Im a Zionist are you too?

"The 1948 war left in its wake not only a refugee problem but also an infiltration problem. Each year between 1949 and 1956, thousands of Palestinian Arabs illegally crossed the border into Israel from Jordan's West Bank, the Egyptian-controlled Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula, Lebanon, and Syria. (Pag. 28)"

"The vast majority of the infiltrators during the second half of 1948, 1949, and 1950 came unarmed, which would suggest that their purpose was not political-terrorist. (PAG 51)."

"The IDF policy of shooting at infiltrators along and near the front lines, initially adopted in June 1948, remained in force along all the borders after the signing of the armistice accords in 1949."

"In private conversations and internal correspondence, Israeli officers made no bones about the policy of shooting infiltrators, armed or unarmed, bent on harvesting, grazing, resettlement, or sabotage."

"On 4 June 1949, OC Southern Command General Yigal Allon said that he had declared an eight-kilometre-deep strip along the Israeli side of both the Israeli-Jordanian and Israeli-Egyptian borders 'military area: every stranger found in [them] will be shot, without interrogation'. (He claimed that his had reduced infiltration.)"


It’s very complex !!
The European Jews have distinct DNA that mixes with German , Italian and middle eastern.
Originally posted by Quasar 44
It’s very complex !!
The European Jews have distinct DNA that mixes with German , Italian and middle eastern.

Hell, Quasar!!

What does this have to do with Benny Morris' shocking revelation that thousands of palestinian peasants were brutally murdered by the IDF while attempting to return to their homes in 1948-1956?:dunno: :dunno:
Notice how the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict revealed by Morris had absolutely no impact on TheParser.

He continued to regurgitate the pro israeli propaganda he's been indoctrinated by the western press... like a robot that simply can't escape the bad code built into their CPU... repeating it over and over and over...
Reuters has an entire library of fake Pali vids; they never saw a fake vid they wouldn't pass on as 'news'. They also used a picture of a dead baby in photos allegedly taken years apart in different events.
'Fake news'?

Where have I heard that before?

From people pointing out the truth, of course; you've been trained to hate it, so naturally you are against it.
Reuters has an entire library of fake Pali vids; they never saw a fake vid they wouldn't pass on as 'news'. They also used a picture of a dead baby in photos allegedly taken years apart in different events.
'Fake news'?

Where have I heard that before?

From people pointing out the truth, of course; you've been trained to hate it, so naturally you are against it.

He’s just a silly twit.
What does this have to do with Benny Morris' shocking revelation that thousands of palestinian peasants were brutally murdered by the IDF while attempting to return to their homes in 1948-1956?:dunno: :dunno:
What does Benny Morris' 'shocking revelation' have to do with the countless murders of Jews by Arabs in Safed, Tiberius, Hebron, Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffa, etc., etc., etc.
I do NOT know anything about Zionism.

But I DO know that I support Israel 100%.

From what I have read (and believe), the governments in that area (no need to name them) are not only dictatorships (with the exception of Tunisia?) but the physical torture they inflict on opponents is unspeakable.

Israel is the only genuine democracy in that rough neighborhood.

I hope Israel is reaching out to other countries for support, for the way things are developing in our nation (no need to be specific). we can expect our support for Israel to start shrinking in the coming decades.

then you should go live there.Israel has vaccinated half the population with their poison and the ones that don’t take it get threatened,so if you support a government like that,go on,go live,see you six feet under in a few years.
Notice how the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict revealed by Morris had absolutely no impact on TheParser.

He continued to regurgitate the pro israeli propaganda he's been indoctrinated by the western press... like a robot that simply can't escape the bad code built into their CPU... repeating it over and over and over...
Indeed,like I just got done saying,he should move there sense he loves so much so he can get vaccinated and enjoy meeting his maker after going six feet under in a few years after taking
Originally posted by Quasar 44
It’s very complex !!
The European Jews have distinct DNA that mixes with German , Italian and middle eastern.

Hell, Quasar!!

What does this have to do with Benny Morris' shocking revelation that thousands of palestinian peasants were brutally murdered by the IDF while attempting to return to their homes in 1948-1956?:dunno: :dunno:
Quasar is such a troll,he evades evidence how evil the zionists are.
RE: Im a Zionist are you too?
SUBTOPIC: (Off-Topic) "vaccinated half the population with their poison"

BLUF: What in the Hell? I'm confused. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

then you should go live there.Israel has vaccinated half the population with their poison and the ones that don’t take it get threatened,so if you support a government like that,go on,go live,see you six feet under in a few years.

How is poisoning who? And why?


Most Respectfully,
Originally posted by Quasar 44
It’s very complex !!
The European Jews have distinct DNA that mixes with German , Italian and middle eastern.

Hell, Quasar!!

What does this have to do with Benny Morris' shocking revelation that thousands of palestinian peasants were brutally murdered by the IDF while attempting to return to their homes in 1948-1956?:dunno: :dunno:
Quasar is such a troll,he evades evidence how evil the zionists are.
Good point! Those Zionists should end their evil peace offerings & land concessions & start treating the Palestinians with the same respect, justice & love the surrounding Arab countries give them especially Jordan during Black September to achieve a lasting peace. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
My opinion differs: Those "children" can be deadly with their rocks.
I understand that the child in this video was shot by an IDF sniper as well as other children were shot. A rumor has come out that the tank commander screamed into his radio--We Are Being Overrun, must defend our position so the order went out, killing the boy on the spot.
Oh how proud the sniper was.
Another rumor is those snipers got a medal for every child killed.


If they had been in school studying, the Israeli soldiers would not have had to use deadly force to stop them.
In America we do not send snipers to single out and murder kids for skipping school.

(As we have found out here in the States, "children" can be quite vicious street criminals.)

TheParser, please Oh Wise One---
define in your own words what quite vicious street criminals. means?
Thanks in advance
This is not a trick question, I have read many of your posts and have learned that you are a very learned person.

My opinion differs: Those "children" can be deadly with their rocks.
I understand that the child in this video was shot by an IDF sniper as well as other children were shot. A rumor has come out that the tank commander screamed into his radio--We Are Being Overrun, must defend our position so the order went out, killing the boy on the spot.
Oh how proud the sniper was.
Another rumor is those snipers got a medal for every child killed.

View attachment 472711

If they had been in school studying, the Israeli soldiers would not have had to use deadly force to stop them.
In America we do not send snipers to single out and murder kids for skipping school.

(As we have found out here in the States, "children" can be quite vicious street criminals.)

TheParser, please Oh Wise One---
define in your own words what quite vicious street criminals. means?
Thanks in advance
This is not a trick question, I have read many of your posts and have learned that you are a very learned person.


"Vicious" street criminals are those young gentlemen who rob liquor store clerks and then murder the clerks for the heck of it, who sucker punch elderly Asian people. who loot stores (not for food to eat but for shoes to impress their friends), who rape, and who murder.

Oh, by the by, just read that two American "children" who murdered another "child" have just been handed their punishment: probation!

Instead of blaming the Israelis for those children's death, how about blaming their parents for letting them go to demonstrations instead of studying at school?

I have never been to the Middle East and have no interest in doing so. But I believe that Israel is paradise compared with the repressive regimes that "govern" that area. The luckiest Arab people are the ones who live in Israel, IMHO.

Have a nice weekend!
My opinion differs: Those "children" can be deadly with their rocks.
I understand that the child in this video was shot by an IDF sniper as well as other children were shot. A rumor has come out that the tank commander screamed into his radio--We Are Being Overrun, must defend our position so the order went out, killing the boy on the spot.
Oh how proud the sniper was.
Another rumor is those snipers got a medal for every child killed.

View attachment 472711

If they had been in school studying, the Israeli soldiers would not have had to use deadly force to stop them.
In America we do not send snipers to single out and murder kids for skipping school.

(As we have found out here in the States, "children" can be quite vicious street criminals.)

TheParser, please Oh Wise One---
define in your own words what quite vicious street criminals. means?
Thanks in advance
This is not a trick question, I have read many of your posts and have learned that you are a very learned person.

That’s how they are in Israel.I have no doubt they overran that boy same as they did with Rachel Corrie.

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