Illegal immigration kills jobs


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


In the states were immigration laws have been passed and Illegal Aliens have left, jobs has been opened to Americans. When businesses are raided for Illegal Aliens, Americans has filled those jobs. It is ludicrous to believe 8 million illegals in the work force of picking apples. Of course they take jobs from Americans. If businesses don’t want to fill those vacant jobs with Americans and pay them more, they can go bankrupt.
Alabama, after passing immigration enforcement law and Illegal Aliens left the unemployment rate has fallen dramatically.
The only thing illegal immigration do is provide cheap labor for businesses and dirty votes for politicians.
Illegal immigration kills jobs for American and their children.
Is it illegal immigration or out sourcing? I think the young aggressive entrepreneurs of our generation will contribute in building new jobs for our country, more particularly in the web sector.
Well countries like India and Pakistan has high population due to which they do not get job inb their own country so they go to countries like USA and Europe to make a living.
America's population is declining and aging. Young immigrants and their young is the American bloody dream. Wasn't it? Illegal amnesty after closing the borders and onto things that matter.
America's population is declining and aging. Young immigrants and their young is the American bloody dream. Wasn't it? Illegal amnesty after closing the borders and onto things that matter.

The issue is not immigrants.

The issue is Illegals.
America's population is declining and aging. Young immigrants and their young is the American bloody dream. Wasn't it? Illegal amnesty after closing the borders and onto things that matter.

The issue is not immigrants.

The issue is Illegals.

The issue is Illegal Immigration.

The issue is that they illegally enter this country and cross our border. That is not immigration, its breaking the law.

The issue is not immigrants.

The issue is Illegals.

The issue is Illegal Immigration.

The issue is that they illegally enter this country and cross our border. That is not immigration, its breaking the law.

I know. That's why I think that closing the borders and allowing the illegal immigrants already inside amesty will deal with this 'problem'.

Yeah, I don't see it as much of a problem. Not like the Mexican drug cartels.
The issue is Illegal Immigration.

The issue is that they illegally enter this country and cross our border. That is not immigration, its breaking the law.

I know. That's why I think that closing the borders and allowing the illegal immigrants already inside amesty will deal with this 'problem'.

Yeah, I don't see it as much of a problem. Not like the Mexican drug cartels.

California gave amnesty to illegals under reagan....alll it did was fuck up the state worse and put out the welcome mat for more illegals to come. It rewarded law breakers and encouraged more law breakers to take up residence.

I would prefer them all rounded up and pushed over the border where they belong.

The issue is that they illegally enter this country and cross our border. That is not immigration, its breaking the law.

I know. That's why I think that closing the borders and allowing the illegal immigrants already inside amesty will deal with this 'problem'.

Yeah, I don't see it as much of a problem. Not like the Mexican drug cartels.

California gave amnesty to illegals under reagan....alll it did was fuck up the state worse and put out the welcome mat for more illegals to come. It rewarded law breakers and encouraged more law breakers to take up residence.

I would prefer them all rounded up and pushed over the border where they belong.

Yeah, I kinda got that. :lol:
I know. That's why I think that closing the borders and allowing the illegal immigrants already inside amesty will deal with this 'problem'.

Yeah, I don't see it as much of a problem. Not like the Mexican drug cartels.

California gave amnesty to illegals under reagan....alll it did was fuck up the state worse and put out the welcome mat for more illegals to come. It rewarded law breakers and encouraged more law breakers to take up residence.

I would prefer them all rounded up and pushed over the border where they belong.

Yeah, I kinda got that. :lol:
It is suspected in some quarters that Mexico nudges its repeat offenders towards crossing the border to get rid of the problems they cause. The only trouble is, then that puts America behind the 8-ball to financially support them in sundry prisons along the border for the duration of their crime-filled lives.

And it costs border states to close funding down on state college programs when we have to pay for Mexico's leavings.

Over here, we can't work prisoners any more or sponsor any kind of rodeos like back when. When one prisoner sued the state, they shut the whole program down. The upside was it kept prison morale high and gave a lot of men incentives to behave so they could participate. Now that's gone and they're in the goo of hard prison times.

Illegal immigration is a bad idea.

Why doesn't Mexico try to help their own. We can't even help ours anymore.
not only in America this is happening all over the world the immigration killings the job or we can say better deserving persons gets the job.

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