I'm a Democrat, The Deborah Ramirez story sounds fishy

This second story is odd.

On the one hand, it sounds a little flaky and vague. And the woman admits that she was really drunk and did not originally remember much of it. But upon reflection - did...which sounds a bit strange.

On the other hand, I get why she did not report this episode before (whereas the first incident, I think there is no acceptable excuse for her not reporting it before. As I said before, I know it's tough for women, but they have a moral duty to report rapes so that the perpetrator can be brought to justice and stopped so they do not rape others). This is such an odd sounding occurrence, that it would be pretty strange to go to the police/campus police over it, IMO.

I, personally, have never heard of an incident this odd. Which actually makes it seem even more likely to have occurred.

But - as I said in another thread - unless unbiased, factual evidence (like DNA/video/audio proof) or multiple, unbiased eye witnesses can corroborate these incidents, I do not think they should effect this guy's vote for the SCOTUS.

I do NOT want this guy in the SCOTUS. But, unless a crime can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, it should not stop his appointment. SCOTUS judges do not have to be good or even nice people. They just have to be good at judging the Constitution.
how can someone be "telling the truth" when it took 6 days to finally come to some form of conclusions that *something* happened and kavanaugh did it?

she either remembered or not. taking 6 days of pushing to remember is more like beating a confession out of someone.

Just as I am not going to believe her without lots of corroborating evidence...I am not about to call her a liar without the same.

It may have happened or not...I do not know.

And neither does anyone on this board (assuming she and Kavanaugh are not members).
You don’t have to call her a liar. In the article, she admits to being smashed drunk and unable to say whether Kavanaugh was there. She is just reporting what she thinks someone said. She might genuinely believe that.

Yeah, no. I'm calling her a liar. Woman's only a few years older than I am. She should know when she's being used and played. If she doesn't, there's no excuse for being that gullible, and if she does, then she's a liar.

I'm going to grant her just enough respect to assume she's not that gullible.

Oh I think she is lying too.

But don’t think you need to believe she is lying in order to find her account noncredible
That's like blaming a rape victim.
Right now, Democrats are raping America and you want to blame Americans for allowing it to happen.
I see plenty of hate, intolerance and general nastiness coming from both ends of the spectrum.

Which tribe is "worse"? That doesn't matter when it's coming out of both ends like water from a fire hose.

The first line of my sig continues to apply.
No, you're giving the same weight to right-wing nut jobs as you do to Democrats in Congress. I don't consider them to be equal.

The Democrats in Washington are acting irrational if not outright criminal. I see no difference between them and some faceless activist Antifa member.

The Republicans are trying to maintain decorum and finding it impossible to do.
It's impossible to give "same weight" in a food fight.

I don't care which tribe is worse in any given situation. They both need to grow up.

Again, please explain PRECISELY how you think the GOP "needs to grow up" in this instance. What is it you're convinced they are being childish and unreasonable about. Spare us this "I'm so lofty, look how I condemn them both" pose, and make with some details.
Mac is the guy in 1938 yelling the Jews and NAZI’s both need to knock it off.
He's the guy that says the Jews were probably asking for it anyway.
This second story is odd.

On the one hand, it sounds a little flaky and vague. And the woman admits that she was really drunk and did not originally remember much of it. But upon reflection - did...which sounds a bit strange.

On the other hand, I get why she did not report this episode before (whereas the first incident, I think there is no acceptable excuse for her not reporting it before. As I said before, I know it's tough for women, but they have a moral duty to report rapes so that the perpetrator can be brought to justice and stopped so they do not rape others). This is such an odd sounding occurrence, that it would be pretty strange to go to the police/campus police over it, IMO.

I, personally, have never heard of an incident this odd. Which actually makes it seem even more likely to have occurred.

But - as I said in another thread - unless unbiased, factual evidence (like DNA/video/audio proof) or multiple, unbiased eye witnesses can corroborate these incidents, I do not think they should effect this guy's vote for the SCOTUS.

I do NOT want this guy in the SCOTUS. But, unless a crime can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, it should not stop his appointment. SCOTUS judges do not have to be good or even nice people. They just have to be good at judging the Constitution.
how can someone be "telling the truth" when it took 6 days to finally come to some form of conclusions that *something* happened and kavanaugh did it?

she either remembered or not. taking 6 days of pushing to remember is more like beating a confession out of someone.

Just as I am not going to believe her without lots of corroborating evidence...I am not about to call her a liar without the same.

It may have happened or not...I do not know.

And neither does anyone on this board (assuming she and Kavanaugh are not members).
You don’t have to call her a liar. In the article, she admits to being smashed drunk and unable to say whether Kavanaugh was there. She is just reporting what she thinks someone said. She might genuinely believe that.

Yeah, no. I'm calling her a liar. Woman's only a few years older than I am. She should know when she's being used and played. If she doesn't, there's no excuse for being that gullible, and if she does, then she's a liar.

I'm going to grant her just enough respect to assume she's not that gullible.

Oh I think she is lying too.

But don’t think you need to believe she is lying in order to find her account noncredible

No, but I think it's an awfully large stretch to believe she could come up with something this vague and farfetched in good faith.
yea, gang bangs no one can seem to remember or validate except a pissed off democratic base that can't seem to get their liars in order.

That's childish. You know damn well immoral behavior cuts across politics and religion.
yes, i sure do. i also know the left loves to use them as a weapon and counts on their "sheep" to bleet along when they make unfounded accusations at the last minute.

anyone remember or validate any of these "gang bangs"?

fyi - i'd be just as mad if the right were doing this to the left. we continue to allow "our side' to do shit we'd never allow from the other and then wonder why the country is so jacked up.
That's like blaming a rape victim.
Right now, Democrats are raping America and you want to blame Americans for allowing it to happen.
I see plenty of hate, intolerance and general nastiness coming from both ends of the spectrum.

Which tribe is "worse"? That doesn't matter when it's coming out of both ends like water from a fire hose.

The first line of my sig continues to apply.

Dems are moving hard left. There is no common ground between the two parties at this point. Secession from an ever increasing tyrannical shadow govt/corrupt govt should be on the table. We're real close to making the full circle on our republic.....which is bondage.
Well, there is certainly no common ground when neither tribe refuses to give an inch.

Collaboration and innovation come about when all parties are seriously willing to consider new approaches.

"Give an inch"? "Collaboration and innovation"? What the hell language are you even speaking at this point? We're dealing with, "We didn't win the election, so we'll pull apart every aspect of society we need to to get power some other way", and you're seriously blithering about "neither tribe"? What inch would you like the GOP to give here? The one where people are innocent until proven guilty? The one where power is passed peaceably through the election process? The one where the law is a preset rulebook that everyone can know and count on, instead of being made up on the fly?
Hey, I'm the first to admit that collaboration and innovation are unknown concepts at this point.

Not coincidentally, the decay continues.
Course people who refuse to take sides only contribute to the problem.
I find it strange that people will accept just about anything as long as it is fed to them in small portions.
As the left gets progressively worse, we are forced to accept more and more, increasingly lowering the standards, to the point that our principles are totally compromised.
That is an important point. This tactic WILL be used against democrats in the future. It's inevitable once Republicans get over their natural tendencies to fight fair.
What tactic? Coming out with the truth?

What truth?

The fact that these "incidents" don't get reported for decades is bad enough, but how they conveniently happen just at the perfect time to raise a political firestorm is the worst! None of these people can prove what they claim. It's all bullshit!

I say we let Ford have her say for the three minutes of answers that she can answer without committing perjury, let Kavanaugh say his peace and then hold the vote. Move on!

If you can prove anything after the fact, impeach him. After the Dems get steamrolled in November because of these atrocities, they won't have a pot to piss in.
What truth? You mean the unprovable allegation from an unspecified year that took place at an unknown location for which not a single person has corroborated? That truth? Or the truth that was a made up story about one drunk young man yelling his whole name, first and last, out loud?
At the time, I choose to believe in Christine Blasey Ford. Now if irrefutable evidence shows that she lied, that's different but so far, none has been introduced.

No evidence has been introduced that she is telling the truth. Much more information supports the fact that she is lying. How can you miss that?
I see plenty of hate, intolerance and general nastiness coming from both ends of the spectrum.

Which tribe is "worse"? That doesn't matter when it's coming out of both ends like water from a fire hose.

The first line of my sig continues to apply.
No, you're giving the same weight to right-wing nut jobs as you do to Democrats in Congress. I don't consider them to be equal.

The Democrats in Washington are acting irrational if not outright criminal. I see no difference between them and some faceless activist Antifa member.

The Republicans are trying to maintain decorum and finding it impossible to do.
It's impossible to give "same weight" in a food fight.

I don't care which tribe is worse in any given situation. They both need to grow up.

Again, please explain PRECISELY how you think the GOP "needs to grow up" in this instance. What is it you're convinced they are being childish and unreasonable about. Spare us this "I'm so lofty, look how I condemn them both" pose, and make with some details.
As I've pointed out in this thread, I think the Dems' behavior has clearly been worse.

In this particular instance.

If you can't think of anything the Republicans can improve on in other instances, I'm absolutely certain that there's nothing I can say that matters.

I can't think of a damned thing about the Republicans that it wouldn't be an affront to human decency to mention in the same context, let alone paragraph, with this little display of the Democrats.

Why don't you do us all a favor and go outside to congratulate yourself on your wonderfulness, and then come back and contribute something meaningful to the discussion.
I think I'll do as I please, thanks.

And you keep congratulating yourself about how you and your tribe are angels.

You didn't read carefully, which is why I post the entire section for you:

"A separate report also confirms that Ramirez wasn’t sure that Kavanaugh was the perpetrator and admitted as much to her former classmates when she contacted them. From a separate New York Times report:

The Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate her story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself."
No, you're giving the same weight to right-wing nut jobs as you do to Democrats in Congress. I don't consider them to be equal.

The Democrats in Washington are acting irrational if not outright criminal. I see no difference between them and some faceless activist Antifa member.

The Republicans are trying to maintain decorum and finding it impossible to do.
It's impossible to give "same weight" in a food fight.

I don't care which tribe is worse in any given situation. They both need to grow up.

Again, please explain PRECISELY how you think the GOP "needs to grow up" in this instance. What is it you're convinced they are being childish and unreasonable about. Spare us this "I'm so lofty, look how I condemn them both" pose, and make with some details.
As I've pointed out in this thread, I think the Dems' behavior has clearly been worse.

In this particular instance.

If you can't think of anything the Republicans can improve on in other instances, I'm absolutely certain that there's nothing I can say that matters.

I can't think of a damned thing about the Republicans that it wouldn't be an affront to human decency to mention in the same context, let alone paragraph, with this little display of the Democrats.

Why don't you do us all a favor and go outside to congratulate yourself on your wonderfulness, and then come back and contribute something meaningful to the discussion.
I think I'll do as I please, thanks.

And you keep congratulating yourself about how you and your tribe are angels.

Oh, I'm sure you will. And I think I'll please to view you as part of the problem, and sneer at your assumed superiority.

But you just keep right on thinking you're accomplishing something by assuming everyone is equally shit, so it's okay for you to abstain from doing anything.

Try to keep up. The Times also had the story, but THEY refused to run it because they couldn't find anyone to substantiate the charge.

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