Illegal Aliens Starting Wildfires Protected By California Sanctuary Policy


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It has been recognized (at least by conservatives) that some (if not many) of the wildfires raging in California, resulting in dozens of deaths and losses of hundreds of homes, have been set by illegal aliens. The US Border Patrol is familiar with how illegal aliens being chased by them, use a tactic of lighting fires to distract the officers, and stymie their pursuits.

It is has also been reported in a 2011 GAO report, that illegal aliens often attack firefighters trying to extinguish the fires. Fires then rage on and get out of control, as the firefighter have to wait for law enforcement to arrive. In a statement from the US Forest Service >> "Firefighters are instructed not to use radios when they encounter illegal border crossers because illegal border crossers may believe the firefighters are reporting their location to law enforcement, and may react violently."

The situation goes beyond California. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), issued a (rare for him) statement linking a series of Arizona brush fires to "people who have crossed our border illegally." Predictably, McCain's statement was attacked by an onslaught of illegal alien lover liberals (La Raza, Randy Parraz, the Washington Post, Raul Grijalva, et al). Five month later, the government Accountabiity Office released its investigative report on Arizona wildfires" They're mostly caused by illegal aliens.

In another case, Johnny Sanchez, a 21-year-old citizen of Honduras, was arrested in connection with a fire on Los Angeles. Sanchez, charged with murder in the California fire, had prior arrests, was never deported. In another case, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez - Arsonist who set fires in California is an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”. Gonzales is being held by the Sonoma County Sheriff Dept.

These are just a few examples. Surely, there are also American arsonists who do get caught in the act, but there is no doubt that if our border were secured (including a wall), less fires would be burning, homes and lives would be saved.

So what has been done with this monstrous situation ? Incredibly, even with something as disastrous as this, liberal officials play politics, and do what they can to protect illegal aliens (and their votes we can be assured). This passage from the Ann Coulter book, Adios, America! is informative ...>>
"After noticing that a lot of the wildland fires in California's Cleveland National Forest were being set by illegal aliens, The Border Agency Fire Council in southern California decided the solution was to hire Americans to go into the areas trafficked by illegals and put their fires out for them. Maybe we could cook their food and give them space heaters too. Not incidentally the Fire council is made up of 43 US and Mexican government agencies. Weirdly, it didn't occur to them to stop the illegal activity leading to the fires. Instead of being made a laughingstock, the Fire Council's approach was touted as an innovative approach by the GAO in its report to Congress."

Arsonist who set fires in California an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”

Ann Coulter, Adios Amigo, 2015, pg. 196-198.

Illegal immigrant charged with murder in California fire had prior arrests, was never deported

Illegal Alien Arrested for Starting Massive Colorado Forest Fire
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We have a bunch of worthless cowards in Congress! We need a wall and term limits! Fuck the lobbyists!
It has been recognized (at least by conservatives) that some (if not many) of the wildfires raging in California, resulting in dozens of deaths and losses of hundreds of homes, have been set by illegal aliens. The US Border Patrol is familiar with how illegal aliens being chased by them, use a tactic of lighting fires to distract the officers, and stymie their pursuits.

It is has also been reported in a 2011 GAO report, that illegal aliens often attack firefighters trying to extinguish the fires. Fires then rage on and get out of control, as the firefighter have to wait for law enforcement to arrive. In a statement from the US Forest Service >> "Firefighters are instructed not to use radios when they encounter illegal border crossers because illegal border crossers may believe the firefighters are reporting their location to law enforcement, and may react violently."

The situation goes beyond California. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), issued a (rare for him) statement linking a series of Arizona brush fires to "people who have crossed our border illegally." Predictably, McCain's statement was attacked by an onslaught of illegal alien lover liberals (La Raza, Randy Parraz, the Washington Post, Raul Grijalva, et al). Five month later, the government Accountabiity Office released its investigative report on Arizona wildfires" They're mostly caused by illegal aliens.

In another case, Johnny Sanchez, a 21-year-old citizen of Honduras, was arrested in connection with a fire on Los Angeles. Sanchez, charged with murder in the California fire, had prior arrests, was never deported. In another case, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez - Arsonist who set fires in California is an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”. Gonzales is being held by the Sonoma County Sheriff Dept.

These are just a few examples. Surely, there are also American arsonists who do get caught in the act, but there is no doubt that if our border were secured (including a wall), less fires would be burning, homes and lives would be saved.

So what has been done with this monstrous situation ? Incredibly, even with something as disastrous as this, liberal officials play politics, and do what they can to protect illegal aliens (and their votes we can be assured). This passage from the Ann Coulter book, Adios, America! is informative ...>>
"After noticing that a lot of the wildland fires in California's Cleveland National Forest were being set by illegal aliens, The Border Agency Fire Council in southern California decided the solution was to hire Americans to go into the areas trafficked by illegals and put their fires out for them. Maybe we could cook their food and give them space heaters too. Not incidentally the Fire council is made up of 43 US and Mexican government agencies. Weirdly, it didn't occur to them to stop the illegal activity leading to the fires. Instead of being made a laughingstock, the Fire Council's approach was touted as an innovative approach by the GAO in its report to Congress."

Arsonist who set fires in California an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”

Ann Coulter, Adios Amigo, 2015, pg. 196-198.

Illegal immigrant charged with murder in California fire had prior arrests, was never deported

Illegal Alien Arrested for Starting Massive Colorado Forest Fire

We're living in the Age of a political correctness cult so sanctimoniously self-flagellating its postmodern, Marx and Allah worshipping theosophists will self-immolate on a pyre of self-hating rapture over the slightest perceived sin. One of those grand Sins is publicly or judicially holding the illegal alien, here in the U.S. or in Europe, responsible for any misdeed. We've seen this with Mayoral and local law enforcement resistance to ICE apprehensions, detainer warrants and calls for backup, and in protection of many other illegal alien criminal acts nationwide--from the woman shot by a Somali cop in Minnesota, to the reign of MS-13 gangs here in MD.If you ask me, the Hispanic illegal legion could be a 2nd wave guerilla irregular shock troop; one strata above Antifa in the radical American Left's Fighting Communist Organizations brigade. Sort of a PC Sendero Luminoso or FARC.
It has been recognized (at least by conservatives) that some (if not many) of the wildfires raging in California, resulting in dozens of deaths and losses of hundreds of homes, have been set by illegal aliens. The US Border Patrol is familiar with how illegal aliens being chased by them, use a tactic of lighting fires to distract the officers, and stymie their pursuits.

It is has also been reported in a 2011 GAO report, that illegal aliens often attack firefighters trying to extinguish the fires. Fires then rage on and get out of control, as the firefighter have to wait for law enforcement to arrive. In a statement from the US Forest Service >> "Firefighters are instructed not to use radios when they encounter illegal border crossers because illegal border crossers may believe the firefighters are reporting their location to law enforcement, and may react violently."

The situation goes beyond California. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), issued a (rare for him) statement linking a series of Arizona brush fires to "people who have crossed our border illegally." Predictably, McCain's statement was attacked by an onslaught of illegal alien lover liberals (La Raza, Randy Parraz, the Washington Post, Raul Grijalva, et al). Five month later, the government Accountabiity Office released its investigative report on Arizona wildfires" They're mostly caused by illegal aliens.

In another case, Johnny Sanchez, a 21-year-old citizen of Honduras, was arrested in connection with a fire on Los Angeles. Sanchez, charged with murder in the California fire, had prior arrests, was never deported. In another case, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez - Arsonist who set fires in California is an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”. Gonzales is being held by the Sonoma County Sheriff Dept.

These are just a few examples. Surely, there are also American arsonists who do get caught in the act, but there is no doubt that if our border were secured (including a wall), less fires would be burning, homes and lives would be saved.

So what has been done with this monstrous situation ? Incredibly, even with something as disastrous as this, liberal officials play politics, and do what they can to protect illegal aliens (and their votes we can be assured). This passage from the Ann Coulter book, Adios, America! is informative ...>>
"After noticing that a lot of the wildland fires in California's Cleveland National Forest were being set by illegal aliens, The Border Agency Fire Council in southern California decided the solution was to hire Americans to go into the areas trafficked by illegals and put their fires out for them. Maybe we could cook their food and give them space heaters too. Not incidentally the Fire council is made up of 43 US and Mexican government agencies. Weirdly, it didn't occur to them to stop the illegal activity leading to the fires. Instead of being made a laughingstock, the Fire Council's approach was touted as an innovative approach by the GAO in its report to Congress."

Arsonist who set fires in California an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”

Ann Coulter, Adios Amigo, 2015, pg. 196-198.

Illegal immigrant charged with murder in California fire had prior arrests, was never deported

Illegal Alien Arrested for Starting Massive Colorado Forest Fire
Votes are more important than arson and murder to Democrats.

So what if they come here and destroy billions in property, and kill firefighters and American citizens.
Democrats need the votes. So to hell with the consequences.

Democrats need a foreign voter program where these folks only come over the border to cast their votes and then go back.
It would save alot in crime and destruction.
We have a bunch of worthless cowards in Congress! We need a wall and term limits! Fuck the lobbyists!
It has been recognized (at least by conservatives) that some (if not many) of the wildfires raging in California, resulting in dozens of deaths and losses of hundreds of homes, have been set by illegal aliens. The US Border Patrol is familiar with how illegal aliens being chased by them, use a tactic of lighting fires to distract the officers, and stymie their pursuits.

It is has also been reported in a 2011 GAO report, that illegal aliens often attack firefighters trying to extinguish the fires. Fires then rage on and get out of control, as the firefighter have to wait for law enforcement to arrive. In a statement from the US Forest Service >> "Firefighters are instructed not to use radios when they encounter illegal border crossers because illegal border crossers may believe the firefighters are reporting their location to law enforcement, and may react violently."

The situation goes beyond California. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), issued a (rare for him) statement linking a series of Arizona brush fires to "people who have crossed our border illegally." Predictably, McCain's statement was attacked by an onslaught of illegal alien lover liberals (La Raza, Randy Parraz, the Washington Post, Raul Grijalva, et al). Five month later, the government Accountabiity Office released its investigative report on Arizona wildfires" They're mostly caused by illegal aliens.

In another case, Johnny Sanchez, a 21-year-old citizen of Honduras, was arrested in connection with a fire on Los Angeles. Sanchez, charged with murder in the California fire, had prior arrests, was never deported. In another case, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez - Arsonist who set fires in California is an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”. Gonzales is being held by the Sonoma County Sheriff Dept.

These are just a few examples. Surely, there are also American arsonists who do get caught in the act, but there is no doubt that if our border were secured (including a wall), less fires would be burning, homes and lives would be saved.

So what has been done with this monstrous situation ? Incredibly, even with something as disastrous as this, liberal officials play politics, and do what they can to protect illegal aliens (and their votes we can be assured). This passage from the Ann Coulter book, Adios, America! is informative ...>>
"After noticing that a lot of the wildland fires in California's Cleveland National Forest were being set by illegal aliens, The Border Agency Fire Council in southern California decided the solution was to hire Americans to go into the areas trafficked by illegals and put their fires out for them. Maybe we could cook their food and give them space heaters too. Not incidentally the Fire council is made up of 43 US and Mexican government agencies. Weirdly, it didn't occur to them to stop the illegal activity leading to the fires. Instead of being made a laughingstock, the Fire Council's approach was touted as an innovative approach by the GAO in its report to Congress."

Arsonist who set fires in California an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”

Ann Coulter, Adios Amigo, 2015, pg. 196-198.

Illegal immigrant charged with murder in California fire had prior arrests, was never deported

Illegal Alien Arrested for Starting Massive Colorado Forest Fire

This fake shit again? You RWNJs will believe anything
It has been recognized (at least by conservatives) that some (if not many) of the wildfires raging in California, resulting in dozens of deaths and losses of hundreds of homes, have been set by illegal aliens. The US Border Patrol is familiar with how illegal aliens being chased by them, use a tactic of lighting fires to distract the officers, and stymie their pursuits.

It is has also been reported in a 2011 GAO report, that illegal aliens often attack firefighters trying to extinguish the fires. Fires then rage on and get out of control, as the firefighter have to wait for law enforcement to arrive. In a statement from the US Forest Service >> "Firefighters are instructed not to use radios when they encounter illegal border crossers because illegal border crossers may believe the firefighters are reporting their location to law enforcement, and may react violently."

The situation goes beyond California. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), issued a (rare for him) statement linking a series of Arizona brush fires to "people who have crossed our border illegally." Predictably, McCain's statement was attacked by an onslaught of illegal alien lover liberals (La Raza, Randy Parraz, the Washington Post, Raul Grijalva, et al). Five month later, the government Accountabiity Office released its investigative report on Arizona wildfires" They're mostly caused by illegal aliens.

In another case, Johnny Sanchez, a 21-year-old citizen of Honduras, was arrested in connection with a fire on Los Angeles. Sanchez, charged with murder in the California fire, had prior arrests, was never deported. In another case, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez - Arsonist who set fires in California is an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”. Gonzales is being held by the Sonoma County Sheriff Dept.

These are just a few examples. Surely, there are also American arsonists who do get caught in the act, but there is no doubt that if our border were secured (including a wall), less fires would be burning, homes and lives would be saved.

So what has been done with this monstrous situation ? Incredibly, even with something as disastrous as this, liberal officials play politics, and do what they can to protect illegal aliens (and their votes we can be assured). This passage from the Ann Coulter book, Adios, America! is informative ...>>
"After noticing that a lot of the wildland fires in California's Cleveland National Forest were being set by illegal aliens, The Border Agency Fire Council in southern California decided the solution was to hire Americans to go into the areas trafficked by illegals and put their fires out for them. Maybe we could cook their food and give them space heaters too. Not incidentally the Fire council is made up of 43 US and Mexican government agencies. Weirdly, it didn't occur to them to stop the illegal activity leading to the fires. Instead of being made a laughingstock, the Fire Council's approach was touted as an innovative approach by the GAO in its report to Congress."

Arsonist who set fires in California an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”

Ann Coulter, Adios Amigo, 2015, pg. 196-198.

Illegal immigrant charged with murder in California fire had prior arrests, was never deported

Illegal Alien Arrested for Starting Massive Colorado Forest Fire

This fake shit again? You RWNJs will believe anything

So you refuse to consider the possibility because ICE said so? Is snopes a flame resistant enough shield? Local government vs. federal government; interesting dynamic these days.

Sonoma sheriff blasts ICE for spreading 'misinformation' on arson suspect
It has been recognized (at least by conservatives) that some (if not many) of the wildfires raging in California, resulting in dozens of deaths and losses of hundreds of homes, have been set by illegal aliens. The US Border Patrol is familiar with how illegal aliens being chased by them, use a tactic of lighting fires to distract the officers, and stymie their pursuits.

It is has also been reported in a 2011 GAO report, that illegal aliens often attack firefighters trying to extinguish the fires. Fires then rage on and get out of control, as the firefighter have to wait for law enforcement to arrive. In a statement from the US Forest Service >> "Firefighters are instructed not to use radios when they encounter illegal border crossers because illegal border crossers may believe the firefighters are reporting their location to law enforcement, and may react violently."

The situation goes beyond California. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), issued a (rare for him) statement linking a series of Arizona brush fires to "people who have crossed our border illegally." Predictably, McCain's statement was attacked by an onslaught of illegal alien lover liberals (La Raza, Randy Parraz, the Washington Post, Raul Grijalva, et al). Five month later, the government Accountabiity Office released its investigative report on Arizona wildfires" They're mostly caused by illegal aliens.

In another case, Johnny Sanchez, a 21-year-old citizen of Honduras, was arrested in connection with a fire on Los Angeles. Sanchez, charged with murder in the California fire, had prior arrests, was never deported. In another case, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez - Arsonist who set fires in California is an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”. Gonzales is being held by the Sonoma County Sheriff Dept.

These are just a few examples. Surely, there are also American arsonists who do get caught in the act, but there is no doubt that if our border were secured (including a wall), less fires would be burning, homes and lives would be saved.

So what has been done with this monstrous situation ? Incredibly, even with something as disastrous as this, liberal officials play politics, and do what they can to protect illegal aliens (and their votes we can be assured). This passage from the Ann Coulter book, Adios, America! is informative ...>>
"After noticing that a lot of the wildland fires in California's Cleveland National Forest were being set by illegal aliens, The Border Agency Fire Council in southern California decided the solution was to hire Americans to go into the areas trafficked by illegals and put their fires out for them. Maybe we could cook their food and give them space heaters too. Not incidentally the Fire council is made up of 43 US and Mexican government agencies. Weirdly, it didn't occur to them to stop the illegal activity leading to the fires. Instead of being made a laughingstock, the Fire Council's approach was touted as an innovative approach by the GAO in its report to Congress."

Arsonist who set fires in California an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”

Ann Coulter, Adios Amigo, 2015, pg. 196-198.

Illegal immigrant charged with murder in California fire had prior arrests, was never deported

Illegal Alien Arrested for Starting Massive Colorado Forest Fire

This fake shit again? You RWNJs will believe anything

So you refuse to consider the possibility because ICE said so? Is snopes a flame resistant enough shield? Local government vs. federal government; interesting dynamic these days.

Sonoma sheriff blasts ICE for spreading 'misinformation' on arson suspect

Two completely different subjects. Nobody, including ICE, has any reason to believe he was guilty of starting the fire. In fact they said it was highly unlikely. The man was charged with starting a small fire to warm himself. That had nothing to do with the wild fire, or how it started.
If you want to discuss problems between ICE and the sheriff's department, concerning illegal aliens, then start a thread on that, but this thread is about who is starting wild fires.
It has been recognized (at least by conservatives) that some (if not many) of the wildfires raging in California, resulting in dozens of deaths and losses of hundreds of homes, have been set by illegal aliens. The US Border Patrol is familiar with how illegal aliens being chased by them, use a tactic of lighting fires to distract the officers, and stymie their pursuits.

It is has also been reported in a 2011 GAO report, that illegal aliens often attack firefighters trying to extinguish the fires. Fires then rage on and get out of control, as the firefighter have to wait for law enforcement to arrive. In a statement from the US Forest Service >> "Firefighters are instructed not to use radios when they encounter illegal border crossers because illegal border crossers may believe the firefighters are reporting their location to law enforcement, and may react violently."

The situation goes beyond California. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), issued a (rare for him) statement linking a series of Arizona brush fires to "people who have crossed our border illegally." Predictably, McCain's statement was attacked by an onslaught of illegal alien lover liberals (La Raza, Randy Parraz, the Washington Post, Raul Grijalva, et al). Five month later, the government Accountabiity Office released its investigative report on Arizona wildfires" They're mostly caused by illegal aliens.

In another case, Johnny Sanchez, a 21-year-old citizen of Honduras, was arrested in connection with a fire on Los Angeles. Sanchez, charged with murder in the California fire, had prior arrests, was never deported. In another case, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez - Arsonist who set fires in California is an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”. Gonzales is being held by the Sonoma County Sheriff Dept.

These are just a few examples. Surely, there are also American arsonists who do get caught in the act, but there is no doubt that if our border were secured (including a wall), less fires would be burning, homes and lives would be saved.

So what has been done with this monstrous situation ? Incredibly, even with something as disastrous as this, liberal officials play politics, and do what they can to protect illegal aliens (and their votes we can be assured). This passage from the Ann Coulter book, Adios, America! is informative ...>>
"After noticing that a lot of the wildland fires in California's Cleveland National Forest were being set by illegal aliens, The Border Agency Fire Council in southern California decided the solution was to hire Americans to go into the areas trafficked by illegals and put their fires out for them. Maybe we could cook their food and give them space heaters too. Not incidentally the Fire council is made up of 43 US and Mexican government agencies. Weirdly, it didn't occur to them to stop the illegal activity leading to the fires. Instead of being made a laughingstock, the Fire Council's approach was touted as an innovative approach by the GAO in its report to Congress."

Arsonist who set fires in California an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”

Ann Coulter, Adios Amigo, 2015, pg. 196-198.

Illegal immigrant charged with murder in California fire had prior arrests, was never deported

Illegal Alien Arrested for Starting Massive Colorado Forest Fire

This fake shit again? You RWNJs will believe anything

So you refuse to consider the possibility because ICE said so? Is snopes a flame resistant enough shield? Local government vs. federal government; interesting dynamic these days.

Sonoma sheriff blasts ICE for spreading 'misinformation' on arson suspect

Two completely different subjects. Nobody, including ICE, has any reason to believe he was guilty of starting the fire. In fact they said it was highly unlikely. The man was charged with starting a small fire to warm himself. That had nothing to do with the wild fire, or how it started.
If you want to discuss problems between ICE and the sheriff's department, concerning illegal aliens, then start a thread on that, but this thread is about who is starting wild fires.

No. The same subject. You referenced snopes who referenced ICE. The disinformation mill not working as expected?
It has been recognized (at least by conservatives) that some (if not many) of the wildfires raging in California, resulting in dozens of deaths and losses of hundreds of homes, have been set by illegal aliens. The US Border Patrol is familiar with how illegal aliens being chased by them, use a tactic of lighting fires to distract the officers, and stymie their pursuits.

It is has also been reported in a 2011 GAO report, that illegal aliens often attack firefighters trying to extinguish the fires. Fires then rage on and get out of control, as the firefighter have to wait for law enforcement to arrive. In a statement from the US Forest Service >> "Firefighters are instructed not to use radios when they encounter illegal border crossers because illegal border crossers may believe the firefighters are reporting their location to law enforcement, and may react violently."

The situation goes beyond California. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), issued a (rare for him) statement linking a series of Arizona brush fires to "people who have crossed our border illegally." Predictably, McCain's statement was attacked by an onslaught of illegal alien lover liberals (La Raza, Randy Parraz, the Washington Post, Raul Grijalva, et al). Five month later, the government Accountabiity Office released its investigative report on Arizona wildfires" They're mostly caused by illegal aliens.

In another case, Johnny Sanchez, a 21-year-old citizen of Honduras, was arrested in connection with a fire on Los Angeles. Sanchez, charged with murder in the California fire, had prior arrests, was never deported. In another case, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez - Arsonist who set fires in California is an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”. Gonzales is being held by the Sonoma County Sheriff Dept.

These are just a few examples. Surely, there are also American arsonists who do get caught in the act, but there is no doubt that if our border were secured (including a wall), less fires would be burning, homes and lives would be saved.

So what has been done with this monstrous situation ? Incredibly, even with something as disastrous as this, liberal officials play politics, and do what they can to protect illegal aliens (and their votes we can be assured). This passage from the Ann Coulter book, Adios, America! is informative ...>>
"After noticing that a lot of the wildland fires in California's Cleveland National Forest were being set by illegal aliens, The Border Agency Fire Council in southern California decided the solution was to hire Americans to go into the areas trafficked by illegals and put their fires out for them. Maybe we could cook their food and give them space heaters too. Not incidentally the Fire council is made up of 43 US and Mexican government agencies. Weirdly, it didn't occur to them to stop the illegal activity leading to the fires. Instead of being made a laughingstock, the Fire Council's approach was touted as an innovative approach by the GAO in its report to Congress."

Arsonist who set fires in California an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”

Ann Coulter, Adios Amigo, 2015, pg. 196-198.

Illegal immigrant charged with murder in California fire had prior arrests, was never deported

Illegal Alien Arrested for Starting Massive Colorado Forest Fire

This fake shit again? You RWNJs will believe anything

So you refuse to consider the possibility because ICE said so? Is snopes a flame resistant enough shield? Local government vs. federal government; interesting dynamic these days.

Sonoma sheriff blasts ICE for spreading 'misinformation' on arson suspect

Two completely different subjects. Nobody, including ICE, has any reason to believe he was guilty of starting the fire. In fact they said it was highly unlikely. The man was charged with starting a small fire to warm himself. That had nothing to do with the wild fire, or how it started.
If you want to discuss problems between ICE and the sheriff's department, concerning illegal aliens, then start a thread on that, but this thread is about who is starting wild fires.

No. The same subject. You referenced snopes who referenced ICE. The disinformation mill not working as expected?
It has been recognized (at least by conservatives) that some (if not many) of the wildfires raging in California, resulting in dozens of deaths and losses of hundreds of homes, have been set by illegal aliens. The US Border Patrol is familiar with how illegal aliens being chased by them, use a tactic of lighting fires to distract the officers, and stymie their pursuits.

It is has also been reported in a 2011 GAO report, that illegal aliens often attack firefighters trying to extinguish the fires. Fires then rage on and get out of control, as the firefighter have to wait for law enforcement to arrive. In a statement from the US Forest Service >> "Firefighters are instructed not to use radios when they encounter illegal border crossers because illegal border crossers may believe the firefighters are reporting their location to law enforcement, and may react violently."

The situation goes beyond California. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), issued a (rare for him) statement linking a series of Arizona brush fires to "people who have crossed our border illegally." Predictably, McCain's statement was attacked by an onslaught of illegal alien lover liberals (La Raza, Randy Parraz, the Washington Post, Raul Grijalva, et al). Five month later, the government Accountabiity Office released its investigative report on Arizona wildfires" They're mostly caused by illegal aliens.

In another case, Johnny Sanchez, a 21-year-old citizen of Honduras, was arrested in connection with a fire on Los Angeles. Sanchez, charged with murder in the California fire, had prior arrests, was never deported. In another case, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez - Arsonist who set fires in California is an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”. Gonzales is being held by the Sonoma County Sheriff Dept.

These are just a few examples. Surely, there are also American arsonists who do get caught in the act, but there is no doubt that if our border were secured (including a wall), less fires would be burning, homes and lives would be saved.

So what has been done with this monstrous situation ? Incredibly, even with something as disastrous as this, liberal officials play politics, and do what they can to protect illegal aliens (and their votes we can be assured). This passage from the Ann Coulter book, Adios, America! is informative ...>>
"After noticing that a lot of the wildland fires in California's Cleveland National Forest were being set by illegal aliens, The Border Agency Fire Council in southern California decided the solution was to hire Americans to go into the areas trafficked by illegals and put their fires out for them. Maybe we could cook their food and give them space heaters too. Not incidentally the Fire council is made up of 43 US and Mexican government agencies. Weirdly, it didn't occur to them to stop the illegal activity leading to the fires. Instead of being made a laughingstock, the Fire Council's approach was touted as an innovative approach by the GAO in its report to Congress."

Arsonist who set fires in California an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”

Ann Coulter, Adios Amigo, 2015, pg. 196-198.

Illegal immigrant charged with murder in California fire had prior arrests, was never deported

Illegal Alien Arrested for Starting Massive Colorado Forest Fire

This fake shit again? You RWNJs will believe anything

So you refuse to consider the possibility because ICE said so? Is snopes a flame resistant enough shield? Local government vs. federal government; interesting dynamic these days.

Sonoma sheriff blasts ICE for spreading 'misinformation' on arson suspect

Two completely different subjects. Nobody, including ICE, has any reason to believe he was guilty of starting the fire. In fact they said it was highly unlikely. The man was charged with starting a small fire to warm himself. That had nothing to do with the wild fire, or how it started.
If you want to discuss problems between ICE and the sheriff's department, concerning illegal aliens, then start a thread on that, but this thread is about who is starting wild fires.

No. The same subject. You referenced snopes who referenced ICE. The disinformation mill not working as expected?

ICE made claims that the man was linked to the wild fire. That was not true.
It has been recognized (at least by conservatives) that some (if not many) of the wildfires raging in California, resulting in dozens of deaths and losses of hundreds of homes, have been set by illegal aliens. The US Border Patrol is familiar with how illegal aliens being chased by them, use a tactic of lighting fires to distract the officers, and stymie their pursuits.

It is has also been reported in a 2011 GAO report, that illegal aliens often attack firefighters trying to extinguish the fires. Fires then rage on and get out of control, as the firefighter have to wait for law enforcement to arrive. In a statement from the US Forest Service >> "Firefighters are instructed not to use radios when they encounter illegal border crossers because illegal border crossers may believe the firefighters are reporting their location to law enforcement, and may react violently."

The situation goes beyond California. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), issued a (rare for him) statement linking a series of Arizona brush fires to "people who have crossed our border illegally." Predictably, McCain's statement was attacked by an onslaught of illegal alien lover liberals (La Raza, Randy Parraz, the Washington Post, Raul Grijalva, et al). Five month later, the government Accountabiity Office released its investigative report on Arizona wildfires" They're mostly caused by illegal aliens.

In another case, Johnny Sanchez, a 21-year-old citizen of Honduras, was arrested in connection with a fire on Los Angeles. Sanchez, charged with murder in the California fire, had prior arrests, was never deported. In another case, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez - Arsonist who set fires in California is an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”. Gonzales is being held by the Sonoma County Sheriff Dept.

These are just a few examples. Surely, there are also American arsonists who do get caught in the act, but there is no doubt that if our border were secured (including a wall), less fires would be burning, homes and lives would be saved.

So what has been done with this monstrous situation ? Incredibly, even with something as disastrous as this, liberal officials play politics, and do what they can to protect illegal aliens (and their votes we can be assured). This passage from the Ann Coulter book, Adios, America! is informative ...>>
"After noticing that a lot of the wildland fires in California's Cleveland National Forest were being set by illegal aliens, The Border Agency Fire Council in southern California decided the solution was to hire Americans to go into the areas trafficked by illegals and put their fires out for them. Maybe we could cook their food and give them space heaters too. Not incidentally the Fire council is made up of 43 US and Mexican government agencies. Weirdly, it didn't occur to them to stop the illegal activity leading to the fires. Instead of being made a laughingstock, the Fire Council's approach was touted as an innovative approach by the GAO in its report to Congress."

Arsonist who set fires in California an illegal alien who was deported five times… but California gave him “sanctuary”

Ann Coulter, Adios Amigo, 2015, pg. 196-198.

Illegal immigrant charged with murder in California fire had prior arrests, was never deported

Illegal Alien Arrested for Starting Massive Colorado Forest Fire

This fake shit again? You RWNJs will believe anything

So you refuse to consider the possibility because ICE said so? Is snopes a flame resistant enough shield? Local government vs. federal government; interesting dynamic these days.

Sonoma sheriff blasts ICE for spreading 'misinformation' on arson suspect

Two completely different subjects. Nobody, including ICE, has any reason to believe he was guilty of starting the fire. In fact they said it was highly unlikely. The man was charged with starting a small fire to warm himself. That had nothing to do with the wild fire, or how it started.
If you want to discuss problems between ICE and the sheriff's department, concerning illegal aliens, then start a thread on that, but this thread is about who is starting wild fires.

No. The same subject. You referenced snopes who referenced ICE. The disinformation mill not working as expected?

ICE made claims that the man was linked to the wild fire. That was not true.

That depends on who you choose to believe.
This fake shit again? You RWNJs will believe anything

So you refuse to consider the possibility because ICE said so? Is snopes a flame resistant enough shield? Local government vs. federal government; interesting dynamic these days.

Sonoma sheriff blasts ICE for spreading 'misinformation' on arson suspect

Two completely different subjects. Nobody, including ICE, has any reason to believe he was guilty of starting the fire. In fact they said it was highly unlikely. The man was charged with starting a small fire to warm himself. That had nothing to do with the wild fire, or how it started.
If you want to discuss problems between ICE and the sheriff's department, concerning illegal aliens, then start a thread on that, but this thread is about who is starting wild fires.

No. The same subject. You referenced snopes who referenced ICE. The disinformation mill not working as expected?

ICE made claims that the man was linked to the wild fire. That was not true.

That depends on who you choose to believe.

ICE didn't have anything to do with the arrest. How do they know what the circumstances were?
So you refuse to consider the possibility because ICE said so? Is snopes a flame resistant enough shield? Local government vs. federal government; interesting dynamic these days.

Sonoma sheriff blasts ICE for spreading 'misinformation' on arson suspect

Two completely different subjects. Nobody, including ICE, has any reason to believe he was guilty of starting the fire. In fact they said it was highly unlikely. The man was charged with starting a small fire to warm himself. That had nothing to do with the wild fire, or how it started.
If you want to discuss problems between ICE and the sheriff's department, concerning illegal aliens, then start a thread on that, but this thread is about who is starting wild fires.

No. The same subject. You referenced snopes who referenced ICE. The disinformation mill not working as expected?

ICE made claims that the man was linked to the wild fire. That was not true.

That depends on who you choose to believe.

ICE didn't have anything to do with the arrest. How do they know what the circumstances were?
RISS Overview
Fusion Centers and Intelligence Sharing
This fake shit again? You RWNJs will believe anything

Just because you eat your shit from a different table does not make you any smarter or more credible. Sorry.

Is Snopes a credible and authoritative source of information?
  • Snopes now has a hired team of suspect fact checkers who collaborate to debunk falsehoods that are trending on the internet.
  • Snopes is a known beneficiary and supporter of Monsanto - A Mega firm known for it's harmful products and detrimental food manipulation
I said it was illegals months ago. They said I was a racist. Let it burn.
I was moving some lumber yesterday and got a splinter in my thumb. Can I blame illegal aliens for that? When I went to my favorite ice cream parlor, they were out of maraschino cherries! Damn illegals!

If only this was 1938 instead of 2018. If only this was Germany and not the United States. We could then blame all our woes on Jews instead of "illegal immigrants".

Can we make the "illegal immigrants" wear some sort of identifying symbol?
I was moving some lumber yesterday and got a splinter in my thumb. Can I blame illegal aliens for that? When I went to my favorite ice cream parlor, they were out of maraschino cherries! Damn illegals!
If only this was 1938 instead of 2018. If only this was Germany and not the United States. We could then blame all our woes on Jews instead of "illegal immigrants".
Can we make the "illegal immigrants" wear some sort of identifying symbol?

Another idiot who supports open borders, chaos and lawlessness.

What does Nazi Germany have to do with illegals crossing into America illegally for the purpose of enjoying a free ride today? Nothing.
On the one hand you call Trump a tyrant and savage "fuhrer", then complain because millions want to "flee" here and the Right resists? Contradictory much?

Can you blame illegals for your stupidity?
Tell ya what, you can blame your ignorance for the decline in America. You and millions just as stump stupid.

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