I'm a psychology expert in Finland, the No. 1 happiest country in the world—here are 3 things we never do


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
The #1 thing they should continue to do, is to not allow the third-world in.
Yes, I know there is some migration to Finland, but it's very limited. Should that change, they will regret it. Right now, they are mostly ethnically homogeneous, and they should fight like hell to keep it that way.

For five years in a row, Finland has ranked No. 1 as the happiest country in the world, according to the World Happiness Report.

In 2022's report, people in 156 countries were asked to "value their lives today on a 0 to 10 scale, with the worst possible life as a 0." It also looks at factors that contribute to social support, life expectancy, generosity and absence of corruption.

I still say too much diversity makes for a shitty country.

We have too many different people from too many different parts of the world and they all want America to conform to them, they don't want to conform to America.

When you have a country like Switzerland where is virtually no violent crime or major social issues you have to look at their citizens. If you want to become a citizen you have to pay a lot, you have to speak the language fluently, and you have to abide by their customs. Here you don't even have to speak or write English.

America's problem is too much diversity. If we remained primarily a country of white English speaking folks we would all be a lot better off.

Even in nature you naturally don't see many animals hanging out with other species, they tend to stay with their own kind that look and communicate like they do.
I still say too much diversity makes for a shitty country.

What about too little diversity?

I still say too much diversity makes for a shitty country.

We have too many different people from too many different parts of the world and they all want America to conform to them, they don't want to conform to America.

When you have a country like Switzerland where is virtually no violent crime or major social issues you have to look at their citizens. If you want to become a citizen you have to pay a lot, you have to speak the language fluently, and you have to abide by their customs. Here you don't even have to speak or write English.

America's problem is too much diversity. If we remained primarily a country of white English speaking folks we would all be a lot better off.

Even in nature you naturally don't see many animals hanging out with other species, they tend to stay with their own kind that look and communicate like they do.

'Multi-culturalism' doesn't work. PERIOD!
'Multi-culturalism' doesn't work. PERIOD!
Assimilation has worked. Many different ethnic and cultural groups living the unique American culture. However, multiculturalism and diversity the way its enforced produced huge waves of division and anger and even hate.
Democrats want racial diversity about as much as they want Blacks in the GOP

Notice they treat Blacks in the GOP worse than whitey.

In fact, when it comes to politics diversity is the last thing democrats want. All that oppose them will be crushed.
I still say too much diversity makes for a shitty country.

We have too many different people from too many different parts of the world and they all want America to conform to them, they don't want to conform to America.

When you have a country like Switzerland where is virtually no violent crime or major social issues you have to look at their citizens. If you want to become a citizen you have to pay a lot, you have to speak the language fluently, and you have to abide by their customs. Here you don't even have to speak or write English.

America's problem is too much diversity. If we remained primarily a country of white English speaking folks we would all be a lot better off.

Even in nature you naturally don't see many animals hanging out with other species, they tend to stay with their own kind that look and communicate like they do.
good point (last thing)

I agree w/ all of it, though.

Too bad intelligent people don't rule very often (help rule)
The #1 thing they should continue to do, is to not allow the third-world in.
Yes, I know there is some migration to Finland, but it's very limited. Should that change, they will regret it. Right now, they are mostly ethnically homogeneous, and they should fight like hell to keep it that way.

Did you read the article clown? 😆

Two of those are pretty progressive policies, including mandatory paid time off in the summer and rich people opting for public transportation rather than fancy cars. The third is just basic human decency. Multiculturalism and diversity isn't mentioned at all. Why would you use that article to help support this stupid argument? 😆
Democrats want racial diversity about as much as they want Blacks in the GOP

Notice they treat Blacks in the GOP worse than whitey.

In fact, when it comes to politics diversity is the last thing democrats want. All that oppose them will be crushed.
The Republicans nominated a Black as Speaker of the House and not a damn Democrat voted for him.
It seems to have worked pretty well here.

It used to work, when our 'diversity' overwhelmingly consisted of the various European cultures, with the emphasis on one language that united us.
Today, is a completely different matter. We've become more 'tribal' and fewer and fewer people see America as that "shining city on the hill", as Reagan put it.
Today, more and more people here view America as nothing more than the country that was founded on slavery and genocide, and their mission is to change it, rather than immerse themselves in it.
I agree with past remarks by German Chancellor Merkel, when she famously said "the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German."
She added: "We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality."
"And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed."

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