Illegal Immigration Lies Continue to be Exposed

We'll get the money from what we save by not giving welfare to illegal aliens.

ILegals can't get welfare .

You'll probably increase welfare rolls as u break up families and ship caregivers or wage earners out of the country .

yes they can, and do, on behalf of the American-born "anchor baby". why do you left-wing morons keep insisting illegals cant get welfare??

Because they can't . The legal kid may qualify, but illegal mom can not .

And who said anything about amnesty ? Just cause u don't want to round up everyone like they are cattle doesn't mean u are for amnesty .

of course you'll magically be able to "round them up like cattle" when it's time to hand out the amnesty though.

idiots and hypocrites

I don't know . What happened the last time amnesty was given, Ya know by the republicans .

Talk about hypocrites .

Reagan signed the regressivecrat bill after they promised to secure the border, they as usual lied.
And I bet if you electrified that mutha you wouldn't even have 41...

Yes, let's murder people for seeking a better life. How very conservative Christian of you.

Right, like we kill all our livestock by containing them with electrified fences..............................OH WAIT, it doesn't kill them does it?
Hurts though... Got hit the other day by one.

That's the point, to stop something from going past a barrier, not to kill.

Ranchers definitely don't want to kill their cattle.

Ernie, why so hostile, brah?! Liberals always want evidence spoon-fed to them, to be proven that something works, and when it is they still have a 'cow'. Of course in Hungary because that is where it was tried and where it worked.

But you're saying it hasn't worked here....probably because it hasn't been tried here.... because the politicians don't want to and convince people like you that it shouldn't even be TRIED here because 'it doesn't work'. Tell Hungary that, brah!
I was just frustrated because idiot thanked obama for decreasing illegal immigration from 10,000 to 41, asshat thinks obama id somehow to be congratulated for razor wire on the Hungarian border.

Razor wire, electric fences and M 2 BMGs would work just fine, as would immediate deportation of any undocumented immigrant. By immediate, I mean within 24 hours; just enough time to collect their anchor babies or arrange care for them and pack a change of clothes and a sandwich. All other assets are forfeit as payment for illegally obtained services provided by tax payers.
No we won't catch them all, but given time to pack up their belongings, a hell of a lot of those not caught would head home.

U can't just round people up . There's Laws and a constitution to deal with .

You have a real naive image on who illegals are . They ain't all run across the boarder families . Many of them are families wh mixed status . Many are from other countries , it ain't all Mexicans !
They are not citizens their rights are limited.
No you can't just go house to house and round them up, but you could deport every single one that has any contact with police or any other government entity. You could even incentivize the public to turn in known illegals.... Bounties?

Your plan would costs us more than it's worth. Think of the logistics of locking up these people while they await deport hearings .

I am a for changing our immigration policy and I have ideas on what to do wh illegals .

I actually agree wh Obamas plan to focus resources on criminal illegals .

Right, do you agree with him putting 104,000 criminal aliens back on the streets of the US in 2013? Many of them were convicted of very serious crimes.
And I bet if you electrified that mutha you wouldn't even have 41...

Yes, let's murder people for seeking a better life. How very conservative Christian of you.

Right, like we kill all our livestock by containing them with electrified fences..............................OH WAIT, it doesn't kill them does it?
Hurts though... Got hit the other day by one.

That's the point, to stop something from going past a barrier, not to kill.
It worked.

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