I'm a Democrat, The Deborah Ramirez story sounds fishy

Deborah Ramirez, who studied sociology and psychology at Yale with Kavanaugh, outlined her accusations to The New Yorker after the left-wing publication contacted her, acting on a tip about a possible incident. Ramirez said that she was not politically motivated to come forward but that she "works toward human rights, social justice, and social change."
/----/ Once again I ask
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Exactly correct. Its political, lie at all costs to save their sacrament, abortion. Bring out a hundred lying women if you have too, even have them accuse someone of pedophilia if you have too. The lib depravity has no bounds in its road to nihilisim.
By noon tomorrow will be the tales of drug abuse and how he got little girls hooked on heroin so he could abuse them.
This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.
Aside from the general ugliness of all this, I think it's also fair to wonder if this is going to be the new political weapon of choice going forward. If that's the case, we haven't even SEEN ugly yet.

This is what happens when we allow the overall environment to deteriorate. As usual, we're doing this to ourselves.
That's like blaming a rape victim.
Right now, Democrats are raping America and you want to blame Americans for allowing it to happen.
I see plenty of hate, intolerance and general nastiness coming from both ends of the spectrum.

Which tribe is "worse"? That doesn't matter when it's coming out of both ends like water from a fire hose.

The first line of my sig continues to apply.
No, you're giving the same weight to right-wing nut jobs as you do to Democrats in Congress. I don't consider them to be equal.

The Democrats in Washington are acting irrational if not outright criminal. I see no difference between them and some faceless activist Antifa member.

The Republicans are trying to maintain decorum and finding it impossible to do.
It's impossible to give "same weight" in a food fight.

I don't care which tribe is worse in any given situation. They both need to grow up.

Again, please explain PRECISELY how you think the GOP "needs to grow up" in this instance. What is it you're convinced they are being childish and unreasonable about? Spare us this "I'm so lofty, look how I condemn them both" pose, and make with some details.
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What truth? You mean the unprovable allegation from an unspecified year that took place at an unknown location for which not a single person has corroborated? That truth? Or the truth that was a made up story about one drunk young man yelling his whole name, first and last, out loud?
At the time, I choose to believe in Christine Blasey Ford. Now if irrefutable evidence shows that she lied, that's different but so far, none has been introduced.

So all the witnesses she said were there denying it happened wasn’t enough? What would convince you that it’s nonsense?

Well, if Brett Kavanaugh became a registered Democrat, I'll bet THAT would help.
Aside from the general ugliness of all this, I think it's also fair to wonder if this is going to be the new political weapon of choice going forward. If that's the case, we haven't even SEEN ugly yet.

This is what happens when we allow the overall environment to deteriorate. As usual, we're doing this to ourselves.
That's like blaming a rape victim.
Right now, Democrats are raping America and you want to blame Americans for allowing it to happen.
I see plenty of hate, intolerance and general nastiness coming from both ends of the spectrum.

Which tribe is "worse"? That doesn't matter when it's coming out of both ends like water from a fire hose.

The first line of my sig continues to apply.
No, you're giving the same weight to right-wing nut jobs as you do to Democrats in Congress. I don't consider them to be equal.

The Democrats in Washington are acting irrational if not outright criminal. I see no difference between them and some faceless activist Antifa member.

The Republicans are trying to maintain decorum and finding it impossible to do.
It's impossible to give "same weight" in a food fight.

I don't care which tribe is worse in any given situation. They both need to grow up.

Again, please explain PRECISELY how you think the GOP "needs to grow up" in this instance. What is it you're convinced they are being childish and unreasonable about. Spare us this "I'm so lofty, look how I condemn them both" pose, and make with some details.
Mac is the guy in 1938 yelling the Jews and NAZI’s both need to knock it off.
You actually don't know what to believe?My bullshit detector is lighting up like the Vegas strip.
It must be sad to be you. Aside not knowing me or the topic, you do as you usually do, rush off an opinion that is stupid and ignorant.

It must be confusing to be you. Aside from not knowing truth from lies, you do as you usually do, and avoid the topic by clutching your pearls and claiming "offense".

Look, sweetcheeks, if you can't handle the rough and tumble of having your assertions challenged . . . I really don't give a damn.

I guess that answers my question. You don't know what to believe when lies serve your purposes better.
What truth? You mean the unprovable allegation from an unspecified year that took place at an unknown location for which not a single person has corroborated? That truth? Or the truth that was a made up story about one drunk young man yelling his whole name, first and last, out loud?
At the time, I choose to believe in Christine Blasey Ford. Now if irrefutable evidence shows that she lied, that's different but so far, none has been introduced.

So all the witnesses she said were there denying it happened wasn’t enough? What would convince you that it’s nonsense?

Well, if Brett Kavanaugh became a registered Democrat, I'll bet THAT would help.
Not funny.

Kavanaugh Friend Reportedly Admitted to Taking Turns Having Sex With Drunk Girl

The thing is men who commit sexual assault usually do it more than once. Especially if they get away with it.

This is starting to snow ball. More and more people are coming forward. And now it looks like Brett may have been involved in gang bangs.

Gangbangs with drunken women who can’t say no.
This second story is odd.

On the one hand, it sounds a little flaky and vague. And the woman admits that she was really drunk and did not originally remember much of it. But upon reflection - did...which sounds a bit strange.

On the other hand, I get why she did not report this episode before (whereas the first incident, I think there is no acceptable excuse for her not reporting it before. As I said before, I know it's tough for women, but they have a moral duty to report rapes so that the perpetrator can be brought to justice and stopped so they do not rape others). This is such an odd sounding occurrence, that it would be pretty strange to go to the police/campus police over it, IMO.

I, personally, have never heard of an incident this odd. Which actually makes it seem even more likely to have occurred.

But - as I said in another thread - unless unbiased, factual evidence (like DNA/video/audio proof) or multiple, unbiased eye witnesses can corroborate these incidents, I do not think they should effect this guy's vote for the SCOTUS.

I do NOT want this guy in the SCOTUS. But, unless a crime can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, it should not stop his appointment. SCOTUS judges do not have to be good or even nice people. They just have to be good at judging the Constitution.
how can someone be "telling the truth" when it took 6 days to finally come to some form of conclusions that *something* happened and kavanaugh did it?

she either remembered or not. taking 6 days of pushing to remember is more like beating a confession out of someone.

Just as I am not going to believe her without lots of corroborating evidence...I am not about to call her a liar without the same.

It may have happened or not...I do not know.

And neither does anyone on this board (assuming she and Kavanaugh are not members).
You don’t have to call her a liar. In the article, she admits to being smashed drunk and unable to say whether Kavanaugh was there. She is just reporting what she thinks someone said. She might genuinely believe that.

Yeah, no. I'm calling her a liar. Woman's only a few years older than I am. She should know when she's being used and played. If she doesn't, there's no excuse for being that gullible, and if she does, then she's a liar.

I'm going to grant her just enough respect to assume she's not that gullible.
"After democrat Party operatives repeatedly approached me, I suddenly remembered Brett Kavanaugh inappropriately touched my booty" -- Fake Witness #3
I heard that a woman is about to come out with the fact that Kavavaugh had impure thoughts when he was on the DC court of appeals.

Well, I heard that a woman is about to come out with the fact that she dreamed Kavanaugh sacrificed her to the dark gods. The FBI must investigate immediately!
What truth? You mean the unprovable allegation from an unspecified year that took place at an unknown location for which not a single person has corroborated? That truth? Or the truth that was a made up story about one drunk young man yelling his whole name, first and last, out loud?
At the time, I choose to believe in Christine Blasey Ford. Now if irrefutable evidence shows that she lied, that's different but so far, none has been introduced.

So all the witnesses she said were there denying it happened wasn’t enough? What would convince you that it’s nonsense?

Well, if Brett Kavanaugh became a registered Democrat, I'll bet THAT would help.
Not funny.

Kavanaugh Friend Reportedly Admitted to Taking Turns Having Sex With Drunk Girl

The thing is men who commit sexual assault usually do it more than once. Especially if they get away with it.

This is starting to snow ball. More and more people are coming forward. And now it looks like Brett may have been involved in gang bangs.

Gangbangs with drunken women who can’t say no.
yea, gang bangs no one can seem to remember or validate except a pissed off democratic base that can't seem to get their liars in order.
From what I read, her lawyer asked her to remember stuff. She didn't remember anything bad, but after 6 days she remembered be put his dick next to her face.
There is no research showing memory loss in raped women, let alone dick flashing incidents.
These types of events are salient and non-forgettable. If a woman flashed her pussy to me and I felt violated, I'd be able to recall it right away 30 years later.
The problem is that we are making it easy for any Republican woman to pretend a Democrat flashed or raped or harassed her in the distant past.
This also has implications regarding ordinary citizens. When a woman doesn't like you she will just accuse you of flashing her or raping her.

Actually it is VERY common for women to block out extremely traumatic sexual events. Remember, guys see things differently. Sure, many if not most of us would probably like it if a hot chick showed us their pussy up close. Chicks don't think like that and this one was (is) a devout Catholic and very conservative.

The New Yorker has a source who definitely heard about the event the following day and the name KAVANAUGH was the perp. He is 100% certain and it was talked about for weeks after.

As for the NYT not being able to find someone in attendance who recalls the event - C'mon now, people don't want to tell reporters things for fear of getting sucked into a national spectacle. They also may have been buddies with Kav and don't want to get him in trouble.

This is where the FBI comes in. Go interview these people. They are FAR more likely to tell the FBI the truth than they are a reporter from the Grey Lady.

Keep in mind - Ronan Farrow is a crack reporter. He doesn't shoot from the hip.

Ronan Farrow on Kavanaugh accuser: 'Extremely typical' for victims to forget, then remember

I must disagree. My wife was assaulted some years ago. She remembers every detail, including the smells she experieced at the time. SOME may block out the events, others have their memories blocked by alcohol but most women remember details.

As I keep mentioning, I was assaulted only a few years after Christine Ford allegedly was, and I was 18. Thirty years later, I STILL remember every detail of it.
Aside from the general ugliness of all this, I think it's also fair to wonder if this is going to be the new political weapon of choice going forward. If that's the case, we haven't even SEEN ugly yet.

This is what happens when we allow the overall environment to deteriorate. As usual, we're doing this to ourselves.
That's like blaming a rape victim.
Right now, Democrats are raping America and you want to blame Americans for allowing it to happen.
I see plenty of hate, intolerance and general nastiness coming from both ends of the spectrum.

Which tribe is "worse"? That doesn't matter when it's coming out of both ends like water from a fire hose.

The first line of my sig continues to apply.

Dems are moving hard left. There is no common ground between the two parties at this point. Secession from an ever increasing tyrannical shadow govt/corrupt govt should be on the table. We're real close to making the full circle on our republic.....which is bondage.
Well, there is certainly no common ground when neither tribe refuses to give an inch.

Collaboration and innovation come about when all parties are seriously willing to consider new approaches.

"Give an inch"? "Collaboration and innovation"? What the hell language are you even speaking at this point? We're dealing with, "We didn't win the election, so we'll pull apart every aspect of society we need to to get power some other way", and you're seriously blithering about "neither tribe"? What inch would you like the GOP to give here? The one where people are innocent until proven guilty? The one where power is passed peaceably through the election process? The one where the law is a preset rulebook that everyone can know and count on, instead of being made up on the fly?
Hey, I'm the first to admit that collaboration and innovation are unknown concepts at this point.

Not coincidentally, the decay continues.
I don't know what to believe here, so: Deborah Ramirez: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This part of her story seals that it is a lie to me...

“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’

That is not how men do things, men do not use full names like that, especially not drunk young men, one of which I was for many years. I do not think I ever heard a guy call another guy by his full name, ever.

Depends... Was there another Brett there?

Would a drunk college asshole have been worried about carefully identifying EXACTLY which Brett he meant?
What truth? You mean the unprovable allegation from an unspecified year that took place at an unknown location for which not a single person has corroborated? That truth? Or the truth that was a made up story about one drunk young man yelling his whole name, first and last, out loud?
At the time, I choose to believe in Christine Blasey Ford. Now if irrefutable evidence shows that she lied, that's different but so far, none has been introduced.

So all the witnesses she said were there denying it happened wasn’t enough? What would convince you that it’s nonsense?

Well, if Brett Kavanaugh became a registered Democrat, I'll bet THAT would help.
Not funny.

Kavanaugh Friend Reportedly Admitted to Taking Turns Having Sex With Drunk Girl

The thing is men who commit sexual assault usually do it more than once. Especially if they get away with it.

This is starting to snow ball. More and more people are coming forward. And now it looks like Brett may have been involved in gang bangs.

Gangbangs with drunken women who can’t say no.

I agree. You're not the least bit funny.
Aside from the general ugliness of all this, I think it's also fair to wonder if this is going to be the new political weapon of choice going forward. If that's the case, we haven't even SEEN ugly yet.

This is what happens when we allow the overall environment to deteriorate. As usual, we're doing this to ourselves.
That's like blaming a rape victim.
Right now, Democrats are raping America and you want to blame Americans for allowing it to happen.
I see plenty of hate, intolerance and general nastiness coming from both ends of the spectrum.

Which tribe is "worse"? That doesn't matter when it's coming out of both ends like water from a fire hose.

The first line of my sig continues to apply.
No, you're giving the same weight to right-wing nut jobs as you do to Democrats in Congress. I don't consider them to be equal.

The Democrats in Washington are acting irrational if not outright criminal. I see no difference between them and some faceless activist Antifa member.

The Republicans are trying to maintain decorum and finding it impossible to do.
It's impossible to give "same weight" in a food fight.

I don't care which tribe is worse in any given situation. They both need to grow up.

Again, please explain PRECISELY how you think the GOP "needs to grow up" in this instance. What is it you're convinced they are being childish and unreasonable about. Spare us this "I'm so lofty, look how I condemn them both" pose, and make with some details.
As I've pointed out in this thread, I think the Dems' behavior has clearly been worse.

In this particular instance.

If you can't think of anything the Republicans can improve on in other instances, I'm absolutely certain that there's nothing I can say that matters.
That's like blaming a rape victim.
Right now, Democrats are raping America and you want to blame Americans for allowing it to happen.
I see plenty of hate, intolerance and general nastiness coming from both ends of the spectrum.

Which tribe is "worse"? That doesn't matter when it's coming out of both ends like water from a fire hose.

The first line of my sig continues to apply.

Dems are moving hard left. There is no common ground between the two parties at this point. Secession from an ever increasing tyrannical shadow govt/corrupt govt should be on the table. We're real close to making the full circle on our republic.....which is bondage.
Well, there is certainly no common ground when neither tribe refuses to give an inch.

Collaboration and innovation come about when all parties are seriously willing to consider new approaches.

"Give an inch"? "Collaboration and innovation"? What the hell language are you even speaking at this point? We're dealing with, "We didn't win the election, so we'll pull apart every aspect of society we need to to get power some other way", and you're seriously blithering about "neither tribe"? What inch would you like the GOP to give here? The one where people are innocent until proven guilty? The one where power is passed peaceably through the election process? The one where the law is a preset rulebook that everyone can know and count on, instead of being made up on the fly?
Hey, I'm the first to admit that collaboration and innovation are unknown concepts at this point.

Not coincidentally, the decay continues.

Deflection. Answer the question. Any of them.
yea, gang bangs no one can seem to remember or validate except a pissed off democratic base that can't seem to get their liars in order.

That's childish. You know damn well immoral behavior cuts across politics and religion.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you're just rife with similar and equal crimes that the right MUST have committed, but which slip your mind right at the moment.
That's like blaming a rape victim.
Right now, Democrats are raping America and you want to blame Americans for allowing it to happen.
I see plenty of hate, intolerance and general nastiness coming from both ends of the spectrum.

Which tribe is "worse"? That doesn't matter when it's coming out of both ends like water from a fire hose.

The first line of my sig continues to apply.
No, you're giving the same weight to right-wing nut jobs as you do to Democrats in Congress. I don't consider them to be equal.

The Democrats in Washington are acting irrational if not outright criminal. I see no difference between them and some faceless activist Antifa member.

The Republicans are trying to maintain decorum and finding it impossible to do.
It's impossible to give "same weight" in a food fight.

I don't care which tribe is worse in any given situation. They both need to grow up.

Again, please explain PRECISELY how you think the GOP "needs to grow up" in this instance. What is it you're convinced they are being childish and unreasonable about. Spare us this "I'm so lofty, look how I condemn them both" pose, and make with some details.
As I've pointed out in this thread, I think the Dems' behavior has clearly been worse.

In this particular instance.

If you can't think of anything the Republicans can improve on in other instances, I'm absolutely certain that there's nothing I can say that matters.

I can't think of a damned thing about the Republicans that it wouldn't be an affront to human decency to mention in the same context, let alone paragraph, with this little display of the Democrats.

Why don't you do us all a favor and go outside to congratulate yourself on your wonderfulness, and then come back and contribute something meaningful to the discussion.

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