.
Don't go all Iceberg on me. And I still don't see Herring as an example of obvious white racism; I see him as a guy who is catching an overly sensitive reaction to costumes.

But I listened to the good explanation by Olde Europe and I guess I'll just have to accept that this is the way it is at the moment.

And I am saying that he could have dressed as a rapper without the blackface. I dressed as Abe Lincoln on Halloween in college and didn't have to paint myself white to do it.
Now we're getting somewhere. Just no skin darkening. I assume a wig is okay?

Just start recognizing the history whites have created and begin respecting the wishes of other groups.

Instead of asking dumb questions.
Congratulations, you have probably made in on IM2's list of racist people for not agreeing with him.
Some days, the urge to self-immolate is just too strong to deny.

Shaking my head here. Respectfully disagreeing with, and learning from, each other, is the best thing that ever happens on these boards, rare though it may be.

Taking cues from the racist, self-declared "victims" is not part of that, and neither is confirming their slimy, sanctimonious victimhood narrative.
White Face
ronald McDonald.jpg
I remember when Imitation was the Most Sincere form of Flattery...

How times have changed
/——/ Immitation is now called appropriation and can cost you your job. A student attending a US college was expelled or maybe suspended for wearing a sombrero on Cinco de Mayo. He protested saying he is 100% Mexican and has every right to wear it. The school said they have a zero policy for racial insensitivity.
There's a paywall on your article, but I've read others that cover the same history. I think your comment "blacks are wary of whites dressing up as black" because of the 150 years of denigration and humiliation behind it is probably the crux of it, and I had thought of that but shouldn't everyone try to curb oversensitivity when it is not called for?

What you guys call oversensitivity is always in reference to complaints about obvious white racism.. Because we have argued here where whites get pissy about us not saying "not all whites" before we talk about white racism and we don't read any comments about oversensitivity.
Don't go all Iceberg on me. And I still don't see Herring as an example of obvious white racism; I see him as a guy who is catching an overly sensitive reaction to costumes.

But I listened to the good explanation by Olde Europe and I guess I'll just have to accept that this is the way it is at the moment.

And I am saying that he could have dressed as a rapper without the blackface. I dressed as Abe Lincoln on Halloween in college and didn't have to paint myself white to do it.
Now we're getting somewhere. Just no skin darkening. I assume a wig is okay?

Just start recognizing the history whites have created and begin respecting the wishes of other groups.

Instead of asking dumb questions.
Don't talk to me like I'm three. I'm way ahead of you.
Congratulations, you have probably made in on IM2's list of racist people for not agreeing with him.
Some days, the urge to self-immolate is just too strong to deny.

Shaking my head here. Respectfully disagreeing with, and learning from, each other, is the best thing that ever happens on these boards, rare though it may be.

Taking cues from the racist, self-declared "victims" is not part of that, and neither is confirming their slimy, sanctimonious victimhood narrative.
I have no idea what you just called me but I'll bet it wasn't good, huh?
I dressed as Abe Lincoln on Halloween in college and didn't have to paint myself white to do it.

Was it a personal choice? Do you believe doing so would have been inappropriate?

I have never thought about wearing whiteface. Ever.

Fair enough. I was genuinely curious, and agree. Seems like common sense.
Just stay off the topic of wigs. It seems to be a sensitive area.
IMHO, it's one thing to do something stupid like this 40 years ago when you were 19, and another to do it within the last 10 years when you ought to know better. Or if you've been saying and doing things that are racist or derogatory based on skin color or any other discriminator for that matter. If it's me I apologize profusely and try to move on; does the perp have any history one way or the other for supporting minorities? If it's a one-off I say move on.

I think it's worth saying that race isn't the only discriminator in today's world. No question that African Americans have been badly mistreated, but so have Native Americans and the Jewish people have faced anti-Semitism for a couple thousand years. We might be better off if we were a little less easily offended.
I dressed as Abe Lincoln on Halloween in college and didn't have to paint myself white to do it.

Was it a personal choice? Do you believe doing so would have been inappropriate?

I have never thought about wearing whiteface. Ever.

Fair enough. I was genuinely curious, and agree. Seems like common sense.
Just stay off the topic of wigs. It seems to be a sensitive area.

Lol. K.
O fuck all...anything happening that long ago...I mean they exempt trump from anything he did years ago...trump is a serial adulter...fucking around on every wife

Now I am an admitted bigot I remember when peeps did blackface for Halloween
We were just there to party
O fuck all...anything happening that long ago...I mean they exempt trump from anything he did years ago...trump is a serial adulter...fucking around on every wife

Now I am an admitted bigot I remember when peeps did blackface for Halloween
We were just there to party
Did they really use shoe polish? How on earth do you get that OFF?
O fuck all...anything happening that long ago...I mean they exempt trump from anything he did years ago...trump is a serial adulter...fucking around on every wife

Now I am an admitted bigot I remember when peeps did blackface for Halloween
We were just there to party
Did they really use shoe polish? How on earth do you get that OFF?
klean-strip-paint-thinner-solvents-cleaners-gkpt94002p-64_1000 (1).jpg
O fuck all...anything happening that long ago...I mean they exempt trump from anything he did years ago...trump is a serial adulter...fucking around on every wife

Now I am an admitted bigot I remember when peeps did blackface for Halloween
We were just there to party
Did they really use shoe polish? How on earth do you get that OFF?
View attachment 244824
OUCH! Bet it gets you high, though.
Lol guess who has thin lips...okay blacks would do the white around eyes and do white lips...why cause we were there to party and some how escaped being judgement fucks
So you were a bigot partying and having fun with black peeps?
You nasty bigot.

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