Illegals, Drugs, Smuggling rapidly taking control of our Nation's Southwest border.


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Based on a review of the data, interviews conducted and other information collected, Subcommittee staff finds that:

1. Drug trafficking organizations and human smuggling networks are proliferating and strengthening their control of key corridors along our Nation’s Southwest border.

2. The Mexican drug cartels wield substantial control over the U.S.-Mexican border. Law enforcement on the border agree that very little crosses the respective cartel territories, or “plazas,” along the Southwest border without cartel knowledge, approval, and financial remuneration.

3. These criminal organizations and networks are highly sophisticated and
organized, operating with military style weapons and technology, utilizing
counter surveillance techniques and acting aggressively against both law
enforcement and competitors.

4. Drug trafficking organizations, human smuggling networks and U.S. based gangs are increasingly coordinating with one another to achieve their objectives.

5. Federal, State and local law enforcement report new and ever-increasing levels of ruthlessness and violence associated with these criminal organizations, which are increasingly spilling across the border into the United States and moving into local communities.

6. Each year hundreds of illegal aliens from countries known to harbor terrorists or promote terrorism are routinely encountered and apprehended attempting to enter the U.S. illegally.

7. The existing resources of the U.S. Border Patrol and local law enforcement must continue to be enhanced to counter the cartels and the criminal networks they leverage to circumvent law enforcement.

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legalize all drugs...put monies from the so called "drug war" into other things...

Mexico tried to legalize drugs once. The bill didn't pass.,2933,193616,00.html

The bill says criminal charges will no longer be brought for possession of up to 25 milligrams of heroin, five grams of marijuana — about one-fifth of an ounce, or about four joints — and half a gram of cocaine — about half the standard street-size quantity, which is enough for several lines of the drug.

"No charges will be brought against ... addicts or consumers who are found in possession of any narcotic for personal use," the Senate bill reads. It also lays out allowable quantities for a large array of other drugs, including LSD, MDA, ecstasy — about two pills' worth — and amphetamines.

Some of the amounts are eye-popping: Mexicans would be allowed to possess a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of peyote, the button-sized hallucinogenic cactus used in some native Indian religious ceremonies.


MEXICO CITY — The issue of drug decriminalization split Mexican politics in strange ways on Saturday, after President Vicente Fox refused to sign a bill that would have eliminated criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of drugs.

Possession of marijuana is currently a crime, punishable by 10 to 16 months in prison, unless a suspect can claim he is an addict or it is a first offense involving a small amount. However, few people are currently prosecuted under the law.

Protest organizers described comments by U.S. officials asking Mexico to reconsider the bill as a violation of Mexico's sovereignty.
legalize all drugs...put monies from the so called "drug war" into other things...

While your at it why don't you legalize murder too.

How do you equate someone using drugs to murder? Or do you also feel this way about alcohol and cigarettes?

And those quantities of drugs in your other post are really, really small. I'm not really into drugs, but I've been around it and no one sets out for a night of partying with basically just enough for themselves, just for that night.

I think it's a tragedy when people ruin their lives with drugs or alcohol or any other preventable cause but I think if we're going to have freedom we should have the freedom to use whatever substances we want too.
legalize all drugs...put monies from the so called "drug war" into other things...

While your at it why don't you legalize murder too.

How do you equate someone using drugs to murder? Or do you also feel this way about alcohol and cigarettes?

And those quantities of drugs in your other post are really, really small. I'm not really into drugs, but I've been around it and no one sets out for a night of partying with basically just enough for themselves, just for that night.

I think it's a tragedy when people ruin their lives with drugs or alcohol or any other preventable cause but I think if we're going to have freedom we should have the freedom to use whatever substances we want too.

Perhaps, you would like the freedom to sell your own children too, like they do in other lawless countries.
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While your at it why don't you legalize murder too.

How do you equate someone using drugs to murder? Or do you also feel this way about alcohol and cigarettes?

And those quantities of drugs in your other post are really, really small. I'm not really into drugs, but I've been around it and no one sets out for a night of partying with basically just enough for themselves, just for that night.

I think it's a tragedy when people ruin their lives with drugs or alcohol or any other preventable cause but I think if we're going to have freedom we should have the freedom to use whatever substances we want too.

Perhaps, you would like the freedom to sell your own children too, like they do in other lawless countries.

I can see you're going to be a lot of fun to talk to.
Based on a review of the data, interviews conducted and other information collected, Subcommittee staff finds that:

This a problem. A HUGE problem, and it's being ignored just like social security. Problem is if it's ignored for too long our government will just throw up their hands once it's too big to solve and go, "oh well, it's too late to do anything now," just like they're doing with all the illegal aliens and social security. But hey, when it comes to wasting money, NOBODY can do a better job than our government. This BAIL OUT business is pure bull shit!

I'm disgusted with America, for a bunch of reasons, but government tops the list in bold letters. I'm waiting for another Civil War. I just hope it's in my life time, and I'm able to participate.
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I can see you're going to be a lot of fun to talk to.

How many more drugs do you need Amanda, to come into the United States? Would you like your babies to have access to legal drugs? How could you stop children from obtaining them?


Below is a summary of Fiscal Year 2005

Federal drug seizures of illegal drug crossing our southern border.

(A kilograms is 2.2. Pounds)

Cocaine: 222,714 kilograms

Marijuana: 1,162,509 kilograms

Methamphetamine: 5,470 kilograms

Source: El Paso Intelligence Center, National Seizure System

Federal law enforcement estimates that 10 percent to 30 percent of illegal aliens are actually apprehended and 10 percent to 20 percent of drugs are seized. Therefore, in 2005, as many as 10 to 4 million illegal aliens crossed into the United States; and as much as 2.2 to 1.1 million kilograms of cocaine and 11.6 to 5.8 million kilograms of marijuana entered the United States.

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I can see you're going to be a lot of fun to talk to.

How many more drugs do you need Amanda, to come into the United States? Would you like your babies to have access to legal drugs? How could you stop children from obtaining them?

Here's the long and the short of it: If you want to talk and discuss, great, that's why I'm here, if you want to jump wildly from one topic to some asinine conclusion based on nothing more than your personal bias on the issue, I'm not interested. I'm not going to the wacky Right masturbate anymore than I will the wacky Left.

How many more drugs? It's irrelevant.

The drugs will stop coming when there stops being a demand. The illegals will stop coming when they can't get jobs. It's a supply and demand thing.

I had access to just about every kind of drug there was, I tried a few things, decided it wasn't for me and moved on. This is how I know that it's possible that everyone that comes into contact doesn't have to become a junkie. When I have kids I will teach them my values and they will make their own decisions. As a parent there's not much else you can do. If you think there is I would like to politely suggest that you're only fooling yourself.

If you want to talk, please turn down the alarmist tone, use a normal font size, and only pull out bold for emphasis, I will NOT bother to try to talk to someone that is presenting themselves as a wingnut. There are people here that like name calling and yelling, etc, so if that's the kind of experience you want then fire away, I'm sure some one will engage.
I can see you're going to be a lot of fun to talk to.

How many more drugs do you need Amanda, to come into the United States? Would you like your babies to have access to legal drugs? How could you stop children from obtaining them?

I had access to just about every kind of drug there was

What are you like twelve now Amanda that's what your picture looks like.?
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How many more drugs do you need Amanda, to come into the United States? Would you like your babies to have access to legal drugs? How could you stop children from obtaining them?

I had access to just about every kind of drug there was

What are you like twelve now Amanda that's what your picture looks like.?
Twelve going on thirty.

But why does it matter. She's already got you beat in the maturity department. I wouldn't press it if I was you. :eusa_eh:

Just some friendly advice.
I had access to just about every kind of drug there was

What are you like twelve now Amanda that's what your picture looks like.?
Twelve going on thirty.

But why does it matter. She's already got you beat in the maturity department. I wouldn't press it if I was you. :eusa_eh:

Just some friendly advice.

I don't take that as friendly. She wants legalized drugs and I want law and order. OK, you take her side. Mexico is the biggest supplier of illegal drugs in America. Bath tub drugs to fry your brain.
If you are victim of drug related Domestic Violence

Response and Follow-up by Responding Police Officers
If you believe you are the victim of an abusive relationship or domestic violence,
then call the police and allow us to assist you the victim. As the responding
officers are in route to your address remember that they are there to help you
and your children. Below is but a few of the issues that the officers will address
and what you can expect.

When the Police Arrive:

Tell what has happened and who is involved.

Tell the location of the suspect. (If known)

Tell if weapons were involved and there location. (Don’t approach the
officer with a weapon)

Indicate injuries you sustained. (Photos may have to be taken)

The Officer Will:
Write a report of the incident that occurred.

The officer will ask and /or determine if medical attention is needed.

The officer will help you if you wish to prosecute or wish to obtain an
order of protection.

The Officer Can Assist in:

In obtaining a warrant or order of protection. (The suspect's address,
work location, or other possible locations is needed)

They can provide transportation to obtain a warrant, order of protection,
or shelter.

The officer can assist in locating a victim’s shelter.

They can refer other social services as needed.

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