I'm not paying your "tax"

will the fines be cheaper?

I imagine they will be somewhat cheaper, but you won't have guaranteed insurance. You will still liable for any medical bills you incur.

I'm on medicare stupid, your victory just cost medicare 500 billion dollars. I'll get less care not more.

Well, let's Fact check this:
"Seniors will see $500 billion in Medicare cuts to fund Obamacare."


"Some of the changes included in the health care law increase Medicare spending to improve benefits and coverage, said Tricia Neuman, who is vice president and director of the Medicare Policy Project at the Kaiser Family Foundation -- a trusted independent source. For instance, the health care law adds $5 billion to help cover prevention services and $43 billion to help fill in a gap for enrollees purchasing prescription drugs through the Medicare Part D program (sometimes called the doughnut hole)."

"Other changes reduce the growth in Medicare spending ****(Wait!!!!! I thought "conservatives were against the expansion of Medicare?????) to help the program operate more efficiently and help pay for coverage expansions to the uninsured in the underlying health reform legislation, Neuman said. And yet other provisions are designed to improve the delivery and quality of care. (Neuman explains the changes in an easily digestible tutorial on the Kaiser Family Foundation's website. It's the best non-ideological explanation we've seen.)"

"The key to this claim is the fact that the health care law does not take $500 billion out of the current Medicare budget. Rather, the bill attempts to slow the program's future growth, curtailing just over $500 billion in future spending increases over the next 10 years.

In fact, Medicare spending will still increase."

"The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects Medicare spending will reach $929 billion in 2020, up from $499 billion in actual spending in 2009. So while the health care law reduces the amount of projected spending increases in Medicare, the law doesn't cut Medicare.

Put simpler, Medicare’s budget will continue to grow -- just at a smaller rate than had originally been projected."

So what's the "problem"????? :lol:
Seriously. Slap fees on me. Go ahead. You will never see a dime you tyrannical clowns.

Only if you choose to shirk your responsible to help America keep medical insurance by having the ability to purchase insurance, but choosing not to do so.

This is not so much a tax as it is a penalty.

Like I said, if you don't buy insurance (even though you *can* afford it) you pay a percentage of your income each year you go without insurance.

the below info was just showing on CNN

Individual Mandate Penalty:

2014: $95, or 1% of taxable income
2015: $325, or 2% of taxable income
2016: $695, or 2.5% of taxable income.

Look guys, I don't have insurance right now and quite frankly I don't want to buy because I seldom even get the flu and save so much money this way. However, at some point I will DEFINITELY need insurance, either for myself or my family. Even though this indivdual mandate isn't something I'm crazy about, I recognize it is a step -or at least an attempt at a step- in the right direction.

I love this post :)
will the fines be cheaper?

I imagine they will be somewhat cheaper, but you won't have guaranteed insurance. You will still liable for any medical bills you incur.

I'm on medicare stupid, your victory just cost medicare 500 billion dollars. I'll get less care not more.

you know what willow, you need to INFORM yourself...pretty please, take some time to read something other than lying crapola...

The savings actually are wrung from health-care providers, not Medicare beneficiaries. These spending reductions presumably would be a good thing, since virtually everyone agrees that Medicare spending is out of control. In the House Republican budget, lawmakers repealed the Obama health care law but retained all but $10 billion of the nearly $500 billion in Medicare savings, suggesting the actual policies enacted to achieve these spending reductions were not that objectionable to GOP lawmakers. Fact Checking the GOP debate: $500 billion in cuts to Medicare? - The Washington Post

so, if these cuts are sooooooo evil, WHY did the republicans KEEP the SAME cuts in their 10 year plan dearest?
Seriously. Slap fees on me. Go ahead. You will never see a dime you tyrannical clowns.

I take it you don't have health insurance and you expect everyone else to cover your medical bills if you get sick. Scumbag.

What's freakin' hilarious with all of this? Scumbag libtards are constantly harping how the decent people who work hard for what they have appear to begrudge the "poor" their food stamps, subsidized housing, big screen TVs, and government provided cell phones, etc. But now they're all pissed off that they might have to cough up some cash to cover someone else's medical expenses.
Seriously. Slap fees on me. Go ahead. You will never see a dime you tyrannical clowns.

I take it you don't have health insurance and you expect everyone else to cover your medical bills if you get sick. Scumbag.

What's freakin' hilarious with all of this? Scumbag libtards are constantly harping how the decent people who work hard for what they have appear to begrudge the "poor" their food stamps, subsidized housing, big screen TVs, and government provided cell phones, etc. But now they're all pissed off that they might have to cough up some cash to cover someone else's medical expenses.

They're a stingy bunch alright.
Seriously. Slap fees on me. Go ahead. You will never see a dime you tyrannical clowns.

I take it you don't have health insurance and you expect everyone else to cover your medical bills if you get sick. Scumbag.

What's freakin' hilarious with all of this? Scumbag libtards are constantly harping how the decent people who work hard for what they have appear to begrudge the "poor" their food stamps, subsidized housing, big screen TVs, and government provided cell phones, etc. But now they're all pissed off that they might have to cough up some cash to cover someone else's medical expenses.

hmmm...shouldnt you call that a Conservative win then? You finally have them pissed off about the very things youre pissed off about. They take the conservative solution and pass it. And still youre not happy.

When will the right be satified with a win? You cant take YES for an answer?
I take it you don't have health insurance and you expect everyone else to cover your medical bills if you get sick. Scumbag.

What's freakin' hilarious with all of this? Scumbag libtards are constantly harping how the decent people who work hard for what they have appear to begrudge the "poor" their food stamps, subsidized housing, big screen TVs, and government provided cell phones, etc. But now they're all pissed off that they might have to cough up some cash to cover someone else's medical expenses.

hmmm...shouldnt you call that a Conservative win then? You finally have them pissed off about the very things youre pissed off about. They take the conservative solution and pass it. And still youre not happy.

When will the right be satified with a win? You cant take YES for an answer?

The problem is this law has you-know-who's name on it. That's why it can't stand.
I imagine they will be somewhat cheaper, but you won't have guaranteed insurance. You will still liable for any medical bills you incur.

I'm on medicare stupid, your victory just cost medicare 500 billion dollars. I'll get less care not more.

Well, let's Fact check this:
"Seniors will see $500 billion in Medicare cuts to fund Obamacare."


"Some of the changes included in the health care law increase Medicare spending to improve benefits and coverage, said Tricia Neuman, who is vice president and director of the Medicare Policy Project at the Kaiser Family Foundation -- a trusted independent source. For instance, the health care law adds $5 billion to help cover prevention services and $43 billion to help fill in a gap for enrollees purchasing prescription drugs through the Medicare Part D program (sometimes called the doughnut hole)."

"Other changes reduce the growth in Medicare spending ****(Wait!!!!! I thought "conservatives were against the expansion of Medicare?????) to help the program operate more efficiently and help pay for coverage expansions to the uninsured in the underlying health reform legislation, Neuman said. And yet other provisions are designed to improve the delivery and quality of care. (Neuman explains the changes in an easily digestible tutorial on the Kaiser Family Foundation's website. It's the best non-ideological explanation we've seen.)"

"The key to this claim is the fact that the health care law does not take $500 billion out of the current Medicare budget. Rather, the bill attempts to slow the program's future growth, curtailing just over $500 billion in future spending increases over the next 10 years.

In fact, Medicare spending will still increase."

"The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects Medicare spending will reach $929 billion in 2020, up from $499 billion in actual spending in 2009. So while the health care law reduces the amount of projected spending increases in Medicare, the law doesn't cut Medicare.

Put simpler, Medicare’s budget will continue to grow -- just at a smaller rate than had originally been projected."

So what's the "problem"????? :lol:

CRICKETS...................................... chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp

will the fines be cheaper?

I imagine they will be somewhat cheaper, but you won't have guaranteed insurance. You will still liable for any medical bills you incur.

Really? As long as the "taxes" have been paid, you should still be covered for medical.

If you pay the tax as a penalty for not buying insurance- you will have to pay for care or go bankrupt or lose your credit rating, and get sued. You will be known as an "IDIOT". Like the 30 million uninsured today.
What's freakin' hilarious with all of this? Scumbag libtards are constantly harping how the decent people who work hard for what they have appear to begrudge the "poor" their food stamps, subsidized housing, big screen TVs, and government provided cell phones, etc. But now they're all pissed off that they might have to cough up some cash to cover someone else's medical expenses.

hmmm...shouldnt you call that a Conservative win then? You finally have them pissed off about the very things youre pissed off about. They take the conservative solution and pass it. And still youre not happy.

When will the right be satified with a win? You cant take YES for an answer?

The problem is this law has you-know-who's name on it. That's why it can't stand.

yeah well Im voting for you-know-who and I think the mandate sucks big hairy ones. Its not a win for the left its the left stepping further right to get something passed.

and to be honest, Id bet very few people understand WHY the mandate is so important to the ACA
I imagine they will be somewhat cheaper, but you won't have guaranteed insurance. You will still liable for any medical bills you incur.

I'm on medicare stupid, your victory just cost medicare 500 billion dollars. I'll get less care not more.

Well, let's Fact check this:
"Seniors will see $500 billion in Medicare cuts to fund Obamacare."


"Some of the changes included in the health care law increase Medicare spending to improve benefits and coverage, said Tricia Neuman, who is vice president and director of the Medicare Policy Project at the Kaiser Family Foundation -- a trusted independent source. For instance, the health care law adds $5 billion to help cover prevention services and $43 billion to help fill in a gap for enrollees purchasing prescription drugs through the Medicare Part D program (sometimes called the doughnut hole)."

"Other changes reduce the growth in Medicare spending ****(Wait!!!!! I thought "conservatives were against the expansion of Medicare?????) to help the program operate more efficiently and help pay for coverage expansions to the uninsured in the underlying health reform legislation, Neuman said. And yet other provisions are designed to improve the delivery and quality of care. (Neuman explains the changes in an easily digestible tutorial on the Kaiser Family Foundation's website. It's the best non-ideological explanation we've seen.)"

"The key to this claim is the fact that the health care law does not take $500 billion out of the current Medicare budget. Rather, the bill attempts to slow the program's future growth, curtailing just over $500 billion in future spending increases over the next 10 years.

In fact, Medicare spending will still increase."

"The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects Medicare spending will reach $929 billion in 2020, up from $499 billion in actual spending in 2009. So while the health care law reduces the amount of projected spending increases in Medicare, the law doesn't cut Medicare.

Put simpler, Medicare’s budget will continue to grow -- just at a smaller rate than had originally been projected."

So what's the "problem"????? :lol:

THe problem is your truth-o-meter is smoking.. We're talking about the $500Bill in cuts to Medicare that the DEMS required in the CBO scoring for the COST of this turkey.

OF COURSE Medicare spending gonna increase. All of that smoke you generated neglects the fact that ObamaCare would never have passed if the TRUE cost was used. Pelosi/Reid et al had the CBO assume that $500Bill in Medicare "savings" would be acheived by nixing the "doc fix" and other reimbursements to providers that probably will never ever be cut anyway resulting in GIGANTIC overruns in this program from the get-go.. But this was CLEARLY and REPEATEDLY stated during the debate.

Look it up --- I don't lie. But I am qualified to repair your truth-o-meter..
I'm on medicare stupid, your victory just cost medicare 500 billion dollars. I'll get less care not more.

Well, let's Fact check this:
"Seniors will see $500 billion in Medicare cuts to fund Obamacare."


"Some of the changes included in the health care law increase Medicare spending to improve benefits and coverage, said Tricia Neuman, who is vice president and director of the Medicare Policy Project at the Kaiser Family Foundation -- a trusted independent source. For instance, the health care law adds $5 billion to help cover prevention services and $43 billion to help fill in a gap for enrollees purchasing prescription drugs through the Medicare Part D program (sometimes called the doughnut hole)."

"Other changes reduce the growth in Medicare spending ****(Wait!!!!! I thought "conservatives were against the expansion of Medicare?????) to help the program operate more efficiently and help pay for coverage expansions to the uninsured in the underlying health reform legislation, Neuman said. And yet other provisions are designed to improve the delivery and quality of care. (Neuman explains the changes in an easily digestible tutorial on the Kaiser Family Foundation's website. It's the best non-ideological explanation we've seen.)"

"The key to this claim is the fact that the health care law does not take $500 billion out of the current Medicare budget. Rather, the bill attempts to slow the program's future growth, curtailing just over $500 billion in future spending increases over the next 10 years.

In fact, Medicare spending will still increase."

"The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects Medicare spending will reach $929 billion in 2020, up from $499 billion in actual spending in 2009. So while the health care law reduces the amount of projected spending increases in Medicare, the law doesn't cut Medicare.

Put simpler, Medicare’s budget will continue to grow -- just at a smaller rate than had originally been projected."

So what's the "problem"????? :lol:
THe problem is your truth-o-meter is smoking.. We're talking about the $500Bill in cuts to Medicare that the DEMS required in the CBO scoring for the COST of this turkey.

OF COURSE Medicare spending gonna increase. All of that smoke you generated neglects the fact that ObamaCare would never have passed if the TRUE cost was used. Pelosi/Reid et al had the CBO assume that $500Bill in Medicare "savings" would be acheived by nixing the "doc fix" and other reimbursements to providers that probably will never ever be cut anyway resulting in GIGANTIC overruns in this program from the get-go.. But this was CLEARLY and REPEATEDLY stated during the debate.

Look it up --- I don't lie. But I am qualified to repair your truth-o-meter..

I don't know if you realized this but the republican alternative plan had $490 billion in projected Medicare cuts as well.....pretty much the same cuts as in the Dem proposal....do you have the same beef with them?
Well, let's Fact check this:
"Seniors will see $500 billion in Medicare cuts to fund Obamacare."


"Some of the changes included in the health care law increase Medicare spending to improve benefits and coverage, said Tricia Neuman, who is vice president and director of the Medicare Policy Project at the Kaiser Family Foundation -- a trusted independent source. For instance, the health care law adds $5 billion to help cover prevention services and $43 billion to help fill in a gap for enrollees purchasing prescription drugs through the Medicare Part D program (sometimes called the doughnut hole)."

"Other changes reduce the growth in Medicare spending ****(Wait!!!!! I thought "conservatives were against the expansion of Medicare?????) to help the program operate more efficiently and help pay for coverage expansions to the uninsured in the underlying health reform legislation, Neuman said. And yet other provisions are designed to improve the delivery and quality of care. (Neuman explains the changes in an easily digestible tutorial on the Kaiser Family Foundation's website. It's the best non-ideological explanation we've seen.)"

"The key to this claim is the fact that the health care law does not take $500 billion out of the current Medicare budget. Rather, the bill attempts to slow the program's future growth, curtailing just over $500 billion in future spending increases over the next 10 years.

In fact, Medicare spending will still increase."

"The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects Medicare spending will reach $929 billion in 2020, up from $499 billion in actual spending in 2009. So while the health care law reduces the amount of projected spending increases in Medicare, the law doesn't cut Medicare.

Put simpler, Medicare’s budget will continue to grow -- just at a smaller rate than had originally been projected."

So what's the "problem"????? :lol:
THe problem is your truth-o-meter is smoking.. We're talking about the $500Bill in cuts to Medicare that the DEMS required in the CBO scoring for the COST of this turkey.

OF COURSE Medicare spending gonna increase. All of that smoke you generated neglects the fact that ObamaCare would never have passed if the TRUE cost was used. Pelosi/Reid et al had the CBO assume that $500Bill in Medicare "savings" would be acheived by nixing the "doc fix" and other reimbursements to providers that probably will never ever be cut anyway resulting in GIGANTIC overruns in this program from the get-go.. But this was CLEARLY and REPEATEDLY stated during the debate.

Look it up --- I don't lie. But I am qualified to repair your truth-o-meter..

I don't know if you realized this but the republican alternative plan had $490 billion in projected Medicare cuts as well.....pretty much the same cuts as in the Dem proposal....do you have the same beef with them?

Of course he doesn't. I'm finding many of the posters here don't think beyond the basic mantra: Republican good, Democrat bad.
THe problem is your truth-o-meter is smoking.. We're talking about the $500Bill in cuts to Medicare that the DEMS required in the CBO scoring for the COST of this turkey.

OF COURSE Medicare spending gonna increase. All of that smoke you generated neglects the fact that ObamaCare would never have passed if the TRUE cost was used. Pelosi/Reid et al had the CBO assume that $500Bill in Medicare "savings" would be acheived by nixing the "doc fix" and other reimbursements to providers that probably will never ever be cut anyway resulting in GIGANTIC overruns in this program from the get-go.. But this was CLEARLY and REPEATEDLY stated during the debate.

Look it up --- I don't lie. But I am qualified to repair your truth-o-meter..

I don't know if you realized this but the republican alternative plan had $490 billion in projected Medicare cuts as well.....pretty much the same cuts as in the Dem proposal....do you have the same beef with them?

Of course he doesn't. I'm finding many of the posters here don't think beyond the basic mantra: Republican good, Democrat bad.

Hey! Hey! All I want is less smoke more truth.. Trying to bury the fact that ACA was financed assuming $500B in Medicare cuts doesn't look good for "your side" when they're CAUGHT denying it ---- does it? I'm not a Dem/Rep.. That I can assure you..

Truth is -- SOMEBODY better figure out how to pay for EXISTING Entitlements and Universal shit before we start taking to the life rafts..
Boy --- the density is priceless... What part of "I WAS FORCED TO PAY FOR IT" for 40 years don't you understand?

Are you really that mindless and brainwashed?

Which part of you are a moocher, don't you understand?

Your complete and utter failure to act like a grown-up... That's what I don't understand.
When you FORCED into a UNIVERSAL anything -- you have no choice. EVERYONE participates. If I hadn't been FORCED into it -- I would have another plan..

Ahhh, so you must have supported a public option then.
Since the libbies made it mandatory for insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions, they created this situation.

The tax is cheaper than insurance. So people are going to come to the sensible conclusion that it is better to pay the tax and then wait to get insurance until they are sick. And thanks to Obama, the insurance company will have to cover their illness.

Thanks! Liberals totally cracked the rising cost of healthcare. NOT!!!!

The fines may be cheaper, but you don't get anything from them. If you pay for medical insurance, you get medical insurance.

Hmm, let's see, what would I rather do:

Buy a car and pay 300 dollars a month, or just pay someone 200 dollars a month for nothing?

Exactly. And people can pay for medical insurance only when they need it, drop it again when they get healthy, and continue to pay a negligible tax penalty.

That is a possibility, I agree, but not necessarily a probability. What Romney is going to try to do when elected will lever a reform and revise effort. Whether Boehner remains Speaker (as I think) and whether McConnell becomes Majority Leader (possible, not probable, imo), they will find Romney much tougher to guide than Reid and Pelosi with the president.

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