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Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
I've had February 1st marked on my calendar for months...the official start of the 2016 Presidential Primary Race and the beginning of election season. I can't wait...

How about you?
Ho hum.................at least this one is interesting..............

Now had the question been............my reaction to when Obama leaves office.......

Not really. I keep thinking this election cycle will be about issues. It won't be. I am over the team crap. It has become party over people or party over issues.
I've had February 1st marked on my calendar for months...the official start of the 2016 Presidential Primary Race and the beginning of election season. I can't wait...

How about you?

actually, I'm mortified on how broken our system is right now.

Okay, here's the thing. Only about 17% of voters participate in primary elections. But it gets worse than that. After New Hampshire and Iowa last year, the possible choices were reduced to Santorum, Gingrich and the Weird Mormon Robot with the Establishment doing all it could to get the Weird Mormon Robot nominated, even though only about 25% of the electorate wanted him.

some of the turnouts in these races that followed were abysmally low. -

2012P - United States Elections Project

17% in South Carolina, 12% in Florida, and it just got worse as time goes on. So essentially, you have a candidate very few people actually wanted.

The primary elections are more likely to be attended by the most extreme voters on both sides. Which is why you have candidates in the general trying to walk back all the crazy shit they said in the primaries.

This year, a Reality TV Rodeo Clown is set to hijack the GOP nomination because more of us can name the contestants on The Bachelor than can tell who your state's two senators are. Trump may well get the nomination because we are a country that mistakes celebrity for merit.
I've had February 1st marked on my calendar for months...the official start of the 2016 Presidential Primary Race and the beginning of election season. I can't wait...

How about you?

I think it will be a great election. The Republicans have the Obama factor on their side this time. Trump is selling out wherever he goes while Hillary couldn't sell out a high school gymnasium.

To add to the drama, we have the possible Hillary indictment that could happen. We have Nanny Bloomberg considering the race. And let's face it, if Bloomberg throws his hat into the ring, whoever the Republicans nominate will be our next President hands down.
i will be excited when i know for sure that Hillary or Kernal sanders are in deep doodoo in all of the purple states. if all looks good for GOP in November, we may see the stock market hit 19,000 late October
No. After the last two elections I realize Americans are too myopic and easily duped to take seriously. I'm not going to get worked up over elections, I'll vote but let nature take its' course.
Looking forward to actual elections where actual voters vote – not meaningless, irrelevant opinion polls.

Of course that won't end much of the stupidity, hype, and nonsense; we won't have a clear picture of who the actual leaders are until the end of March.
I think it will be a great election. The Republicans have the Obama factor on their side this time. Trump is selling out wherever he goes while Hillary couldn't sell out a high school gymnasium.

To add to the drama, we have the possible Hillary indictment that could happen. We have Nanny Bloomberg considering the race. And let's face it, if Bloomberg throws his hat into the ring, whoever the Republicans nominate will be our next President hands down.

Wow, you guys are delusional, aren't you? Bloomberg talks smack every year, and every year, he does nothing.

Trump isn't the one "Selling out", the GOP electorate is. They are nominating a guy who mocks your Christian values but you guys done got you a celebrity.
As a group of politically minded folks, I expected a little more enthusiasm...

It's hard to be enthusiastic about a system that is so clearly broken.

On the Democratic Side, they are going with Hillary because they really don't have anyone else with the stature to run.

On the Republican side, you have the party being hijacked by a Reality TV Rodeo Clown.
Not really, just means that we have to endure more far left narratives that do not fit reality..

It will get even worse when they loose!

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