Zone1 I'm Having An Issue With A Part Of The Bible

Paul gave you the son of god garbage as he needed to convert the Romans with some Superman story.

Just stick to the basic story of Jesus being an above average guy and you will not be far wrong.

Same comment re. The Trinity .

Just story telling .

Father Xmas for the kids and Jesus Son of God for gullible adult Sheeple .
why are you going out of your way here, begging for attention. Do you feel lonely?
Wrong. It confirms His Deity. John 1:1 states that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with G-d and the Word WAS G-d.
That's not what it says in the Greek. The Word is a god, not THE GOD he is with.
On one hand I understand what Jesus is saying when He says that all those that are His friends will obey His commandments, but on the other hand imagine if Jesus wasn't the Son of God and He was just a regular person. I'm not saying that He wasn't human, but imagine that He wasn't the Lord and just somebody else speaking to you like that and then follows it up with He doesn't call us servants but yet still says that we need to obey His orders if we want to be friends with Him. Wouldn't that be a tad bit messed up? If He wasn't the Lord of all creation I don't think I would be interested in a friendship like that.
The commands come from God. Our creator who knows us better than we do. Teaches us things to benefit us. Those that love and respect him know its that way. Like he tells us not to steal, those that do not listen end up dead or in prision. So was it for his benefit to command us not to steal or our benefit?
Same with committing adultery on ones mate-usually ends up in divorce causing heart pain for both parties involved. And children are dragged into it as well-Did that benefit God or us?
Like I said, I'm not PROTESTANT.

To put it more plainly, I don't follow any daughters of the Great Whore -- Roman Catholicism
But Protestants do look to the cross, while you pray to your dead saints

Rome was not the great whore until Martin Luther in the 15th century.
Jesus is not the father, he stated so several times in the bible. The belief that Jesus and God and the holy Ghost are one entity is ridiculous and disproven by Jesus own words in the bible.
Wrong again. This is the heresy of the Watchtower Society,

What is the heresy of the Watchtower?

Jesus is not the father, he stated so several times in the bible. The belief that Jesus and God and the holy Ghost are one entity is ridiculous and disproven by Jesus own words in the bible.

Are you JW?

You call yourself "Christian -- Catholic -- actually, but deny the need for Christs sacrifice
That is an unbelievable conclusion--a true example, indeed, that a conclusion is the point where someone stops thinking! I defy you to find any post of mine that denies the need for Christ's life, death, and resurrection.

Adam and Eve's first sin of disobedience had the power to effect all of mankind down through the ages. Seriously, do you grant them more power than Jesus' life of obedience--including his death and resurrection? You believe their action had more might? Do you not believe Jesus changed this world? I do! And with all my heart.

In Post #19, I said calling an religion a false religion is out of line. To me it is unthinkable that people choosing the "wrong" religion can weaken or interfere with Jesus' work of redemption and reconciliation. The thought that the life of Adam and Eve can effect all but Christ's life only effects a small group is something I will NEVER come to terms with.

Question for you: How can anyone who believes that Jesus and the Father are One even think that that Adam and Eve have more power and influence than the Almighty?
Wrong again. This is the heresy of the Watchtower Society,
It's not a heresy, it's what the Greek actually says. The Word is a god. A divine being, yes, but not YHWH the only true God i.e. The Heavenly Father. It says there that the Word is with The God i.e. Hontheos and then it goes on to say that this Word is divine or "a god".
The Word is a god. A divine being, yes, but not YHWH the only true God i.e. The Heavenly Father. It says there that the Word is with The God i.e. Hontheos and then it goes on to say that this Word is divine or "a god".
In Greek, when 'the' is used with a name, such as 'the God' it indicates a noun. When 'the' is not used, the noun switches to being something more like an adjective.

To Christians, John is saying that the Word was always with God, even before creation began, and it was the power of the Word through which creation began. The Word was the very same character and quality and essence and being as God. In other words, the two were not identical (thus making them two), the two were the same the very same character and quality and essence.

Because of the missing article (the), Christians see John as not describing two identical beings, but One being when it comes to character, quality, essence.

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